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I thought goings slow was better


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I need help tapering.  I'm suffering from the new teva brand they gave when accord got recalled and my tapers are causing me great distress even the smallest of cuts.  i havent eaten in days. I'm not sure what to do and how much to taper .

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I've looked over some of your old taper thread but I'm not intricately familiar with your history, hopefully someone will stop by to lend a hand.

How would feel about returning to using whole or split tablets and then hold until you stabilize?.  You may need to updose slightly to do this but I suspect you may have tapered too much too quickly. 

Are you on any other medications or supplements which might be interacting your sensitive central nervous or the Klonopin, have you made any recent changes to any other medications or supplements you're taking?  


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My Dr ,I's hard to explain But my Dr is doing a taper over 18 Mts of Klonopin liquid.  I had to have it compounded .  I'ts going to be really Expensive but the pills are killing me,my stomach.  I got down 1/2 of 0.5 pill and i"m so full of anxity and stress I feel horriable.  But my taper with the pills was very inaccurate.  I dont have a very good scale.  Is this a good taper?

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Hi @[ro...],


First of all congratulations on your amazing progress, getting down to 1/2 of a .50 mg pill. This would be .25 mg correct? That's an amazing accomplishment. 

I'm so sorry to hear the pills are killing your stomach ... I can relate to some of this. I'm eager to hear what others have to say about your taper... but If I'm understanding your post correctly - you're doing a liquid compound taper over 18 months. I think that sounds like a pretty slow taper - but slow does not mean bad. Given you're feeling so rotten right now, it's good to start out really slow. You may adjust your taper as you get started... your taper may surprise you and perhaps you might feel better in a couple months? But if you need to use the full 18 months and your physician is able to facilitate you through that - that's a good thing! 

Tapers can be so subjective; what is a 'good' taper for one person - is not a great taper for another. My taper has been slow... steady, but it has worked for me. I couldn't go fastser PLUS work full time. So I went slow... and have been able to do all my normal activities... except sleep. Sleep hasn't been great. But I take the sleep where I can get it. Wishing you well.... Keep us posted Robbin. You got this... one day at a time...

@[Pa...] and @[Je...] may chime in also! 

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i'm sorry i ment 1 1/2 down from 3  .  Im sorry about the mix up.  Benzo brain and I dont see well.  I hope all goes well with a slow taper and i can strart to function again.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I first started to taper from 3 0.5 mils of klonopin.  I got down to 2 1/ 2 pills now im doing aliquid taper thats compunded but im no sure if im doing it right.  My DR is no help.     

Stared at 2.5 mls 

                 2.4 mls

                  2.3 mls   tomorrow this is every 2 weeks I go down .    Is this slow or fast? No one talks to me about it and my Dr is very mean.@

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I hope someone with titration experience will come along to take a look at your schedule, but in the mean time could you add more information to your history?  What medications you’re currently taking, how long and other information pertinent to your current situation?  This will help members help you.

Oh, and I merged your new taper thread with your older one, it helps to have your taper questions and suggestions from other members in one place.

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Hello @[ro...] The taper schedule you’ve described would result in a 48 week, linear taper.  Given your medication history (which is complicated and highly relevant to your current taper so I hope you’ll add it to your Profile as @[Pa...] has suggested), my hunch is this may be too fast for you, especially when you reach lower doses.  However, you are the only one who can determine if this is the case.  Are you keeping a daily taper log?  What have you learned so far about your response to the reductions in terms of your withdrawal pattern, symptoms and functionality?  (Fyi - Your taper rate for the first month per this schedule is 8%.)

Also, just checking, is the concentration of the liquid you are using 0.5mg/mL?  If so, and you discover that you need to slow down your taper rate, would your doctor be willing to prescribed a less concentrated liquid (e.g., 0.1mg/mL)?

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I have a Taper Chart it says 18 mts but i,m getting wild differences in opions on the percent and I dont know a way to post the taper chart on here.

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@[ro...] Given your medication history, health status, and age, I encourage you to give serious consideration to implementing a slow, cautious, symptom-guided taper.

Before we go any further, two requests:

(1) Would you please post exactly what is written on the label(s) your pharmacist placed on the bottle of liquid you are using?

I ask because I was working with a member yesterday who put the decimal point in the wrong place when he gave us the concentration of his liquid.  Consequently, we initially thought he was using a much more concentrated liquid than he actually was.  The member also did not appear to be aware that his liquid was a suspension that needed to be shaken well before each use.

(2) I’ve assembled a draft of your medication history based on information you’ve provided in past posts.  Would you please review it and make any additions/clarifications/revisions needed?  

Please be sure to add the Rx and OTC medications you are currently taking as well as any supplements.  If you have not already done so, I encourage you to use one or more of the free online tools to check for interactions among and between your benzodiazepine and these substances.

