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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Intrusive thoughts

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Was wondering if anyone here has a problem with horrible thought patterns, sometimes I get these really evil, nasty intusive thoughts that I can't control.  They start to make me worried.


Does this eventually go away??  I don't want to have to deal with this for the rest of my life....

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I have had some pretty wicked thoughts, and indeed it is withdrawal.

When I say wicked, yes.. I do mean intrusive.

From what I have read.. yes it goes away.


I'm still tapering, and doing pretty well.


Hopefully others will weigh in ;)


I know those intrusive scary thoughts.



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I had them during my first month of withdrawals, they were indeed wicked. I didn't let it bother me because I knew that it had to be withdrawal related, as I never had these terrible thoughts before benzos, and thankfully I don't have them anymore!
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kd35...Hello there....


I hated those intrusive thoughts they were very creepy..

But they didnt last im real good on the mental sxs dont have any.. anymore...wheew

Dont get to worried You know YOU...dont let these sxs play or mess with ur mind!!!


hang in there..

Your friend  :) Jenny

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Yes, I also had the horrible intrusive thoughts for a long time beginning during my taper .  The thoughts were relentless at times , very bizarre in nature and contrary to who I thought I was.  At times it's like you almost feel possessed.  It was almost obsessive thinking at times, thoughts of the past that I thought were healed and over, jealous thoughts, mad thoughts etc.  etc.  They were never good thoughts though.  This just seems to be one of those horrible manifestions of benzo withdrawl for some reason. Fortunately it does go away and later when you think of any of these thoughts that bothered you so much during withdrawl they will not bother you at all.  You will think to yourself "why did that upset me so much".  It is best if you don't pay all that much attention to them and realize that they are not true .  If you can distract yourself that is of great benefit.  I found that getting lost in a book or listening to music or watching a sitcom helped alot.  Hang in there,  this does go away.  Ginia

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The dark thoughts suck but they eventually go away. Mine were worst when I had really bad depression and anxiety. Now I rarely have them even on "bad" days and I don't get them at all during windows.
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Those intrusive thoughts are truly awful and frightening.  They vary in nature for me too.  I started having them after about a year on benzos and didn't make the connection.  I wasn't making too many connections while on benzos.  The fog is starting to lift as I reach the end of my taper, but I still have intrusive thoughts although not as consistently as before.  So my point is that it does get better.  Hang in there.



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I have these too.They can interfere with a productive day.Stress increases,blood pressure increases and they make me loose focus.
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Yes, I also had the horrible intrusive thoughts for a long time beginning during my taper .  The thoughts were relentless at times , very bizarre in nature and contrary to who I thought I was.  At times it's like you almost feel possessed.  It was almost obsessive thinking at times, thoughts of the past that I thought were healed and over, jealous thoughts, mad thoughts etc.  etc.  They were never good thoughts though.  This just seems to be one of those horrible manifestions of benzo withdrawl for some reason. Fortunately it does go away and later when you think of any of these thoughts that bothered you so much during withdrawl they will not bother you at all.  You will think to yourself "why did that upset me so much".  It is best if you don't pay all that much attention to them and realize that they are not true .  If you can distract yourself that is of great benefit.  I found that getting lost in a book or listening to music or watching a sitcom helped alot.  Hang in there,  this does go away.  Ginia


I would say everything that ginia said but would add the thoughts also kept challenging my christian beliefs.  They ended for me during my 3rd month off benzos - and my faith withstood the mental pounding from Satan himself!



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My intrusive thoughts happen at night for some reason... Two nights ago, I kept thinking (I think I was half asleep, it felt like i was awake but now I think I was sleeping somewhat) that I was still tapering off of K.  I have been off 18 days,  :D Suddenly I sort of "woke Up" and said to myslef, " you are no longer tapering Luis" and I was able to push them back a bit...

I had them more when I was tapering but since I've been off , this was the first time since i jumped that I had thoughts that I could not control.  It does goes away, as I used to have them more often.  Again, for me it was always at night, but we all can say that it goes away in time....


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Was wondering if anyone here has a problem with horrible thought patterns, sometimes I get these really evil, nasty intusive thoughts that I can't control.  They start to make me worried.


