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Benzo weight issues


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Thanks benzochubby! I made it to 8 months and there is no looking back!


I've cried a lot about my weight and I have grabbed my stomach and berated it and loathed it...I have been very mean to my body and the whole time it was carrying me through the biggest nightmare of my life. It suffered right along with me this whole time. It had to feel the burning pain and electrical shocks that benzo w/d put it through.  My fat thighs have carried me miles and miles while I walked and walked trying to cope with the overwhelming anxiety...and it did all this despite the fact I have poisoned it for almost a decade with benzos and anti-depressants.


I get it benzochubby...I really really get it...

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Hey guys, I had this benzo belly thing too.  It went on for months and months, no matter what I ate it just sat in my stomach.  Its finally starting to get better now.  I had never experienced this beer belly thing until I came off of ativan.  Nothing suprises me anymore with this drug.  Months 3-6 my face was in the fridge 24/7.  Now I have hardly have any appetite.  
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Is there such a thing as benzo thighs???  :laugh:


I gained 30 lbs while on benzos...I've lost 15 of it before I started into w/d....so 15 more to go...


The good thing is I am not gaining weight, I just can't lose it!

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SoCalRob, what a comforting post.

Sunny, I didn't know you gained 30 pounds. We both have 15 to go then.

I can't wait...

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Yes, it was 30 but I was able to lose half of it before i started into benzo w/d. I'm so thankful I got at least that much off before my metabolism or whatever it is that's broke decided to take over.


I am going to start walking again tonight. I stopped when I was in the car accident because I was in so much pain, but I woke up this morning and felt a lot better!  When i am completely healed up I am going to start walking for 3 min. jogging for 2 and try to rev my metabolism back up and see what happens.



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Yes, it was 30 but I was able to lose half of it before i started into benzo w/d. I'm so thankful I got at least that much off before my metabolism or whatever it is that's broke decided to take over.


I am going to start walking again tonight. I stopped when I was in the car accident because I was in so much pain, but I woke up this morning and felt a lot better!  When i am completely healed up I am going to start walking for 3 min. jogging for 2 and try to rev my metabolism back up and see what happens.




Hi Sunny,


sorry you're still struggling with your weight.  It stinks that the car accident set you back - but you had to let yourself heal.  I'm glad you're up to taking a walk tonight.  As I said before, when you feel your cardio is good (like 45 minutes most days of the week) it's time to start the weights!  You will build muscle which means you burn more calories and revs up your metabolism.  You've done such a good job so far!  Were you a runner before?  I NEVER could run - no matter how skinny I was, or what great aerobic shape I was in it never felt good to run- never got in to the grove.  The only reason I say this is, if you were a runner, go for it but if you weren't don't - so hard on the knees and back.


You're doin' great! :thumbsup:


Sara :smitten:

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No I was not a runner before, I just recently saw that running burns a lot more calories...so you think I should start? Maybe I could power walk...I also just dug out my Turbo Jam DVD's again and Pilates...I am also thinking of getting those 10 minute trainer DVD's from Tony Horton. I just get so bored with the same thing so I want to keep mixing it up. I have totally over done it the last 2 days and my ribs are hurting a lot again.


I was reading an article yesterday (again) about weight gain/having a hard time losing weight...and there was a long part about how if you are not sleeping at least 8 hours a night you might have a lot of trouble with losing weight....8 hours a night???!! I am averaging 2-3...do you think this could be my whole problem? In the last 14 months i have gotten 8 hours a night maybe 6 or 7 times. Could this be my whole problem?

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No I was not a runner before, I just recently saw that running burns a lot more calories...so you think I should start? Maybe I could power walk...I also just dug out my Turbo Jam DVD's again and Pilates...I am also thinking of getting those 10 minute trainer DVD's from Tony Horton. I just get so bored with the same thing so I want to keep mixing it up. I have totally over done it the last 2 days and my ribs are hurting a lot again.


I don't know how old you are Sunny and you don't have to answer but if you're in your 30's or older and have never run before just be very careful.  Yes, running burns a ton of calories, but with a price to pay.  You'll know within about 6 weeks (that's a long enough try) if it suits you.  But do you ever watch runners?  Women, especially - the best ones are smaller framed with almost no hips (I know you want to get rid of your hips) but I always had hips - not huge once I got thin - even as a teen I couldn't run.  But man up until 2 years ago I power walked - some days 8 miles, and got too skinny.  Walking just takes longer to burn the calories, but is you join the Y or a gym you can train on a treadmill and vary the speeds and inclines.  I could do 6 miles on the treadmill building to a huge incline.  Again, it's all about mixing it up, like you're trying to do.  I'm sorry, I don't mean to come off as some authority in this, but I've been a walker, a biker, a swimmer (a mile a night in my 20's), a weight lifter and have had trainers.  Now the new thing (has been for quite a while) is core training, weights and aerobics.  I haven't kept up on the latest lit but Hun, I'm just like you - I want to go from zero to 60 like in a flash.  It takes time, but once you get into it you progress faster.


The other thing - making sure you've got your carbs/fats and protein in line - you need lots of protein when you exercise allot and don't forget the good fats - they fill you up and keep the hunger away.  I'm talking Almonds, Olive Oil- you know what they are.  If you only live on fruits and veggies that's allot of sugar and it doesn't fill you up.  Eggs are good too, peanut butter.  You'll need allot less of these types of foods to fill you up.


I was reading an article yesterday (again) about weight gain/having a hard time losing weight...and there was a long part about how if you are not sleeping at least 8 hours a night you might have a lot of trouble with losing weight....8 hours a night???!! I am averaging 2-3...do you think this could be my whole problem? In the last 14 months i have gotten 8 hours a night maybe 6 or 7 times. Could this be my whole problem?


Your right - our cortisol is through the roof and 2-3 hours of sleep is not enough and yes I do believe it's adding to the problem.  I found that when I could get in good enough shape (after a major cold turkey in 2008) I slept like I baby.  Burning off all of that adrenaline helped a ton and must have brought my cortisol level down.


You're doing a great job Sunny.  Just stay away from the fad diets (I know you do) and continue to drink lots of water - the colder the better - it actually burns more calories as your body has to convert it to be warm!


Hang in there!


Sara  :smitten:

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I really appreciate all the good points and suggestions.  I am 39. I supposed power walking would be a better choice.


I like to lift weights...I have some of the p90x dvd's and really like some of them. I can't do them all, but the arms/shoulders/back I love!


As for good fats, we don't eat any margarine...just organic cold pressed olive oil, coconut oil, real butter, etc. I snack on raw almonds through out the day...I find it keeps my sugars pretty level.


As for fad diets...I gave up on those a long time ago...I do think weight watchers works but they encourage margarines/and low fat foods and I do not eat that way anymore...organic/healthy fats...also I will not use artificial sweeteners.


I know that I have to get to sleeping at night before i can really move forward from this. I'm just going in circles right now not getting anywhere but frustrated.


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