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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

I'm thinking of reinstating. I can't handle the tinnitus


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I'm at a complete loss here. I thought I could handle whatever this beast threw at me. I don't think I'm strong enough. Since started I have dealth, insomnia,burning skin and brain, feeling of being lacerated. Chemical terror,chemical anxiety, pains all over my body, extreme weakness extreme weight loss, weight gain, cog fog, confusion, forgetting where I am, hypnic jerks, random muscle jerk, unbelievable itchiness,suicidal ideations, kidney issues. All of these were nothing compared to tinnitus. If i were to reinstate would it fix it? I can't live with this. Most of my grounding exercises were done in silence. I can't even think with this sound in my head. Please what are some ways you dealt with it.

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I personally would NOT do that. Reinstating comes with zero guarantees, you don't know how high of a dose you'll have to go, you could still get symptoms, you could get MORE symptoms and you stare down having to do this all again with a possible worse outcome. You are very early off...wait it out. I'm 9 months off and I understand. Waiting here too. 

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Have you taken any other prescription drugs, supplements, or anything over the counter or used anything recreational, alcohol, etc? Reinstating is your choice but it might not fix your issues and can make them worse. That is not fear-mongering, it is fact. The best thing to do is stay off all drugs and let your system heal. It is also the most difficult thing to do. Believe me, I am in the trenches myself right now. You might want to do a 15-minute complimentary session with Angela Peacock. She was a severe case of withdrawal and has healed so much that she is at Burning Man this week. Here is a link: https://calendly.com/apeacockconsulting/15min?back=1&month=2023-09

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I dry herb vap medical marijuana for sleep. I can also say the day I started vaping all burning and lacerating feeling all over my body ceased and gave me back my appetite.I been doing it for 1 and half (edit)months without any issue. Same strain from the same plant.  Anyways I stopped the moment this started anyhow. Without any change in frequency or serverity

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Did you taper off the benzos you were on and if so how long was your taper?  Maybe your taper was too quick, some people need a multi year taper.  I was in acute withdrawal the first time I did this for 8 months after an 8 day taper at a detox facility.  Much too fast . I suffered horribly for 8 months including Akathesia . Almost didn't make it.  I ended up reinstating and it saved my life. I tapered over two years and when I jumped I was fine.  But that's my story, you have to do what's right for you

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1 hour ago, [[M...] said:

I dry herb vap medical marijuana for sleep. I can also say the day I started vaping all burning and lacerating feeling all over my body ceased and gave me back my appetite.I been doing it for 1 and half (edit)months without any issue. Same strain from the same plant.  Anyways I stopped the moment this started anyhow. Without any change in frequency or serverity

Tinnitus can go away on its own. If I were you, I would give it time. You have had it for three days, right? Did you listen to music too loudly? Use ear buds too much? Go to a concert? This can all cause tinnitus that can heal on its own. Tinnitus like benzo withdrawal is not understood by the medical community unless it is directly associated with hearing loss or injury from loud noise. And I think even then doctors are throwing spaghetti at walls.

Marijuana can cause tinnitus and make existing tinnitus worse. My hunch without knowing your drug history is that this far out, it is unlikely your symptoms are from the benzo. The benzo injury laid a foundation for further injury though. The benzo tipped the scale. The only remedy for healing is time. I know that is difficult to hear but the from what I see the more people chase drugs to gain comfort, the worse they get.

I would bet money that the marijuana caused issues five months out. I had a dystonic episode after taking CBD gummy with 5% THC for sleep while tapering Seroquel in benzo withdrawal. A doctor told me it was fine and I had it in my face and all over my body. This was six months off of benzos. The tinnitus I have had was almost gone at that time and then because I went to the ER, docs gave me Benadryl and it came back louder. I knew that Benadryl can cause tinnitus but I had to choose between risk of tinnitus or dystonic episode. But that is not the case for you. Now, months later, the tinnitus is changing volumes and I think it will eventually settle as the excitotoxicity/neurotoxicity from the benzo injury heals.

I am saying this to inform you not to scare you because doctors do not know about tinnitus and I do not want you go to to one and be put on another drug that will make the tinnitus worse or harm you further in other ways. I have seen this happen to many people.

Benzos are ototoxic medications. They can cause hearing or balance issues and cause or exacerbate existing tinnitus. If you take one again you are risking making it worse plus the physical dependence and a worse withdrawal later on in life with more issues than you have now. Plus the risk of dementia, etc.

There are over 200 drugs and over-the-counter drugs that can cause or exacerbate tinnitus. Avoid them. Take nothing. Let yourself heal. Stay away from ERs, hospitals, and uninformed doctors unless there is an actual true life-threatening emergency. Whatever you do, stay out of psych or mental health hospitals or programs.

