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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

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Intend!. I see you reading, how are you feeling today?  It is so pretty here, when you feel human, it's so nice to enjoy them  :).  Are you liking Dan more today or is he still in doghouse  ;D

I don't have to ask about Pepper, I know she is lazing around being gorgeous and wrapping Mommy around fingers.  ;). begood advised that cactus can act much like the Kalencho, cut good off and stick it in dirt and they usually root fast, so I will try that tomorrow to try and save it.  Hope it works, it's looking pretty bad  :(.  Hope you have a good day.  Love you MM 🌹🌹🌹. 🐈🐾🐾. 🚂🚂🚂

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I have been all over the place with trying to make a decision about what I should be doing at this point.  Had been on .5 Klonopin for several years and was starting to get what felt like interdose or tolerance withdrawal—lots of twitching, needles jabbing, etc.  Decided to try an increase a little to see if that helped.  Ended up at .625 for the past month or so.  It did help reduce those effects, but I am still feeling lousy.  A well respected member of this forum suggested that the Remeron withdrawal could be the culprit and I should not touch the Klonopin.  I was in such a horrid mess with symptoms and anxiety from all of this I wasn’t thinking clearly or I don’t even think I would have done the .125 updose.  Be it as it is, here I am.  I would like to just stay here as long as possible to try to stabilize.  Obviously I am not ready to be tapering.  Is it regarded as safe to stay put as long as possible? 



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I have no idea what’s going on with me.  I’ve been sinking all week.  My blood pressure is 101/64.  I have no energy.  Dizzy when I get up.  Tired.  My chest feels congested, like there’s a lot of fluid.  Real tired.  Help


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I have no idea what’s going on with me.  I’ve been sinking all week.  My blood pressure is 101/64.  I have no energy.  Dizzy when I get up.  Tired.  My chest feels congested, like there’s a lot of fluid.  Real tired.  Help


GP can you go to the doctor? Not everything is withdrawal. I'd be happier if you went to get checked.

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I have no idea what’s going on with me.  I’ve been sinking all week.  My blood pressure is 101/64.  I have no energy.  Dizzy when I get up.  Tired.  My chest feels congested, like there’s a lot of fluid.  Real tired.  Help


Stut told somebody this morning if his chest was hurting, he may need to get that checked out, I was thinking she thought he might have fluid in his lungs.  Do you feel like that?  I know you don't want to go to Dr but we don't want you sick either.  Can you go to one of those Urgent Cares?

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I have been all over the place with trying to make a decision about what I should be doing at this point.  Had been on .5 Klonopin for several years and was starting to get what felt like interdose or tolerance withdrawal—lots of twitching, needles jabbing, etc.  Decided to try an increase a little to see if that helped.  Ended up at .625 for the past month or so.  It did help reduce those effects, but I am still feeling lousy.  A well respected member of this forum suggested that the Remeron withdrawal could be the culprit and I should not touch the Klonopin.  I was in such a horrid mess with symptoms and anxiety from all of this I wasn’t thinking clearly or I don’t even think I would have done the .125 updose.  Be it as it is, here I am.  I would like to just stay here as long as possible to try to stabilize.  Obviously I am not ready to be tapering.  Is it regarded as safe to stay put as long as possible? 




You are very welcome here while you hold awhile, let your symptoms settle down.  Mary 💜


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Omg..I do not know what happened to my mood. I am sorry to bust in here with my problems. I just feel really depressed and sad. I am starting to doubt my muscle and nerve pain is ever going to end. It just is the same everyday. I feel like a loser. I cant work and cant but xmas presents. Jim seems upset or angry all the time. I understand it is hard on him. I dont k ow were this mood came from. Maybe its the teva. The bad co from x to v. The alcohol when i was drinking. Its way to confusing to even figure out. I hate this non linear healing. Maybe i have a disease. Sorry.  I am usually full of hope but this is rediculous. Love Suzy


DD,  you are not a loser and sometimes we are just plain sad about this process.  From what you have shared about yourself, you do not have a disease.  This is withdrawal.  Add in the holidays, some cold weather and even people not in med withdrawal are feeling the blues.  Losing hope and then getting it back again, is what we all go through on this process. 


