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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Idk wat to do!!!

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hey im by 14.5 n i know now im hittin my tolerance w/d as ive never had insomnia doing a slow taper,  im at 14.5 i only cut .5 last week and had terrible symtpoms....depression,anxiety,stomache cravings, pain,shaking and now im juss throwing up everyday! idk how i should keep going about my taper should cut 1mg a week till im down to 0 and get it over wit or continue to do this slow taper??? idk i see myself goin into rehab at this rate....im scared of the depression its horrifying! N im feeling nauseous all the time now! please any answers would be helpful! thank you!
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Could you add a signature to your profile so we can understand and help you better?  you can find directions on how to do that at this link;



I'm really sorry you're feeling this bad right now, here is something from the Ashton manual that may help you understand better what may be going on.


Digestive problems. Some people have no problems at all with their digestive systems during or after withdrawal, and may even notice that they are enjoying their food more. Others, perhaps more prone constitutionally, may complain of a range of symptoms associated with "irritable bowel syndrome" (IBS). These can include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, flatulence, gaseous distension and heartburn. Quite a few have found these symptoms so uncomfortable that they have undergone hospital gastrointestinal investigations, but usually no abnormality is found. The symptoms may be partly due to overactivity in the autonomic nervous system, which controls the motility and secretions of the gut and is very reactive to stress, including the stress of benzodiazepine withdrawal. In addition, there are benzodiazepine receptors in the gut. It is not clear what the functions of these receptors are or how they are affected by benzodiazepines or benzodiazepine withdrawal, but alterations in these receptors may play some part in increasing gut irritability.


Considerable loss of weight (8-10lb or more) sometimes occurs in withdrawal. This may be due to a rebound effect on appetite, since benzodiazepines have been shown to increase appetite in animals. On the other hand, some people gain weight in withdrawal. In any case, weight changes are not severe enough to worry about and normal weight is soon regained after withdrawal. A few people have difficulty in swallowing food - the throat seems to tighten up especially if eating in company. This is usually a sign of anxiety and is well-known in anxiety states. Practising relaxation, eating alone, taking small well chewed mouthfuls with sips of liquid and not hurrying make things easier and the symptom settles as anxiety levels decline.


Most digestive symptoms get better after withdrawal but in a few people they persist and become a protracted symptom, raising fears of food allergy or candida infection. These questions are discussed further in the section on protracted symptoms.




Looking back at your taper, I have to congratulate you on how far you've come!

I hope you find relief very soon, try to stay hydrated and maybe eat small frequent meals for awhile till you're better.


Hang on  



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Star i know ive come far but i dont think i can tolerate this anymore mentally....its really gettin to me im goin to the Crisis center here in miami to check out wat they say n how they would get me off this....i am stressed cuz i feel thisis never going to end n ive only been using valium bout a year 4 months taperin mostly for 9 months....i told myself i will continue to taper but if i start to get real depressed and keep thinking bout my cuts and everything im goin go crazy or im scaredc ima hurt myself  :'(...whichi dont think but im juss so scared n shaking as im typing this....
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Benzo depression is horrible I know; and Valium has a tendency to produce it, so you've got two things working against you right now.  If you feel this desperate, then please do what you have to do to help yourself, if only to educate yourself about your options.  Learn what the crisis center has to say, then come here and talk to us about their suggestions, we'll give you the benefit of our experience so you can figure out what you need to do.



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Star- Im still throwing up in the mornings when i have my first meal....im sleepin alot and my anxiet and depression subsided since yesterday....when I took my night dose last night i felt lk i was gettin drugged up its been 9 days since my .5 cut...i was thinkin of reducing another .5 should i go for it or wait a couple more days?? i dont think the nausea will subside idk if its cause of tolerance w/e or not.....but im getting hunger pains and at the same time i wanna throw up???weird...idk wat to do


Pamster- I went to crisis it looks awful to be honest, but they couldnt really tell me anythin unless i got checked out by a medical doctor which i didnt wanna do just incase they kept me in there w.o my consent so i kinda freaked out....idk exactly the treatment they will be giving me but im going find out tomorow prolly

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Hi IwillnIcan,


I just recently experienced the same stomach issues during my tapering and jump off. I had the nausea but it never moved to next stage. Some mornings I wish I could get to the next stage because I thought it would make the symptoms go away. I also had the hunger pains in the morning and it drove me crazy - yes, we have receptors in our guts! It lasted only a few days though and I am glad I hung in there and did not give up.


