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Head pressure still 5 years out


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Here another is it normal… 

5 years out and still head pains in the back of your skull come and go with frontal heal pressure too that’s worse the more overstimulated you are and when to look at your phone it’s even worse and also you can’t make sense of anything your read and also word recall?
All tests are normal expect a few white spots on mri 18 months ago that were of no concern.
(Posted in another group and someone tried to scare me saying oh maybe you have iih)

Just seeking normalcy. This began 5 years ago when I tapered too fast and did detox (I know I know. I didn’t know then what I know now) So please no scary stuff like IIH which is freaking me out as I have severe health anxiety and now am wondering  if I need a 5th mri. Had a cat scan last month that was fine. 


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Hi hopeful,

I jumped on just to say I have it too. Mostly started a month ago. At 10 months past jump. 

I've seen many post say it fades in time.

If I get reved up I get bad headache too.

How about you?

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I'm getting severe migraines when reved. The only relief is sleep. I tried muscle relaxers and it made tired and helped with being able to meditate my way down. So I'm trying to get some more now. We will see. The cluster headaches are crazy bad.

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Anyone else? I had someone on Facebook trying to scare me about IIH yet I’ve had mris up until 18 months ago and  Ct last month and always normal eye exams plus this began during taper then detox and seems to be common?

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I'm all head symptoms too at 42 months. I've tried a few things lately that seems to have helped. Cranialsacral helps to calm the nervous system. Put me into a wave for a few days, but definitely improved from it. Red light on my stomach seems to ease it too strangely enough. I've also started using a muscle relaxant cream on my head and neck before bed.

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3 hours ago, [[H...] said:

I'm all head symptoms too at 42 months. I've tried a few things lately that seems to have helped. Cranialsacral helps to calm the nervous system. Put me into a wave for a few days, but definitely improved from it. Red light on my stomach seems to ease it too strangely enough. I've also started using a muscle relaxant cream on my head and neck before bed.

Hey! I know you. I did the stem cells and am still waiting to see if more progress shows. I had to take a break from all the groups as there was so much drama around the stem cell ordeal and I had a make a choice that was right for me. 

Im doing brain retraining also.

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4 hours ago, [[H...] said:

I'm all head symptoms too at 42 months. I've tried a few things lately that seems to have helped. Cranialsacral helps to calm the nervous system. Put me into a wave for a few days, but definitely improved from it. Red light on my stomach seems to ease it too strangely enough. I've also started using a muscle relaxant cream on my head and neck before bed.

Hi havingamare not heard of muscle relaxant cream is it prescribed or can you buy it I would like to try it thanks🧦😉

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3 hours ago, [[h...] said:

Hey! I know you. I did the stem cells and am still waiting to see if more progress shows. I had to take a break from all the groups as there was so much drama around the stem cell ordeal and I had a make a choice that was right for me. 

Im doing brain retraining also.

Hey, yeah I know what you mean about the drama. Was all a bit much. Hope you saw some benefits 

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2 hours ago, [[m...] said:

Hi havingamare not heard of muscle relaxant cream is it prescribed or can you buy it I would like to try it thanks🧦😉

I'm using an OTC cream with essential oils. The one I have is from Boots in the UK, but there seems to be a few different ones on Google depending on where you are in the world. I tried tiger balm but it was too strong for me personally, although there's a few people have said it helped them in the past

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I have a lot of head pressure and other horrible brain sensations.  I was worried about IIH - I went to an ophthalmologist and did all the tests to rule it out.  They test the pressure behind the eyes.  I find peppermint oil diluted with  carrier oil sometimes helps with the pressure or headaches.  Just be careful not to get it anywhere near your eyes. I hope this symptom eases for you soon 🙏

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IIH is actually not that scary. It’s pretty benign :) I suspect more MS type stuff but I do feel pressure in my face when I bend over and stand too fast that makes me suspect mild IIH. Not a biggy ! 

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@[ho...] Hi love, 

I'm so sorry after 5 years you're suffering from this head pain and pressure. I've struggled with head pressure and pain for some time... during and after WDs/tapering. I cannot normalize or validate the pain after multiple years, however, I do want to share something that has helped me with head pressure. One of the things I learned after LOTS of research and my own experience... is that Benzos are a 'vasodilator'. This means when we TAKE the benzo, everything in the body including our blood vessels, RELAXES. 

So... when we go through WDs... everything CONSTRICTS and gets really tight... again, including the blood vessels. As I started to put these puzzle pieces together, It dawned on me... "What if I could find a supplement that helps RELAX the blood vessels."

After lots of research, I came to find that 'Niacin' is a vasodilator. As I was going through early WDs, the head pressure was INTENSE. I decided to try the Niacin... and IT WORKED! The head pressure alleviated within one hour of taking it. 

A couple really important notes on this: IF you try the Niacin, be sure to EAT FIRST. Taking Niacin on an empty stomach can create some pretty uncomfortable side effects. Although 'normal' you can get the Niacin flush which feels like a crazy hot flash with hives. Start low and slow. I started with just 50 mg on a FULL stomach and worked my way up to 150 mg on a full stomach. 

The other thing that has really helped me with the head pressure, was dialing in my diet. When I cut out refined sugar/gluten/coffee etc... the pressure further alleviated. 

Wishing you healing ... hang in there. 

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Hi @[ho...]

Anything that inflames your system will cause headaches. 

Benzo’s are a mast cell stabiliser, and when we go through benzo withdrawal/recovery, we generally go though a lot of fearful thought and emotion and our brains can learn to become overreactive to triggering inflammatory/immune responses. As we come off benzo’s, we leave the stabilisers behind, but the brain has already been trained into overreaction and continues to react to anything it perceives to be stressful, only you reach the point of reaction and trigger at only 5%, rather than up to the 100% you once tolerated without reacting. Most of the time, you won’t even detect the stress building before you react, because it’s so minimal (consciously).

