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Stut, miss you my Queen and now my King has the flu, and now I think about it, you had the flu, hmmmmm ::).  That may mean something I think me and the rest of the Queens might like to know  :laugh: :laugh:  hope sis is doing some better.  Glad the car passed inspection  :). Can't talk about the M word, may jinx me.  Tried to participate on the threads some today, been gone awhile, I didn't read back, just way too much.  Thinking about the girls.  Now, if you want to keep it a secret, you can pm me on how you and Joe got the damn flu >:D.  It is lonely without him, but apparently he wasn't lonely  ;D.    Love you my sneaky Queen, your Lady Mary x hen 💚💚💚💚💚 :smitten: :smitten:
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Trishy, a newer buddy maybe contacting you to talk about POTS, I told her you wouldn't mind.  LY, MM



Hey girlfriend, I'd be happy to help her if I can. She can absolutely contact me.  :)


So I see you and pebbles just love the Manning brothers and you want me to name the kitties after them.. Well I'll think about it  >:D:laugh: :laugh: .. Still undecided ladies but my granddaughter who is 5 is insistent on Bella for the girl but I like Coco. She's 5 we adore her so she'll probably get her way on that. She likes Dash for the boy over Beau so 🤷‍♀️.. still open for suggestions. I like sugar but spice ehhh.. they do go nicely together though  :laugh:

Hope that migraine is gone many mmmmm's. 🙏🤞

Love ya,

TT too many T'S in the tank :laugh: :laugh:🍎♥️


That's a nice avatar  :D

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Hi friends,

I have an accomplishment to celebrate! I work as a virtual assistant for a medical clinic, and I am about to start working for another one. Today I went into the office and trained with them for 5 hours! It was the first time I have gone into work in over 2 years! I usually work from home which is amazing that I am able to do this, but it felt like a real accomplishment actually going into work for 5 hours and being ok. Then I went out to dinner with a friend, like I was a normal person.


Trishy, your kitties are beyond cute I am so envious!! Mary, I hope your migraine is gone, you need a break! Suzy, sending love and healing for your muscles, Stut, you are just amazing as always, Kimmie, I hope you get some relief soon, VNM, did you ever talk to the bald shy guy??  ::)

Everyone else, I hope you have a good night sleep wherever you are, and a window tomorrow!


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Good morning people.


Stutt I miss you but I hope you're having a good time and that things are settling down over there in rain country. Was Mark knoffler Irish or Scottish? I confuse both nationalities because you both talk weird :laugh:. I like Mark knoffler.


Mary I'm hoping your migraine is letting up a bit and really glad you're back.


Suzy are your mental sxs improving at all? I'm glad your doctor is letting you hold, now we have to keep Jim away from your meds for Christ's sake.


Olive kitty I'm so happy that you got this job and look at you! Going out for dinner like a normal person! You're really waking on the wild side. What's next? A strip club?  :D Baldy didn't talk to me kitty, and I'm too shy to make a first move, I'm very very old school in that and too old to change. Now I'm at the Cafe, this is my me time. Baldy is sitting with his back to me. Anyway who knows, he could be married and I don't do married.


Troschetter thanks for encouraging me. U see you're sleeping better, feeling better... I hope you're turning a corner. And if it's just a window well let's enjoy it then. I have a little decrease in symptoms, by no means a window, but OK I'll take it.


Trishy I love your avatar but I prefer to see your pretty silhouette with the kitties. Have they made any progress finding that little girl? Is your sister OK now after the scare?


Bill I wonder what's up with you. Are you symptoms free now? I bet you have lots of work.


Final Healing you sound much better. I think if you're sleeping 4 hours you can take in more patients. I've had some really crappy therapists, you must be better than many even in wd.


Gilly in case you're reading I'm still thinking of you. What's your game? You're only showing up in spring like the hydrangeas? Miss you.


Meems what are you doing? I hope you're dealing well with mom, sick cat and wd. You haven't posted for a while. I hope you're well.


Well I bet I'm forgetting people but please, I have such a benzo brain, I do my best. Oh Magnolis if you're reading I'm right there holding the Valium with you. We're not alone.


Valley um, if you ever read this, the propaganda post saved my life, I wanted to say it again.


Intend if you're reading, I hope they're giving you the same brand of k or that you find a doctor that helps you with that.


