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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Short Term User (Recovery Question)

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Hi Guys,


I wanted to post this cause I have a feeling a lot of short term users come to read the boards as like me, they realize they are in trouble.

I was on K. for 2 months, and am 4 weeks free of the drug...

The one thing that hasnt left me is this head tightness, Feel drowsy out of nowhere, like in a fog, and a bit slowed down. 

The head tightness moves from around my eyes, to the sides of my head... It's not as bad...

But, I know everyone heals in a diff way, but I am wondering if it's normal that 4 weeks out, after only using it for 2 months, that I should still feel this drug??


Thanks, I am sure this will help other short term users...



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I'm over 5 months off and what you described is how I felt yesterday. Tightness around the front of my head, yawning and drowsiness, brain fog. On top of that I had low grade depression, a little anxiety, and little to no motivation to do anything but play solitaire on my phone or watch tv.


Sucks that you were only on it for 2 months and still have to go through this but it just goes to show how powerful these drugs are.

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LP, I am a short term user and often feel frustrated that these sx are still here! Why don't they just go away! I have the tightness in my head (foggy and dizzy) but more so in my chest. I am still having heart palps from time to time and losing weight even though I eat a good bit. I hate the insomnia because it sets me back mentally and I know my mental strength is what I need to carry me through. I am listening to the therapy CD's, jazz music, inviting friends over to remind me of my life before the k took over. At night is the worst - I almost dread my bed. I started setting up a comforter and sleeping on the floor to keep my husband from having to go through this turmoil with me. He is such a trooper, the other night, he grabbed his pillow and slept on the floor with me. I think that night I slept 5 hours! 


Happy Tuesday - tomorrow is Wednesday and we are off to another day of recovery, right! :yippee:

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I pray you feel better ASAP.  How can doctors keep giving us this crap?? When they know you are only supposed to be on it, no more than 2 weeks????


Lida,  I read your signature.  These drugs are something else right??  You jumped pretty recently from what I am reading... I'm glad your husband is with you on this!

It's hard when the support is not there... I also have the chest tightness and sometimes my heart races... I hope you have cut down on the sugar, it makes it worse for me, and I notice that since Ive cut it out, I feel so much better.


Not sure if a month is too soon even for only being on K for 2 months...



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I used ativan for about a month or two on and off (1 mg) then valium for 7-8 weeks 2mg.  I c/t 19 days ago and still feel terrible.  The mornings are bad--I sleep about 3-5 hours and then the anxiety, stomach problems and breathing issues get me awake and walking the neighborhood.  My brain is foggy and my vision is cloudy until around 2-3.  I am usually dizzy and nausea is a problem.  Later in the day, I have a window and feel closer to normal, with the chest tightness mostly.  And then it starts over again.

I had no idea it would all last this long, but here we are!

So, I doubt at 4 weeks I will be over this--I know what you are going through and hopefully we will both be well or at least be able to get through the next few weeks!

It is tough...


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Hey Shell, its good to have someone to relate too... I feel bad complaining when people have been on these drugs for years and suffer unreal WD, I've had a nice collection of symptoms but avoided the super scary stuff...  I'm here for you shell, we'll compare notes as time goes on!


And well said, "here we are!" lol , I almost have to laugh at my mess... I just wanted to sleep... I truly want to shove K. down the doctor that prescribed this ....



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Hey LP,


My first experience with Xanax was only 6 weeks and I was on a relatively low dose of only .5mg a day. When I quit taking it I had horrid withdrawals that lasted months. I don't think what you are experiencing is abnormal!!



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Hey LP,


My first experience with Xanax was only 6 weeks and I was on a relatively low dose of only .5mg a day. When I quit taking it I had horrid withdrawals that lasted months. I don't think what you are experiencing is abnormal!!




Katie Blue, I was taking ambien and did a c/t because I did not know any better. I had no idea the side effects of an ambien withdrawal. How long did it take to get over the ambien withdrawal side effects?I think I should have waited longer to taper and jump the k. What did you do to get you through the worse days?