You are going to make it off these meds.  You are a good person who is doing her best to get through this awful process. 


You are loved and not alone.

FH is right DD. This time of year gives a lot of people the blues. Hang tough lady, tomorrow is a new day  :thumbsup:

TT ♥️

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I've had low BP from wd and a low heart rate. My vitals tend to go wacky when I cut. The thing is I always got myself checked bc you never know. Wd mimics other issues and vice versa. So best to always be checked.


Take care lady ❤️

TT 💕


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I've had low BP from wd and a low heart rate. My vitals tend to go wacky when I cut. The thing is I always got myself checked bc you never know. Wd mimics other issues and vice versa. So best to always be checked.


Take care lady ❤️

TT 💕

Also Gp what your describing sounds an awful lot like pots. I had pots like symtoms from wd. So I wouldn't be surprised at all if that's not what you're experiencing. But again best to get things checked out by a medical professional.

:smitten: :smitten:

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Omg..I do not know what happened to my mood. I am sorry to bust in here with my problems. I just feel really depressed and sad. I am starting to doubt my muscle and nerve pain is ever going to end. It just is the same everyday. I feel like a loser. I cant work and cant but xmas presents. Jim seems upset or angry all the time. I understand it is hard on him. I dont k ow were this mood came from. Maybe its the teva. The bad co from x to v. The alcohol when i was drinking. Its way to confusing to even figure out. I hate this non linear healing. Maybe i have a disease. Sorry.  I am usually full of hope but this is rediculous. Love Suzy


I feel ya Suzy, I've been feeling depressed today too. Maybe it's the full moon... or PMS in my case.. it just feels so unfair that we have to deal with this for so long. I am so over it! And I am even doing 'good' compared to many here. Stay strong everyone, we will get through this.

Took a walk today and that's great, but sad that that is the highlight of my day  :'(



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Thanks olivek and T,

I has to be the time of year. I am sorry you are feeling depressed too Olive. This just takes so long. It really is getting old. I cannot wait till we are through this. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day

Ly Suzy.

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Omg..I do not know what happened to my mood. I am sorry to bust in here with my problems. I just feel really depressed and sad. I am starting to doubt my muscle and nerve pain is ever going to end. It just is the same everyday. I feel like a loser. I cant work and cant but xmas presents. Jim seems upset or angry all the time. I understand it is hard on him. I dont k ow were this mood came from. Maybe its the teva. The bad co from x to v. The alcohol when i was drinking. Its way to confusing to even figure out. I hate this non linear healing. Maybe i have a disease. Sorry.  I am usually full of hope but this is rediculous. Love Suzy


I feel ya Suzy, I've been feeling depressed today too. Maybe it's the full moon... or PMS in my case.. it just feels so unfair that we have to deal with this for so long. I am so over it! And I am even doing 'good' compared to many here. Stay strong everyone, we will get through this.

Took a walk today and that's great, but sad that that is the highlight of my day  :'(


We love ya OK, I think it happens a lot this time of year.  We just want to feel normal.  :smitten: :smitten:

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Confused, I've read many here reporting that their holds got them feeling worse before they felt better. I dont know how long you've been holding. A long hold is three months or more. I think we hold when we know we're tapering into hell. This is very individual. If you have decided to do a long hold to give your cns time to stabilize, remember one month is nothing really.


Thanks, everyone.  I think I have been holding about 3 months.  As I wrote, I originally wasn't planning on holding this long, but certain things happened in my life that made me think it was a good idea to hold.  I plan on resuming my taper after new years.


Today was the best day I have had in a while.  Almost no anxiety.  I did have less appetite than normal.  In looking back over the week or two I recognize that I tried CBD oil a few times, and another med a few times.  Maybe that made me worse, since I feel better today.  Or maybe it is just a random thing given the non-linear progression of tapering and symptoms.


