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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

The Long Hold Support Group


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Hello LHSG gang.  We are a growing group!


Congrats on your outing Troch. That was brave to tell someone about your benzo damage.  I tend to fear admitting it since my family and friends think I’m making this up.  Did you point the guy out to BB?  Unfortunately docs aren’t all benzo wise and maybe his wife could have gotten better advice and support here.  Good luck at neuro.


I am so going to hold, never fear Stut.  Will get those boots back to you lickety split.


Pebbles and Mary, these muscle pains suck.  And the music is back too Pebbles.


Hi Apple Butt!  I will have a Red Delicious in your honor.


Val, I hope you get through this soon.  I miss your great stories.


Glad you are here Joszef!


Intend, Kitty, FH (my voice is crapping out on me now), Love to you all.


Gilly, Lil, Georgie wish you all well.

You crack me up GP 😂😂♥️

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Hi everyone. Just popping in to say hi.

Trishy apple butt you sound happy lately in spite of all the odds. I hope you are and that you’ve found some interesting bargains in the black Friday. I got myself a cellphone with more gigas because I had no space for all the apps we need now to function. The discount was fine but not great. I hope all the troubles at home are starting to settle and that you can have a good Christmas like you love so much.

Magnolis I know you’re suffering so badly and as Stutt says there’s no guarantee that you’ll feel much better after three months but usually people do get better with holding and everyone will be reluctant to tell you a timeline because it’s impossible to predict, but usually people get better ok? Hold on tight and find distraction. I haven’t seen you in the game section. Trust me it’s a great one.

Mary yes you’re right we can be proud of this group and you’re one who keeps it alive that’s for sure. I hope your hold starts to give you some relief. Otherwise what can we do? Just survive and stay alive as I suppose if the universe put us here it must be for a reason although if it weren’t to raise my daughter and how good she is to me,  I’d believe the universe is filming some kind of drama movie based on my life and that this benzo crash is the dramatic culmination of it. Anyway we just keep on keeping on and see what the hell is waiting for us in the future. There might even be some good stuff who knows although I’m definitely not in the mood today to count too much on it, but I have better days. You have Tim and you have each other and that’s something bwd will not take away from you.

Suzy it’s also raining here all day for three days. We need the rain badly but I’m really depressed. I have a satanic, really satanic wave just when I was starting to think that maybe I was finally stabilizing. I have to stop doing that (thinking that I’m stabilizing), for crying out loud. I’m so glad you had a good time with your little niece. She must be delighted to have an auntie like you.

GP I’m so happy you enjoyed wicked. Enjoying a good play in spite of all this makes life really worth living for two hours. Did your bf go and did he like it?

Bill I’m so glad you popped in to say hi. It’s great to know that you’re getting better as you go lower and it will be a dream come true when we’re all off this. Your granddaughters must love to be around their grandpa and you cook too, that’s a plus.

Olive Kitty I’m glad you could enjoy being with your bf and mom. It’s great that you’re stabilizing it really gives me hope in spite of not being especially hopeful today. In that year and a half, I wonder if you thought you’d never stabilize, because I certainly do think so about my own withdrawal. I’m suddenly better and suddenly much worse. Yes, nothing as bad as July but surely bad enough to consider it “stabilizing”. And I know what wd is trust me my June and July was literally the pit of hell. So I’m of course better now but well enough to ever consider tapering again? Nope.

Meems I hope you’re doing ok with mom and cat and with your own withdrawal.

Final Healing I hope you’re getting better too.


Also missing Gilly, Lilgma and I bet there are a few I don’t remember now but I also miss.


Stutt I hope you had a decent weekend and that you find freedom very soon.





Hi Janice! I'm just trying live life best I can. I do love this time of year and I'm trying not to let benzo wd interfere with it. I'm stubborn like that 😉


Things have been quiet with my son, I pray everyday he'll choose sobriety over alcohol 🙏


Thank you for your kind words and I hope you enjoy this Christmas season as well. Thank you for being very sweet ♥️


TT still too many T'S and apples galore "behind" me 😂😂

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Morning everyone, so glad to see Stut on giving us hope and wise council. 