If I spend too much time on BB, I will eventually realise it’s taken a toll on me and increased symptoms, but I often don’t notice until it’s too late. 

Of course, there is the histamine to contend with in regard to food, as histamine will trigger mast cells, releasing the body’s own stores of histamine production. 

The best advice I can give is to try and cover all bases… eat low histamine, low glutamate, avoid known inflammatory foods, practice deep, slow breathing techniques and meditation daily. You want to retrain your brain/system to decompress the moment you notice it entering a stress state. Breathing and meditation techniques retrain the brain to let go and relax when stress is building, because stress builds very easily and triggers a symptom increase because of a very low stress threshold whilst both tapering as well as in the recovery phases. These tools help continue to push that stress threshold out further the more we practice the techniques. 

You may see the connection between the ‘constricting’ @[ia...] talks about, and the need to do whatever we can to learn to relax our systems post benzo’s.  

Obviously, it’s ultimately time that does the healing, but we can use these tools to help minimise symptoms whilst allowing time to do its thing. It may very well even speed healing up, as calming ourselves and remaining as relaxed as possible helps keep us in the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest), where healing is occurring at its optimum, as opposed to spending more time in the sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight). The calm breathing associated with both of these techniques send the signal to your brain that you are not in danger, so there’s no need to send out the troops… 

As @[Ha...] mentioned, Craniosacral therapy can be very helpful. It’s a beautiful therapy. So gentle. But as with any kind of body work, it can bring stored emotion in the body to the surface and cause an uptick in symptoms, initially, but it’s so much more gentle than massage. It releases blocks in the cerebrospinal fluid. 

I hadn’t heard about the niacin @[ia...] mentions, so, possibly that could be helpful. Just take your time to build up the dose… start small and build up, rather than a full dose. If your system is on a high danger alert, starting small and building up has a much better chance of sneaking it past that part of your brain on high alert, allowing it to acclimate. 


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Try ice packs and sleep in a recliner for a week. 

Also some meditation.

Headaches are gone. Dizziness is gone. Head pressure basically gone.

But my head is still on my mind. 





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On 07/10/2023 at 00:51, [[W...] said:

Hi @[ho...]

Anything that inflames your system will cause headaches. 

Benzo’s are a mast cell stabiliser, and when we go through benzo withdrawal/recovery, we generally go though a lot of fearful thought and emotion and our brains can learn to become overreactive to triggering inflammatory/immune responses. As we come off benzo’s, we leave the stabilisers behind, but the brain has already been trained into overreaction and continues to react to anything it perceives to be stressful, only you reach the point of reaction and trigger at only 5%, rather than up to the 100% you once tolerated without reacting. Most of the time, you won’t even detect the stress building before you react, because it’s so minimal (consciously).

If I spend too much time on BB, I will eventually realise it’s taken a toll on me and increased symptoms, but I often don’t notice until it’s too late. 

Of course, there is the histamine to contend with in regard to food, as histamine will trigger mast cells, releasing the body’s own stores of histamine production. 

The best advice I can give is to try and cover all bases… eat low histamine, low glutamate, avoid known inflammatory foods, practice deep, slow breathing techniques and meditation daily. You want to retrain your brain/system to decompress the moment you notice it entering a stress state. Breathing and meditation techniques retrain the brain to let go and relax when stress is building, because stress builds very easily and triggers a symptom increase because of a very low stress threshold whilst both tapering as well as in the recovery phases. These tools help continue to push that stress threshold out further the more we practice the techniques. 

You may see the connection between the ‘constricting’ @[ia...] talks about, and the need to do whatever we can to learn to relax our systems post benzo’s.  

Obviously, it’s ultimately time that does the healing, but we can use these tools to help minimise symptoms whilst allowing time to do its thing. It may very well even speed healing up, as calming ourselves and remaining as relaxed as possible helps keep us in the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest), where healing is occurring at its optimum, as opposed to spending more time in the sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight). The calm breathing associated with both of these techniques send the signal to your brain that you are not in danger, so there’s no need to send out the troops… 

As @[Ha...] mentioned, Craniosacral therapy can be very helpful. It’s a beautiful therapy. So gentle. But as with any kind of body work, it can bring stored emotion in the body to the surface and cause an uptick in symptoms, initially, but it’s so much more gentle than massage. It releases blocks in the cerebrospinal fluid. 

I hadn’t heard about the niacin @[ia...] mentions, so, possibly that could be helpful. Just take your time to build up the dose… start small and build up, rather than a full dose. If your system is on a high danger alert, starting small and building up has a much better chance of sneaking it past that part of your brain on high alert, allowing it to acclimate. 

Great response! Thank you so much! I’m super sensitive so will probably hold off on the niacin because I’ve actually had stress setbacks that have made me worse times a million and everything sets me off and I can not handle stress or adrenaline at all or the tiniest amount and I am slammed hard so this message is wonderful! Thank you so much and I will keep doing the Gupta program and working against the stress asap!

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On 06/10/2023 at 22:43, [[M...] said:

IIH is actually not that scary. It’s pretty benign :) I suspect more MS type stuff but I do feel pressure in my face when I bend over and stand too fast that makes me suspect mild IIH. Not a biggy ! 

I actually went to my eye Dr the other day and they checked me for it and all was good! He even showed me an optic nerve pic with IIH versus mine and explained why I didn’t have it. So that was nice for another peace of mind. 

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