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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Passing out??

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I've had a hundred test and everyone was benzo related. I also know that the trazadone I take can make you faint or get swimmy headed. Has anyone actually fell completely to the floor and not be able to call out for help? I'm nervous over this and scared. Any ideas are welcome.

Thanks for listening, Linda

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So all of the tests you have had done have come out normal? It sounds very likely that this is a side-effect or withdrawal of the medications you are taking.  Valium itself can be very sedating as well as trazadone.  Couple those sedative effects with benzo withdrawal symptoms such as dizziness or feeling lightheaded and it is no wonder why you get close to passing out or actually do.


Have you been eating ok and staying hydrated?

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Crono makes a good point. It very well could be the medications coupled together.


I have felt like I was going to pass out, Linda.. but I never did.



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Thanks S#,


I'm happy you posted to me. I can't say if I blacked out or not. It was like twilight or something. I know that when I went down, it was instant. I crumbled like a sack of rocks and totally out of my control. Just plain weird!

I am gonna err on the side of it being because of the drugs and tapering. I will say that if it is the taper, I pray that no one EVER feel this!


Love ya my buddy!


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I got up, went to the bathroom and my head started spinning. It got worse as I tried to make it back to bed. When I hit the door frame of the bath, my legs completely buckled and I went down.......hard. I just lay there trying to speak and couldn't. I may have laid there for 5 minutes or two hours, I don't know. When I felt strength come in me, I pushed myself up and landed on the bed. I went out after that. The next day, I went to Sears with hubby to just check a price. When I stepped on the escalator, my legs buckled again but hubby caught me. I was to weak to be in the place. Today, I was fine.


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I have had that feeling. I know what you're talking about. When I first c/o to Valium.. I felt the legs buckling up. I was under a blanket of fatigue and just tired all the time. It may be the valium catching back up with you.

Do you think you should see your doctor for this?


One day I was walking around in my living room, talking with a friend, and it felt like I was going to pass out. I barely recognized where I was. I was so tired and out of it.

LOL, I picked up a hammer, thinking it was a duster. That's how sedated and tired I was. I just felt blah. It was like I couldn't remember anything either. The next day it passed.


On this, you may want to check with your doctor.

That's up to you.

I think Crono raised a good point. It could be the medications together.


Hopefully you will feel better soon. The valium taper is so fickle and symptoms come and go.

BUT we will get through this.



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Hi Linda, I am not tapering but I passed out 3 times when I came off klonopin. 3 months out etc. Low bp for sure and low blood sugar is a maybe.  Further out. It's not the same thing I guess as you're on two medications but I can relate to how you explained it as that is exactly how I felt when it happened. Felt swimmy headed faint, saw sparkles and dropped. Once was at a 7-11 over counter paying for a decaff. Pushing myself too early. These are strong drugs. I hope you feel better and I hope you don't have to go too too fast during the course of a day.
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Thanks S#







Hang in there Linda.


I can tell you are stressed about this.

Listen, you're doing very well.

You have great strength, and you can do this!




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Hi Linda, I am not tapering but I passed out 3 times when I came off klonopin. 3 months out etc. Low bp for sure and low blood sugar is a maybe.  Further out. It's not the same thing I guess as you're on two medications but I can relate to how you explained it as that is exactly how I felt when it happened. Felt swimmy headed faint, saw sparkles and dropped. Once was at a 7-11 over counter paying for a decaff. Pushing myself too early. These are strong drugs. I hope you feel better and I hope you don't have to go too too fast during the course of a day.


First let me say that I am happy that you posted to me. Good to "meet" you :)


Your really reading my mind with your post. My BP does go up and down ( especially down) as my Mom had the same thing. The low sugar is also a big, big possibility as my Mom, Dad & Brother were all diabetic. My A1C was 5.6 about 6 months ago. I just had blood work up and it has gone to 5.8. This after eating organic, dodging Sugar as if it were arsenic. I am beginning to believe that there may be more than I would care to admit is in my family DNA.

That said, I also think that IF my BP dropped or my sugar dropped, the combination of these pills caught up with me. That is actually a better diagnose than I would get from these Dr's here. I try to not judge them but it is hard.

