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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.



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11 minutes ago, [[S...] said:

@[sc...] I am really sorry that you are suffering. Reinstating definitely allowed me to get stable when I wasn’t. I can tell you after three months I am finally stable and have fewer symptoms. I also have a lessened severity of the symptoms that are present most of the time, but waves and bad days happen. Usually around my cycle, there are waves and things become more hard to manage. But so far things have gotten manageable within the past month.

I would suggest not worrying that you won’t heal. You will heal. What is your history of usage? Like how long did you use and what amount and why did you cold turkey your nose? If you’re uncomfortable, then I don’t think reinstating as bad and doing a slow taper. I think that’s an acceptable thing to do. But no matter which road you travel there will be a point where you reach healing. 

I also  had  many sounds as well that were intrusive and could not be masked for a while years ago and then it got better and my tinnitus could be ignored unless I was sitting in a silent room or not doing anything. And even when I did hear it, it was really not bothersome.  My most recent cold turkey made it worse. It’s now  better but not as good as before. I believe in time it will be even better than before.

That’s encouraging hear your progress - I’m terrified of kindling and possibly making symptoms worse. I’m also scared about eventually having to taper and going through withdrawals again. I’m having trouble making decisions bc my anxiety is so bad. I read about benzo withdrawal and different advice on forums and so many people have differing opinions or one thing worked for someone and it didn’t for someone else. My body feels like electric current is running through it and some nerves feel exposed - are the ear issues normal for withdraws?

Thanks so much for your help - I was on Xanax 2mg and I’ve been on it at various doses possibly at least a decade. I was horrified when I found out they’re not meant to be taken long term and that I was at a big dose. Zoloft was newer, took it maybe 6 months to a year? Can’t remember at the moment. It was 100 mg. I’m terrified that bc I was on benzos for so long at a high dose that recovery will be minimal and or/take extremely long. I ruined my life with this and it destroys me thinking about it. 

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@[sc...].  Yes I reinstated after 8 months because it took  that long to find a doctor to put me back on the Klonopin and allow me to taper at my own pace. It took me 2 years to taper off.  When I was cold turkey I had symptoms so bad that I haven't even seen them on this site. I don't know how I survived. But after I reinstated it took a good week to stabilize and most of the symptoms went away.  It saved my life.  After my 2 year taper I was fine with no withdrawal afterwords.  Now that's what worked for me , I can't speak about others because it's such an individualized process. 

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On 12/10/2023 at 23:13, [[a...] said:

@[Ko...]  Yes , this is my second time unfortunately  doing this. First  time was in 2012.  I had been on  Klonopin for 20 years at 8mg and cold turkey off it. Almost killed me . I reinstated and tapered over two years with no problem and when I jumped I had no problems.  Unfortunately , this time I took Ambien for sleep issues for a month and it kindled me and now I'm tapering using Valium.  My taper seemed a little easier last time.  Can't believe I'm doing this again.  But it's good to hear that you're functional and working. Sounds like going very slow is the answer for you


Same....K is a beast. I was CT'd from Klonopin in 06 and almost died IMO. I was only on .5 mgs too. A Slow controlled taper at a 5-10% reduction rate every 2-3 weeks I am convinced is the best and safest way to go for the majority of us.

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@[sc...] do you have a doctor who is willing to work with you to reinstate and then slowly come off? It’s not a bad thing to do if you can’t function. It’s okay to get help. 

nerve issues, inner ear issues, vertigo, sensory issues are all common when coming off of benzos. Very common. Tinnitus, sound sensitivity, hyperacusis, blurred vision, visual snow, ear pain, popping, on and on are all symptoms.


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On 14/10/2023 at 01:09, [[a...] said:

that's horrible!  I haven't had anything like that during my taper.   But when i was cold turkeyed  i had so many symptoms I almost didn't make it. 

Hope it gets better for you EVN

Allen. How did you taper off clonazapam when you were on it ,20,yes and a high dose. 

I've been on clonazapam about 6-8,years at 1mg and it's hell tapering my gp won't help she just told me to stop cold turkey!  