Do keep us posted and let us know what the Crisis Center suggests.


Hang on, it is part of the withdrawal and your healing!


Take care,




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I read in one of your earlier posts that you have/had H pylori? that may be contributing to your problem, I don't know, I hope your keeping hydrated though. I've read several times that it gets harder once you get to the lower doses, this is stated in the Ashton manual as well. It's always good to be checked out by your doctor so you can rule out anything else and be able to chalk it up to wd. As far as the hospital, they can't keep you against your will.


Another thing I tried was "sea-bands" for nausea, you can get those at a pharmacy or online, those worked for me really well though I never got as sick as you. I'm really sorry you're having such a rough time, this drug is just the worst. I'm hoping you find relief soon  :therethere:



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Just chiming in to throw in my 2 cents about the Sea Bands.  I didn't actually vomit, but I had REALLY terrible nausea.  The Sea Bands worked well for me too!
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Yea ive had the hunger pains since i got around 25 mg but they usually go away after 4 days or so but now its lk they stay wit me in the mornings only! then after i eat i dont get them the rest of the day, im going to see a doctor tomorow so well see.... but im bout to make my next cut soon, still deliberating if im goin to detox first....Yea im drinkin lots of water and gatorade, n i did have H pylori but it was cured and i have/had mild gastritus wit some heartburn....everyone keeps tellin me to go to detox, my friends mom went through it she was abusing high doses of xanax (8-10mg, you can barely understand her how drugged up she was) for year and a half same as me but im at a MUCH lower dose now and she said she had a rough month but then everything started get back to normal, also had a friend who abused xanax for a long time prolly 3 years when into rehab after c/t on his own an had a seizure and came out ok after a couple weeks....but they never did a taper plan or anything just went straight to detox....idk im going see what i do but i think i should detox this already and just man up to be honest lol!
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Yes, I am having some sx from the k jump off but if you read my signature, I did a c/t on ambien two weeks prior to jumping the k.


I can tell you that I am in a different place this week than I was last week. In fact, I turned the music up in the car today! Lately, I had been supersensitive to sounds and lights and could not tolerate loud or moderately loud music. Today, on the way home, I TURNED IT UP! I was actually bobbbibg my head to the beat. It felt so good...had not done this in months. I still have anxiety at night, brought on my heatburn, GI issues but I know that healing will take place in my stomach also. Until then, I do not eat after 7 p.m.


The nausea and hunger pains went away after a few days and so have the intrusive, depressing thoughts. I am not ready to write a success story just yet but every day, is successful!


You can do it too, just stay strong!  :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


Take care,



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Thx lidaboo.... :), Speaking of my friend that went into detox, I just got a letter in the mail right now lol and he was abusing xanax again! for about another couple years, since hes in NC i juss speak to him over the phone.....well he got arrested for xanax and violated his probation which hes in jail now till august....(no wonder i havent heard from him since march  ???) well they detoxed him in jail AGAIN his second detox he tol me he just had the shakes for about 2 months but hes doing ok now (inspiring, knowing how much he abused xanax!) but everybody is different.... I think im really goin go through wit this n get it over wit....i wanna be normal again!  :)
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Be careful.  Not everyone comes out of Detox okay.  I came home from Detox as helpless as an infant and with severe mental and physical w/d sx's.  At 5 months out from my Detox I am still homebound, unable to drive or clean my house, and have about 10-20 w/d sx's a day.  Everyone is different.
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i know preserverance  but im willing to take that chance to get my life back and start healing....ive noticed most  of the people that have gone to detox n came back messed up are people who have been using over 5-10 years...ive only been on for a year n half thats including my taper so hopefully in a couple months ill be ok...im praying to god and i know he'll be wit me through this process i have tremendous faith....im hoping for the best, prepared for the worst.... :-\
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