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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Hyperacusis/tinnitus worsened by withdrawal. Terrified.


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Hi all, 

I quit Zanax and Zoloft cold turkey bc I was scared it could hurt my ears. It make everything 100x worse. Severe noise sensitivity is worse, t is way more noticeable. Since I had these conditions before withdrawal, is there less of a chance for them to get better? Worried that because I had them before this will affect any possible healing. 

I’ve also had noise exposure recently might have worsened me. It is beyond bad right now. Terrified I will have to move from earplugs 24/7 to plugs & muffs. The nerve & sound sensitivity are sometimes unbearable and I’m having mental health issues because of it. I feel trapped. My dog barked right next to be recently (I usually have to avoid being near her) & a plastic lid make a loud popping sound reaching 90 db on decibel reader. That is dangerous even to people w/ healthy ears. Also items like that are a HUGE no no & I knew better. That expose might have triggered a permanent worsening or triggered noxacusis which is severe noise sensitivity with excruciating pain. If I get nox that is another level of torture (not that loudness hyperacusis isn’t) and people are bedbound with double ear protection 24/7.

My mental health is bad right now. I’m really scared, everyone. I had a chance to get better before withdrawal and noise exposure. Every incident increases chance of getting worse permanently and it’s too much. I’ve lost some of my diligence and I might pay a price for it. Even silence is too much now. My condition was caused by acoustic trauma, and a peer I meet who is extremely knowledgeable in hyperacusis (she has it as well) said that ears tend to not heal well. Apparently it’s the same for acoustic trauma. It was an mri that caused it, and I knew beforehand it was dangerous. I’ve had sensitive ears all my life. Also worried that if CT caused increase in symptoms I’m less likely to get better bc I have naturally sensitive ears. 

This is all such an avoidable mess. The thought of trying to survive like this is daunting. 

Sincere apologies for the rant, and any advice is appreciated. 

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1 hour ago, [[s...] said:

Since I had these conditions before withdrawal, is there less of a chance for them to get better? Worried that because I had them before this will affect any possible healing. 


Hello @[sc...]  If you had these conditions before and was made worse by the Xanax, then it will go back to how it was before, so it will still heal some. I didn't have tinnitus  prior to withdrawal but what I had in withdrawal was dreadful,  just remind yourself it will get better, being terrified is another symptom

Cold turkey must be horrendous, I did a taper and that was bad enough, I do feel for you.  I know you will doubt that it get's better while you are still in the thick of it, everything is negative!    I thought I was being lied to, just to make me feel better but we really do get better from this awful process. Try and distract..I know its hard to do, but it gets easier with practice. Do you have a hobby?  if not find one, do you like reading? try light exercise, meditation, do some puzzles, go for a walk. Take your mind away from the symptoms for a little while.

Hang in there if you possibly can, you will survive and it will ease off but it takes time.




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Thanks @[ma...], I’m really scared and don’t know what to do. The nerve sensitivity is worse than ever. If I barely touch my ears I almost feel like jumping? Is this a normal symptom with benzo withdrawal? I had an anxiety attack bc my mom walked in our house and started talking at a normal volume. Can’t tell if my hyperacusis has gotten worse on its own or because of the withdrawal.

Feeling overstimulated and almost manic. Thought about checking into inpatient mental health but the building would be insanely loud. I’m at a crossroads and I honestly don’t know if I can make it.  

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Hi @[sc...]

I know it's scary my friend, I can only imagine how you are feeling.  I think the hyperacusis will feel worse, benzo withdrawal makes everything worse.

10 hours ago, [[s...] said:

Feeling overstimulated and almost manic

This is another symptom of mine and its quite  common in withdrawal.  You can make it!  You will make it!  This is a temporary situation, withdrawal is difficult, cold turkey is hard.   You are early off and still in acute withdrawal, it will get easier but Its going to take time.   What other symptoms do you have? 


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The hyperacusis is a nightmare. I really fear for you. Had it well before the BZD, cause I'm neurotic. BZD only made it worse.

My tinnitus started with the BZD. What if you wore some cordless earbuds or earplugs?

Gingko Biloba and vitamins B helped me with tinnitus. Also zinc, but it screwed up my stomach. Maybe you could also listen to some soothing sounds on YouTube through your earbuds?

I loved listening to the sound of the waves and rain. There are so many natural ways to calm oneself down, starting with deep breating and mindfulness meditation.

Even if you're desperately bad with deep breathing, it just takes practice and time.

Mindfulness meditation is observing whatever is going on in your body at present. Feelings come and go, like waves. You learn to surf the ways.

Or like clouds in the sky. Everything is in a state of constant change. You just watch the clouds pass by...

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Hil @[ma...] not doing too good today. Nausea, severe nerve sensitivity mostly in ears. Touching them makes me  almost feel like jumping. I’m losing the will to go on. It’s so bad. My ears are so bad I can’t do it. I’m going to go crazy and my mom doesn’t think I’m withdrawing. Trouble finding a new provider my most recent psychiatrist said I’m not withdrawing and that you don’t go through withdrawals long term. Finally got into a NP and she didn’t think was withdrawing either. Why do drs who prescribe meds not believe they cause withdrawals I’m in a bad state 

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@[Es...] I wear earplugs 24/7 but my ears are sensitive even in silence. I’m out of options at this point. My mom and I get in fights constantly bc she thinks I’m not trying to get better. You said yours got better right? 

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Try the wireless earbuds and some soothing sounds. The earbuds are quite expensive, have you gotten a pair? Maybe you could borrow them from a friend? The Apple AirPods Pro have active noise cancellation and they are comfy to wear.

BOSE Quiet Comfort Earbuds have better sound but tend to fall out from your ears. They also have noise cancellation.  There MUST be a solution.

I have an impression that you constantly fight with your Mom. It's not good for your recovery, any kind of tension. If you cannot move out, just try to avoid her.

I know she means well, but she seems very high-strung. I have an extremely controlling Mother whom I see only twice a month. Yes, she has good intentions.

But if I lived with her, I would go insane. You need peace and quiet, not people who stir up some kind of nervous atmosphere. Your CNS is extremely vulnerable at this point. Always choose self-care and self-compassion first.

All the best to you:hug:


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@[Es...]Unfortunatey I can’t listen to any sound. My dog sneezed near me and I’m worried about a setback. 

My mom is basically done with me. She’s upset I won’t see a vestibular surgeon but they can’t do anything - I’m not sure what they told her. She says I’m just sitting in bed not trying. The only things to try can (and have) made people 100x worse. Im afraid there is no getting out of the mess I made 

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