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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

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Oh Tt;

I am so happy your sister is in the clear. We will keep the prayers going for that little baby. Take good care of yourself as well. I hope you are doing ok. You have that nrw kitten coming. I am so jesulous. Ly Suzy

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Hi Janice,

How are you? I hope your wave from hell is letting up. I dont know what i am. Just sick of it all I guess. Miss you!!!

Your probably getting ready for bed. It is 6:00 here. Check in when you can.  Live you Suzy


Hope everyone else is ok. I am thinking of you all. Love and stay strong!

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Yes Pebbles only much slower.  I went up to 9 and last night I bit a little more off accidentally.  So maybe 8.  Feeling better thanks.


Stut, yes I am on blood pressure meds as well.  Mary told me to check drug interactions on drugs.com and lorazepam, Ambien, all heart meds and most if not all antibiotics have a moderate danger.  Yay me.  I have to get the doses much lower then rethink my strategy.  Will be asking this group for advice

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Hi all, hope you slept well. I didn't,  I' m afraid. Slept maybe three hours in total. Waking up a zillion times. No trembling or pain,  which is a first. But feeling awful, like bursting, exploding. A most terrible feeling. Had breakfast before 6 am. Back to bed half an hour later. No joy, too exhausted to even stay in bed. Up again, sitting in my chair, back to bed,  up again. So tired. I' m becoming desperate at the moment.  This fatigue may well be a reaction to all the anxiety while undergoing the Lyme tests earlier this week. Or it could be something very worrying. Trying to make it hour by hour at the moment. So sorry, but I just had to vent my misery. Not sure what to do; updose, keep on holding, C/T.  Boy, how this sucks! Hope we all feel a bit better soon.
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Hi all, hope you slept well. I didn't,  I' m afraid. Slept maybe three hours in total. Waking up a zillion times. No trembling or pain,  which is a first. But feeling awful, like bursting, exploding. A most terrible feeling. Had breakfast before 6 am. Back to bed half an hour later. No joy, too exhausted to even stay in bed. Up again, sitting in my chair, back to bed,  up again. So tired. I' m becoming desperate at the moment.  This fatigue may well be a reaction to all the anxiety while undergoing the Lyme tests earlier this week. Or it could be something very worrying. Trying to make it hour by hour at the moment. So sorry, but I just had to vent my misery. Hope we all feel a bit better soon.

Morning Troch l am so sorry you are feeling bad today.Yes stress definitely can hit and hit hard after the event.I know you are scared my love however try to engage your mind in other activities.Have you health anxiety?l hope you don't mind me asking.l know a lot of people on this forum struggle with health anxiety.l know it is difficult to accept this as withdrawal however we all go through the same symptoms to some degree.Be kind to yourself today perhaps later on things will lift a little.love to you.X

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Good morning LHSG hoping everyone has a better day.

Morning Twiny honestly I need to put a health warning on you thank God l wasn't on yesterday or l would have been worried sick.Thank God your sister is ok.l hope they find the baby soon.Bloody awful that this can and does happen.Now try to chill today my love and don't forget to breathe.love you my lST X 😘

Morning Suzy you are making perfect sense honey stop putting yourself down 😠.l was looking at your signature you are on a high dose of venlafaxine now l was on it and the higher the dose the more side effects appear and sweating was one of the most profound ones.ln fact l could only tolerate 75 mgsXl anything above that was not pleasant.Something to think about perhaps.love you X

Morning GP l always check interactions always have.l think it is essential for all of us to do that even when we are not going through withdrawal.l really hope you hold pet and let everything settle down.love you.X

Morning Olive that sounds wonderful l am so glad you are seeing friends and enjoying yourself.l would imagine at one stage you never thought that would be possible.Enjoy Portland and keep in touch.love to you.X

Morning Lady Mary hen l hope that migraine didn't take hold yesterday l would imagine it did or you would have posted.Hoping today is better honey.Miss you.Love you my lady Mary.X

Morning Intend, Janice,Bill, Final, Gilly Valley Free Meems J Miyu,Nova and everyone here sending you my love and hopefully everyone will post and let us know how you are.love and hugs Stut X

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Hello Stut, thank you so much for your kind words!  Yes, I have health anxiety. Going to CBT to learn to cope with that, but it's not helping so far. This fear is too strong. Could be, as I said, a reaction to the stress. I have been seeing more people than normally as well the last couple of days. Could be a reason too. Plus this awful night I had. Lots of pain also drain my body of its energy. But, as you mentioned,  withdrawal is a big issue. It's a Beast with many faces. I really hate this. I will try and keep my mind busy with other things.

Hope your day is a good one. :smitten:

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Hi Stut!