Medication and Taper History

2004ish: experiencing significant GI issues; GI doc Rxd Ativan; over next 7 yrs dose increased to 8-10mg per day, also taking pain pills

Nov 2011: detox Ativan with phenobarbital, depakote, propranolol; insomnia, pain, restless legs. GP Rxd Librium to taper

Feb 2012: detox Librium with phenobarbital; Rxd antidepressant

Sept 2012: gallbladder surgery

Jan 2013: blood pressure issues; trialing beta blockers also taking atenolol; tapering phenobarbitol

Feb 2013: continuing taper of phenobarbitol (down to 52mg from 280mg); symptoms increasing (vibrations, the insomnia, burning, twitching); also taking clonidine

April 2014: tried desipramine, did not help, tapered

Mar 2014: took Valium for 9 days, cold turkey?

Jan 2016: stopped phenobarbital taper; holding at ??mg

Sept 2018: took antibiotic; uptick in food sensitivities, vibrations, insomnia

2019-2020??: Rx’d 1.5mg clonazepam (caregiving stress?)

Nov 2020: dry tapered from 0.466, 0.460, 0.450 (was this pill weight or milligrams of drug?). Hit hard with anxiety, depression, insomnia; updosed to 0.455; helped some but still crying, anxiety, shakes, insomnia

2020-2023??:  updosed to 2mg of clonazepam; then tapered to 1.25mg

Jun 2023: spouse died

Jul 2023: 1.25mg clonazepam (two and one-half 0.5mg tablets) (daily dosing schedule?)

Aug 2023: began taper using 0.5mg/mL suspension (is this correct?)

Current other meds: unknown

Current supplements: unknown

Taper History

Aug ?:   2.5mL
Aug ??: 2.4mL
Aug ??: 2.3mL


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I don't have the energy to do this.  My taper was done by the Pharmacy.

I was taking 0.5 mgs klonipon 2 1/2 a day. Then a compounding pharmacy said they would make a taper schedule and compoung it over 18 mts.

First dose 500 mcgs dose 2.5 ml  then it goes down every 2 weeks 2.4,2.3,2.2 so on .  The whole taper schedule is way way to many pages to post .

I'm at 2.3 now it s really slow and i'm not sure I trust them at all but have not much choice or go to rehab and do it in 1 month. But I fell so bad. My Husband did just die 3 months ago and this was a hell a time to do this .  I,m so depressed and greif stricken on top of all the mental and physical symptoms.  Dr DR is not at ALL COMPASSIONAITE or kind so I really stuck. I don't want to start another drug I have to get off of but I,m in really ruff shape.

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I’m so sorry for your loss @[ro...], I agree, this is a terrible time to be facing this, I’m sure you don’t have any reserves of strength to draw on, your grief must be overwhelming.  

I hope you don’t have to go to rehab, and I hope your compounding pharmacy has your best interests in mind but it must be frustrating to not fully trust them in this situation.


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I thought going slow was going to be better but I ache all over cant eat.  The body aches are so bad and depression.  Is this happening to any one else .  I think my taper is 4% but not sure now.  I posted in taper and withdraw on what i', m doing but I sure could use som advice.

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@[ro...], Tapering is difficult, but it’s the only way we’ve found to stay somewhat functional.  I’ve always admired people who can do it, the patience it requires is super human and to knowingly invite the pain each time you reduce again is foreign to me so my hats off to you for being able to do it.

How often are you reducing and what are you doing for the body aches, I’ve heard showers can help.

Have you dealt with depression before tapering, have you consulted with your doctor about it?


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My taper is for cut every 2 weeks but thats been way to ruff so i have been asking the compounding pharmacy to hold for another 2 weeks then i can some what go to dr appts and eat a little . i,m so down from this whole process and the grief for my husband is so overwhelming through this I have to ask God to help me breath to find a reason to take a breath every day .  After 43 years of marriage and he was my best friend , my soul mate.  Its sure hell. 

I haven't been doing anything for depression not wanting to get on something else so I suffer.

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I’m so glad you’ve worked it out with the pharmacist to slow down, you need to eat and you need room to grieve.  This process only allows us to feel negative emotions, I’m sure the weight of your husbands passing is suffocating you but I promise, when we recover, that weight becomes much lighter.

You’re doing the impossible and you’re succeeding even though it feels like you’re not. 

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I have to get some major dental work done .  I can't do it and taper.  My anxiety about going there is through the roof.  I have to be knocked out but not sure what they will do.  I,m so scared my heart palpitation.

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It’s a good idea to hold your taper, adjusting for real life events is smart.  Are you saying you need general sedation in order to get this work done?

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Yes,  This Friday the 22 nd i will kow more. My anxiety is off the chart.  I have to pee every 20 mins because of nerves.  I'm so scared and now that my husband has passed i have to do this with no one.

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Please let us know what you find out today.  Have you always had this kind of fear when facing dental procedures or is it the result of your benzodiazepine experience? 

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Oh my, that’s drastic, it seems like they would offer sedation for that.  I know some dentists will offer it, can you look around for one who does?  I’ve heard its more expensive but it may be the best route for you to take. 

I had a couple of surgeries while I was recovering using general anesthesia and it didn’t cause me any issues.  

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