NJ strength I bet you're still holding. How's your son doing? I hope he gets better and you get better and I get better and we can start tapering together.


Damn I know I must be forgetting someone. I love this group that does not insist on freaking tolerance wd to push people to taper into hell and I love all of you who've lifted me up so many times. Let's have a beautiful day today, wave or not wave, we're alive, tell your benzo brain that. Oh now I'm emotional. Baldy moved to a different table. He's always looking at his laptop. Clearly he's not interested. I'll have to continue going everywhere alone. Kisses and hugs, Janice

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Thanks Valiumnomore,  hope you're doing a bit better again today. My " window"  ( more a small gap)  closed with a big bang again yesterday. I came home from CBT,  still felt OK,  but got hit by terrible fatigue an hour later. Last night I slept till 3.30 am. Awoke with an awful pain in my belly, that only got worse. Took some painkillers, they didn't do much. Dragged myself out of bed to have a bowel movement around 7.30. This brought some relief. Back to bed, but no sleep for the wicked. Now it's shortly after nine and I had breakfast. Hope things will improve.  You wrote " sleeping better, feeling better" - it already seems like ages ago...aghh.
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Good morning LHSG hoping everyone has a better day.

Morning Janice busy this end trying to get Xmas presents sorted will do my meat shopping today l hope.l know it ain't much but a decrease in withdrawal symptoms is a bonus.Hopefully it will continue.l have mulled over going back into nursing and so far l am not convinced it would suit me at this time of my life.l know people who have nursed think that is all they can do however l feel very differently yes l was a nurse however that was what l did it isn't who l am if that makes sense.l believe nursing is a young person's career and to be honest with you there are very few nurses over sixty and those that are are higher up as managers.l also would have to go back to university for at least 6 months before l would even set foot on a ward which l believe is necessary as nursing is constantly changing.l will be honest with you l am still weighing up my options however l am excited to think that perhaps l will be moving into something new.Mark knoppler is Scottish yes we sound very similar in my part of the North.We were originally from Scotland.Don't you worry about baldy plenty of fish in the sea.l have a tip for you get a dog they will be stopping you for a chat constantly 😡. love you.X

  Morning Final l worry about you honey l know you are having side effects and they aren't pleasant however l would imagine withdrawal is a lot worse.Please be mindful honey and perhaps leave a little more time between cuts.l want you to get off however l really don't want you going down the rabbit hole.love to you.X

  Morning Troch sorry to hear you are back in the thick of it however that is the nature of the beast.l know it is deflating however we must accept this as our new normal for now.Just keep doing what you can for now and work on what you can.Stay strong my lovely.love to you.X

  Morning Suzy l miss you too when l am not on.l don't want to insult you 😝 but you remind me of me when l was younger.l have changed a lot since then.l really hope you get to a better place honey and remember you are a very strong woman and l am so proud of you.love you.X

Morning Olive woohoo 🎊🎉🍾. What an achievement give yourself a massive pat on the back.You are the poster child for long holds.Proud of you my love keep on keeping on.You have got this 😘.X

  Morning Twiny who the hell are these brothers?l will leave the naming to our lady Mary.l must say everywhere l go there is a Bella must be the in name.Good luck with your taper honey now remember be patient and try not to panic.You can do this.love you my lST.X

  Morning Kimmie take whatever you have to to keep your BP down regardless of how it makes you feel.We have been here before my love and you will have to taper a lot slower than you have been as much as it pains you to do so.This is about getting you off safely so fight your need to get off as quickly as possible this is about preventing worse than withdrawal.love to you X

  Morning Lady Mary our King has flu?Why was l not informed of this catastrophe?😂Oh God there will be some moaning done now 😕.l must say l think it is obvious what l did he is very fond of my pizza and cheesy garlic bread so l added in a special ingredient 😇😉well he needs to learn he can't mess with you and me 😜. Glad to see you back honey fingers crossed the m has gone for a long time.I miss you honey hopefully we can have a chat soon.The puppies are good muffin is not as good as she was but still trying.Love you my lady Mary HenX

Morning Intend,Bill, Gilly Valley Free Meems J Nova Miyu Esperanza Breck Mags and everyone here sending you my love and hoping everyone has a withdrawal free day.Xo

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Hi Stut, thank you again for your invaluable, supporting and uplifting words! They do us all a ton of good. I so do wish you a good day!