No idea why I have been up since 2:00. Lol. I have been think8mg about the effexor. I remember a while back at 150 mg is was sweating and I had side effects. I think while I am holding U might lower it. I did lower it some. I feel ok. More alive clear but a little manic I think. I honestly think this med is causing me depression and making me lazy and vivid dreams! Woah. . This psych med thing is crazy. Should have never taken them. If i sound crazy than normal its just wd from effexor. Feeling paranoid not sure who I am anymore. These drugs maje me question who i am. Omg I am nuts.lol. This is insane. Love you Suzy

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Hi Stut!

No idea why I have been up since 2:00. Lol. I have been think8mg about the effexor. I remember a while back at 150 mg is was sweating and I had side effects. I think while I am holding U might lower it. I did lower it some. I feel ok. More alive clear but a little manic I think. I honestly think this med is causing me depression and making me lazy and vivid dreams! Woah. . This psych med thing is crazy. Should have never taken them. If i sound crazy than normal its just wd from effexor. Feeling paranoid not sure who I am anymore. These drugs maje me question who i am. Omg I am nuts.lol. This is insane. Love you Suzy

Awe honey you are not nuts you are suffering withdrawal however you are still you.lt takes about  a month for things to settle down after a reduction so try not to panic honey.Hopefully things will settle down.Lowering any of these drugs is never going to be easy so take it easy today my love.l think you are doing the right thing the lower you can manage the better.love you.X

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Hello Stut, thank you so much for your kind words!  Yes, I have health anxiety. Going to CBT to learn to cope with that, but it's not helping so far. This fear is too strong. Could be, as I said, a reaction to the stress. I have been seeing more people than normally as well the last couple of days. Could be a reason too. Plus this awful night I had. Lots of pain also drain my body of its energy. But, as you mentioned,  withdrawal is a big issue. It's a Beast with many faces. I really hate this. I will try and keep my mind busy with other things.

Hope your day is a good one. :smitten:

Troch self care is everything when going through this and learning coping skills is extremely important.l know they don't seem to work however keep practicing.l don't have health anxiety in fact l probably have the opposite however it definitely is very prevalent on this forum.Please try not to Google and keep your mind as engrossed as possible.love to you.

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Thanks Stut,

You do feel like a different person coming down. Its so strange. Thank you for yelling me im not crazy and still me. My.mind is a scary place! Lol. I have to say my mucles feel better since lower. Not pertect but better. Love you  :smitten:

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Good morning LHSG hoping everyone has a better day.

Morning Twiny honestly I need to put a health warning on you thank God l wasn't on yesterday or l would have been worried sick.Thank God your sister is ok.l hope they find the baby soon.Bloody awful that this can and does happen.Now try to chill today my love and don't forget to breathe.love you my lST X 😘

Morning Suzy you are making perfect sense honey stop putting yourself down 😠.l was looking at your signature you are on a high dose of venlafaxine now l was on it and the higher the dose the more side effects appear and sweating was one of the most profound ones.ln fact l could only tolerate 75 mgsXl anything above that was not pleasant.Something to think about perhaps.love you X

Morning GP l always check interactions always have.l think it is essential for all of us to do that even when we are not going through withdrawal.l really hope you hold pet and let everything settle down.love you.X

Morning Olive that sounds wonderful l am so glad you are seeing friends and enjoying yourself.l would imagine at one stage you never thought that would be possible.Enjoy Portland and keep in touch.love to you.X

Morning Lady Mary hen l hope that migraine didn't take hold yesterday l would imagine it did or you would have posted.Hoping today is better honey.Miss you.Love you my lady Mary.X

Morning Intend, Janice,Bill, Final, Gilly Valley Free Meems J Miyu,Nova and everyone here sending you my love and hopefully everyone will post and let us know how you are.love and hugs Stut X

Oh I tell ya twinny my life reads like a sad book with lots of drama and twists and turns 😔 and all I want is a nice quiet life 🤷‍♀️.. It is what it is as they say.

Poor baby hasn't been found yet. It's breaking my heart into pieces. We live in such an evil world. I have such a heart for children and I can't imagine how anyone can hurt them 😢💔

I am praying for this child constantly. Police are saying that they have some good leads so 🙏🤞 hopefully they'll find her soon. I can't believe this has happened in my state but then again there's no where that evil doesn't live I suppose 😢

Anyway tiny lady you have a good weekend! I'm going to do my best. After yesterday's scare with my sister and this baby I'm ready for the loony bin. I'm going to do some retail therapy today to see if that can't distract me for awhile. On a good note it's my grandson's birthday today, celebration tomorrow and NYC Sunday! 😁 I also have an event at my church tonight so very busy weekend coming up for me. I guess that's a good thing 🙂


Love you little lady ❤️,


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Good morning LHSG ers! I hope you all have a sx free day. I want to thank all my buddies here who are praying for the missing baby and also for your support yesterday when my family and I thought we might be dealing with yet another tragic situation.. We've had many, more than any family should have to have unfortunately. None the less you're a great bunch of people and I'm so fortunate to be part of this group with all of you. We'll get out of benzo prison, might be a long sentence but one that's not forever.


