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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

So glad to have found you...... already helping, don't fell so alone anymore.


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Hello everyone, under doctor supervision I went from 40 plus mgs of Diazapam a day for over a year, plus Hydrocodone 10's five or six times a day for treatment of a brain injury. So....... hydro was no problem to kick.

A month of crying hoplessly all day as I tapered off. Got that under belt and went after the Diazapam. Created a taper plan, (at this point had no idea!!!) that took me from 40 mg's plus a day, to zero in THREE WEEKS!! You can guess what happened. Long story short, several trips to various E.R.s, a trip to a shrink??? And finally hooked up with a Doc who understood what the hell was going on. Been Benzo free for 18 months. Taking 2400 mg's Gabapentin, 80 mg's Propranolol, and 15 mg's Remeron for sleep. Now....... I finally know that I am not crazy. Doc tells me no side effects from meds when prescribed, as I am trying to taper off I now find out others are feeling the same as me on these drugs, Thank God!! Had a wave today and it damn near killed me.... first one in over a month. Sure got the obsesive thoughts, glad to hear not alone on that one!!! But it kinda took me for a loop, been cutting back on the Gaba, and I think I went to fast. Just want off this stuff, so I had a Benzo like attack, was or is it still Benzo related or am I know dealing with a new monster the Gaba!! Just damn glad to have found you. I am feeling better after just browsing the posts. I can relate ya'll. Hang in there!! Every window is a promise of better days. Actually had a week of total calm and total peace recently, I know that I will one day live life every day like that, just hang in there, 18 months and counting........ what a journey. Never been a patient person........until now!! KEEP THE FAITH YOU WILL GET BETTER.

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Hi onward, Welcome to BenzoBuddies!


Wow, you had a rough journey and it doesn't look like it's over yet, but you're getting there.  It takes a long time to heal from the benzo's, especially when practically going cold turkey.  Hopefully you can get off the rest of the meds without too much pain, but I hope you'll take it slow and only taper one at a time. 


Please ask questions, we're here to help.



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Hi onward


Congratulations for being benzo free! There are quite a few of us cold turkey's here and we know how you feel. I was given Gabapentin as well, some have a hard time getting off, but you seem like you're doing pretty good. Nothing like finding out the hard way with these drugs hu?  


Glad you found BenzoBuddies, lots of information here, welcome aboard :)




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Thanks for the welcome y'all, very glad to be here with you. Finally folks who know what it can be like when its at its darkest, there is a certain comfort in knowing you ARE not alone. I have tried to explain to family what it feels like, no words..... lots of good days, even weeks recently. Then a wave, grrrrrrrr. But it was short, intense but short, few hours and then I was Fine. Beat up but fine. Rest of day has been good. The waves do get less frequent the farther out you get from DAY1. They can vary in intensity, depending on other triggers non benzo related. I find when other people are anxious I draw off that and then I get the full treatment. I find with the Gaba I tend to dwell on things, weird, obsessive thoughts, so I dwell on things that then create anxiety and it can very quickly snowball into an attack. Silly things that in the bigger scheme of things don't matter, yet they create such terror in you. Yup.... you know what I mean I'm sure. We focus on the good and hold on thru the bad, onward is the only choice. Thanks again for the welcome. Glad to here from all of you, wish it was under other circumstances... but we shall play the cards we have been dealt hey? Cheers.
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You've learned a lot about what this does to you, and how you have to deal with it, I can't believe you've been alone up to now.  I didn't find BenzoBuddies until 5 months past my cold turkey, I had no idea what was happening to me and how long it would take to get well.  I used to try to describe it to family too, but words can't describe the horror and the agony.


We're glad you're here.  :mybuddy:

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