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Breaking the morning cycle

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I came across this old post (below) -- i can't seem to find the link, but it reminded me that I used this technique years ago when I was stuck in a cycle of morning anxiety.  Please read what this unknown author wrote.  I would like to try this technique again because I am once again stuck in a cycle of morning anxiety.  The problem is that I can't think of something that would be mentally engaging and distracting enough to totally take my focus off the anxiety.  As far as exercis goes, the most my body can handle write now is walking, but it's ofter not distracting enough.  Does anyone have any suggestions for other activities that migh be distratcting (unfortunately, I wake up around 5 am)?  



"When I first began tapering I would wake up with the worst anxiety. I would start the cycle of panic attack after panic attack as soon as I would wake up in the morning. It got sooo bad that I had to take a month off of work.


I DREADED waking up in the morning. I would sit there heart racing, sweat pouring off of me, thoughts racing..this would last for HOURS and HOURS every morning. Finally I said to myself "I can't let this beat me down every day".  So I started forcing myself to go work out or go for a walk as SOON as I woke up. Sure, it was soo hard to get up and move while feeling that way. But you know what, within about 3 or 4 weeks I had broken the cycle!! I noticed the panic attacks were not there as soon as I opened my eyes.  They were getting fewer and farther between. I kept walking daily, and within a month or two they were gone!


I finally figured out, I was "feeding" the anxiety in the morning by sitting there and fighting it as it ashed over me. Instead you just have to get out of your head and live your life like the anxiety is not even there. It's one of the hardest things I did (pretending like its not there)  but it worked to break that cycle."



Edit: Removed yellow color, it was impossible to read, and replaced it with italics.


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I have tried excersizing and the thing that hinders me is the anxiety doesnt subside it tends to get worse, for example I get on an ellipticle machine and as soon as I start running my chest and abdomen tense up so bad it makes it really difficult or say if I go walk I might have tension in my neck shortly into the walk, anyone else??
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Trying not to be jealous.  Still having trouble walking out to my mail box (we have an extremely looong driveway)!
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I am trying to think of anything I can do -- not necessarily exercise -- that would thoroughly distract me. 


As you know, if you wake up expecting anxiety attacks or other symptoms, well that is what you will get because your brain gets in a bad habit of thinking these things.  Uuuuggghh! -- I want to break this cycle of thinking this way.


Any thoughts?

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I eventually was able to manage low impact exercise during my taper.  At first, it made revved me up a little, but then I noticed I felt better and better.


You could try starting out just walking 10 minutes per day.


The other thing I would do when I first woke up with that adrenaline surge is log on to Benzo Buddies or one of my cooking forums.  It was a great distraction :)

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I too have had a re-occurrence of morning anxiety with lots of lightheaded and dizzy feelings. It gradually has gotten worse since I stopped exercising like I did earlier when I had initially got off the xanax. At that time, exercise played a major part in helping me get to feeling better and get the up-and-up on the morning anxiety. I felt much like dedwards when I first started, but just kept pushing until I got better.


Unfortunately, I stopped working out like that because my routine was changed up; I'm now getting back to exercising and believe it is going to help me once again. This mornings anxiety, lightheaded, dizzy, and negative thoughts are tough.


Let's just keep on hanging in there; we ARE going to make it! Help us Lord Jesus  :thumbsup: 


Sir William

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