Thankfully I feel a bit better after a terrible night and morning. Boy, what a huge disappointment that was after a fairly good day yesterday. Benzo is bad!

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Stut, are you still here?  How much meat do you cook and what is it?  I miss you woman  :D. The Manning brothers (boo) are football quarterbacks here for teams Trishy likes, I don't.  If you are gone, take care of yourself and those babies.  Is your daughter coming home this weekend?  LY, your Lady Mary x hen.  Here's hoping our King is feeling better  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
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Hey everyone, I have some news from Intend, I have her permission to copy it and put it here.  I know a lot of you are thinking of her  ;)


"Hello there my friend. I’ve been up to many things.


Can’t remember the last time I posted. I may have mentioned that we had to get a new water softener which cost a bundle.


And then the 7 CD changer on Dans expensive McIntosh stereo got broken also. That cost a bundle also just to send it to New York where McIntosh is located. Lucky us. They sell those  fancy stereos here, but they don’t fix them here.


They used to fix them also, but not anymore. So just sending it to New York cost $55 for a box to send it to them,  fedex charged $83 to send the box to New York and $83 to send it back to us. And they still have to fix it. I think it should be there by now. Just haven’t had time to check the fedex tracking site because this iPad got all screwed up.


I’m sure this is fascinating news.


Dan is ok. Constant complaining about so many things. And I got this kalanchoe plant for my birthday. They are desert type plants. Classified and deserts and tropicals if thats makes any sense.


So Pepper kept taking tiny chunks out of the leaves and made herself sick I think. I kept shooing her away before she got hardly anything, but finally put it on my mantel where she cannot get to it. But little Peppers is so small that it doesn’t take much to get those fur balls going again and then her tummy hurts.


I just hope it survives the winter here. Then we’ll get orange blossoms from this plant in the spring and summer I hope. It is extremely cold right now. Had snow tires put on.


That 3 month hold didn’t work so well for me; just made things worse. So this last time I held for a month, and tapered again. On the 6 day of that cut, so we’ll see how it goes.


Mary has come and gone for November, and coming again around Christmas. I definitely need a new computer, but don’t know how to use windows 10. I’ll have to get a book for “dummies” on windows 10 or take lessons I guess.


Hope Trish’s kittens are spayed and neutered before she brings them home.


We went to Glover nursery to figure out how to handle that plant because we called some nursery in California, Oregon, or Washington, and they said they were desert plants. As in Arizona or Nevada.


Glover said it needed little water or fertilizer and it would just grow and grow. Also said they weren’t intended for climates like this.


I can’t even imagine why they even sell them here. Then Glover said to get soil in a bag and fertilizer from either Walmart or Home Depot. So Dan bought the soil at Home Depot when he was out with our neighbor Paul. Then we froze it to eliminate any bugs that could still be in that soil. (I haven’t had good luck with any kind of plant since we moved here from Kearns because we are closer to the river so more moisture.)


I just didn’t want to kill the plant. I used to have beautiful pots for plants, but Dan has taken some for all his nuts and bolts and whatever. So now I’m down to about 4-5. And the one I have this plant in is fantastic with beautiful hollyhocks painted all around it. And it’s sitting by a window next to the mantel where the sun comes in. There’s just no way that Pepper could ever get to it.


As far as freezing, it’s like 0 degrees outside right now. I did read that these plants root very easily, but I just don’t think it would survive this winter even in the garage. If it could survive outside, I’d take it out there. But I just think for now it’s better inside. Little Pepper never goes outside, but that mantel is totally too narrow and she just can’t  get up there. Right now, the plant is perky and doing fine. 


Yes, I’ve been watching MSNBC everyday.


My doc says to just keep tapering as I can so I can get off. Who knows how long I’ll be at this? Hope your hold helps you. I’ve never done well with clonazepam, and I’m a jumbled up “mess” as far as my CNS.


Mary does kind of get to me now as we are so used to being here by ourselves. I like Brad really well, but I sure don’t like those adult kids of his. They fly all over the place to watch football games. Mary and Brad just got back from New Orleans where they watched a professional for team play another one, and back in the fall they drove from Sacramento to Corvallis Oregon to watch the University of Utah play Oregon State  University football. Corvallis is my hometown.


She told me afterwards that she could understand why I loved it so much there. I sure wish that we had thought about looking into Railroad work in Oregon, but we were too young to think about anything so here we are right now. Dan and I just discussed the mantel and that plant and he said that there was no way that little 🐈 could ever get the plant.


