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The Long Hold Support Group


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Hi Everyone,


It's been a hard day and a frustrating one as well. 


I wanted to pass on this blog post bu Jennifer Leigh, a benzo coach who CT off of Clonzapam and survived. 


Its about the potential harm of using binaural beats during benzo worhdreal.  A friend of mine wanted me to try them and  I just didnt want to. 


Anyway, it's interesting to read her perspective. 


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Oh I know Mmm,

She has been through hell. I hope she gets some rest and her sx will calm now that she if off the drug. One less stressor to worry about.


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Oh, I had just read Jen's thread. She is adorable. I had tears in my eyes when she said she was down to zero. So hapoy she is done the poor thing.


DD, can you tell me where this person Jen's thread is? I could use some inspiration. 

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Over this weekend.  She really feels bad.  She's mad at poor Morgan.  He was just excited.


Oh, that's awful.  I am sure you are right, he was just excited.  Poor BG, I know that must make her feel awful,  :(

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Hi everyone,

Well it was a sh*t afternoon. Not in the way of wd, cut 6 days ago, but with my adult children. Had a family dinner at my house for my son in law's birthday and had to listen to my son and his pregnant wife fight and somehow I always get pulled into their arguments and their business! I would so love to stop adult parenting but I can never figure out how to do that! Oh how I wish I could just hop on a flight to anywhere and get away from them! I love my family but this is crazy! Adult children in their 30's I mean come on when does it end?! My husband is 62 and I'm 56 we are so done with this, had it up to our ears with these adult brats. Now I have to worry about them bringing another child into their home with the way they fight. I'm going to be watching this baby too when it's born so it doesn't have to go to a daycare which means I'll know more than I do now about their business which is going to upset me even more than it already does 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️.. Oh dear God help me bc I don't know how I'm gonna do this.

Sorry for the rant you guys but I had to let all this out..I just want to pull my hair out tonight 🤬🤬🤬



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Hi everyone,

Well it was a sh*t afternoon. Not in the way of wd, cut 6 days ago, but with my adult children. Had a family dinner at my house for my son in law's birthday and had to listen to my son and his pregnant wife fight and somehow I always get pulled into their arguments and their business! I would so love to stop adult parenting but I can never figure out how to do that! Oh how I wish I could just hop on a flight to anywhere and get away from them! I love my family but this is crazy! Adult children in their 30's I mean come on when does it end?! My husband is 62 and I'm 56 we are so done with this, had it up to our ears with these adult brats. Now I have to worry about them bringing another child into their home with the way they fight. I'm going to be watching this baby too when it's born so it doesn't have to go to a daycare which means I'll know more than I do now about their business which is going to upset me even more than it already does 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️.. Oh dear God help me bc I don't know how I'm gonna do this.

Sorry for the rant you guys but I had to let all this out..I just want to pull my hair out tonight 🤬🤬🤬




I am sorry Trishy, you are a fine grandmother, run the adult children off when acting like a$$es.  You do a great deal for them.  You know we are here when you need to vent.  Another T !!  Tyrannical, you are the woman!!  Love ya, MM 💜💜💜

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Hi everyone,

I only had time to skim today, it's been a busy day here on LHSG! It seems like everyone is having a hard time, so sorry. Thinking of you Ajusta, Janice, Troch, Final, Suzy, and all of our lovely newcomers.

Ginuea Pig, go to the doctor and get it over with! You will feel so much better. We love you and want to make sure nothing is terribly wrong. Trishy, I'm sorry about your family, holidays make everything extra stressful!

Love to Mary, Stut, Intend, Meems, Magnolis, and everyone else who I have for sure forgotten some.

Love to all of you.

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Trishy it must be so hard to see them fight so much when their expecting a baby. I'm sure you'll give that baby all the stability he needs to grow up emotionally healthy. You will be his /her rock. I hope your son and his wife go to couple's counseling or find a way to work through their problems. I know you're thinking that having the baby at home usually only makes things worse when it comes to a couple who's already arguing.


Olive kitty thanks for saying hi and greating me too! I think about your long hold a lot. I hope my Dr allows me to hold that long. I've been reading again old posts by SG 57 on glutamate damage. He explains how when this has happened, it will take a very very long time to stabilize and all you can do is hold. He also explains how it's a beast to come off Lexapro and then the benzo. He hadn't healed after 40 months. I wonder why he left, he was so intelligent I wish he was here with us.