This is truly the worst experience, believe me, I know. I have been living it for sixteen months. I have had severe symptoms from benzo CT 24/7 for that entire time. I was poly drugged heavily for five years, prior and during benzo withdrawal because I did not know what was happening to me. I have lived through severe akathisia with tinnitus, skin burning, extreme itching all over -- what you describe and more. I have had no real windows other than days I do not pace. I am 100 percent off of everything and tapered a scary neuroleptic agent during this time. So please know I am not someone on here who had an easier time of things. This information I am giving you I earned through suffering and near death. I know more than every doctor I have ever spoken with. I fought the system and surrounded myself with advocates like Angela to help protect me from further harm. I suggest that you do the same.

I haven't seen reinstatements end well. But you have to make the best decision for your life and your body.

Your tinnitus could go away in two weeks a month or sooner if you just leave it alone. There are many people on this site and others who had drug-induced tinnitus that went away with time.

Keep the faith and surround yourself with social support.

Much love to you on this journey.


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I CTd in April from a 2 month usage. When I started to have interdose withdrawals. I was advised by folks here that woulda been my best option. Well was my only option. Idk if I want to reinstate to be honest.I was in a fit of desperation. If it gets worst I'll def considerate tho

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6 minutes ago, [[R...] said:

Tinnitus can go away on its own. If I were you, I would give it time. You have had it for three days, right? Did you listen to music too loudly? Use ear buds too much? Go to a concert? This can all cause tinnitus that can heal on its own. Tinnitus like benzo withdrawal is not understood by the medical community unless it is directly associated with hearing loss or injury from loud noise. And I think even then doctors are throwing spaghetti at walls.

Marijuana can cause tinnitus and make existing tinnitus worse. My hunch without knowing your drug history is that this far out, it is unlikely your symptoms are from the benzo. The benzo injury laid a foundation for further injury though. The benzo tipped the scale. The only remedy for healing is time. I know that is difficult to hear but the from what I see the more people chase drugs to gain comfort, the worse they get.

I would bet money that the marijuana caused issues five months out. I had a dystonic episode after taking CBD for sleep while tapering Seroquel in benzo withdrawal. A doctor told me it was fine and I had it in my face and all over my body. This was six months off of benzos. The tinnitus I have had was almost gone at that time and then because I went to the ER, docs gave me Benadryl and it came back louder. I knew that Benadryl can cause tinnitus but I had to choose between risk of tinnitus or dystonic episode. But that is not the case for you. Now, months later, the tinnitus is changing volumes and I think it will eventually settle as the excitotoxicity/neurotoxicity from the benzo injury heals. Benzo tinnitus tends to sound like static from what I know.

I am saying this to inform you not to scare you because doctors do not know about tinnitus and I do not want you go to to one and be put on another drug that will make the tinnitus worse or harm you further in other ways. I have seen this happen to many people.

Benzos are ototoxic medications. They can cause hearing or balance issues and cause or exacerbate existing tinnitus. If you take one again you are risking making it worse plus the physical dependence and a worse withdrawal later on in life with more issues than you have now. Plus the risk of dementia, etc.

There are over 200 drugs and over-the-counter drugs that can cause or exacerbate tinnitus. Avoid them. Take nothing. Let yourself heal. Stay away from ERs, hospitals, and uninformed doctors unless there is an actual true life-threatening emergency. Whatever you do, stay out of psych or mental health hospitals or programs.

This truly be the worst experience, believe me, I know. I have been living it for sixteen months. I have had severe symptoms from benzo CT 24/7 for that entire time. I was poly drugged heavily for five years, prior and during benzo withdrawal because I did not know what was happening to me. I have lived through severe akathisia with tinnitus, skin burning, extreme itching all over -- what you describe. I have had no real windows other than days I do not pace. I am 100 percent off of everything and tapered a scary neuroleptic agent during this time. So please know I am not someone on here who had an easier time of things. This information I am giving you I earned through suffering and near death. I know more than every doctor I have ever spoken with. I fought the system and surrounded myself with advocates like Angela to help protect me from further harm. I suggest that you do the same.

I haven't seen reinstatements end well. But you have to make the best decision for your life and your body.

Your tinnitus could go away in two weeks a month or sooner if you just leave it alone. There are many people on this site and others who had drug-induced tinnitus that went away with time.

Keep the faith and surround yourself with social support.

Much love to you on this journey.

Thank you for the thoughtful post. My tinnitus sound like when you turn on a old tube television before it shows a picture of you know what that sound like. I haven't been using headphones or listening to music too loudly I think. I haven't gone to any concerts or the like. Just been home healing from this beast. I don't think it's marijuana causing it. I remember in April I was giving hydroxine once and the tinnitus I got from that was absolutely blaring compared to this. I figured that was tinnitus. I agree with not taking anything and not using a drugs as remedies for this. I'm just going to stop smoking/vaping. Thank you again for you post.

