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Losing weight fast need advice

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I have lost about 50 lbs over the past year.  My thyroid was ok last time he checked, so I wondered if this is a symptom of benzo tolerance.  I haven't started to taper yet.  I am getting scared and need something to help me gain some pounds.  Anyone know of a good nutritional drink that can help me put on some weight.  I went to the health food store today and they all had so many ingredients, I didn't know which would be safe for us during withdrawal.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



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I have lost about 50 lbs over the past year.  My thyroid was ok last time he checked, so I wondered if this is a symptom of benzo tolerance.  I haven't started to taper yet.  I am getting scared and need something to help me gain some pounds.  Anyone know of a good nutritional drink that can help me put on some weight.  I went to the health food store today and they all had so many ingredients, I didn't know which would be safe for us during withdrawal.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.




Hi Shiloh,


I lost 44 lbs when I was in tolerance, I couldn't keep weight on either so it very well could be the benzos. I don't know about the weight gain drinks, someone may come and chime in on that, but I just tried to keep something in my stomach every couple hours just to stay level.



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Thanks Star, at least I now know what the possible cause is. 


Meljo,  I was just like you all my life; I struggled to keep off and lose the weight.  Never in a million years did I think I'd be asking for advice on how to gain. 


Maybe I'll just try to eat more high fat foods for a while...I've been so depressed about all this,  I just haven't had the desire to eat.



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If you want a lot of control over what you are eating and how many calories you are getting pick up some Designer Whey powder and use that as a base to make your own protein shakes.


I start with one scoop each of Designer vanilla and chocolate (they also have strawberry), which adds up to 200 calories, 4 grams of fat, 6 grams of carbs, and 36 grams of protein. That's a good, clean base to start from and it tastes decent on its own, but I also add one serving of powdered milk which adds another 80 calories, 12 grams of carbs, and 8 grams of protein and makes it taste even better. You can also use liquid milk instead of water and powdered milk. Skim would be the same as powdered, or 2% or whole if you want more calories and a richer taste.


I drink the above as a meal replacement. If you are trying to gain weight you will probably want to add peanut butter, heavy cream, or some other ingredient(s) that is high in fat and tastes good with the shake. You can really pack one of these with calories if you need to put on pounds or retain weight.


If that is too much work (it really isn't, especially if you have a little rocket blender, but I know WD is tough...) you can buy the pre made weight gainer that already has the calories mixed in. I like to have a lot of control so I prefer to start with a powder that is low in carbs and fat and a lot of the higher calorie products are too rich for my taste but you will have to try a couple to see what works for you.


If you go the pre made weight gainer route you might want to ask the employees at the health store for something that is low in sugar and doesn't have a bunch of amino acids or other stuff in there. I'm not aware of any evidence that aminos cause issues in WD, but when I realized I was in WD I quit taking them just in case. Best to start with something as basic as possible that still allows you to get the calories you need.



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just eat real food.  you don't need supplements.


eating extra protein won't add body weight unless you are working out to build muscle, similarly a high fat/protein diet won't add body fat as readily as a diet higher in carbs would.


Are you dangerously underweight?  How much do you want to gain?  Can you work out?


There are myriad reasons why you could be losing weight, from altered hormones, faulty insulin response  to malnutrition caused by a disrupted digestive system.



How many calories are you taking in a day?  Do you know what your basal caloric requirement is?


Of course there is so much more to health and nutrition than simply getting calories.

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I'm having the same problem.  I've lost about 12 lbs. since starting the taper, which doesn't sound like a lot but I only weighed 110 at the outset.  I'm 5' 4"--pretty thin.  When I run into people who haven't seen me in over a year the first thing they say is how thin I am.  I know a lot of people suffer the other way, trying to lose weight, but being really thin can make you feel just as unattractive as being overweight.  At 52 I feel like I've become a scrawny old lady--not pretty.  My clothes just hang on me; I no longer have any kind of figure.  I also have lost muscle mass which is making me look even skinnier.  I know this is from benzos and the inability to exercise for about a year.  I've just recently started to feel like I can handle exercise again although I'm really weak.