Love to all of you,

TT ♥️🍎

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Retail therapy.  :laugh:  only Trishy would think of that.


Stut,  I thought that doctors (and pharmacists) would be careful of interactions.  I am so honest with what I take and what my sxs are.  Isn’t that their job?  I guess not anymore.  Oh for the good old days and before generic drugs.


Hello LHSG.  I wish everyone good days. :smitten: :smitten:



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Good morning,  folks. Just here to let you know I slept well last night. My usual 5,5 hours. No trembling or nausea or anxiety!  So glad about that. Now praying my muscle issues will improve. Wishing you all a symptom free Saturday!  :thumbsup:
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Good morning,  folks. Just here to let you know I slept well last night. My usual 5,5 hours. No trembling or nausea or anxiety!  So glad about that. Now praying my muscle issues will improve. Wishing you all a symptom free Saturday!  :thumbsup:

Morning Troch that is good news.Fingers crossed this will be a better day for you.It is hard to be hopeful when you are dealing with the ebbing and flowing of withdrawal however it will ease the longer you hold.Stay strong and keep yourself distracted.love to you.X

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Stutt good morning! Hope you woke up to a better day like you always tell us. How are you doing? You, daughter, puppies, sister? I hope there are more people taking care of sister because that is a lot of work for only one person and in bwd. I'm not writing here because I want to answer properly to every one so then I first have to catch up and then I keep putting it off, but I really wanted to say hi to you.


Trishy I'm praying for that little girl and for all the children in the world who are suffering. These are the things that make me doubt about faith. It's too hard to bear and even bwd seems nothing when compared to these situations.


To everyone else, hoping you're healing.

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Good morning LHSG hoping everyone has a better day.

Morning GP how are you honey has the pulse rate improved at all?l would have to say pharmacists should be experts on medication and they should be able to get any information you need when it comes to drugs and interactions.I personally don't deal a lot with either however on occasion l have asked my GP to double check before l accept any script.l know l shouldn't have to however l have always been careful regarding prescriptions.l don't know if doctors years ago were any better they did appear to be more knowledgeable.l would have to think about that one.l know when my parents were alive they didn't spend much time with doctors and they were so much healthier,ate better and were more active than my generation.love you X

  Morning Suzy l hope you slept better last night.Please be kind to yourself honey and give the decrease time to settle down.Try to enjoy your day.love you.X

  Morning Twiny give my great nephew a big hug from me.I really hope you enjoy NY don't spend too much 😉. love you my lST X

Morning lady Mary l fear you are really struggling.Hang in there honey remember this will pass.Miss you.Love you my lady Mary HenX

. Morning Intend, Final Bill Free Valley Janice Gilly Meems Olive and everyone here miss you all.l really hope you drop in soon and let us know how you are doing.love and hugs Stut X

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Stutt dear one, go up a bit. We posted at the same time when I said hi to you. Just want you to know I appreciate you always always encouraging us.


Troschetter thank you. I'm glad you had a better night. This is always up and down so I try not to attach too much to the good days either but that's just me. I find I suffer less like this. Praying we all turn a corner soon.

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Stutt good morning! Hope you woke up to a better day like you always tell us. How are you doing? You, daughter, puppies, sister? I hope there are more people taking care of sister because that is a lot of work for only one person and in bwd. I'm not writing here because I want to answer properly to every one so then I first have to catch up and then I keep putting it off, but I really wanted to say hi to you.


Trishy I'm praying for that little girl and for all the children in the world who are suffering. These are the things that make me doubt about faith. It's too hard to bear and even bwd seems nothing when compared to these situations.


To everyone else, hoping you're healing.

Morning Janice l have missed you.How are you doing honey?l am okish or as ok as you can be going through withdrawal.l am with sis from Monday to Friday then my other sister does the weekend.l find it hard sometimes other times ok it's according to how much pain l am in.l think looking after sis takes my mind of myself which helps a lot.The puppers are doing really well and Sox is still hanging in there with new hair growth thank God.

I was worried about you honey l know you are suffering.l really do hope you have a better weekend and give your beautiful daughter a hug from me.love you X

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