On another note regarding the topic of season issues that has been mentioned in this thread,  my long-time psychiatrist/therapist reports that myself and a lot of his patients seem to become more symptomatic in terms of depression and anxiety in the fall and early winter.  He has observed that my symptoms tend to be worse in the fall and early winter and imporve after new years.


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Hey ConfusedUser, I have heard that CBD works best if you take it consistently, that would be so wonderful if that helps you! I have tried it and didn't notice much, but that was when I was in acute w/d and nothing was really putting a dent in it. I should try it again, thanks for the reminder!


Thanks Mary love ya girl  :smitten:

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Thanks, Olivekitty.  I am concerned that the CBD was making me worse.


I am hypersensitive and afraid of things that might make me worse.  I took the CBD oil with drops in the mouth for about a week, which was probably not enough time.  On Thursday I took a 450 mg cbd oil pill and had my worst day in a long time anxietywise.  The day was already bad before I took it, so it might have been unrelated.

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Hello all, hope you slept well. And that today is going to be a better one for everyone. My sleep wasn't that good: only 4 hour. Woke up around  3.30 am. because of belly pain. Again. Second time this week. No way I could get back to sleep. So another fine start to the day... Started to feel down, like more of us on here. Must be the time of year and the thought of having lost another year of our life. I hate benzos. After a visit to the bathroom ( and a dump that would make an elephant proud!) things now feel much better. I wish us all the strength to carry on and especially have a bit of joy. Windows for all! Stay strong!  :thumbsup:
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Good morning Troschetter I'm sorry you slept badly. I'm glad you're feeling better now. I hope you can walk today as you really enjoy that. Let's see if Stutt shows up and says hi. I don't think it's a lost year of your life because I am sure you have gained a lot of insight about what is important in life. It's a very very tough journey but I guess it's teaching us a lesson. I'm glad to wake up and see you've posted already.


Trishy you're absolutely right, it's better not to name everyone as we will always forget someone and probably hurt their feelings. Then there's the other thing, some people I greet and comment on their struggles systematically and perpetually ignore me. I worked in the sales field for eighteen years in banking. I'm a very very persistent person. But you know what? I give up. If someone never answers my posts or even acknowledges my existence I'm not putting any more energy there.


Suzy I know you're struggling so badly and I really feel your pain. We're both wanting to throw in the towel. But you see, we can't dear one. This is like a prison sentence. We don't get to choose when to leave. However, we can sign up for all the prison workshops and do as much as can be done in prison. I try not to obsess with when will I come off because I always feel worse. Now I even try not to obsess with stabilizing. I have no control over that either. I tell myself OK I feel awful but I can work more or less, I can do this I can do that... I'm smarter in some ways because I used to do a lot of useless stuff. Now I pick my battles because I can obviously do much less, or maybe that's benzo brain talking. We can do more than our benzo brain tells us. I'm sorry your muscles are hurting so badly.


To everyone else I hope we all get some relief today from all this struggle and if we don't, may we at least learn something from it.

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Morning, Valiumnomore,  good to see you're online again. Hope you slept well. Your remark about us being in prison is right on. And I did learn more about myself, too. And about the people around me... Boy, how I would love to have my life back. But that goes for all of us. I used to enjoy walking, now it's a task I force myself to perform.  We just have to soldier on, somehow,  and hope the good times may someday return. Hope you have a better day.  :thumbsup:
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Thanks for your support LHSG.  I don’t want to go to ER or Urgent Care and since its Saturday I will hold out for my Doctor next week.  I’ve been logging my blood pressure and temperature at different times.  Yesterday my temp was 97.3 today it’s 98.6 but have had a week long headache.


No chest pressure, just a nagging cough.  One night it was watery.  I took my whole blood pressure pill last night and of course my heart rate has dropped.  I can’t win.


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