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Stutt where the hell are you??? You think you can ignore us like this? I'm being ignored by baldy and now by you. You do realize what this does to my self esteem? How was your weekend? Did you spend it with your beautiful daughter, with your puppies, with socks? How is wd treating you? Have you gone to the disco this weekend? I did, and then I ended up in an after hours drinking tequila shots and hijacking the DJ's cabin. I bet the weekend was more or less the same for you.


Troschetter how was your sleep last night? I hope the pain didn't wake you up.


GP Monday is a great day to get annoying things done and over with  :smitten:


Hi everyone I hope you all wake up feeling a bit better today. Wd sucks but we all know it could even be worse.

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Hi Valiumnomore,  Thanks for asking. Well, another horrible night. Woke up around two, again in a lot of pain. There's something going on with my large intestines. A constant pain, which keeps me tossing and turning, trying to find a position that eases the pain a little. Got up early to have breakfast and take my meds for IBS. Plus painkillers. Again, after a bowel movement,  things improved. But still so extremely exhausted. Seeing a Dr. in the hospital on Wednesday. Made an appointment three weeks ago. This has been going on for months now, but my GP kept putting it off. The jerk. Hope it's not too late. I' m really scared.


How was your sleep, did you get any?


Hope we all have a better day. We do deserve it.

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Stutt where the hell are you??? You think you can ignore us like this? I'm being ignored by baldy and now by you. You do realize what this does to my self esteem? How was your weekend? Did you spend it with your beautiful daughter, with your puppies, with socks? How is wd treating you? Have you gone to the disco this weekend? I did, and then I ended up in an after hours drinking tequila shots and hijacking the DJ's cabin. I bet the weekend was more or less the same for you.


Troschetter how was your sleep last night? I hope the pain didn't wake you up.


GP Monday is a great day to get annoying things done and over with  :smitten:


Hi everyone I hope you all wake up feeling a bit better today. Wd sucks but we all know it could even be worse.

Morning Janice yes l am ignoring everyone just a withdrawal symptom it will pass 😜.l did the disco and shot thing as per so feeling a little ropey today 😱.Yes spent the weekend with my girl she was exhausted from work and uni so had a very quiet weekend.l have a lot on this week and still haven't got my meat for Xmas 😵. Withdrawal symptoms much the same so nothing new there.Have you spoken to baldy?l have to say honey doesn't look promising however you never know.You asked about coffee yes l still take coffee l am giving up nothing more.lt won't stop you healing however it is a stimulant and my advice to you would be drink it in the morning and give it a miss in the afternoon so it doesn't impact your sleep.Just something to consider my love.l am glad you are feeling like Keith Richards however l hope you don't look like him 😏.l really hope you feel better soon honey and remember this takes as long as it takes.love you.X

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Hi Valiumnomore,  Thanks for asking. Well, another horrible night. Woke up around two, again in a lot of pain. There's something going on with my large intestines. A constant pain, which keeps me tossing and turning, trying to find a position that eases the pain a little. Got up early to have breakfast and take my meds for IBS. Plus painkillers. Again, after a bowel movement,  things improved. But still so extremely exhausted. Seeing a Dr. in the hospital on Wednesday. Made an appointment three weeks ago. This has been going on for months now, but my GP kept putting it off. The jerk. Hope it's not too late. I' m really scared.


How was your sleep, did you get any?


Hope we all have a better day. We do deserve it.

Morning Troch what's the appointment for?I have always found lying on my left side is the best thing to do when my bowel is playing up.l also find massaging the bowel from right to left helps.l am sorry you seem to be affected during the night.l really hope it settles down soon.love to you.X

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Good morning LHSG hoping everyone has a better day.Sorry l haven't caught up great to see our little group thriving.

  Morning GP l think you will be grand honey your temperature is acceptable.Now if you are wheezing and your breathing is laboured then see your doctor if it isn't then l would suggest you leave it.Now remember you lowered your bp medication on top of everything else and this can cause withdrawal symptoms.Just a thought.As for me running the ER not a chance l did that for 15 years so l think that is enough.l really can't imagine any nurse judging you regarding medication my lovely however if someone rolls their eyes ask them what their problem is.I hope you start to feel better soon honey.love you.X

. Morning Trish oh the joys of being a parent it never ends.I would just say l am not getting involved and walk away.My mother never got involved in fact if any of us were fighting she just said do not bring it into her house.She took no crap from anyone.love you my lST X

.. Morning Suzy l hope you get a break today honey.You will heal however it will take a very long time.As for Jim let him huff away and ignore it.lf he isn't happy he knows where the door is.love you.X

. Morning Lady Mary is the migraine and the chainsaws gone?l hope so.l will be on as much as l can this week which won't be much.Hopefully l will catch up with you soon.love you my lady Mary.Hen.X