Thank you so much for posting to me and hitting on facts that I was the only one who knew my situation. You've brought me alot of peace with your post.

Thank you so much!


Your newest buddy, Linda

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Hi Linda!  :)


I'm glad it could help somewhat. It's a good thing we can all come here to throw things off each other for validation and reasurrance isn't it?


Perhaps as you said, you do have some genetic factors in the mix with you family's prior health history and the tapering and drug combo could have added stress. For me it was purely drug, my bp is usually lower being a runner for so long, but the klonopin c/t brought it way way down, and of course, the blood sugar felt low but I couldn't test at that time. Good luck and I really do hope you feel better. xo -good to meet you too buddy!!

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My BP fluctuates.

I check it often. I get 120/75, 100/65, 90/60, and so on.


As far as sugar.

Do you eat any fruits or peanut butter?


Anything of that nature.


We don't want your sugar dropping.



The buckling of the legs is what concerns me.



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Linda - Just saw this post and wanted to chime in.....it definitely could be the drug and the change in your body that any cut makes.  I passed out totally during my taper - just got up out of bed, walked to the bathroom, sat down, got up and boom I was gone.  My husband called the ambulance but I revived by the time they got there.  They made me go to the hospital because my BP was so low.  Do you have a BP cuff where you can monitor your pressure?  They said I was very dehydrated - so make sure you drink, drink drink lots of water or juice.  I am not sure about the blood sugar so can't say, but I also passed out from a heart arrythmia so please make sure that your heart is doing fine  You said you have had all the tests, so let's just hope it's something like dehydration.

   So sorry you have to deal with this now....as well.  I came back on BB today to post a thread about windows and waves - no one has answered so I thought I'd try to go around and read some posts and blogs.  Hope you feel better.  Love you Linda K


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My BP fluctuates.

I check it often. I get 120/75, 100/65, 90/60, and so on.


As far as sugar.

Do you eat any fruits or peanut butter?


Anything of that nature.


We don't want your sugar dropping.



The buckling of the legs is what concerns me.




I DID eat two BIG  spoons of peanut butter that night. I know I'm the original Miss Health nut but my grandson loves peanut butter sandwichs. He left that evening and I had some left in the jar. Couldn't help it....I could smell it and I craved it .......I ate it :-[   


Now, I don't eat peanut butter at all and I didn't think. Sad thing is that I knew better.

I have a BP cuff and maybe I should now think of buying a blood sugar test. I know how to work them and they are sold in every store around. If I can hold till July 1, my Doc. can prescribe me one.


Read Hopings post . She passed out in exactly the same way I did. It is an unusal thing to experience. Strike that. Its a horror and maybe people need to know that this might happen, plus it leaves you extremely weak!


I'm drinking my water daily but it can't hurt to drink more. Can't hurt to rule out all the causes.


You guys should be in health care! Your really helping me figure all of this out. I so appreciate it!!


Thanks, Linda :hug:

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Diabetes runs in both sides of my family.

Y'know, once I caught my sugar at 250. I was diagnosed with borderline diabetes.

Why it ran up like that.. I will never know. Although it has been low at times as well.  ::)


I know it's worrisome. Have you been checked for diabetes by your doctor?

I'm with you, it never hurts to get checked for these things. I encourage it, especially when we don't know what is what.. in withdrawal.


Oh, I'm not trying to worry you.


Today, I have felt weak, fatigue, but this is not unusual.

I have had the feelings of passing out, but I never did.


I keep a Oximeter and a BP cuff around.


The Oximeter helps out. It was suggested to me by one of the members here.

You can get one on Amazon for 30 or 40 bucks.

It tells your HR and Oxygen.


Peanut butter I eat, it helps.

Also I eat a lot of fruits and other things.


I drink 6-8 bottles of water a day.. Aquafina.

Best to always keep water around.





