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The Long Hold Support Group


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Hi Troch,

Glad you got some sleep. It is very sad all the people suffering. I hope we all feel.some relief soon

My pain is better but still.there. I still cannot believe the way this effects the muscles.  I.hope you jave a good day and are able to.get out of the house and walk fot a bit. Ly dd

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Thank you, dd. Glad to see you're having a bit less pain. You're right about the suffering caused by these f*cking benzos. Makes me sad and mad! Let's hope things will improve somewhat soon. Not sure about being able to go for a walk today. Stiff as a board. Hope you have a nice Sunday. X
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Hi Troch,

It makes me mad too. I honestly cant believe the suffering and along with that no.help for us. It makes me sick. I am sorry you so stif today. I get that as well. I dont unfetstsnd why some ppl get the muscle stuff and some dont. Hope you feel.better. Try the best you can to have a nice day! Ly dd




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Hi dd, managed to drag myself outside for a 10 minute walk after the rain had stopped and I somehow felt a little better, because my issues improved a bit. But this was a waisted Sunday. Maybe this evening will bring a little relief. Stay strong! 
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Hi Troch, I am.glad you took the walk. I have walked when I thougjt I couldnt and it always.makes me ferl better. Even if it only 10 min tjat is good. Being in the house is awful. You need to get the fresh air and move the body. I know alot of wasted days. I think.of that too. This is temporary  and we will heal.  :thumbsup:
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Hey everyone, Trishy only read a little but so glad your sister is okay :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:  I didn't read anything about the baby though,hope she was found.  Sorry I haven't been around, migraine that just would not let go, it's been a long time since I have had one this bad.  Wanted to say hi to all and I love you guys.  Miss you very much.


Stut, love you woman, just spoke to GillyBlossom and she isn't posting right now, but wanted you to know she appreciates you calling out to her in your good mornings.  I haven't even come close to getting caught up on reading.  Hope everyone is improving some.  Dance a dance with Daisy for me, love and kisses to all the girls.    Mary X hen.


:smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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Hey Mmm,

I am so sorry you have been getting migraines.  I hope it lets up soon  :-[  Miss you and thinking of you. Get better soon. Love Pebbles  ❤❤💜


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Hi everyone,


It’s been 5 weeks since I updosed after realizing my symptoms that I had for previous 2 months were wd symptoms. Previous to these 5 weeks, I held 6 weeks also since Sept 25,. Total

11 weeks. The symptoms got much worse after Sept 25th til I updosed, I don’t have to explain the agony to this group. I am feeling a little better. My question is does the hold from sept 25th to nov 3 (updose) count for any time served? Or does the updose date nov 3 really start the healing time? I read about everyone’s struggles and have so much compassion. I’m just unable to engage now.

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Mary I really hope your migraine lets up and that you can be around again with us.


Magnolis I count my hold since my updose on July 15th though I crashed around June 4thish. I get the shivers even thinking of those days Oh Lord. I count since the updose but I really don't know why. You do what seems better for you.

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I knew the answer.  My case is the perfect example of holding is not enough. So many on this forum say either plow thru it or hold 2 weeks. I shutter to think, if I followed that advise, what would of happened to me. I agree 300% that I would rather live some form of a life, than ruin my cns. Right now, I have almost forgotten what it feels like to be “normal”. I pray things resume to a non fight or flight mode.
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Magnolis, after 5 weeks from my updose I was still in hell. I don't know how long it will take you to feel better but it really takes a while. And you're on valium like I am. A woman who really knows this said to me that valium takes a long time to build up in your system. I'm not "normal" and I really don't know if I'll ever be normal again, but I'm no longer living in hell. In August I still was, and I updosed on July 15th. I tell you it really takes a while. I hope you start getting more windows. I tell you, lower your expectations. That's a good coping skill. I've decided to accept this is my life now. Expectations made me suffer even more. When I find myself wondering when I will heal or fearing that I won't get better I think "stop, all I have is this present moment". If you think about it, it's true.
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Your support and the group has been my lifeline.


We will always be here for each other. I don't know what I would've done without BBs, and more specifically, without this group.

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Good morning LHSG hoping everyone has a better day.

Welcome back Hope l was wondering how you were getting on my love.Sorry to read you are suffering so much.How is your bp and are you getting any sleep at all?Is your doctor on board with your hold? Now you are going to have to battle your need to get off this drug honey.Holding is never easy however l believe you need to let things settle down before you restart your taper.Please think about this carefully my love and don't push yourself any further than is absolutely necessary.Even if you restart your taper you can stay with us it is always nice to have a place we can go to where we feel safe and heard.l hope you feel you have found that here.Love to you and hubby.X

Morning Breck delighted you are seeing the benefit of your hold.Perhaps you got a glimpse of Elvis?😜 Hopefully at the 6 months mark you will feel even better.You got this . love to you.X

Morning Mags this is a rollercoaster ride up down round and round we all go.New symptoms kick in while others ease off.That is all common in withdrawal.l would take my hold from the time of your updose however it doesn't matter your brain has no concept of time it will do what it has to do and it will take as long as it takes.I posted to you previously regarding the 3 months mark forget about 3 months honey this can take less time it can take more time.We can't predict anything however we hold knowing that it will ease off however long it takes.love to you.X

  Morning Troch l am glad you got out for a walk.l know this is endless but you will become more functional as time passes.Set yourself little goals honey and reward yourself every time you achieve them.l hope you slept ok? love to you.X

Morning Trish how did your weekend go?l hope you left some money in the bank?l see you picked up two babies good company for each other.Nice wee pets (that's as good as your going to get from me 😕).l knew that was you holding them l would know that double chin anywhere 😂.Let us know how you got on.love you my lST X