Troch, lots of times when I finally get out , I do too much and pay for it the next day.  It's pretty common unfortunately.  You just want to accomplish so much because you are having a decent period.

But it was brave of you to get out!!  Hope your symptoms ease soon.


And we have a new person!!  Hi Joszef!  :D. I really agree with Stut, I am afraid those large cuts will catch up with you the lower you go.  You have been doing really well with the holds.  Just mo, don't risk what you've gained now.  Good to have you here.  Just ask questions or jump into conversations anytime.  We are together a long time, so we become a really close group. 


I am sorry you are having so many waves Vali, really hope they slow done and you become more stable. LY


Pebble, hey you.  Really want my enso.  I helped Tim clean out the back bedroom, which

I must say, provided a lot of donations, lol, but just killed my left shoulder for a couple of days.  I had to get Tim to move to my side of the bed  :D. Hope you are doing better girlfriend, LY.


GP, so glad Wicked gave you such pleasure, we all got a kick out of it because you were so excited  :laugh: :laugh:


FH, we can gradually see you improving, it's probably easier for us to see the changes than you.

I am so glad.  LY.


Apple Butt, you are the woman.  You are all our friend , and funny, love you much!!


Hope everyone has a good day, at least some peace, love you all, Mary 🙏💙🙏💙🙏💙🙏💙

Hey too many mmmmm's ! Hope you're feeling better girlfriend. Praying for you 🙏 . It's always so nice to pop on and see you've been here.


Love you much woman ♥️♥️

TT, always too many T'S .. and🍎🍎🍎🍎😉

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I’m so glad you are doing well Apple Butt.  And I do hope your son chooses sobriety as well.  That would be the best gift for the season.  :smitten:
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Good morning to all my fellow LHSG'ers,

I hope you all have a good day. I haven't been here in a couple days, have been very busy. I skimmed through a few posts but that's about it. Thinking about all of you and hope to really join back in very soon and catch up with everyone.


To all the newbie long holder's you will love this group. We love and care for one another and you will find very caring people here. Welcome to this group! Remember a long hold is individual as far as how long one holds.  So yes, if you're holding you belong here!  :)


Lots of love to you all,

TT ♥️🍎🎄🎅🦌

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I’m so glad you are doing well Apple Butt.  And I do hope your son chooses sobriety as well.  That would be the best gift for the season.  :smitten:

Thank you gp.. Me too 🙏😘♥️

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Hi long holders,  just popped in to let you know about my visit to the neurologist. Last week's bloodtests were all OK,  the Lyme evidence is there, but most likely residue from an old infection. His neurological tests showed nothing out of the ordinary.  Get the final results in about a month. He did say my muscles etcetera. were all very tense and suggested I do muscle relaxation things, like yoga or mindfulness. So, nothing to worry about Lyme wise nor on the neurological front. Came home and went for celebratory walk.  :)
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Hi long holders,  just popped in to let you know about my visit to the neurologist. Last week's bloodtests were all OK,  the Lyme evidence is there, but most likely residue from an old infection. His neurological tests showed nothing out of the ordinary.  Get the final results in about a month. He did say my muscles etcetera. were all very tense and suggested I do muscle relaxation things, like yoga or mindfulness. So, nothing to worry about Lyme wise nor on the neurological front. Came home and went for celebratory walk.  :)


Great to hear Troch.  I too had a past infection from Lyme and last year was misdiagnosed with it again.  I treated it with powerful Chinese herbs and it did rattle my nervous system.  Finally had blood tests there was not active Lyme.  All the symptoms were from my post Lamictal withdrawal jump.


I know the relief you feel and I'm glad you are in the clear.

