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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

help - starting taper xanax


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Hi BB community, 

I am relatively new to this forum. I found it after researching online in search of an answer for my symptoms. I've been taking Xanax to sleep for a little over two years now. I started at .25 and in the past year was normally taking .5 sometimes .75 or (rarely 1 mg) to sleep. I never noticed inter-dose withdrawal or tolerance until this past May. In May I was treated for anemia with a series of three iron infusions that I had I believed may have been a little too much for my body to handle. Following my last infusion (about a week after), I was waking up in the middle of the night with what felt like a heartache. My anxiety sky rocketed during the day (like this weird high strung anxious feeling 24/7). I was getting intense migraines, sensitivity to light, nausea, and blurry vision. My hair also started falling out like crazy. I ended up taking a leave from work because I didn't know what was happening and I couldn't function well. 


I returned home to stay with my family and recover, and while my symptoms seemed to abate a bit, I was still waking up with way more anxiety than normal and experiencing a weird high strung feeling all day. I had headaches and alarming brain fog. I was still taking my xanax nightly but I had also been dosing some throughout the day for panic attacks (due to the infusion).  After about a month, I realized I may have been experiencing interdose withdrawal and perhaps even tolerance. I couldn't seem to stabilize on my normal dose (0.5) and thought I might just need to start tapering down with the goal of completely getting off. 


June and July were filled with DP/DR, intrusive thoughts, depression, SI thoughts, panic, and continued brain fog which after reading through BB, I know could all be symptoms of the withdrawal.  I seemed to be a little more stable on the 0.5 towards the end of July, but in the past two weeks, I lowered my dose by half (to 0.25) and I think I may have tapered too quickly. I still have some of the listed symptoms above, but mostly now I am suffering from extreme fatigue, intense (all day) headache, nausea, dizzyness, tinnitus, and mental exhaustion. Functioning normally is not even feasible as my energy levels are so low and the nausea is so intense I cant each much and half the time I vomit when I do eat. 


I'm not sure If I should go back up and see if it helps or if that will just make things worse? Should I keep waiting to see if I stabilize or attempt to go back up and start a more proper, slower taper? Also, I am not splitting doses right now, only taking once at night. Should I split up my dosing?


Additionally, if anyone has some words of hope that would be appreciated. I've always been pretty sharp and full of personality and these past 3 months, I've been like a shell of myself, slower (I really worry I won't regain my intellectual abilities), less energetic, sadder, sometimes even lacking emotion at all (if I'm not having a melt down) I can't focus on anything (and if I do it takes an extreme amount of effort). Will I ever feel like myself again? P.S sorry this post is a bit scattered. 




A <3

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Hi @[im...]

Welcome to BenzoBuddies!

I am so sorry for everything you've been through. I know it can be really tough. Making a 50% cut is huge and I'm not surprised you're struggling unfortunately. If your symptoms are rendering you non-functional my suggestion would be to go back to your previous dose. I am not a believer in unnecessary suffering when we know what is causing that suffering. I had to updose twice because my big reductions caused me to become bedridden. After my updoses, I regained functionality, my symptoms stabilized and tapering was better. The decision however remains up to you whether you want to tough it out or go back up in dose. 

Regarding interdose withdrawal and splitting your dose. If you were relatively stable on a single dose before, I suggest you go back to what you did previously and not change your dosing routine yet. You might very well be experiencing interdose withdrawal (most of our members dose Xanax multiple times a day), but I don't think it's wise to change too many variables all at once.  Whether you stay at your current dose or updose, I would not yet split my doses. I think you should try and get some stability and then address the interdose withdrawal. 

I really hope you see some improvement soon. I know how hard it can be. 


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You can follow the liquid titration method for a Xanax taper. It worked very well for me. 1mg Xanax dissolved in 2ml vodka, and then add 98ml water. This makes 100ml. Your .25mg dose would equal 25ml. Your .50mg dose would equal 50ml. You can slowly work your way down. 

I started at 50ml, and then worked my way down slowly. 50ml, 49ml, 48ml, etc. Let your body and symptoms guide you. 

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On 18/08/2023 at 16:20, [[d...] said:

You can follow the liquid titration method for a Xanax taper. It worked very well for me. 1mg Xanax dissolved in 2ml vodka, and then add 98ml water. This makes 100ml. Your .25mg dose would equal 25ml. Your .50mg dose would equal 50ml. You can slowly work your way down. 