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Hi Linda, Gosh Im sorry that happened, I have fallen as well, I fell into our pool twice last year it was so scarey. For me it was a foot placement balance kind of thing. I was wondering if you are careful about changing your position slowly. Als dangling on the edge of the bed and feeling your feet firmly on the floor before standing may help prevent such a thing in the future. I hope you are doing better. Colleen
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Linda - Just saw this post and wanted to chime in.....it definitely could be the drug and the change in your body that any cut makes.  I passed out totally during my taper - just got up out of bed, walked to the bathroom, sat down, got up and boom I was gone.  My husband called the ambulance but I revived by the time they got there.  They made me go to the hospital because my BP was so low.  Do you have a BP cuff where you can monitor your pressure?  They said I was very dehydrated - so make sure you drink, drink drink lots of water or juice.  I am not sure about the blood sugar so can't say, but I also passed out from a heart arrythmia so please make sure that your heart is doing fine  You said you have had all the tests, so let's just hope it's something like dehydration.

   So sorry you have to deal with this now....as well.  I came back on BB today to post a thread about windows and waves - no one has answered so I thought I'd try to go around and read some posts and blogs.  Hope you feel better.  Love you Linda K



This isn't gonna sound right but I'm glad you posted to me about your passing out. I do have a cuff and I told S# I would drink more water.

I hope someone answers your thread ASAP! Want me to do a shout out?? I will!! S# will get someone on it.  :thumbsup:


Love ya Hope!!


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How does an oximeter work? I have never used one. I'm almost completely convinced now that it was a combination of meds and my BP.

I will get my sugar tested at my next DR appt. If I feel it coming again,I'll buy the tester and check it myself.


S#- Thank you for your concern, your an Angel :angel:


Your buddy always, Linda

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Hello again Colleen,

I'm sorry to hear about your experience. It had to be scarey for you falling in the pool. Did you feel strong enough to swim or did you have trouble with it? I'm not sure I would have been able too as I felt limp and weak. Gads, that is scarey!

I know it wasn't a foot balance thing but I can relate to rising to fast and getting your wits about you before you stand. I will remember that in the futher now that I know these things can happen. I never would have known this or understood it if someone had mentioned it in a post. We learn as we go :)

Thank you for offering me your advice and I hope we stay in touch.


Your friend, Linda


Gads Colleen, I just read your signature! You lived through all that!!! You are a walking miracle!! :hug:



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How does an oximeter work? I have never used one. I'm almost completely convinced now that it was a combination of meds and my BP.

I will get my sugar tested at my next DR appt. If I feel it coming again,I'll buy the tester and check it myself.


S#- Thank you for your concern, your an Angel :angel:


Your buddy always, Linda




How does an oximeter work? A source of light originates from the probe at two wavelengths (650nm and 805nm). The light is partly absorbed by haemoglobin, by amounts which differ depending on whether it is saturated or desaturated with oxygen. By calculating the absorption at the two wavelengths the processor can compute the proportion of haemoglobin which is oxygenated. The oximeter is dependant on a pulsatile flow and produces a graph of the quality of flow. Where flow is sluggish (eg hypovolaemia or vasoconstriction) the pulse oximeter may be unable to function. The computer within the oximeter is capable of distinguishing pulsatile flow from other more static signals (such as tissue or venous signals) to display only the arterial flow.



Basically, Linda.. you just turn it on and stick your finger down into it, and it shows your pulse and oxygen.

Google up Oximeter. It will show you pictures.


S#  :mybuddy:


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Man, you had me going!!!

I will google it for sure.

Your a little rascal when you wanna be. I really like that!! hee-hee!!


Always for you S#, Linda

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Man, you had me going!!!

I will google it for sure.

Your a little rascal when you wanna be. I really like that!! hee-hee!!


Always for you S#, Linda



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I spend most of the day feeling like Im going to pass out

My b/p is usually around normal.

Even now sitting here typing I feel like passing out.

Its hard work doing anything.

And yes I have the jelly legs that just dont seem to want to hold me up.

Walk and stagger like i am drunk tooooooooooooooo

No fun!!!! for me it is w/d

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I spend most of the day feeling like Im going to pass out

My b/p is usually around normal.

Even now sitting here typing I feel like passing out.

Its hard work doing anything.

And yes I have the jelly legs that just dont seem to want to hold me up.

Walk and stagger like i am drunk tooooooooooooooo

No fun!!!! for me it is w/d

Hi Amber,

I am beginning to think that it is a regular thing to feel all this during a taper. I'm sorry for the way you feel. It just isn't fair, is it? I hope your feeling better soon. Thanks for posting. Much appreciated!



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