Morning GP woohoo that is good news.You are doing amazingly well honey perhaps you will get to 5 mgs by January.l have everything crossed for you.love you mX

Morning Suzy l really hope you turn a corner soon sweetheart.Just keep holding honey I know you are struggling however you will get through this.l really hope Jim is being a little nicer to you? love you.X

. Morning Janice l don't know if you saw my post to you the last time I was on?l know you are in a wave at the moment however it will pass.l know you feel it won't but it does.As you have said we only have now so try to live in the present not in the future.Keep on keeping on my lovely.love you.X

Morning lady Mary miss you more than you will ever know.l really wish l could help you my lovely however l believe a good long hold will help you.You have been at this a long time and now it is time to let your brain heal.Great to hear from Gilly l know Gilly likes to pm l am the opposite.l know she really struggles at this time of year so to you Gilly you have got through Xmas previously and this one will be no different.Hang in there my lovely.You have got this.Xlove you.X

Lady Mary l will be looking for posts from you on Wednesday so l am hopeful that damn migraine will be gone today.Love you my lady Mary HenX

Morning Olive how is your trip to Portland going?l really hope you are continuing to have a good time.Let us know when you can.Love to you.X

. Morning Intend,Free, Meems,Nova,Bill, Miyu Valley lost and everyone here sending you my love and hoping everyone has a withdrawal free day.X

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Morning Breck delighted you are seeing the benefit of your hold.Perhaps you got a glimpse of Elvis?😜 Hopefully at the 6 months mark you will feel even better.You got this . love to you.X


Stut,  Elvis isn't doing a full concert yet, but for whatever reason I keep buying a ticket.  Originally I didn't plan on holding for 3 months, but it certainly worked out that way.  For quite some time, the morning brain sensations/thoughts are just strange. A couple of times I've ask my doc for a small dose V tab to take before bed, however she steers the conversation in another direction.  Again, this hold has been quite helpful, however even holding has it's challenges. 

Thank you for the kind words,  Breck

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Hello Stut, thank you for daily dose of peptalk! I slept about 5,5 hours, but after waking up around 4am. anxiety kicked in again. Plus I felt quite exhausted. Glad I could up at 7. I make myself stay in bed until 7 am. Not that much muscle issues this morning,  the anxiety lifted. So I was in the supermarket around 9 am. Went for a 10 minute walk around noon, to beat the predicted rain for this afternoon. Glad I did, because it's raining now. Proud I forced myself to go out for a walk! Just as Dr.Stut recommends... ;)

I hope you have a good day.  :thumbsup:

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Hi Stut!

So good to hear from you. Miss you when you are not on. I kmow how busy.you are with sis. I truly hope she is feeling better. I feel.pretty good. The mucsle stuff is there but not like it was. I just really had a hard a hard time with the teva. The effexor reduction is not bad. Just vivid dreams. I feel like that helped my.muscles too. No.idea why. I will just stay were I am for a while and let things settle. Love you Suzy

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Morning guys, see our Stut has been on.  How she remembers everyone just amazes me.  Want to say a special good morning to all newbies.  I have been off quite a bit lately, hope to be around a lot more.  You have found a great supportive group that will help you all along the way and become your friend.

You can't find a more caring group of people.  Glad to see you all here.

To regulars, you are all doing such a good job in your advice, support and love.  You are all amazing.

Hope to be back later, Mary 💜💜💜💜💜



Stut, writing you a post later this evening so it doesn't get lost in all the others.  Thinking of Muffin and so hoping she is going to get through the holidays and way past.  Love all babies and you, my Queen.  Your Lady Mary 🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀

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Mary, nice to see you're alive. I hope your migraine is letting up a bit and your muscles are giving you a break, and if not, I'm glad you came to say hi anyway. It can't last forever can it? Hope you get better.
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Mary, nice to see you're alive. I hope your migraine is letting up a bit and your muscles are giving you a break, and if not, I'm glad you came to say hi anyway. It can't last forever can it? Hope you get better.


Thanks Vali, I hate to say anything cause this damn migraine fools me into believing it's gone, then it comes back :tickedoff:  So, I am hoping like hell, this time (knock wood) it's gone!  I am so far behind with everyone, I am just going to start from here  :).  LY, 💜💜💜💜

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Mary, nice to see you're alive. I hope your migraine is letting up a bit and your muscles are giving you a break, and if not, I'm glad you came to say hi anyway. It can't last forever can it? Hope you get better.


Thanks Vali, I hate to say anything cause this damn migraine fools me into believing it's gone, then it comes back :tickedoff:  So, I am hoping like hell, this time (knock wood) it's gone!  I am so far behind with everyone, I am just going to start from here  :).  LY, 💜💜💜💜


Oh how I understand you. When I have a day with less symptoms I'm afraid to say it even to myself. As soon as I acknowledge it, it's gone! Huussshshshshsh Hushshshshsh

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Mary, nice to see you're alive. I hope your migraine is letting up a bit and your muscles are giving you a break, and if not, I'm glad you came to say hi anyway. It can't last forever can it? Hope you get better.


Thanks Vali, I hate to say anything cause this damn migraine fools me into believing it's gone, then it comes back :tickedoff:  So, I am hoping like hell, this time (knock wood) it's gone!  I am so far behind with everyone, I am just going to start from here  :).  LY, 💜💜💜💜


Oh how I understand you. When I have a day with less symptoms I'm afraid to say it even to myself. As soon as I acknowledge it, it's gone! Huussshshshshsh Hushshshshsh


Lol, exactly

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