I started at 50ml, and then worked my way down slowly. 50ml, 49ml, 48ml, etc. Let your body and symptoms guide you. 

Hi dark, how long did your microtaper take? And did you suffer many wd sxs? I've been on X for about 30 yrs. 3 mgs at my highest dose per day. Now down to .75 , was down to a tad under .5 but bumped back up bc of blood pressure issues that came out of no where. I do have a condition called POTS but don't know if that was the cause of my BP issues or getting so low in dosage. I was dry cutting and going super slow.

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On 22/08/2023 at 14:03, [[T...] said:

Hi dark, how long did your microtaper take? And did you suffer many wd sxs? I've been on X for about 30 yrs. 3 mgs at my highest dose per day. Now down to .75 , was down to a tad under .5 but bumped back up bc of blood pressure issues that came out of no where. I do have a condition called POTS but don't know if that was the cause of my BP issues or getting so low in dosage. I was dry cutting and going super slow.

It took my about 2 months to slowly work my way down to zero. I did feel things during tapering, and even after the withdrawal (tremors, brain zaps, blurry vision, muscle tension, etc). The goal is to work your way down at your own pace and comfort. Some days I cut a little, other days I cut more, and some days I held steady. 

Please note: Increased blood pressure is a symptom of benzo withdrawal. I managed my blood pressure in other ways (increased garlic, increased beets, increased water, and deep slow breathing exercises. 

Keep marching onwards. Don't give up. Don't lose hope.  Every day is a new opportunity. There is a light at the end. 

Deep slow breathing exercises really help. 

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On 26/08/2023 at 17:08, [[d...] said:

It took my about 2 months to slowly work my way down to zero. I did feel things during tapering, and even after the withdrawal (tremors, brain zaps, blurry vision, muscle tension, etc). The goal is to work your way down at your own pace and comfort. Some days I cut a little, other days I cut more, and some days I held steady. 

Please note: Increased blood pressure is a symptom of benzo withdrawal. I managed my blood pressure in other ways (increased garlic, increased beets, increased water, and deep slow breathing exercises. 

Keep marching onwards. Don't give up. Don't lose hope.  Every day is a new opportunity. There is a light at the end. 

Deep slow breathing exercises really help. 

Thank you for responding I appreciate it.

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On 18/08/2023 at 16:20, [[d...] said:

You can follow the liquid titration method for a Xanax taper. It worked very well for me. 1mg Xanax dissolved in 2ml vodka, and then add 98ml water. This makes 100ml. Your .25mg dose would equal 25ml. Your .50mg dose would equal 50ml. You can slowly work your way down. 

I started at 50ml, and then worked my way down slowly. 50ml, 49ml, 48ml, etc. Let your body and symptoms guide you. 

Hi dark another question from a noobie. Why did you use vodka? Personal preference? I don't drink so can I just use 100ml water?

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On 31/08/2023 at 10:59, [[M...] said:

Hi dark another question from a noobie. Why did you use vodka? Personal preference? I don't drink so can I just use 100ml water?

I added a little bit of alcohol to dissolve it. 2ml is such a tiny amount. Then add the 98ml of water to make the 100ml. This is the process that worked for me and my body, and I can only speak for myself. 

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5 hours ago, [[d...] said:

You need a little bit of alcohol to dissolve it. 2ml is such a tiny amount. Then add the 98ml of water. No one can get drunk or tipsy from 2ml vodka. 

Xanax will not dissolve in water, and you will get extremely inconsistent results. Some days you will overdose, and other days you will underdose. Please don't do it.

We have no idea if adding 2mL of off-the-shelf vodka to 1mg of alprazolam tablets fully and completely dissolves all of the API (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient) in the tablet(s).  We also do not know if any API that does go into solution remains in solution when more water is added.  Moreover, dosing accuracy when water-only DIY liquids are used is also unknown at this time. 

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On 01/09/2023 at 15:41, [[j...] said:

We have no idea if adding 2mL of off-the-shelf vodka to 1mg of alprazolam tablets fully and completely dissolves all of the API (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient) in the tablet(s).  We also do not know if any API that does go into solution remains in solution when more water is added.  Moreover, dosing accuracy when water-only DIY liquids are used is also unknown at this time. 