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When they talk about chest tightness, does it feel like asthma to you?  Do you have any coughing or congestion...cant figure if I have a cold too and it isnt resolving because of this mess (I do have mild asthma)  Tough day, a little easier night as usual...hard to hear it could be months--I am just shaking my head and trying not to want to kill the doctor too.  Glad I didnt take what was prescribed (6mg/day for 3 months) though.  My son is going to med school.  I am making him read the Ashton Manual (with quizzes) or I am withholding funds for next year.  Not even kidding about that!!
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Hi Shellmac, towards the end of my taper, i got really congested, my eyes were itchy and I felt like I had a cold...

But it was a little diff from the colds ive had, so I knew it was WD.

Maybe it won't be months, everyone is diff Shell, we just have to be patient, today I was losing patience.

Woke up praying I'd be just me... But, then after a while, I get this , sense to be strong and accept what this is and go with the flow... So many lost days already, but life goes on and it's still a gift to be on this planet.


At least now I know who the short time users are!!! We are missing Yram... But I'm glad we made these connections.

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I'm here! Was busy today . . .  seeing my doctor. Yeah, the one who prescribed xanax for me saying it was "very safe."


His take on the whole thing was to remark how sensitive to drugs I am. I've decided to forgive him his part in my addiction. I like him and he has served my family well (except prescribing all of us benzos).


I love the idea of dropping off the Ashton Manual followed by some pop quizzes.  >:D


LP, I've actually said out loud that I consider this addiction a gift. (I found a webpage that describes the difference between addiction and physical dependence and couldn't stomach the thought that someone would soft pedal the HELL we're going through.)


Before my surgery last November, before addiction, I lived a typical Type AAA personality life, trying to live life to the fullest by jam packing every day with activities, goals, etc. I was content but too busy. Well I don't have the energy to live a jam packed life or even a full life yet. I can't even work yet (I'm a nurse and need energy and a clear head when I work). In any case, the pace of my life once I rebuild will be slow.


The sheer unendingness of this withdrawal is impressive, looking at it from a purely scientific point of view. Every day I conscientiously accept my withdrawal, pray for strength and guidance, and try to put together a decent day. WHEN the withdrawal ends, I'll be golden.


But don't we all wish some angel, some genie, some doctor would tell us WHEN it will end? Is that asking too much? Yes, apparently so.


Sorry about the stream of consciousness babbling. I'm having pretty strong withdrawal today with little prospect of good sleep. Night night all. We ARE healing . . .

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Yeah it's tough!  One month on benzos, 7+ weeks off and still suffering - mainly anxiety and gastric but have had a few windows lately two lasting a whole day - so must be getting better!  Hang in there!
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Just wanted to say that I was only on benzo's for 2 months, and I'm still dealing with stuff 6 months out...however I did c/t off a couple of drugs at once so that could be the reason =p  I think if its not too sever at this point, you should hopefully recover soon  :thumbsup:
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Hi All


Actually slept about 7 hours last night--got up 3 times but didnt have as much trouble as usal getting back. This morning, took my withdrawal walk at 6 (I look like a crack addict in the morning), said hi to all the neighbors walking their dogs, and had my friend (a hospice nurse :)) take my blood pressure and heart rate so I wouldnt obsess that I was dying if things got bad today. 


I am expecting a better day today--why not?--fingeres crossed.  There are some positives here.  I am getting a bit better each day--in the one step forward, two back vein.  The condition that I took the drugs for seems like a walk in the park--so as soon as I get better--hopefully my attitude toward that will be more accepting.  Like all of you, I definately learned the downside to medical intervention:)


Got my seabands on--going to pack some lunches and get the kids off to school and then I will walk some more.  Thankfully, I dont have to work right now--got to give so much credit to those of you who have managed to work through this.


Going to fortify myself not to complain to my husband about this today, or ask him a hundred times if he is sure I will get better and am not slowing dying of something else.  I think I have pretty much worn him down--though he is trying.  The brain plays such tricks on you ---the anxiety/depression and in my case the chest tightness and breathing stuff.


I will try not to tell the cashier at the supermarket not to take benzos  --hahaha    I pretty much have told everyone else I know!  Starting to look and sound as crazy as I feel":)  Hope today is a little better day for everyone!