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Hi Final healing, thank you! You're right, It is a big relief. Now I have to implement it into my benzo poisoned and oversensitive brain and tell myself not to worry about this anymore and finally let it go.  Guess I will take quite some willpower. But I won't let benzos win.  :thumbsup:
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Hi Final healing, thank you! You're right, It is a big relief. Now I have to implement it into my benzo poisoned and oversensitive brain and tell myself not to worry about this anymore and finally let it go.  Guess I will take quite some willpower. But I won't let benzos win.  :thumbsup:


Yes, my mind circled back to the fear of having Lyme many times.  And even after my blood tests came back, I still obsessed at times.  But I made the choice that no matter what, I had to get off benzos.

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Hi long holders,  just popped in to let you know about my visit to the neurologist. Last week's bloodtests were all OK,  the Lyme evidence is there, but most likely residue from an old infection. His neurological tests showed nothing out of the ordinary.  Get the final results in about a month. He did say my muscles etcetera. were all very tense and suggested I do muscle relaxation things, like yoga or mindfulness. So, nothing to worry about Lyme wise nor on the neurological front. Came home and went for celebratory walk.  :)


That's great to hear Troch!!  :clap: :clap:  Peace of mind means so much  :D.

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Hopping on to say hi and love you guys.  Had a nasty migraine that is just now wearing off, but wanted you to know I am thinking of all of you.  Mary  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
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Hopping on to say hi and love you guys.  Had a nasty migraine that is just now wearing off, but wanted you to know I am thinking of all of you.  Mary  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:


Mary, I'm so glad the migraine is wearing off.  Wishing you a pain free rest of the day and night. 

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Hopping on to say hi and love you guys.  Had a nasty migraine that is just now wearing off, but wanted you to know I am thinking of all of you.  Mary  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:


Mary, I'm so glad the migraine is wearing off.  Wishing you a pain free rest of the day and night.


Thanks FH  :smitten: :smitten:

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Hi Mmm,

Glad your migraine is going away.  :-[

I have an appt. With my.psych tomorrow.  The witch. I am not sure what to say. Everytime i talk.she jumps fown my throat. Ugh

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Hi Mmm,

Glad your migraine is going away.  :-[

I have an appt. With my.psych tomorrow.  The witch. I am not sure what to say. Everytime i talk.she jumps fown my throat. Ugh


When I get impressions from different Dr's that they don't believe me or their knowledge is pitiful about benzo's, I just quit bringing them up.  An example of 2 of them are my eye Dr and eye specialist.

I tried to explain I thought benzo's were causing some of my eye issues, it was obvious they didn't believe me.  I am 100% sure benzo's play a roll, but I don't bring it up anymore.  Unless the hussy asks you a direct benzo question, don't bring it up.  You won't change her mind no matter what you say.  Just go along with her conversation, she just wants to hear herself talk anyway.  You just let it go , it's not worth you getting upset.  You will get better at doing that each time you see her.  My prescriber , I like, but she doesn't know much either, so I am careful what I say to her.  I come to bb for help and support.  It's a lot easier that way.  I hope it goes better Pebbles, I hate it when she upsets you.  Will be thinking about you, MM ♥️♥️♥️

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Thank Mmm,

I wont bring it up and tell her I am ok. If she asks about the muscle pain I will just say I have a drs appt. Ahaa..the hussy!! 8 luv it  :laugh: It is frustrating  because you feel like the drs could treat you better if they believed you. Sorry about your eye drs. Jackasses!! Oh someday i hope they.learn just how wrong they really are. Ly Pebbles

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I couldn't catch up and I'm just skimming thorough this page but I saw that Suzy you have the psych tomorrow?!


Please Suzy just know that while you're in that room I'm sitting right next to you holding your hand and that I'm giving you all the validation she isn't giving you.


Lisa A Romano says "I don't need anyone's validation. I only need my own validation". I think everything will be OK this time because you have really no expectations now. Please come and tell us how it went!


Love, healing and peace  :smitten:

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Thanks Janice!

That is so sweet! You made me cry. I dont need her validation just my own. I will let you know how it goes. I hope you are coming.out of that wave. We will all hit a window soon. Love you Suzy

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Thanks Janice!