For myself, I would be concerned about the sugar content in those powdered drinks as well as the nutritional value.  Like another member said, it might be best to just try and eat good healthy food.  I have not felt real hunger in over a year, but I make myself eat lunch and dinner along with some snacks in between like nuts, cheese, etc. to keep the blood sugar as even as possible.  Breakfast is the hardest to get down, but I usually manage orange juice and a slice of buttered toast.


Much luck to you,



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I could not gain an once no matter what I ate while I was in benzo tolerance.  Before benzos I would gain weight just looking at food.  But 10 years into taking benzos I suddenly lost my appetite and the weight started falling off.


At first I was thrilled to get into increasingly smaller sizes.  But as the weight kept dropping off, I began to get scared.  Suddenly I didn't look 'thin' anymore, I looked 'sick.'  My veins became very visible through my skin, my muscles wasted away, and my skin on my knees and face began to sag horribly.  At 5'6" I was struggling to maintain 100 lbs.


My GP referred me to gastric specialists who ran the entire gambit of tests on me.  With everything coming back negative they sent me to Cleveland clinic.  No one could figure out why this was happening.  My GP (who incidentally I later fired) began accusing me of being anorexic.  On one visit he even threw in bulimia, and proceeded to question me like I was in an interrogation.  I left in tears.  I knew he had given up on trying to find out the cause of my weight loss.


People in public places started whispering and making comments about my appearance.


The worst was when I weaned of my AD Prozac.  I couldn't keep food down because of the w/d sx's and anything I managed to eat came out as diarrhea.  I dropped another 10 lbs, maybe more.  I stopped weighing myself at 90 lbs.  During this it struck me how super important it is to have weight on you.  If you don't have anything to fall back and you become ill, you are in serious trouble.  My husband persuaded me to go to the ER to get a feeding tube inserted.  They gave up after 3 tries to get the pic line in, I was too skinny to even get a feeding line put in.


This story has a happy ending.  While I still don't have an appetite, I have been forcing the food in.  And magically after my CT off benzos for the first time in 10 years, I am steadily gaining weight back.  If I had only known it was the benzo!

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Thanks for the protien shake idea;  I have some powder and will give it a try.  I know how you all feel, when I see someone I know they all look at me like I'm about to die.  Maybe I am.  I really wonder if I am going to survive this.  I have so little to draw on both physically and emotionally.
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Keep the faith Shiloh.  I came back from 90 lbs and currently look so much better and feel stronger at 114 lbs.  It will happen.  Just make sure that whatever you eat is super healthy and take vitamin supplements if you can.  I am with you!
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I will be happy to donate 50 pounds to any one here in need  :thumbsup:    I workout like crazy...sweat...lift weights...walk ..run...and in 3 months now. I have lost 1 pound !!!!!!!!!!  :pokey:    Shoot I will even go for giving ya 60 !!!!!  Then I will be like I was in high school !!!  :smitten:
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just eat real food.  you don't need supplements.


From the tone of her post it sounded to me like just eating more wasn't working or wasn't an option. Shakes are a good way to get calories that you normally couldn't get through eating solid foods. Much easier to take down a 500 calorie shake as opposed to solid foods when your body is telling you that you don't need to eat any more.


And yes, carbs will probably pack on the weight a little faster but any kind of calories should in theory can help you gain weight. If you are lifting weights and eating protein the excess calories should translate to muscle gain, but if you aren't working out your body should see that extra protein just like it would carbs and fats. I say SHOULD because it seems like there is more at play during benzo WD so who knows....but everything else equal the body doesn't automatically allocate all proteins as waste product if your body doesn't need it to repair muscle.


Not to mention that shakes are a healthy and fairly inexpensive way to get some added nutrition.