For sure go ahead and copy whatever you want from all this for the LHSG. I can’t imagine what everybody is so interested in. Nothing really going on around here seriously. Not yet anyway.



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Hi Stut,

That is a compliment! You are awesome in so many ways.  Kind, smart, strong, funny, a beautiful person. I feel like I am sounding oberly mushy. It is true though.  I am glad your wd sx are easing up a bit snd you are able to do some xmas things and shopping! I am sorry Muffin isnt feeling good. I am sending healing thoughts for little Muffin. Love you!! Suzy


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Intend , you are just as interesting as the rest of us, believe me.  :). You are part of us , even if dragging a post from you now and then can be hard  ;).  We have quite a few new people that came on while I was struggling, so I can't name them  :(


Morning Trish and DD, I saw you guys on.  Hope your morning is going ok.


Love you guys, Mary 💜💜💜💜💜

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Hi everyone,

I have to catch up. It is Snowing here. I had the windows open yesterday. Crazy.  When it rains or Snows my eye hurts. So I need to let it rest for a minute. Probably mold allergy. Lyall

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Hey good morning all!

I haven't read the posts just popped on to answer a pm but I didn't want to sign off without wishing you all a sxs free day and also to share some happy news!! I'm not only going to get some new kitties but I am also getting another grandchild!! My daughter in law is 6 weeks pregnant!! Yay!! 🍾🎉🎊👶🍼. I'm very excited but also concerned about my son's sobriety. I hope he can hold it together bc now he's got his second child on the way. I'm praying hard on this 🙏🙏🙏


Will be back later hopefully. My grandchildren have school delays today bc of some snow we had last night and I have to get them off to school. Unbelievable, it was 58 degrees here yesterday, heat wave for this time of year here, then snow last night! Crazy weather..


Love to all,

TT too many T'S always.. 🍎♥️

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Hey good morning all!

I haven't read the posts just popped on to answer a pm but I didn't want to sign off without wishing you all a sxs free day and also to share some happy news!! I'm not only going to get some new kitties but I am also getting another grandchild!! My daughter in law is 6 weeks pregnant!! Yay!! 🍾🎉🎊👶🍼. I'm very excited but also concerned about my son's sobriety. I hope he can hold it together bc now he's got his second child on the way. I'm praying hard on this 🙏🙏🙏


Will be back later hopefully. My grandchildren have school delays today bc of some snow we had last night and I have to get them off to school. Unbelievable, it was 58 degrees here yesterday, heat wave for this time of year here, then snow last night! Crazy weather..


Love to all,

TT too many T'S always.. 🍎♥️


Oh Trishy that is fabulous news, she seems to be such a nice woman.  Tell her congratulations!!

I got a post above from Intend, don't forget to read  :smitten: :smitten:

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Hi everyone,  a short update:  I' m glad I can tell you my afternoon was much better. This morning was terrible, but after lunch the exhaustion left. I was even able to go for my daily walk!  Hope you all have a great day, folks. Stay strong!
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Hi everyone,  a short update:  I' m glad I can tell you my afternoon was much better. This morning was terrible, but after lunch the exhaustion left. I was even able to go for my daily walk!  Hope you all have a great day, folks. Stay strong!


Troch    :)

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Congrats the the new job! That sounds like a good one. I am so happy for you.  :thumbsup: ly Suzy


Hi Janice,

You posts are funny. Maybe you will see baldy tomorrow!! He might just be shy like you said. I will take the meds away from Jum. He is not the only one capable of weighing a dose. Man. My mentao sx arent bad. They have let up alot. I am not really anxious like I was. I still freak out here and there. I am able to not let things upset me as much. I am just accepting things are going to suck for time lol pain wise. I do have good w8ndow days though. Trying to not fall into the health anxiety. It really is hard.  We get triggered easy during this. You sound so good today! I wont jinx it. Ly Suzy


Troch, That is awesone you are feeling better

I noticed with me even if you think the day will be awful. It can turn around and get better. Ly Suzy.


TT, Congrats on the nee baby! That is exciting news! I will pray your son keeps up staying sober. It is a much betyet life, even though it may not seem that way at first. You can tell him a rec alcoholic you know said that and it is true. It just gets betyer and better. Unless you take a benzo. Dammit. Ly Suzy.