  Morning Final l really hope you have more better days.l know you are struggling honey however you are one very strong lady.Keep trying to do as much as you can.love to you.X

Morning Intend, Gilly Valley Free Meems Nova Bill Olive Miyu Esperanza Breck Mags and everyone here sending you my love and hoping everyone has a withdrawal free day.X

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Welcome to the newbies l hope you all feel comfortable here.l haven't had time to catch up with any of you yet.Looking forward to getting to know you all.X
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Morning Stut, so glad to see you're back! It's an intake consultation with the liver, stomach, colon specialist. I think what will come from that is a colonoscopy. But with the holidays coming soon, it may take a while before that happens, of course. Had it done 8 years ago. How I hate drinking all that horrible fluid to clean your inside. But maybe it's nothing, just  IBS playing up and / or withdrawal. It makes me ever so anxious again, just when my anxiety had gotten better. Thanks for your advise,  I already do the massage and lying on my left side. Hope it improves soon.


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Morning Stut, so glad to see you're back! It's an intake consultation with the liver, stomach, colon specialist. I think what will come from that is a colonoscopy. But with the holidays coming soon, it may take a while before that happens, of course. Had it done 8 years ago. How I hate drinking all that horrible fluid to clean your inside. But maybe it's nothing, just  IBS playing up and / or withdrawal. It makes me ever so anxious again, just when my anxiety had gotten better. Thanks for your advise,  I already do the massage and lying on my left side. Hope it improves soon.


Thank you my love l do miss everyone when l am not on however life doesn't stop for withdrawal.I have no doubt it is IBS from the presentation.I have to say health anxiety is torturous and made worse by doctor Google.Try to keep the anxiety down honey as much as possible.l really hope your day improves try to get out for a short walk and keep your mind occupied as much as possible.X

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Thanks, Stut. I do stay away from Dr. Google, as you put it. I'm not looking for symptoms of diseases,  I stopped doing that long ago. And try to keep myself busy with things that distract. But, as you know, that can be really difficult, when you're in the depths. Hope to go for a walk this afternoon, after I had lunch. And to think yesterday morning I felt great, almost not a care in the world. Boy, does this setback hit hard. But it's to be expected. Bad nights, pain, worry, they all take a big toll on us. X
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Thanks, Stut. I do stay away from Dr. Google, as you put it. I'm not looking for symptoms of diseases,  I stopped doing that long ago. And try to keep myself busy with things that distract. But, as you know, that can be really difficult, when you're in the depths. Hope to go for a walk this afternoon, after I had lunch. And to think yesterday morning I felt great, almost not a care in the world. Boy, does this setback hit hard. But it's to be expected. Bad nights, pain, worry, they all take a big toll on us. X

I think that's what we all struggle with the most during withdrawal is the yo-yoing effect of withdrawal.l have been doing this a long time Troch and l am constantly working on acceptance.Hard when you are slammed but l have to say it is probably the thing that has helped me the most.l hope you get out for a walk my love l find a walk really helps my mood.X

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Stut, Stut......love you.  What?    No meat, you better find that meat.  People will be eating your furniture  :D. Love you, yes , been feeling some better.  Muscles still an issue but other issues lessening and brain seems to be working a lot better.  Fingers crossed.  Hope your symptoms are easing as well.  Hoping our King is better and ready to go at it  :D. You stop by as often as possible.

Kisses for all babies.  Lady Mary x hen.  💜💜💜💜

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i want to ask you a question about anxiety. have you had kind of anx. that is supported bey upperchest,throat and face tigtness. i have been having this kind of anx. for about one month and i stopped tapering remeron. i have had anx. during all the wd, but this is terrible. how long does it take to let it away? please dont tell me you aren't a benzo user. i want to attend this thread also...
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i want to ask you a question about anxiety. have you had kind of anx. that is supported bey upperchest,throat and face tigtness. i have been having this kind of anx. for about one month and i stopped tapering remeron. i have had anx. during all the wd, but this is terrible. how long does it take to let it away? please dont tell me you aren't a benzo user. i want to attend this thread also...


Hey Jun, my guess 98% of us are benzo users.  All the tightness can definitely be withdrawal, but if you ever become scared, always go to the Dr.  Peace of mind means a lot.  I wish I could give you a timeline Jun, but each of us is so different and there are so many variables, there is no way to estimate a time :(.  We will hope it's soon though  :). You are more than welcome to hang out here if you like.  Ask questions, chat, whatever you like or need.  Mary 💜💜


Oh, addressing the anxiety, most of us feel it, some more deeply than others, but it is definitely a primary symptom for a lot of us. 

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