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Hearing things while falling asleep

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It might have been because I've been taking too much Benadryl for sleep, but do any of you hear things while you're falling asleep? It only happens during that time, and it's all very random sounds. Don't know if it's from the w/d
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I swear I'm not stalking you...your topics just are so familiar to me..."auditory hallucinations"...I know them well..sometimes I would hear a man cough or sneeze in my room and no one was with me...other times it would be just a loud bang...then I would hear whispering...it made me crazy...but I promise it goes away...give it another month, you will see it pass.
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I had this as well early on as well.  It was very weird, also I had alot of old memories pop back into my head.  I was thinking about people I havent had contact with in a long time.  I would swear I would hear whispering or someone calling my name ever so faintly, and yes it seemed to happen more at night time and usually before bed.  It will pass. 



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Yes, I also heard things. There was one time while I was drifting off to sleep, and could sworn a dog was growling. :D By the way, I do have dogs, but they were not even close to the bed.:idiot:
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I've had some of this and some related problems.  I don't hear things all the time, but about every 2-3 times I try to go to sleep, I hear music.  I could swear that there is a radio on somewhere in the house, but I looked the first couple of times and found nothing.


I also had severe hypersensitivity to sound.  I haven't been able to try to sleep in bed with my wife because her breathing sounds like a freight train.  I shut off our cuckoo clock and took the batteries out of every clock that ticked.  The clocks in the basement (2 floors down) sounded like someone was hitting the floor with a hammer and the closer ones were even worse. 

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Are you actually hearing things or is it more in your head?


When my anxiety and depression were really bad I would get songs stuck in my head. The same song would loop over and over and over. Then the song would change and I would be stuck with another song playing over and over for hours on end.


Mine wasn't an actual audio sensation though. I knew I wasn't hearing things. It was more of a "thought", if that makes sense. Mine seemed to stem from my brain triggering its protection mechanisms to try to divert its attention away from the debilitating anxiety and depression. 

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Yeah, you hear things.  or you know FOR sure you think you do.  how dumb was that statement?  But it's true.  I do it when I'm drifting off.  I have heard people several times but I KNOW it's w/d.  audio hallucinations. 


Now there have been times not in w/d in life where I thought I heard someone call my name and there is noone around.  And I could swear they did.  but the two are different and unexplainable.  :crazy: :crazy:

I don't beleive this part is an audio hallucination.  I don't know what the heck it is.  lol.....


No, I'm not crazy, I just feel like it.  lol......

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This happened to my b/f last week, he was listening to relaxation and as he was drifting off heard a monster laughing, he absolutely poohed himself, rang me in tears.

I looked on here and reassured him that all was fine, not had it since though.


Chig xx

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I have auditory hallucinations, but not when falling asleep. I get them out in public and my wife is getting used me asking her what she said when she didn't say anything.


Funny story to go with this: at a friends wedding last week and I could swear I heard one of the guests say they were going for a swim. Mind you this guy was tanked and wearing a suit and tie. This was just odd enough for me to ask if I had heard it and sure enough we watched as he and another guest climbed the gate to the pool, stripped down and went skinny dipping.


And here I was thinking I was really losing it  :thumbsup:

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Wow thanks for the helpful replies everyone, this really put my mind at ease!


It makes all the difference in the world to know for sure that something scary you're experiencing is indeed caused by withdrawal  :)

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I have had this as well.  Not sure if it is actual hallucinations or my hearing just being more sensitive since I am off the benzo's.  For instance, a few weeks ago I heard my phone get a text message when my phone was in our kitchen from my bedroom.  That is almost on the other side of our house.  My wife didn't believe me and checked it and it was a message.  Benzo withdrawal is crazy and you just have to weather the storm!
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I have had this as well.  Not sure if it is actual hallucinations or my hearing just being more sensitive since I am off the benzo's.  For instance, a few weeks ago I heard my phone get a text message when my phone was in our kitchen from my bedroom.  That is almost on the other side of our house.  My wife didn't believe me and checked it and it was a message.  Benzo withdrawal is crazy and you just have to weather the storm!


I totally believe you. I have very brief moments where my sense of smell is practically superhuman. What is really odd is that it is selective. Only "good" smells are amplified and it only happens with a select few of them. Since most of the time it triggers memories I have to wonder if it is my brain zeroing in on the faintest scents in an attempt to help wake itself up.

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Invest in a white noise machine, look them up on amazon.  I put it right next to my head at night. It sounds like rushing wind but since I've used it, sounds dont wake me up



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Here is a free online noise machine (sound soother)  you can pick rain sounds, ocean sounds, wind..of course it plays through your pc/laptop

I have used this since my tinnitus has began. Now I find I can't sleep without it. But for me it works well



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Yes, I hear things sometimes before drifting off to sleep.


I always have, so it's not the Benzo w/d in my case.


I have also woke up and seen people I know, but they say they were never there.


I have got used to it.



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Here is a free online noise machine (sound soother)  you can pick rain sounds, ocean sounds, wind..of course it plays through your pc/laptop

I have used this since my tinnitus has began. Now I find I can't sleep without it. But for me it works well



This is so useful, thanks so much!! I'll definitely be trying this out

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While I was in Detox I got so mad at those young boys playing wrap music on their lap tops outside my window at 10:00 PM every night...only to discover no one was.  Pretty freaky!
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That might freak me out a bit. I get small visual hallucinations, like seeing a beetle in the bed that really isn't there. But no people. Yet. I'll keep a watch for them though - I still have a long way to go to zero...


I have also woke up and seen people I know, but they say they were never there.

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Can handle the hearing things Its the grotesque things that I see that are more upsetting to me. But they have gotten a little better.


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