Hi mm,

Hope that migraine is gone. Glad you are posting. Not the same without you. Ly to many names Pebbles


I dont need to forget anyone. It really is hard to keep up. Hope everyone is hanging in ok today.

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Good morning LHSG hoping everyone has a better day.

Morning Janice busy this end trying to get Xmas presents sorted will do my meat shopping today l hope.l know it ain't much but a decrease in withdrawal symptoms is a bonus.Hopefully it will continue.l have mulled over going back into nursing and so far l am not convinced it would suit me at this time of my life.l know people who have nursed think that is all they can do however l feel very differently yes l was a nurse however that was what l did it isn't who l am if that makes sense.l believe nursing is a young person's career and to be honest with you there are very few nurses over sixty and those that are are higher up as managers.l also would have to go back to university for at least 6 months before l would even set foot on a ward which l believe is necessary as nursing is constantly changing.l will be honest with you l am still weighing up my options however l am excited to think that perhaps l will be moving into something new.Mark knoppler is Scottish yes we sound very similar in my part of the North.We were originally from Scotland.Don't you worry about baldy plenty of fish in the sea.l have a tip for you get a dog they will be stopping you for a chat constantly 😡. love you.X

  Morning Final l worry about you honey l know you are having side effects and they aren't pleasant however l would imagine withdrawal is a lot worse.Please be mindful honey and perhaps leave a little more time between cuts.l want you to get off however l really don't want you going down the rabbit hole.love to you.X

  Morning Troch sorry to hear you are back in the thick of it however that is the nature of the beast.l know it is deflating however we must accept this as our new normal for now.Just keep doing what you can for now and work on what you can.Stay strong my lovely.love to you.X

  Morning Suzy l miss you too when l am not on.l don't want to insult you 😝 but you remind me of me when l was younger.l have changed a lot since then.l really hope you get to a better place honey and remember you are a very strong woman and l am so proud of you.love you.X

Morning Olive woohoo 🎊🎉🍾. What an achievement give yourself a massive pat on the back.You are the poster child for long holds.Proud of you my love keep on keeping on.You have got this 😘.X

  Morning Twiny who the hell are these brothers?l will leave the naming to our lady Mary.l must say everywhere l go there is a Bella must be the in name.Good luck with your taper honey now remember be patient and try not to panic.You can do this.love you my lST.X

  Morning Kimmie take whatever you have to to keep your BP down regardless of how it makes you feel.We have been here before my love and you will have to taper a lot slower than you have been as much as it pains you to do so.This is about getting you off safely so fight your need to get off as quickly as possible this is about preventing worse than withdrawal.love to you X

  Morning Lady Mary our King has flu?Why was l not informed of this catastrophe?😂Oh God there will be some moaning done now 😕.l must say l think it is obvious what l did he is very fond of my pizza and cheesy garlic bread so l added in a special ingredient 😇😉well he needs to learn he can't mess with you and me 😜. Glad to see you back honey fingers crossed the m has gone for a long time.I miss you honey hopefully we can have a chat soon.The puppies are good muffin is not as good as she was but still trying.Love you my lady Mary HenX

Morning Intend,Bill, Gilly Valley Free Meems J Nova Miyu Esperanza Breck Mags and everyone here sending you my love and hoping everyone has a withdrawal free day.Xo


I know your worried Stut and I do hear you.  I'm reducing the amount I taper and will be holding longer.  I plan to keep slowly tapering after this current hold. 


I hope you get some ease with your symptoms and that your aunt and sister are okay at this time.  Thank you for checking in with me. 

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Good morning everyone.


Stutt, I bet you'll show up soon. I always show up before you. These Irish people like to sleep in eh? I bet you're walking the doggies. I can't have one of those. I have no time and no garden. Stutt it's really exciting that you're thinking of a new way of making a living. I have this feeling that you'll succeed in whatever you set your mind to. My sxs suck. Of course I'm not in the hole I was in last summer, but if I look back at October I see no progress. When you start your new business let me know and I'll place an online order.


Suzy I'm glad you like my stories. I like yours too. Baldy isn't here at the bar today can you believe it? I'm going to have to talk to him very seriously about commitment to his breakfast Cafe. This is not serious!  I'm glad to hear your muscles are hurting less. And I'm glad you're determined to keep Jim away from your meds. If he wants to play you can give him one of those children's chemistry games for Christmas.