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I am with Florida Guy. I bought rice and pea protein during my taper and mixed with almond milk.


Meljo..lol..you and I are in the same boat. When I first went into w/d I couldn't eat. Swallowing food made me dizzy. I lost ten pounds in no time. Then I gained 30...o_O and I CANNOT get the excess off no matter what I eat or how I exercise.


Wishing you much better, Shiloh. I'm glad others have had the same experience and can reassure you.

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I also dropped about fifteen percent of my body weight while tapering.  I had no appetite but made smoothies every day with my vitamix.  Lots of fruit veggies, whole fat yoghurt and ice.  I also ate lots of nuts.  We keep bowls of nuts on the counter in our kitchen as snack food...walnuts, cashews, almonds...and also figs and dates.  I think if you keep these around and available and have frequent small snacks and meals it is very helpful.
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Hi Shiloh....I'm a mom of 2 and also lost 20 lbs in 3 months. I couldn't eat a thing. But as the taper went down the appetite came back up. I did also use a higher protein diet. Seems to make sense if for no other reason then to help the body along with some energy. ready made protein smoothies from your grocer. I would also try to "indulge" in higher fat content foods too - ice cream was one of them (yogurt, etc). My kids liked that I was eating it with them too - they felt like the "old mom" was back. I tried to look at it as a comfort food cause....a way to be kind to myself instead of recognizing the urge like I needed to vomit anytime I saw a meal near me. One bite at a time...many times through out the day. Hang in there  ;)
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but if you aren't working out your body should see that extra protein just like it would carbs and fats.


It doesn't work like that, protein will be the last energy source broken down to be used as "general fuel", this only happens when other sources (glycogen and lipids) have run dry, otherwise it is used for muscle and organ repair.  The ATP PC energy system only fuels "spontaneous events. 

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Florida guy, 


Do you know how many extra ingredients are in the Designer Whey protien?  I googled and couldn't find anything.  I have heard that some extra ingredients ie supplements are not good for us, so want to be careful.  I have some MSM whey and it has a bunch of amino acids added.  Is this ok?


The smoothies sound good.  I  also like that they are easy and no cooking involved.  Maybe can even get my kids to drink them.



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Hey u will be ok... My hubby Ron has lost 32 lbs.  started putting a few on at end of taper, gastro stuff started from wd's.. wgt loss again started.. then things stabled when he got off.. then 3 wks later benzo belly set in, gastro problems bigtime again. wgt loss started again.  has had a "few" windows... began gaining a few lbs again.. then back to step one.  It will all end for him and you when your system heals.. try not to worry about it...  Pattylu
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Hi Shiloh:


Looks like you got some good ideas.  Could I please ask that you add a signature line?  It helps others in responding to posts.





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I just checked the ingredients list and the Designer powders do have added glutamine and a couple of other aminos, but I have no problems with it. Keep in mind that you are consuming amino acids when you eat normal foods- your body needs them. There are some powders out there that have all kinds of stuff added though. You probably wouldn't have any issues with most of them either but I would keep it as simple as possible just in case.


Here's a link to the designer website I found. There is a link part way down the page that shows the nutritional stats


I have a little single serving blender that I use to mix up my shakes. It takes just a few seconds and you can drink it right from the blender cup.


As far as getting kids to drink it that might be possible but since it doesn't have a lot of fat and carbs it isn't going to be rich and creamy mixed with water alone. You can use whole milk (almond milk might even work) or add some heavy cream to make it taste more like a milkshake. Toss in some fruit and you have something that most people would like.


Edit:  Deactivated commercial link



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If you want something even simpler, you can check your local Whole Foods or Trader Joes. My rice protein had nothing but rice in it
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The only problem with rice protein is that it isn't a complete source of protein so it wouldn't provide all of the essential amino acids that an egg or whey protein would provide. If you are getting enough whole foods this won't be an issue but just like with eating beans or oatmeal you will have to consume other foods in order to get all of the amino acids your body can't produce on its own.


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