That is so sweet! You made me cry. I dont need her validation just my own. I will let you know how it goes. I hope you are coming.out of that wave. We will all hit a window soon. Love you Suzy



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Yea Suzy, don't listen to that hussy! Haha Mary you crack me up! I actually laughed out loud when I read that.

Troch, so happy to hear you had a good visit at the neuro! That Lyme can be stubborn, I'm happy to hear you beat it down. Now to focus on healing from the benzo.

Trishy, thanks for the love! I do hope your son stays away from alcohol, I know this season can be triggering. Have fun in NYC!!!!! OMG I love it there. I had the good fortune to work there for a couple of months back when I worked in TV production.. my office was right next to Wall St and I was staying in a friend's 5 million dollar apartment in the financial district.. ooh Lala! I felt like such a jet setter. That was the beginning of my benzo journey.. ugh. I think back to then and want to go back in time and tell myself to never start them! But alas. Anyway, have so much fun in the Big Apple with your Big Apple  :laugh:

Mary I'm so sorry to hear you had  a migraine, you don't deserve that!!!!! Glad to hear it's clearing up.

Love to you all Stut, GP, ValiumNM, Final, Intend, Bill, Seems, Magnolis, Suzy, and everyone else...

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Hi, reading through the posting I get the impression many people don't think very much of their psychologist. I feel the same. I feel it's like they 're doing their job and that's it. Time's up! Next! Not much empathy. I had a very nice young  psych. I really could connect to her.  So sad she left. This new one I only met once in a CBT group session. Not sure what to make of her. She seemed uncertain and a bit nervous. Hiding behind the theory. Maybe because it was her first time with the group. I' m going to have one on one sessions with her starting early next year. We all have to somehow find our own way out of this shithole called benzo.
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Good morning LHSG hoping everyone has a better day.

Morning Janice anxiety still much the same sometimes more pronounced but always there.l don't really expect it to go completely however l try not to let it dictate to me.l have a few people that l could put forward for offerings if you run out of people 😜.l found when l got to .5mgs it definitely lifted me for a period of time however now it's just commonplace and l still see a mountain in front of me.l think it would be different if once you were off you would feel better however we all know that is just the beginning of our journey.l am still very busy with Sis etc so thankfully don't have a lot of time to dwell.Still tricky and hard but l am still doing what l can each day.l really hope you start to see an improvement however it will take a long time and there will be a lot of times when you think this is never going to end.Part of the recovery process sadly however it does end.Patience and acceptance will get you through this.Hang in there my lovely.love you.X

Morning Troch good news l think everyone thinks there has to be more going on it couldn't just be withdrawal? Now l will never say don't get things checked out however l will say once checked let it go.Remember the brain regulates every system in our body and that is why all the withdrawal symptoms are so varied.Try to keep busy honey and celebrate all your achievements no matter how small.love to you X

Morning Suzy just be you honey now you don't have to say you feel great however stay away from the cause.l know you want her to agree with you however she won't so let it go.Let us know how it goes.love you.X

. Morning GP all l have to say to you ball gowns 😵😕. Tell me more 🤔😁.l hope you are feeling better honey?love you.X

Morning Feeling how are you honey?Have you cut or are you holding?l hope you find relief soon my love.love to you.X

Morning Twiny l really hope you enjoy Xmas l know we all feel anxious when we cut however you will be ok.lf rocky you know what to do.Just stay put.Enjoy your parties and your trip to NYC.You deserve it my lovely.As for your son l really hope he stays away from the booze.One day at a time.love you my lST X

Morning Lady Mary another damn migraine l wish they would just bugger off.Hopefully that will be the last for some time.l hope you are settling back into your routine honey.love you my lady Mary Hen.X

Morning Olive how are you?Still feeling ok?I think we all regret taking these pills however l also believe we will be a lot stronger when we get off.love you.X

  Everyone here thinking of you and hoping everyone has a withdrawal free day.X

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