Troschetter I bet you're popping in soon. I see your symptoms are up and down. I hope you had a better sleep and that you manage to walk plenty today. When it wasn't so cold here I walked a lot and it's the best distraction from this hell.


GP I forgot to say hi to you yesterday, I'm sorry. I hope your zompidem cut has settled and that you're still in some kind of a window.


I hope everyone is sleeping soundly and that we all have a decent day.

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Good morning,  Valiumnomore,  I did have a better night. Slept some six hours. Woke up around 5 am. because of a mean pain in every muscle and joint. Paracetamols didn't do anything so far. Hope it gets better as the day goes on, it usually does. Perhaps I can even take a walk this afternoon. It's a sunny day, so let's hope for the best. Wishing you and all of us a better day,
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Good morning,  Valiumnomore,  I did have a better night. Slept some six hours. Woke up around 5 am. because of a mean pain in every muscle and joint. Paracetamols didn't do anything so far. Hope it gets better as the day goes on, it usually does. Perhaps I can even take a walk this afternoon. It's a sunny day, so let's hope for the best. Wishing you and all of us a better day,


Troschetter I'm glad you slept six hours. I think six is fine in wd. We can't expect much more. I'm sorry you woke up to so much pain though and I hope it eases up as the day goes by. Yes, for me the mornings are the worst as far as muscle pain is concerned. The mental symptoms I never know. Sometimes the mornings are better than the evening and sometimes the whole day is the same. I'm glad it's sunny. Where do you live?

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Morning LHSG hoping everyone has a better day.

Morning Janice 😂 remember you are a couple of hours ahead of me 😉.First thing l do in the morning is up and out for a walk.Clears my head for the day ahead.Not pleasant when it is pissing down and freezing but has to be done.l will definitely let you know what I decide sadly it won't be on line however it will be something that l am good at and always have been.I have a lot of thinking to do however l think it will be the route l will take.l have been and am where you are honey so l understand how deflating this can be however I do believe it will settle down.l know because you have just discontinued lexapro and lowered your diazepam l feel it will probably take longer to stabilise however it will happen.l think Olive and Gardie are prime examples of holding until everything settles down for as long as it takes.Stay strong my lovely.love you.X

. Morning Troch how are you this morning?Did you sleep any better?I am so proud of you for getting out for your walk yesterday.l know it doesn't feel like much but it is a huge step forward in my opinion.I really hope you have a better day.love to you.X

Morning Suzy awe my lovely thank you and can l say right back at you honey.😘l know l see in you maybe an innocence that l have lost over the years.Anyhoo listen you take control of your drugs and do not allow anyone to patronise you in anyway.You are a strong lady and you can do this on your own.l hope you have a pain free day honey.Love you.X

Morning Twiny woohoo 🎊🎉🎆 l am going to be a great auntie again 🎉. Now that is cause for celebration.Hopefully it will give your son an incentive to stay sober.l really hope her pregnancy goes smoothly my lovely and you enjoy your day.love you my lST X

Morning Intend exciting perhaps not however we are all happier when you let us know how you are.l know you have this notion that we don't care however l think you will find that we do.l know you are busy however drop a line every so often and let us know how you are please.Give that lovely big man of yours a hug from me.love to you and Dan.X

. Morning Final l am delighted to hear that honey.l know you are struggling at times however you will get through this.Don't disappear on us please l always want to know how you are doing.Sis is doing ok not great but ok and my daughter is doing exams at the moment so stress is high.Thank you for asking.love to you.X

  Morning Lady Mary how big for the meat?As big as l can get my hands on 😕.l will be doing 3 meats turkey,ham and roast beef.My brother talked about getting a goose so that could be thrown in for good measure 🙄.l have not got any yet couldn't get big enough yesterday so will go back on Saturday and fingers crossed l will get it.l am delighted you are posting more honey and l really hope that is a good sign?As for our King well there's not many people that can get out of bed with the flu nevermind go to work 😋. Honestly flu my ass he probably has a bit of a cold typical king 😂. love you my lady Mary Hen.X

  Morning GP how are you honey?Are you feeling any better since you reduced the Ativan? Thinking of you.love you.X

Morning Esperanza,Gilly, Meems,Free,Kim,Bill,Miyu,Nova and everyone here sending you my love and hoping you all have a withdrawal free day.X



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