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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.



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Hello all,


I am ready to start TODAY!  I have been taking temazepam for a little over 3 months at bedtime.  I was on 15mg and Dr. Moved me up to 30mg..been on 30mg for about 6 wks, but overall 3 months on temazepam.



I always feel like I am ZAPPED awake with this med in the am.  I can NEVER sleep in b/c this crapwears off and I feel groggy and my brain wont let me fall asleep.  When I dose off, I always get zapped AWAKE!  i WANT TO BE A GOOF MOM TO MY BABY.!!!!  TODAY I START!


PLEASE help me do this and give me a schedule.  I would prefer small and frequent cuts ( a 5-10% cut every 5-7days) or whatever you guys suggest would be best for my case.  I don't do well with significant change in ANY drug FYI.  How do you do this with a powdered form temazepam?  I saw the titration and just didn't know which was best: Titration or direct taper?



Also, what is interdose withdrawal?


Thanks and bless you all... :yippee:



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Hi sklyles,


Interdose withdrawal is when we begin to feel withdrawal symptoms before it's time to take our next dose, this usually signifies that our body has reached tolerance to the drug and needs more to achieve the same affect.  This is also common in the benzo's with short half lives, such as Xanax.


All you need do is mix the contents of the powder in a cylinder or measuring cup to same volume each day. So, if, for example, you made up 100ml of liquid each day, you might remove 1ml to leave 99ml, and divide this 99ml as you require over the day. Each day, you would discard, cumulatively, a further 1ml. After 100 days, you will have finished your taper.


I suggest that a four month taper would be gentle, but you might well find you can taper more quickly.  Adjust your taper rate according to how you react.


Let us know if you have any questions.


Good luck.

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Thank you so much for your quick reply!  So If I am only removing this 1 ml per day, then this is just a same rate taper at 1% all the time? 

I read on the info pages people on average start with 10% drops.  Then drop 10% after 1-2 weeks, so forth and so forth. 


If i did it that way, would I then remove 10ml of the substance, then at my next drop, 20ml, etc?  I saw you could request a schedule.  I am not sure whcih rate is the best for me.  1% per day or 10% per week seems like a big chioce...HELP?

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Hi again Pamster,


I guess I am mixing tiration with direct taper.  Which is quicker? Gentler?  Can you do direct taper with temazepam?


I saw this:"For us to provide you with a titration schedule, you must join the BenzoBuddies forum. We will need the following information to draw up a titration schedule for you, but we will help you with this..."


Is this what you sent me regarding being done in four months?

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Hi, sklyles.


I'm not sure when Pamster will log in again so thought I'd chime in.  Usually when people use the titration method, they make small cuts every day, such as the 1ml Pamster mentioned.  That adds up to 10% every 10 days so very similar to a dry cut taper rate one might do with tablets.  Of course, if you can tolerate removing more than 1ml/day, you can go faster.  Even if you didn't have capsules to work with, I'd probably still recommend titration to you since Temazepam is very short acting.  Hope this helps.

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Beeper, and everyone else,


I just want to say thank you!  For you all to respond and be so insightful and caring means a LOT! 

Ok Beeper, so If I wanted to go faster, would I remove more than 1 ml per day or start with less ml...for example start at 80ml and do 1 ml per day which means I would be done in 80 days vs 90?  Does that make sense? 


Why is 100ml the magic number? 


Also, can I get a pharmacy to do this for me?  I was looking at someone else's post and noticed "compouning".  THANKS!!! ;D

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For me, starting with 100ml makes the math easier, eg. removing 1ml is the same as making a 1% cut.  I believe what titraters do when they want to speed up is remove and discard more of the liquid, for instance, take out 2ml at a time instead of 1ml.  I believe compounding pharmacies can make up capsules for you with whatever strength you specifiy (with a prescription, of course) but I understand it is pretty expensive.
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Start date- as soon as possible


Daily dose anticipated : 30MG


Tablet dose -  30MG


Number of tablets -  One 30MG TABLET per day at bedtime (powdered tablet)


Taper rate - 2% per day I have been on it for only 3 months so is this too slow or too fast?


Cylinder - 100 ml with 1 ml increments from 10 - 100 (no marks below 10 ml)


Also, if I have on;y been on this for 3 months, the why does it take 3-4 months or even more to get off?  Seems so long to keep your body on something you want to quit ASAP.  Please advise.  Thanks!  :thumbsup::thumbsup: 

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So sorry!  LOL  Forgot the most important part!


Drug is Temzepam-I take 1 30mg tablet of temazepam daily at bedtime


Start date- as soon as possible


Daily dose anticipated on start date : 30MG


Tablet dose -  30MG


Number of tablets -  One 30MG TABLET per day at bedtime (powdered tablet)


Taper rate - 2% per day I have been on it for only 3 months so is this too slow or too fast?


Cylinder - 100 ml with 1 ml increments from 10 - 100 (no marks below 10 ml)


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Hi sklyles,


Is the Temazepam in Capsule form?


I'm just trying to get an understanding.

I thought it was in capsule form?


Or do you have the tablet (pill) form?

Tablet dose -  30MG

I assume it is in pill form.


I will have you a schedule soon.




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Number of tablets -  One 30MG TABLET per day at bedtime (powdered tablet)


I understand now.


1 pill(30mg) into powder ( You state it is already powdered form) and mix it thoroughly with 100ml (cc) liquid. You can use water or milk, but most people use milk. It tends to suspend the pill particles a bit better. You could use other liquids too, if neither of these appeal to you.


Each night, you will start with this original mixture (30mg Temazepam in 100mls liquid). Each night you will cumulatively remove and discard 2mls from this mixture immediatly upon mixing vigorously. Drink the remaining.




Night 1: Make your original mixture and remove 2mls. Drink the remaining.



Night 2: Make your original mixture and remove 4mls. Drink the remaining.



Night 3: Make your original mixture and remove 6mls. Drink the remaining.



Night 4: Make your original mixture and remove 8mls. Drink the remaining.



Night 5: Make your original mixture and remove 10mls. Drink the remaining.


...And so on. 




Make sure to keep a log of your cuts so you don't lose track. 


This is a pretty average-paced taper. It can easily be adjusted. If you find you are feeling too uncomfortable, you can slow it down by either reducing your daily / nightly cuts to 1ml, or skipping every other day. Conversely, you can always speed it up too! Just play it by ear.


Hope that helps.



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do you think 3 months is a long time to have been on temazepam?




I have seen this question a lot about short term vs. long term. I think no matter, short or long term.. there will be withdrawal.

Then again, I have seen people and known people personally.. who was on a Benzo short term and had no problems coming off or less withdrawal.

Also I have seen members on Benzo's short term and had a rough time. I'm not trying to scare you. I'm just being honest.


This is a question I believe there is no direct answer of "Yes" or "No"...


I think you should definitely taper off. As far as long term vs. short term.. everyone differs. It cannot be answered.


You seeking help is a good indication that you need the advice, and how to taper off the T-pam.


You will make it  :thumbsup: One step and day at a time.  :mybuddy:








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Hi Skyles,


I've merged your two titration request threads together so you can see all of the suggestions you've received in one place.  :)



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