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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

12 days off of Klonopin


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Though I am presently in the small town known as Lexington, KY, I am from Philadelphia, just a stone's throw from Brooklyn. Finally feeling as though I can get 'it' together, whatever 'it' is, and go home, once I've withdrawn from Klon.


Good on ya that you are twelve days out and working. I fear the work thing, or rather, having noticeable symptons while at work and then laboring under some wacky compulsion to explain them to others.


Eff that? It's a process. Hope you're on the good end of it. Congratulations, though. Will follow your progress, my brother.


juliad :thumbsup:

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Hey LP, your posts are just so encouraging  :thumbsup:


I am back at work after being away for 10 days. I was so anxious about coming into the office because 1. I have not been sleeping well; and 2. my job can be somewhat stressful. I work in the legal profession and it involves a lot of legal researching - requiring focus and analytics. When I dont sleep I cannot concentrate! Yuk!!! :tickedoff:


When I see your progress I look onward... I hope you continue to update us on your progress because I, like others am following you.


Take care,



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Another thing was when I enjoyed a song I heard in the radio... I can enjoy music again, it's so nice guys, to hear a song and feel it.

What was wrong with pain?  Why do we need pills to stop pain? Pain tells me I am alive, I liked my old suffering.  This new suffering seems so pointless and worst of all I feel bad that its a self inflicted wound.  


@Lidaboo  I know how hard it is to work during this process.  I missed 20 days, I am lucky I still have a job.  I bought back 13 days so I could at least have some vaca days at the end of the year.  When you are at your desk and struggling, know that I was there too..., still am to be honest.  What I do is simply slow down and break things down slowly and force myself to focus.  Suffering brings us into sharp focus, now is the time to see what is important and what is not needed. When you are healed, you will have an advantage over many in this world.


You will simply know what matters...  What a gift that will be...

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5 weeks and 4 days....


Windows continue to improve. I wish I could tell everyone I could sense a pattern, but I can't!

Except that my WD is not as intense and the windows are longer...


What's left for me, is Head tension that comes and goes, (it used to linger all day long with tiny moments of relief) Now I have pretty good periods of no sensations, this weekend I had two days with nothing buzzing around in my head.

This tension at times also comes with this drowsy sensation, like i feel i suddenly lose 30 IQ points. But when i realize its happening, I get up walk and shake it off...


My neck used to be stiff ALLLLLL the time, now it comes and goes and its not as intense.  I used to lay my head on a pillow because my neck could just not support my head!


My GI is not as bad, but sometimes its a lot of trips to the bathroom but nothing too severe.  Sorry, its a bit gross, but its part of healing and thank god it looks more normal, lol


I am a bit shaky at times, feel a tightness in my arms and chest , low level anxiety, nothing like it was before. I can manage it, and have learned to ignore it...


I am still sleeping, so I'm hoping thats a trend....


I can see the improvement, tired of feeling tired... but the healing continues...

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Thanks guys! Been feeling "dumb" today , a little slow and some dizzy stuff... head is tight, but it ebbs a bit...  Also felt a little shaky too...

These are my last Klonopin Friends left with me... They are a bunch of SOB's... but I ignore them

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Could the dizziness be from allergies? I know a lot of people who complain of dizziness when their allergies are heightened.





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Hi Lida,


Na, Im breathing just fine and nothing is watery or itching... :)

Its not too bad, I can walk and go to work, just feels like im unsteady...


Some days its gone and im fine... who knows.. WD is for the birds

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LP, thanks for sharing your experience - I was on K for only 4 months and am currently in the taper/withdrawal process. Like you said, hard to believe a little pill could do all this.  I'm experiencing some of the same symptoms you did/are, so it's helpful to know they get better with time. LOVE the stiff neck. :)  ugh!


I'm sure you've posted it here somewhere, but what was your taper schedule over the 4 weeks? I'm doing -.5 and .25 for the last week for four weeks and am doing "fairly well" (I can go to work, that is my yardstick) week 3.  Just hoping the worst isn't yet to come.

