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I'm so exhausted that I'm practically non functional. I get up early 5:30 or 6 AM and by the time lunch time rolls around I'm just worn out. I'm great in the morning and I think it's the diazepam for it seems like an hr or so after taking that 2.5 mg I get like this. I take my other 2 mg at five o'clock. Is this normal in WD if anything can be normal in this journey. I would think if it were the fatigue that goes with WD I would feel it in the morning. I would appreciate any answers. I'm going back to bed to see if I can nap some of it away. 



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When I was crossing over to Valium the Valium made me feel like I was operating on sleeping pills, a lot of daytime drowsiness.


During the w/d phase I get hit with heavy bouts of exhaustion and weakness - so bad it reminds me of when I was in Adrenal Crisis.  Too weak to walk, sit up, lift my arms, or even pick up a pencil.


Hope that was helpful to you.

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I know what you're talking about. It's like a blanket of tiredness and fatigue.

This I have as well. I get up at 3:00 am EST and by 2:00 pm I am so tired sometimes.



When I was crossing over to Valium the Valium made me feel like I was operating on sleeping pills, a lot of daytime drowsiness.


Same here!


Frannie, exactly! The Valium, after taking my 5:00 pm dose, my last dose I am ready to call it a night sometimes. Around 7:00 pm. Teo hrs. after taking it. I feel so tired, that I just want to sleep.


We will make it through this. Hang in there.



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Hi there,


Since crossing over the Diazepam (Valium) earlier this year, I am SO exhausted.  I have little "windows" every now and then where my energy level rises slightly, but all and all I am WAY more tired tapering off of this.  I know where it's coming from and the pharmacist warned me that Diazepam has a tendency of hitting people like this, even when tapering off of it. 


All the best,


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Hi there,


Since crossing over the Diazepam (Valium) earlier this year, I am SO exhausted.  I have little "windows" every now and then where my energy level rises slightly, but all and all I am WAY more tired tapering off of this.  I know where it's coming from and the pharmacist warned me that Diazepam has a tendency of hitting people like this, even when tapering off of it. 


All the best,



Schatje, Thank you for your reply. I suspected that it was the diazepam but don't know how I would get through this without it. You are certainly doing well in your taper, I crossed over to diazepam slightly over a yr ago and will only be going to 4mg tomorrow. I'm afraid to go any slower as I've been on Ativan about 20 yrs.












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Hi Frannie,


Exhaustion, fatigue and weakness wreaked havoc on me.  It has been just about 3 weeks that I am not plagued by it.....so that is over 3  years.  The fatigue was worse post-benzo and hit real hard at the 7 month mark off date.  I took Xanax, by the way.




Patty  xoxo

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Hi Frannie,


Exhaustion, fatigue and weakness wreaked havoc on me.  It has been just about 3 weeks that I am not plagued by it.....so that is over 3  years.  The fatigue was worse post-benzo and hit real hard at the 7 month mark off date.  I took Xanax, by the way.




Patty  xoxo


Thank you Patty, It's a little after 7 AM and I don't have it but it will come to me by dinner time. It's probably some of both.



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I had this beyond measure all through my taper and about 3-5 months after I jumped. I saw amazing improvements at the 6 month mark and just got progressively better after that. It has been a year now and I feel better than I ever have. I am more confident and calmer as well. Even just today I was at a get together and everyone asked me why I was so positive and calm. I told them I became elightened, but I am sure they took it as conceit. This is so far from the truth though cause I truly am thankful for the simplest things now and the fact that I beat this thing.  This benzo ordeal at least for me was for the best as it changed something in me and got me on a better path of awareness and this is where I am now. Very aware of all the good things around me and not too concerned about the negative. Once you have been through what we all have been through then you understand what it feels like to suffer cause not only do you suffer    YOU SUFFER ALONE!!!!!!!! No one not even the damn doctors can help you with this and that is a scary thing, but at the same time a gift to learn patience and perseverence. I got through and many others have and all I can say is life will go right for you in time and your exhaustion is just your body and brain's way of telling you to slow down and balance out from all the chaos you have gone through.

You will be fine.




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Rev. Thank you for the enouraging post. I don't know what I would do without BB. I had a free day yesterday and that is encouraging, today it hit me again right after lunch but I do know that I'm working towards my goal of being benzo free and it will happen.



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Frannie...hang in there Fatigue was so bad for me and I sware I thought I would never feel what energy felt like again!!!


Now OMG I have energy like thru the roof its crazy I can run all day and into late night

sleep alittle dont really require all that much for my body to get up and feel rested..


But for months i couldndt move from couch to bed, bed to kitchen, god I was so scared about that It was a huge concern of mine..


Just hang in there Frannie..Youll be good..

:) Jenny

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Frannie...hang in there Fatigue was so bad for me and I sware I thought I would never feel what energy felt like again!!!


Now OMG I have energy like thru the roof its crazy I can run all day and into late night

sleep alittle dont really require all that much for my body to get up and feel rested..


But for months i couldndt move from couch to bed, bed to kitchen, god I was so scared about that It was a huge concern of mine..


Just hang in there Frannie..Youll be good..

:) Jenny


Jenny, Thank you so very much! It's a relief to know that this will pass. I was okay yesterday but haven't been able to get dressed today. Bless you!



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Another day of exhaustion. I'd love to cut this diazepam faster but have been on Ativan for over 20 yrs and afraid what it might do the my CNS. I'm 7 days into my cut and had a couple of good days but can hardly sit up today.



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I've been a bit exhausted lately as well. This week has been exhausting around the house for me.

After I make a cut.. I feel fine, but then sometimes, some days later, I feel the exhaustion.



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Frannie hello I wanted to come and see how ur feeling?