Does this eventually go away??  I don't want to have to deal with this for the rest of my life....


oh, I had plenty of that but it all went away way before I got off benzos a few days ago.  All symptoms go away in the end, and many before the end.


Just look at it this way, the fact that these thoughts are disturbing is a *good* sign.  If these thoughts ever seemed like a good idea, that's when it's time to worry.  ;)


But, by the very definition of the way these intrusive thoughts work, it is not within their mechagnism to ever seem like a good idea.  The way that they come into being is as a thought that would horrify you.  That's it plain and simple.  It can never seem like a good idea to you because your brain is only chosing things that it knows are deeply distressing to you.


Anyway, what I've always said during this entire process is, "It's ok to think nutty thoughts as long as you know they're nutty!".  There are so many thoughts during all of this that you have absolutely no control over having, whether it's thinking how worthless you are or worrying endlessly about your future, but as long as you can recognize it as artificial and not really what's you and as only *temporary*, it's unpleasant but completely do-able to get through.


Best of luck!



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But, by the very definition of the way these intrusive thoughts work, it is not within their mechagnism to ever seem like a good idea.  The way that they come into being is as a thought that would horrify you.  That's it plain and simple.  It can never seem like a good idea to you because your brain is only chosing things that it knows are deeply distressing to you.



That's a really good insight.  I've got to re-read and remember this when it gets bad.  My problem is that I tend to believe that the stuff is true, because my brain chooses stuff that scares me that I'm afraid might be real or possible.  Or else makes me doubt stuff that I find comfort in or would like to have faith in.  It's like I'm gullible to believe stuff that is scary or depressing, and skeptical to believe in stuff that is positive and affirming.  Most of my intrusive thoughts have to do with my DP/DR symptoms.  It's like I have a mad philosopher up there, obsessing on all these deep existential questions, and I wish it would shut the heck up.  I also get my worst fears thrown up in my face over and over again, along with frightening memories and really screwy mental stuff.  Well, maybe after all of this is over,  I won't be scared of much anymore, because I'll be so used to tuning out all these negative thoughts.  Here's hoping, anyway.

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The intrusive thoughts....and all the mental garbage, seem to be a part of the healing.  We can't choose what we would like to think, or certainly our thoughts would be happy ones.  What bothers me, is that some of these thoughts seem so real, and they are so confusing.  My emotions are taking a beating, as I try to sort out the thoughts.  I feel like I must be a bad person, because of feelings of jealousy, anger, self pity, doubt.  I have never felt so jealous, in all my life....and that emotion fuels other emotions....and certainly causes stress.  This is all indeed, mental garbage....that seems to place a burden on my brain....like my brain is so preoccupied with negative thoughts, and too exhausted to deal with day to day normal thinking.  :o

This too shall pass.


Sunny girl

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When I was having those intrusive thoughts from SATAN HIMSELF I would put a Positive affirmation CD in my walkman to go on the counter attack!
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Hello Everyone,

I did experience all of the above with Ambien but once I started tapering off those thoughts started shifting. As mentioned in my other forums I feel a heaviness leaving me. Be gentle on yourself. Do things to distract yourself . I make it a priority to exercise at least 4 days a week even if it means a short walk , it ALWAYS lifts my mood and helps to clear out the brain fog.


"This too shall pass"


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I'm almost on month 5 of being off Ativan and my mind is still racing with those nasty intrusive thoughts.  It's much better than it was before, but I feel like I keep getting stuck in a loop of negative thinking and worrying.  I find it very difficult to concentrate and to just be still without my mind gravitating to the negative OCD-like thinking. 
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Its the visions I have when I close my eyes that I hate. (and the intrusive thoughts of course)

It seems to be when I am just drifting off to sleep and I have these sick weird things float past. They are not as groutesque as they where at the begining of all this but still pretty scarey


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Was wondering if anyone here has a problem with horrible thought patterns, sometimes I get these really evil, nasty intusive thoughts that I can't control.  They start to make me worried.


Does this eventually go away??  I don't want to have to deal with this for the rest of my life....


I  hope you feel better.  The intrusive thoughts are the worst.  They are scary.. Mine now come and go.. Yours will too. hang in there. Luv, mishi.  Are you tapering... I am maybe that is why this happens.. it is suppose to go away.  Good luck

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