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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

exercise during withdrawal

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Just asking some people, did anyone find that their anxiety decreased with vigorous activity? Went running yesterday and then on the elipitical.  Felt my anxiety decrease quite abit.  Thanks for everyone's input.



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For me, it's been the opposite effect...but it's worth trying again for me!  lol  I've been holding off and just sticking w/ long walks, but I MISS working out hard.  I'll try some time soon - maybe w/ just 10-15 minutes to start out - and let you know how it goes...but up until now I've found too much strenuous activity only makes things worse for me.  But I'm happy for you!  That is great that you've found something to help - yay!


All the best,


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Me too Schatje.  I used to do aerobics and I too miss it so much!  I also pay the price if I over exert at this point in the w/d process.  I am just now starting to have days where the debilitating fatigue lets up, but I hold back from doing too much out of fear of repercussions.
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Vigorous exercise, when I can do it, helps a lot with anger, anxiety, and frustration.  But the next day I'm wiped out--totally exhausted.  I started brisk walking a couple months ago for about 15 minutes and worked up to a half-hour.  I do it early in the morning when it's still quiet and the birds are singing, and find that it really helps with that nasty morning depression/anxiety.  I have a little orange juice and a spoonful of peanut or almond butter just to put something in my stomach before I set out and I come back from my walk feeling refreshed and clearer in the head.  I only wish the feeling lasted longer!


I joined the YMCA near me a few months ago so I could do weight work, but the thought of being around people in a noisy weight room doesn't appeal to me at all.  It bothers me that I can't get myself to go there because I've lost so much muscle mass from withdrawal.  I used to be in pretty good shape before all this, and now I feel like I'm starting from scratch.  I'm all skin and bone--ug.



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I've worked out hard since one week after CT, whatever state I've been in.  It almost always calmed me down or made me feel much better, occasionally it would make it difficult to sleep for one night.
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I agree with Floridaguy.  I've got zero motivation and energy lately.  I did manage to get some flowers planted this afternoon though.  I'm pretty proud of that actually. :)


Yoga has helped me a lot though - deep breathing and slow kind. I guess it is better than nothing? I just got a brand new bike and I can't wait for my dizziness to pass so I can get outside and ride.


Feel better soon!


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I do it everyday (also a fibromyalgia sufferer)...I look at it as a way to feed the CNS what it's needing. Just overall good practice for mind and body - but seems even more crucial to heal. Just do what you can....evening walking is great  :)
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Hi Everyone,

There are days when I have to drag myself to the gym. There are days when I get to the gym then leave after 30 mins because of complete exhaustion mixed in with some depression and brain fog but I fight through my workouts. Its not easy but I know exercise ALWAYS elevates my mood.

My relationship with exercise kind of parallels my relationship with tapering off Ambien. I have to do it because it is good for me. I need to be discipline about it and it is not easy.

For some of you who have problems sleeping try not to workout at least 3-4 hours of bedtime. Exercise has always keep me sane but now it has been my weapon in helping my body readjust itself.


Keep fighting the good fight!!!!!




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I would be VERY careful with high impact exercise like running if you are having any muscle weirdness at all...I made the mistake of running last fall, when I was nowhere near being ready, I was not IN my body. And i did some damage that I have not yet recovered from and might be permanent.  If you are going to run, i would give yourself MANY days of rest afterwards, to see how your body responds. Elliptical sounds like a great idea, low impact is best till you are CERTAIN That you are fully recovered.  This is just advice I'd give myself circa november 2010, if I could turn back time.
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Hi Clementine,


I also have fibromyalgia - (FM) - and find walking/light exercise does help.  If I overdo it, I am in pain for days.  If I attempt to mow the lawn, it takes me three or four tries and I know I will be in pain within days.


My doctor wanted me to take some medication - can't remember the name of it - and I refused and when I returned to him, I told him I decided to walk and not take the medication and he said I did the right thing.  How is that for a good doctor? (I remember it was lyrica).


Wondering how you deal with your FM and any helpful information you could give me?  I find light exercise helps more than anything....I can't do anything that is strenuous though.


Gail  "This too shall pass"


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Hi'a Gail - I completely understand your struggle....I'll send you a message in regards to the FMS info. I do agree that even light exercise is better then no exercise....took me years to figure that out. Even on the days where I can barely make it up the stairs - I have to find a way to keep going and try to walk a bit.
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I agree with most of you. Light exercise good; strenuous exercise bad. Walking around the lake behind my home is wonderful. It's about a mile and although I don't walk briskly, I walk at a comfortable clip and I feel so relaxed afterward. Stretching tense muscles after a walk does wonders for me.


I've tried more intense workouts and found right after I felt very relaxed but the next day I was completely exhausted.

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There's some good and some bad in aerobic exercise, e.g., running (or just walking fast).


You probably know the good stuff (time is short; had to scan to reply), so here's the not-so-good: fat cells store a lot of stuff, including residual benzos, metabolites thereof, and so on. Aerobic exercise liberates those substances from the cells and into the bloodstream. I'm guessing that there's some effect on your taper. Mine, I'm gonna do some anaerobic--lifting--exercise this afternoon.


Good luck, tho. I look forward to losing some weight on this thing, a pleasant side effect.

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Hi Clementine,


I received your message and answered and said "good luck on tapering" not realizing you are benzo free.


We watched a show this morning with Betty White on it and they asked her if she exercised and she said "I have a two story house and a bad memory so I go up and down the stairs a lot".  Me too....I had to laugh at that.


I worked in the yard a lot today as like to plant flowers.


Feel better.



Gail    "This too shall pass"



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We watched a show this morning with Betty White on it and they asked her if she exercised and she said "I have a two story house and a bad memory so I go up and down the stairs a lot".


So funny but so true!

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