Hope you don't mind me asking?🙏

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On 14/10/2023 at 16:38, [[a...] said:

@[sc...].  Yes I reinstated after 8 months because it took  that long to find a doctor to put me back on the Klonopin and allow me to taper at my own pace. It took me 2 years to taper off.  When I was cold turkey I had symptoms so bad that I haven't even seen them on this site. I don't know how I survived. But after I reinstated it took a good week to stabilize and most of the symptoms went away.  It saved my life.  After my 2 year taper I was fine with no withdrawal afterwords.  Now that's what worked for me , I can't speak about others because it's such an individualized process. 

@[al...] Hi. It took just only a week to stabilize even after 8 months and horrible symptoms? You had CT'd? Did you reinstate at the same dose or did you go up slowly?  You did a 2 yr taper with good results?

I am 71 days out from Xanax 1mg day. Desperate to end this agony and try to start over. I am suffering horribly. I did a sloppy short taper, about 3.5 wk. I had no idea what I was doing and like others, no idea itcwoukd be this bad. A few of you on this thread reinstated after different times and it seemed to work for you.

@[sc...] I'd like to hear if you what you decide to do and If you do reinstate, how it works for you.  We are out around the same amt of time, I'm at 71 days. I also feel I've ruined my life, but if could find a way for a second chance (reinstate?) to make it better in the long run. Such a hard decision.

@[Sw...] I think I read you reinstated after 14 days and it helped you?

I am this close [  ] to reinstating. The tinnitus drives me nuts, but not painful as everything else I have.

Hope to hear from you all.

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@[Gr...] I feel like I already asked this so forgive me but has the tinnitus progressively worsened? Is it recent that it’s gotten aggressive? 

I reinstated but it didn’t take away my tinnitus. I’m 4 months out since reinstating and my tinnitus has really improved but still not where i want it to be. 

you’ve come a long way. I have ups and downs with the tinnitus, sometimes hour to hour, and it’s worse near my cycle. 

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1 hour ago, [[S...] said:

@[Gr...] I feel like I already asked this so forgive me but has the tinnitus progressively worsened? Is it recent that it’s gotten aggressive? 

I reinstated but it didn’t take away my tinnitus. I’m 4 months out since reinstating and my tinnitus has really improved but still not where i want it to be. 

you’ve come a long way. I have ups and downs with the tinnitus, sometimes hour to hour, and it’s worse near my cycle. 

@[Sw...] You are now tapering? Are you going very slow? I've read some use Valium during taper. I am not far enough out and I am bombarded with so much. I just reinstated X last night but half as much as I had taken. I am praying I get some or a lot of relief until I can make a solid plan. None of this is making me happy but I am in so much pain I have to try something as a gamble. I 🙏 it helps. I can only think of now and a day a a time to get through this hell. I hate this stuff. My tinnitus has been going on since July. It's not painful as all else I have. I cry and scream a lot.

Please plan your taper carefully. I hear it's best to go very slow. Have you sought suggestions from moderators here?

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Hi @[Gr...] I am now tapering, I began my taper about 5 or so weeks ago… I kept getting low to .25 but was having so many issues kept up dosing. I’ve successfully come down to .55 mg (.30 in am and .25 pm)

is it the nerve pain that is the worst for you right now? I know I saw a post about you having nerve pain. I am so sorry. 

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@[Gr...]..  I was Ct'D  off off Klonopin 8mg.  Suffered for 8 months.  Was reinstated back on 2mg of K.  For what ever reason it worked for me . I never went higher than the 2mg.  I tapered that over 2 years with few symptoms and was ok when I jumped.  But that's me.  Everyone seems to have their own individualized experience with these poisons

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@[al...] Thank you. I was taking Xanax about a year, 1 mg day. Last dose Aug 14th. I am having horrible symptoms. I can't imagine you going through that for 8 months.  Then you took a chance and it helped you. I don't see why I can't do the same and stabilize, though we are all different. You didn't even go as high as you were before and it was okay for you. I am scared that it will backfire, but what would backfire? Worse symptoms? How much much worse if I am only taking half the dose, maybe the same at the most, you know? I would stay on it at least till past the new year and then figure a plan. You were fortunate to have that work for you. I wonder if I try it for a week or 2. A week seemed to help you, yes, that's you, but a week is amazing.  I guess we have to take chances in life and this is my only chance for any hope. Fingers crossed. Thank you for getting back to me.

