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Tinnitus: when did you get it/did it get better?


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I got tinnitus somewhere along with starting Zoloft (about 8 years ago) and it was tolerable but built up with my bromazepam ( similar to Valium in USA) usage, and ramped up when I started tapering. 

From my experience it increases with stress, neck pain, also PMS or certain food. 

So far I learned to get used to it,  ignoring it, although from time to time it's almost unbearable. Magnesium supplements help a bit.

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On 21/09/2023 at 01:54, [[B...] said:

It depends on how high a dose you were at when you jumped. Crumbs of Xanax = how many mg. I'm not the best gauge because I jumped from a still fairly high dose of diazepam using NAD+ as an assist. We NAD+ people recover differently, more intense at first, but faster overall. The c/t folks are at a whole other end of the spectrum. Slow and steady taper people are the best gauge, from what I have observed, they typically recover by 12 months, some recover sooner. I've seen 9 - 10 months. I do know that things cycle with windows and waves. Tinnitus may go away, and return during a wave. Mine has been cycling in intensity during post-acute, which is part of the recovery process. But overall, it has gradually subsided. I just try to drown it out with music or TV.  

Did you taper off the AD as well? 

Last dose Xanax= 0.06mg.

I try ocean sounds or rain to drown it somehow.

Currently reinstated 0.3mg-0.5mg or so Trentellix. Finding it hard to get a jewelry scale here to measure that low. Just use my nails to chip some crumbs from the pill. Not sure if this is relapse of my anxiety/depression or withdrawal from the antidepressant.


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22 hours ago, [[e...] said:

Last dose Xanax= 0.06mg.

I try ocean sounds or rain to drown it somehow.

Currently reinstated 0.3mg-0.5mg or so Trentellix. Finding it hard to get a jewelry scale here to measure that low. Just use my nails to chip some crumbs from the pill. Not sure if this is relapse of my anxiety/depression or withdrawal from the antidepressant.

That's a fairly low dose to jump from. You're still early in post-acute. Average person who tapers gradually off their benzo, recovers by 12 months. It would be unusual to not recover in 18 months, but the majority do by 12.  

I'm in a wave right now, and am having an uptick in some symptoms, including tinnitus. Was having some nice partial windows for weeks, but past few weeks I got thrown into a wave. 5 months since jumping, 4 months post-acute. I just keep music or the TV on, not as noticeable, but it's been louder in m left ear lately. 

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Update my tinnitus calmed down. Had 6 days of screaming tinnitus now back to withdrawal baseline. Hopes this gives people reassurance. It’s a game of up and down for now 

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I agree with @[Be...] the people usually do heal with 12-24 month. And those who haven’t might be stuck in their brain with bad wiring… which is good news. The brain IS PLASTIC it can heal

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I first got it 12 months ago. I’d tapered most of the way off benzos after taking them for 20 years, but was holding and in withdrawal when it started. It very gradually eased off a little then flared up again when I restarted my taper recently.

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On 27/09/2023 at 07:54, [[T...] said:

I first got it 12 months ago. I’d tapered most of the way off benzos after taking them for 20 years, but was holding and in withdrawal when it started. It very gradually eased off a little then flared up again when I restarted my taper recently.

How are you doing this week?  My tinnitus has flared up terribly - Im down to .75 mg V.  I was hoping it would ease off.  It's really disturbing.

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I am 13 months, benzo, free, and drug free grateful for that. Tinnitus can be very debilitating. It was for me for the first 8 to 9 months and still battle with it on a weekly basis but it’s nothing like it was at the beginning. I have some days now where I don’t notice it as much if you stop and think about it then it’s a constant what helped me during those 8 to 9 months, which try to do anything you can to take your mind off of it whether it’s walking outside or walking inside just trying to stay busy seem to be a great help for me. Wishing you the best in your recovery and look forward to when all this is behind all of us your fellow buddy. 

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The ringing gets better! I had it so bad in the beginning I went to the doctor for an inner ear infection. She said I did not have one, but gave me medication anyways. 3 months into my withdrawals it subsided. It is still there after 8 months, but much better. To a point I don't even notice it. My last does was January 18th 2023, and the ringing does not bother me much. Hope this helped? 

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Curious to everyone with tinnitus what does yours sound like? Mine changes throughout the day and is currently what I’d call acceptable. A few weeks ago it was terrible. It’s been very up and down. 

does yours change? Does it have one sound or multiple? Can it be masked?



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On 15/09/2023 at 16:13, [[m...] said:

Hi I have tinnitus that's how I knew I had to get off clonazapam.   I hope it goes when I'm off it.ive only just started tapering 

it started on the drug?? I am at .237 mg Ativan and when I take it, I get the loudest tinnitus for like an hour after the dose. But don’t get it before…can benzos cause this? 