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"Going to fortify myself not to complain to my husband about this today, or ask him a hundred times if he is sure I will get better and am not slowing dying of something else.  I think I have pretty much worn him down--though he is trying.  The brain plays such tricks on you ---the anxiety/depression and in my case the chest tightness and breathing stuff.


I will try not to tell the cashier at the supermarket not to take benzos  --hahaha    I pretty much have told everyone else I know!  Starting to look and sound as crazy as I feel":)  Hope today is a little better day for everyone"


Your post sounds exactly like me!!  I drive my poor husband mad asking if I'm going to be okay (what does HE know?? Lol) and I think everyone I know thinks I am a basketcase when I tell them about my benzo problems.  They just don't get it!!  In all honesty I probably wouldn't have unless I hadn't gone through this hell especially on the short time I have been on them.

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Today--3 weeks into this--woke up not feeling nearly as crappy.  Tired and anxious, but it looks like it might be a managable day.  Tried to ride my bike--the same 4 mile trek I used to run a few months back and was more than a little winded--breathing stuff.


I guess I will keep logging this because every medical provider I talked to said some variation of "this couldnt be withdrawal" or "it should be over in two weeks".... 


At least other people might see that even "short term" use has potentially serious risks....



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Hi there,


In my opinion, any time you use a benzo over 1 week is flirting with trouble. I used them as needed for 4 mos and didn't take them every day until I reinstated after a failed CT and am 15 mos out and still struggling with a couple of things. I think it depends on the person and how their CNS reacts to the medication, genetics and overall health..but I do seem to notice the short term users heal a bit faster and some have less symptoms but that don't mean they will be easy to deal with.



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Hi Guys,


I am trying to understand how benzos can be called a "medicine".  I read through all your posts and I def. realize I am not alone. 

7 weeks on benzo's was enough for me to realize that I was ok before my benzo journey.. Anxiety? Hell, now I know what anxiety is...

Depression? Now I know what depression is! 

the worst part is right before I go to sleep.. I think to myself.. who will I be when I wake up... sigh, never a dull moment with this WD crap...

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Hi Guys,


I am trying to understand how benzos can be called a "medicine".


I agree. This stuff helped me a little for one year, made me miserable and depressed for another three years, and then gave me the gift of WD when I decided enough was enough. This might not be "typical" but I am guessing that it is typical enough that these meds shouldn't be given to the vast majority of people for more than a few days.


7 weeks on benzo's was enough for me to realize that I was ok before my benzo journey.. Anxiety? Hell, now I know what anxiety is...

Depression? Now I know what depression is!   

the worst part is right before I go to sleep.. I think to myself.. who will I be when I wake up... sigh, never a dull moment with this WD crap...


When I was first prescribed clonazepam my Dr asked me if I had ever been depressed, since anxiety and depression often go hand in hand. I told her "nope, never". A year later i was back in her office complaining of depression. Social anxiety? Yea, I had some issues being around people, but now that I have experienced benzo induced anxiety I know what anxiety REALLY is.

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Week 4 and some of the most difficult physical issues are waning--for me it was the stomach issues in the morning and the dizziness in the evening.


I have moments when the anxiety is under control--but still I cant get out from under it.  The neighbor has a very aggressive dog--new to the family--I know under every circumstance this would be a problem....but now I wake up and the very first thought I have is how I am going to stop the dog.  Even in the house, with everyone safe near me, I am freaking out.  So the brain is still a battle.  The tireness is pretty tough now too.  I still am not connected yet--feel like I am not always present. I know I will get better because I am improving.  I cant imagine the courage it takes for some people to take this on without the benefit of any improvement for a really long time.  That is some amazing strength.

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8 weeks out - anxiety, nausea and gastric waning tho' still there under the surface. I still wake up very jittery which wears off once I get up.  I live in Spain but really need to make one of my regular visits to UK to visit my poor Mum who has Alzheimers.  But I still CANNOT do it.  I can't take the thought of a plane journey or any stress as am still feeling delicate.  I am looking forward to getting back to my usual, strong, capable self.  Anyone relate??
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