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On 14‏/10‏/2023 at 23:16, [[S...] said:

@[sc...] أنا آسف حقًا لأنك تعاني. لقد سمحت لي العودة بالتأكيد بالاستقرار عندما لم أكن كذلك. أستطيع أن أخبرك أنه بعد ثلاثة أشهر أصبحت حالتي مستقرة أخيرًا ولدي أعراض أقل. لدي أيضًا انخفاض في شدة الأعراض الموجودة في معظم الأوقات، ولكن تحدث موجات وأيام سيئة. عادة، خلال دورتي الشهرية، هناك موجات ويصبح من الصعب إدارة الأمور. لكن حتى الآن أصبحت الأمور قابلة للإدارة خلال الشهر الماضي.

أود أن أقترح عدم القلق من أنك لن تشفى. سوف تشفى. ما هو تاريخ استخدامك؟ مثل كم من الوقت استخدمته وما الكمية ولماذا قمت ببرد أنفك؟ إذا كنت غير مرتاح، فلا أعتقد أن العودة إلى الوضع السابق أمر سيء والقيام بتخفيض تدريجي بطيء. أعتقد أن هذا أمر مقبول للقيام به. ولكن بغض النظر عن الطريق الذي ستسلكه، ستكون هناك نقطة تصل فيها إلى الشفاء. 

كما كان لدي أيضًا العديد من الأصوات التي كانت متطفلة ولم أستطع إخفاؤها منذ سنوات ثم تحسنت ويمكن تجاهل طنين الأذن إلا إذا كنت جالسًا في غرفة صامتة أو لا أفعل أي شيء. وحتى عندما سمعت ذلك، لم يكن الأمر مزعجًا حقًا. أحدث ديك رومي بارد جعل الأمر أسوأ. إنه الآن أفضل ولكنه ليس جيدًا كما كان من قبل. أعتقد أنه بمرور الوقت سيكون أفضل من ذي قبل.

Do you stay on your dose until you stable? or you were in tappiring

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2 hours ago, [[S...] said:

أنا أتراجع حاليًا وأعمل بشكل جيد على الرغم من الأعراض 

Happy to hear thet
Did you stay 3 months first to stable then tapper down?

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 24/10/2023 at 21:37, [[G...] said:

@[al...] Hi. It took just only a week to stabilize even after 8 months and horrible symptoms? You had CT'd? Did you reinstate at the same dose or did you go up slowly?  You did a 2 yr taper with good results?

I am 71 days out from Xanax 1mg day. Desperate to end this agony and try to start over. I am suffering horribly. I did a sloppy short taper, about 3.5 wk. I had no idea what I was doing and like others, no idea itcwoukd be this bad. A few of you on this thread reinstated after different times and it seemed to work for you.

@[sc...] I'd like to hear if you what you decide to do and If you do reinstate, how it works for you.  We are out around the same amt of time, I'm at 71 days. I also feel I've ruined my life, but if could find a way for a second chance (reinstate?) to make it better in the long run. Such a hard decision.

@[Sw...] I think I read you reinstated after 14 days and it helped you?

I am this close [  ] to reinstating. The tinnitus drives me nuts, but not painful as everything else I have.

Hope to hear from you all.

Hello @[Gr...]

I ended up not reinstating. I regret not doing it 3 weeks in - read too many stories and convinced myself not to do it (it’s nobody fault but mine, it’s not the fault of the people who posted). My hyperacusis is awful with no improvement but I already have a previous ear injury and other favors so I’m not sure not much is from benzos. Anxiety is through the roof. 

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