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Yes @[Ma...] benzos cause tinnitus because they change brain chemistry. The trend for all people I’ve seen on here (save a minority) is it gets better. Mine has- just so up and down as I taper 

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3 hours ago, [[S...] said:

Curious to everyone with tinnitus what does yours sound like? Mine changes throughout the day and is currently what I’d call acceptable. A few weeks ago it was terrible. It’s been very up and down. 

does yours change? Does it have one sound or multiple? Can it be masked?

Yes! Just before I replied to this post, my left ear went all wonky. Almost a deafen sound with a sharp high pitched (like when a bomb goes off and the after shock causes everything to go silent) and then 30 seconds later it went back to a background high pitch "eeeeeeee" (lol). Different intensities for different times of the day for me. However, when I think about it... it seems to get louder. Sometimes I do not even notice it. Not sure if I am just use to it or if it has left at times. 

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@[Sw...] It didn’t start until 3 weeks after my last dose. Then again, those were crazy times. I mean, as I’m sitting hear I can definitely hear mine. Sometimes it does sound like multiple pitches and a number of tiny “eeees”. However, I think it comes and go just as you  have described it. Nothing I am to worried about and either is my doctor. Hope that helps 

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@[Am...] how long have you been off your benzo? Your doctor said he isn't worried, as in it should heal in time? That would really reassure me as this is so difficult, never knowing what im going to hear! trying to stay positive 

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On 20/09/2023 at 13:43, [[B...] said:

Quite a few did well micro-tapering all the way down. Joeb is one who jumped at .25, and had acute and post-acute. Last I saw a post from him, he was in post-acute windows and waves. 

I was wondering if somebody started a new under 3 mg thread in this new format? Somebody at 3 mg or under should. If I was still tapering, I would. If I didn't choose NAD+ as an option, I'd still be there. I think if somebody starts a new thread, the other under 3's will come. 

Joeb is doing ok. He has completely healed and is doing great.  We regularly exchanged many PMs when he was still tapering, now just sporadically. In his last PM to me, he is still doing good and has fully recovered with no benzo post w/d SXs.. I might add he was not on benzos for many years and decades like many of us here.

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@[Sw...] my last dose was January 18th 2023. I was on colozepam for 12 years. My previous doctor ( I no longer see them)said their office was no longer prescribing Benzos to anyone. Cut everyone off and I had no guidance or education on how to get off the drug.

I tapered myself off the last refill they gave me for 5 months. I went to a buck of doctors terrified at all the symptoms I was going through. I had a hearing test done, and had my ears, throat and nose checked. The specialist told me my hearing was in good shape. It was just the peace of mind I needed to hear at the time that I was not broken or getting worse. I hope this helps. Moreover, these symptoms are terrifying if you don’t know why they are happening. 

I really hope this gives you some hope or some sort of relief. 💜

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This was one of worst symptoms I had and I didn't know what to do. It started after my taper completed and withdrawal started with full force. Over few months it got lessened but even after 2years I get it on off whenever there is a trigger but yes intensity reduced greatly. Hopefully you too get rid of it soon.

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@[Ch...] Being scared is okay, but If I could have had someone tell me what I was feeling was completely normal, it really would have helped. You are not alone. I just found this community and I am deeply grateful. But do I wish I had found you all 12 months ago.

 This will pass, please remember you are going to be Okay. Your brain is on fire due to this detox and WD fear you are feeling is not real. It is just your body trying to figure out how to heal. 


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4 hours ago, [[A...] said:

Joeb is doing ok. He has completely healed and is doing great.  We regularly exchanged many PMs when he was still tapering, now just sporadically. In his last PM to me, he is still doing good and has fully recovered with no benzo post w/d SXs.. I might add he was not on benzos for many years and decades like many of us here.

That's good to hear. He was doing well with tapering, I was hoping with him not being here much, that he had gone on to recover. I hope to recover like him. My K use was limited to 15 months.


Almost 6 months since jumping, 5 months post NAD+. Month 5 is the one many report mostly recovering.  My tinnitus started coming back in waves. I would get intense ringing in my left ear, and some in the right. Got really loud again. It's cycling. A lot of things are cycling now. At least none of them are staying around. They come and go. 

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19 hours ago, [[S...] said:

Curious to everyone with tinnitus what does yours sound like? Mine changes throughout the day and is currently what I’d call acceptable. A few weeks ago it was terrible. It’s been very up and down. 

does yours change? Does it have one sound or multiple? Can it be masked?

hi pitched/cicadas/hissing - Im sure its not as bad as real ringing 

It cycles on a 4 day cycle, it builds up and then wanes ....

It feels more like my head, not real my ears if that makes sense.

I can not tie it to foods or fatigue.  T has a mind of its own.

I try to find humor.


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On 03/10/2023 at 00:06, [[A...] said:

How are you doing this week?  My tinnitus has flared up terribly - Im down to .75 mg V.  I was hoping it would ease off.  It's really disturbing.

Mine keeps changing volume. Worse when I’m in a wave, not much of a bother when I’m in a window.

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