I completely agree with you. This is the process that worked for me and my body. I adjusted my post to highlight this. 

People should do their research and find a plan that makes sense for them. 

I love the fact that I am free of benzos, and I love that I used this liquid tapering plan to great success. 

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@[je...] Thank you for your response! I did updose back to the 0.5mg. The nausea has gotten better. I did have a slight setback with an upper GI procedure and propofol. I still am really struggling during the day. It kind of feels like I have a concussion all the time. Bad headaches and brain fog all day long along with vision issues. I'm not sure what to do because I know most people wait to taper until they are stable. Should I just start tapering? Should I split up my dose to multiple throughout the day? My psychiatrist said I could switch to Clonazepam twice a day to see if that gets rid of interdose withdrawals but Im afraid to make that change. 


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I'm so sorry to hear about your setback. Hopefully you'll recover soon. 

How long have you been back on 0.5mg?

How many times a day are you dosing?

Does your symptoms get worse before you take your dose and then get better after you've dosed?

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@[je...] I’ve been back on for a month almost . I usually only take it once at night. Sometimes I break up the dosage and take either .25 in the morning or .125 in the morning and the rest at night. I feel really mentally exhausted and foggy when I take .25 in the morning though. I’m honestly wondering if going down in dosage will help because I feel really foggy on the 0.5 . Normally I don’t notice if the dose makes me feel better or worse because I fall asleep but I never feel good during the day. I’d love to be able to lift a little of the fog and headache so I can work again. 

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@[im...], I'm sorry I'm going to ask you a couple more questions. It's really important to try and determine what is happening to you, rather than just jumping in with a possible solution. 

Did some of the symptoms get better after your updose - extreme fatigue, intense (all day) headache, nausea, dizzyness, tinnitus and vomiting when eating?

On days when you take your dose once at night, do you feel your symptoms getting worse during the course of the day leading up to your dosing time?

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@[je...] that’s okay! Thank you for your help :) . Um the nausea got better when i updosed. When I went under with Propofol my anxiety and head pain got way worse for like a week. When I take my full dose at night (0.5) I wake up with a headache and brain fog and it last all day. I have anxiety that will sometimes get a little worse maybe closer to my next dose but it’s hard to say. Normally my symptoms don’t worsen throughout the day. Sometimes I even start to feel better in the evening. Today I split my dose and took .25 in the morning and my head pain and fog is really bad and I also feel more anxious. Two days ago I accidentally took a little less than my normal dose then went back up so I don’t know if a really small change in my dose would cause some change in symptoms . I’m worried that I’m kindling every time I dose since I don’t have a consistent amount of it in me during the day. If switching to Valium would get rid of the inter dose withdrawal I would take it but I’m not even sure that’s what I’m feeling or if it would just be easier on my system in general. In the past three months I have been up and down a lot with my dose so I feel like I’m kindled :/

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You don't have to worry about kindling. This is only relevant if you continuously start and stop benzo's. In your case we want to keep a steady dose and I believe if you take the same dose within a 24hr period, we are achieving that. 

It doesn't seem as if it helps you to split your dose, so you might want to stick to evenings only. I'm also not sure if you're having interdose withdrawal, because on days when you take it only at night, you should technically be feeling withdrawal symptoms prior to taking your dose. Since we can't confirm it's interdose withdrawal, I would be hesitant to switch to Valium. Many people say it has a sedating effect, so it might make things worse.

My suggestion would be to only take your dose at night and then start reducing with a percentage you are comfortable with between 5-10%. I do want to add that brain fog and headaches were part of my main symptoms too and unfortunately it did not get better during my taper. I just had to learn to live with it and manage and fake my job as best as I could. I do believe with time it will fully recover though.

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22 minutes ago, [[i...] said:

@[je...] thank you for your advice. I really appreciate it. Did the headaches and brain fog get better after you finished your taper?

Not yet. I'm 9 months off and right after I jumped I started experiencing gut issues along with an increase in these symptoms as well. But these increased headaches, brain fog and head pressure were caused/worsened by gluten intolerance that was only recently diagnosed. It was impossible for me to accurately track my withdrawal progress. From here on out, I will be able to know if these symptoms are getting better because I can control my gluten intake which will not affect my headaches and brain fog anymore. 

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