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I went from .5 to .375 to .25 to .125 to .06 to .03 and then I jumped. I held each dose for 5 days, .6 i held for 4 days and .03 i held for 3 days...  It came out to 4 weeks and a couple of days... TO get so low I got a prescription from a doctor for a .125 wafer and cut that in 4... 


The stiff neck sucks so so bad... and then i feel like an ape is gripping my head with his giant hand... 


Less of that unsteady feeling today... Hoping for some more healing in the next couple of days!!!


Please keep in touch if you have any questions, us short timers have to stick together, lol

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Hi martha :)


I finished after 15 sessions... I did that with talk therapy. It helped me with the anxiety / worries.

But there came a moment where I felt I didnt need anymore. My therapist said that was good...

I switched from that to massages and acupuncture as what I am dealing with now is more physical...


Although many say nuerofeedback helps with that too..


What are you thinking, pm me if you have any questions.


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I suppose I am mostly curious about the mechanics of it.  I find it interesting and wonder about it for migraine as well but am a bit to head strong to seek out help.  Just curious. 
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Ah, no problem..  My therapist technician swore by it to get rid of migraines...  

Your a tough cookie Martha?  I would have to agree

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  • 3 weeks later...



Made 7 weeks on Sat, Jul 9th ..

So what's still with me...


Head tension, focused now almost completely around the eyes and forehead...

This odd grogginess, where my head falls to the side and I feel like an idiot for a few seconds

A shaky feeling bit not as intense as before...

This is enough as it does slow me down at work or with the family, but I can see I am getting better... just wish it was faster.

Love to everyone..


What is gone:


Severe GI

High Blood Pressure

Left arm swollen

Bad anxiety

Muscle twitches in the face, arm , chest legs ...

Bad insomnia, (been sleeping)

Jelly Legs

Sever fatigue

Weight loss... ( have a little pot belly, used to have a 4 pack lol when i was in shape, the was pre benzo)

Intense head pressure & Fog

bad depression ( I didnt know it was depression for a long while as I was never depressed, only realized when it was gone that I was very very down)

Super stuffy nose, sinuses were clogged something fierce

Brain zaps

extreme thirst

crazy neck pain



I bet I am missing something, but thats enough no?


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Thanks for the update!  That list is enough for sure, but thank heavens that is the list of things that went away! :yippee:  It sounds like you are doing much better.  That's great!




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Hi LP, I wish you continued success in being benzo free.  I've read some of your posts and there seems to be an inner strength in you that myself and other bbs admire.  Sometimes you have to become weak, to become strong.  I'm pretty spiritual so I really believe the scripture that says,"when I am weak, He is strong. " I've read one of your posts where you recommended the linden method.  Could u tell me a little about it.  It costs about $177 on line and would like to make sure it's worth it.  Thanks
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LP, this is so encouraging!  :yippee:


I had a lot of windows and a few waves (5 weeks off the k shuttle; and 7 weeks off the ambien express) but refuse to let this train wreck get the best of me.


You are so close to being healed...I am right behind you.


Take care,  :thumbsup:



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LP...thank you so much for continuing to come back to tell us your progress.  This is SO encouraging to read your journey since being benzo-free.


All the best to you - you are always so positive and it is truly appreciated.


Take care,


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Thanks Schatje :) and thank you for becoming a moderator...

Just some head tightness and slight grogginess going on...

Plus I THINK I HAVE A COLD, but it may be WD. Going to the doc on sat to check and rule our a sinus infection.


Love to all

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Glad to see you are progressing!  I am feeling better as well.  You have to be patient during this ordeal.  Healing does come!



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Thanks Natron...


I used to call out sick (pre benzo) for any sign of illness... These days, if I feel 10 things, I just go in like its another normal day.. sigh!! lol


Yes, acceptance and patience.... wow, you need tons of that

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