Are you getting any energy back? I hope so but if not Frannie dont get discourged

it took me a  real long time for this to pass..

It wasnt even tired feeling it was this most extreme lithargic feeling like

couldnt even lift my arm to grab the phone it was awful..

But Oh sweet Energy how Ive missed you...hehehe

It will return and return so good.. :yippee:


Im here for you Frannie...

xo :smitten:..Jenny

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Hi Frannie,


Are you still splitting up your Valium dose?  I found that if I took all of my dose in the evening, rather than splitting it up, this eliminated much of the fatigue problem.  Many people find they can take Valium only once per day due to its long half life.


I still had fatigue, but not nearly as bad.  Plus, I felt a little better by taking it all at once in the evening.  :)



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Frannie hello I wanted to come and see how ur feeling?


Are you getting any energy back? I hope so but if not Frannie dont get discourged

it took me a  real long time for this to pass..

It wasnt even tired feeling it was this most extreme lithargic feeling like

couldnt even lift my arm to grab the phone it was awful..

But Oh sweet Energy how Ive missed you...hehehe

It will return and return so good.. :yippee:


Im here for you Frannie...

xo :smitten:..Jenny


Jenny, Thank you for your reply. I do have windows where I can go out and do a few things but I tire so easily. Just before I made my last cut I was able to go to the walking track and walk at my own pace. (A slow trot!  :)) With this cut my nose is running again and felt just terrible last night and this morning. Headaches, sore joints, fatigue. Lot of fun not! My husband told me to just give in to it and go to bed or lie on the couch and watch TV but it makes me feel so useless.



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Hi Frannie,


Are you still splitting up your Valium dose?  I found that if I took all of my dose in the evening, rather than splitting it up, this eliminated much of the fatigue problem.  Many people find they can take Valium only once per day due to its long half life.


I still had fatigue, but not nearly as bad.  Plus, I felt a little better by taking it all at once in the evening.  :)




Hi Missy, Thank you for your reply. I take 2mg in the morning and 2mg at 5 PM. I'm going to have to hold my dose until after the July 1st long weekend, here in Canada as I have an important family function to attend. Perhaps it will give me some adjustment time. I'm afraid to move my dose completely to the evening as I still have the benzo WD rage sometimes and hope that the 2mg morning dose is helping me some with that.


You did answer my question that I was pondering in how to make my next cut, so it will be off the morning dose. For some reason, I seem to feel better mentally in the evening or start around 4 PM. I'm going to try and keep my cuts at .5mg if I can as I've been at this long enough and I do hold for 3 wks. Thank you again for taking the time to answer my post.  :hug:



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Thank you for posting this, Frannie, and thank you, Rev and Jenny for those encouraging words.  I still have unbelievable exhaustion and fatigue at almost 5 months off - almost feels like a truck has run me over at times.  I question the fatigue alot, "could this still be from w/d?", "what is wrong with me?  why can't I shake this?".  I have some windows at times with increased energy and then, WHAM!  Slammed again with the fatigue and negative thinking.  I keep hoping that I'll see the day that Rev describes, calm and happy, when even my "normal" anxiety is a walk in the park compared to this.  I try to stay strong, but the amount of mental and physical energy to get through each day takes it toll and sometimes I just break down and cry.  Rev, I feel change happening too, and I just can't wait to feel better to live a better life.  Thank you for posting this, it is comforting to know that the exhaustion is just the w/d.  Here's to more windows, everyone.
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Hello omg the fatigue was so god awful I never experienced a extreme exaustion

like that before...

And for so long I was truely worried ...I was still at month 6 like what is going on

I think that added so much depression for me cause Im a Mother and it was bad enough

I lost my Buisness of 12 yrs but to not beable to do for my kids the way I love to for

so long ...I knew I had to broken for good..


You just hang in there and know soon your energy will come back and

before you know it ...better then before like its truely amazing the natural energy

that is restored .. ;)..


Btw...my energy came back in month 7 yours may be sooner



Keep up the good fight .... :thumbsup:  Jenny

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Jaso19 -

Thanks for your encouragement!  What you described is exactly how I feel right now.  Unbelievable fatigue every day - some days worse than others and other days just mildly fatigued, and sometimes (every now and then, it seems), there is a burst of energy.  Was this how you felt?  Alot of the time, it takes so much out of me to just do the most minor things.  Also, lots of worry about why this fatigue is going on so long.  Adrenals must really take a hit.  Before I knew that what I was experiencing was benzo w/d, I had a 24 hour saliva test done.  Results came back showing cortisol way below average for morning and afternoon, with evening being more normal.  This is consistent with how I feel, too.  Worse in the a.m. and afternoon, and more energy after dinner.  I hope energy comes back soon - I think I forgot what it feels like  :(

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Zuroga, I hear you and have most of your s/x. I'm not too bad now as it's 7:45 AM but by the time this afternoon comes, I will be wiped out. I've been on Ativan for

twenty years. I wish I had of know when it was given to me what that little white pilll had in store for me.


Jaso, Thank you for posting as it's good to know that this will go away. I do have some good windows but my life is on hold. My husband is doing most of the cooking and all of the cleaning.



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Omg I felt exactly that way and as many sxs I had the fatigue was what really worried me !

Zugora...Yes I would get a burst of energy and then was like wheew thats feels so good!I would do as much as I could only knowing it wouldnt last to long!


Frannie for me I was so exuasted all day couldnt move much just so lathargic!Until night time like 5 pm I would see a bit of energy creeping in!


I really thought I was done but my energy is very good and so much of it all day no crashing just energy its so cool!


Hang in guys this does restore itself and then no more fatigue!!! :yippee:


Your friend ~Jenny

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