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A variety of chest issues...other people's experience?

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Today, I have been off benzos for exactly three weeks.  Chest problems and a combination of vertigo and fuzzy vision are my most difficult symptoms at this time.  The chest symptoms are the most complicated because they take a number of forms:


-Sharp, brief rib pain on the left and right sides.

-Ribs and breastbone/sternum sore to the touch in specific areas (similar to costochondritis, possibly).

-Tightness in my chest that makes me feel I cannot breathe (worst when standing up, for some reason).

-Becoming easily winded with even very little physical activity.

-A sore spot in my abdomen that is just below my sternum that contributes a feeling I have been punched in the stomach (my theory on this one is that the dense network of nerves in my solar or celiac plexus is way over-stimulated due to withdrawal, and I am getting the "having the wind knocked out of me" feeling, as a result).


I have read in Chapter III of the Ashton Manual about some of the effects on the muscles, but it doesn't go into any detail about the ribs, breastbone, solar plexus, etc, so I thought I would ask about other people's experience with these symptoms.


For some background, back in January I had a cardiac stress test, an echocardiogram, and an ECG.  Late last year, I also had x-rays of my lungs.  Nothing was found to be wrong.  I eat well, and I am in pretty good physical shape, so most of these symptoms are surely due to this horrible withdrawal, despite their attempts to trick me into thinking something else is going on!


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Hi argent.


As you have already undergone a variety of tests, I would say that what you are dealing with is all withdrawal related; however, if you are concerned, it would always be best to check with a medical professional. 


When I was tapering I too had to deal with a lot of pain, tightness and discomfort in my chest.  I had all of the same tests as you  and got the all clear, and now that I am 11 months benzo free all of those symptoms have totally disappeared.

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During my first 3 months I felt like my torso was being squeezed and it was very difficult to breath.  That has decreased dramatically since I hit month 4.  However while I was waiting for my ride outside the dentists office today I was walking around the parking lot and noticed I was easily winded.  Probably w/d.  I guess I'll just have to wait and see!
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I have had a variety of chest issues...both in c/t and all through my taper.  During c/t and the first part of my taper I had a consistant sharp pain in the same spot in my right lung.  It was made worse when I took a deep breath.  I went to the ER and they checked for blood clots and I was fine.  They said it was most likely pleurisy (inflamation in the lung).  This went away but I noticed it was back a bit when I had my most recent bad wave.


I have suffered shortness of breath and a feeling like there is an elephant on my chest.  This can be mild to panic inducing.  It has even been to the point that I have had stridor on inhale (a little "eep" or whistle sounding wheeze).  This has gradually started to ease up as I am getting close to the end of my taper.


I thought this was left over from my bout of bronchitis and mild pneumonia in Jan, but now believe this is all benzo w/d related.  No fun!



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I have experienced pains in my chest too. I have a sore spot on my right ribcage that is tender to the touch. A few days ago I had a strange pain sensation on both sides of my torso (chest height) when I inhaled. Some days I feel like there is a pain in my lung too. I googled this and although I couldn't find a mention of it being benzo related, it does seem to be somewhat common and innocuous. Always best to get it checked out though.



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I have been having chest pain today along with rib pain and feeling like I can't take a deep breath.  I also have constant dizziness and balance issues.  Finding BB has kept me from running to the ER everytime something scary happens.  I hope you get feeling better soon.  We are all in this together.
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I have a tightness in my chest and a feeling of tight rubberbands from the middle of my chest to my shoulder blades.  I am very easily winded and feel like I am having difficulty breathing--almost like asthma.

I get my neighbor to check my lungs periodically and they are clear.


It is pronounced in the morning and gets better through the day...but keeps returning.



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