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Hey there, I have tinnitus that has been everything from barely noticeable  to so loud I cant sleep. First time i came off of Benzos within a year it had lowered SIGNIFICANTLY! It sucks, and is hard, but only at first. I got so used to my tinnitus that I remember enjoying the hum of it! And I promise you mine started out unbearable and made me depressed. I relapsed recently and then CTd from Klonopin and it spiked my tinnitus to monster levels, I did reinstate after 14 days, and now am tapering. 2 months in and it's improved by 50%! and I know it will continue to improve. Your tinnitus WILL get better and if you need someone to talk to about it please reach out to me. I understand not having silence anymore, but I promise you even when mine was baseline it was basically silence for me and didn't bother me. I am having a spike currently and it will get better. I am here for you. 

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Thank you for the kind words and telling me about your tinnitus. I sure hope i can get used to it. Would really like it if it just stop ringing though. How long did it take to become noticable. Did it get louder then quieter?

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@[Mo...] I’m so sorry and I definitely sympathize. CT’d Xanax & Zoloft and my tinnitus that was already present got way louder, and I think my pre-existing hyperacusis (noise sensitivity) did as well. 

Thinking of you and I hope your T gets better - people w/ T related to tapering and withdrawal have seen improvement from what I’ve been told. You’ve got this. 

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Yes it will improve, mine did the first time I came off of benzos and I believe it will again. The brain is just trying to heal, it gets better. Tinnitus is related to gabba pathways in brain, all the neurons in the brain are a total mess for a while, once they start remembering where they belong and stop misfiring the tinnitus will get better. Acceptance is key. Accept its there and trust it will pass. 

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Hello @[Gr...]. Welcome to BenzoBuddies.

Might I suggest that you condense your post into two or three short paragraphs and use it to start a fresh thread/topic. I think it will receive more replies that way.

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@[Gr...] put this post into a new thread and seek peoples help…. The title of your post will be what signals to people the help you need. We’re here for you, what you’re going through isn’t abnormal for these kinds of drugs, it DOES get better 

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It is just helpful for you the community to support you better and know you better if you post a thread independently. We want to help. A lot of us know what you’re going through. 

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trying to think of a headline. I feel so blah and unfocused these days. Not my usual creative self. That's for sure.  What about "Senior lady in distress."  

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49 minutes ago, [[G...] said:

trying to think of a headline. I feel so blah and unfocused these days. Not my usual creative self. That's for sure.  What about "Senior lady in distress."  

Whatever title you feel best describes your situation and will provide a rough idea to the reader what it is about. ;)

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I don't know how anyone does this with this ear ringing. Something I did not have 6 wks ago. Last week it was gone for 3 hours. I know it was gone. Is this some kind of hope? My skin still burns. I am thinking of going back on the Xanax. 

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@[Gr...] How long have you been off Xanax?   Did you taper, and if so how long did you taper?    What other symptoms do you have besides tinnitus?   This is a very common symptom and will wax and wane.    

Unless you have just stopped taking Xanax in the last couple of weeks, I would not recommend reinstating.   It does not always help and sometimes it can be harmful.   

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On 02/09/2023 at 09:02, [[M...] said:

I'm at a complete loss here. I thought I could handle whatever this beast threw at me. I don't think I'm strong enough. Since started I have dealth, insomnia,burning skin and brain, feeling of being lacerated. Chemical terror,chemical anxiety, pains all over my body, extreme weakness extreme weight loss, weight gain, cog fog, confusion, forgetting where I am, hypnic jerks, random muscle jerk, unbelievable itchiness,suicidal ideations, kidney issues. All of these were nothing compared to tinnitus. If i were to reinstate would it fix it? I can't live with this. Most of my grounding exercises were done in silence. I can't even think with this sound in my head. Please what are some ways you dealt with it.

I honestly have to say that I don't believe reinstating would fix the tinnitus.  I reinstated long before I came to BB, and I reinstated twice.  My tinnitus got worse, and worse, and is now, just 5 months into my last try at tapering, w/BBs help, my T is way better and sometimes totally absent.  I had 24/7 ringing in my ears which the only relief I had from it was a Sound App, or noise going on around me.

At the same time, I don't know what drugs you've been on, how long you have been off, and what type of taper you did so I imagine some have gotten over their Tinnitus, and maybe from reinstating.  All I know is what's happened to me.  I know it is a decision we each have to make though, what works for some doesn't work for others.  I wish you the very best and you'll always have support here on BB whatever you decide. Denise :smitten::hug:PS My T hit me about 12 years ago after a Cold Turkey. Not right away, but came on as the sound of rushing waters, then it would go away then it came back as ringing, or high-pitched tone, steady.

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@[or...] thats amazing you get to a place of silence on good days. That is a huge gain! gives me hope. I have had t for 5 years, and I have had good months and bad. But the best success I ever had was when I was drug free for over a year. God bless you I hope that T just goes forever!

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