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Need help with 3mg. Klonopin to Valium..please


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    I was on 2.5mg Xanax for at least 10 years, and 3 mg. Klonopin at bedtime. Xanax during the day. On April 24th I started to cut Xanax and c/o to Klonopin. On May 12th I was totally off Xanax and on 4.25mg. Klonopin. Now I am on 3.75 Klonopin. I haven't had any s/x at all.

  I would like to c/o to Valium when I get to 3mg. Klonopin. My doctors appointment will be in a few weeks and I would like to have a plan/schedule in place to show him. He is one of those doctors that hands out pills like candy. I have read the Ashton Method so I am familiar with that.

  I've read many posts from those cutting Klonopin and those cutting Valium. I know as the doseage drops on Klonopin it can get a bit rough. I know there is no easy way off benzo's, but I know Valium has a much longer half life as compared to Klonopin.

  My schedule now: .25 K 10 am

                            .25 K  4 pm

                          3.25 K 9 pm

  I take the larger dose at night for sleep. I do have chronic cfs/ebv, hence the reason why the night dose. I want off the benzo's. I want my life back. I know it isn't a walk in the park going off these, but I don't want to live this way anymore. If someone can help me I would appreciate it so very much. Thank you for all your support and help. Take care...........



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This will have to be done in stages.


.25 K 10 am .25mg of Klonopin = 5mg of Valium

.25 K   4 pm .25mg of Klonopin = 5mg of Valium

3.25 K 9 pm 3.25mg of Klonopin = 65mg of Valium


                                             75mg of V. Total.


You will have to work with this, Rhapsodygirl..

You have a total of 3.75mg of Klonopin.

Ashton has a Schedule of 3mg of Klonopin.


This can be worked with.


As you c/o you can eliminate 15mg of Valium, which would bring you to 60mg of Valium = 3mg of Klonopin


The two doses of .25 and .25-


.25mg K c/o to 5mg of Valium

.25mg K

3.75mg K

You can fuse the two .25mg doses together, which would look like this-

.25mg/.25mg' = 10mg Valium.

So you could take the 10mg of Valium in the morning, and since you take most at night for sleep..


I would eliminate more of the night dose as you c/o from Klonopin to Valium.


What do you say?





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Yes, but she will be on 75mg of Valium, and 15mg of Valium will have to be eliminated, as she crosses, then 3mg of Klonopin would apply to the Ashton Manual.


But I agree, start with the Ashton Method from 3mg of Klonopin to 60mg of Valium.

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Yes, but she will be on 75mg of Valium, and 15mg of Valium will have to be eliminated, as she crosses, then 3mg of Klonopin would apply to the Ashton Manual.


But I agree, start with the Ashton Method from 3mg of Klonopin to 60mg of Valium.


I thought Rhapsodygirl said she'd like to start her taper at 3 mgs of Klonopin.  ???

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75 - 15 = 60mg of Valium, but from the Schedule she would have to drop 15mg of Valium or .75mg of Klonopin, then via Ashton Method.


Good luck.




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  I will wait until I get down to 3mg. Klonopin before I do a crossover, which will be in a couple weeks. I have the Ashton 6 schedule, so I know kind of what to do. I need to keep the larger dose at bedtime. I just don't know how much I will taper and how long to hold before the next cut.

  I do know I will be sedated on the Valium, but I know I want my life back. It will take time....I appreciate you so much and the help you give. I hope I can someday help those that are in the benzo boat to know there is hope and life without pills.



Again, thank you with all my heart,







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  I realized by the time I talk to my doctor I will be down to 2.5mg. Klonopin, which is 50mg. Valium I, think? I am hoping someone would be able to work up a schedule for me so I can take it into my doctor. Schedule starting June 30th which I will be on the 2.5 k, and I was thinking about doing a daily reduction instead of a weekly or biweekly one. I have no idea whatsoever as to how much to cut.

  I apologize for all my confusion. I know you are helping so many others as they struggle through this journey, and I'm just another benzo brain added in the mix :idiot:.

  I am also on 150mg. Tramadol a day. I have been on that for many years also. I started tapering off that a few weeks ago which was not smart because I know better. Patience is my least virtue. Today I decided to stop tapering the Tramadol and wait until I am totally off benzo's. Live and learn.( Tramadol acts like an opiate on the brain) Anyway, if someone could work up something for me so I can take it into my doctor I would REALLY appreciate it.

  Hope you all are hanging in there. The only support I have is BB and my fiancee. He will be out of town for the next month until we get married, so I am feeling kind of alone right now :'(.


Thank you so so much and bless you all,


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How are you taking that 2.5mg K. now, rhapsodygirl? I assume you are splitting it up throughout the day.
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Hi Beeper,

  As of today I am on 3.75 k, I am doing .25mg cuts every 7 days. My doctor appointment isn't until June, but by the time I see him I will be on 2.5mg. Right now I'm taking .5 in the morning and .25 in the afternoon, and at bedtime 3mg.

  The reason I'm asking for help now is so I will be ready when the time comes to do a c/o. My doctor is very easy to work with. He has been my  doctor since 1978, so he knows me real well. I don't see a problem with him prescribing Diazepam. I will take the Ashton Manual in with me so he can have a look at it.

  There are just so many questions I have. I know when I have a plan and all the pills in place then I will be able to move forward. I know I have and am moving forward now, but when I get below the 3mg. point I can have somewhat of a peace. I don't know if that makes sense. I'm doing well now, but I know the further down in cuts it gets harder. I was going to stay on the Klonopin, cut and perhaps titrate, but now I'm leaning towards Diazepam just because of the longer half life.

  Thank you with all my heart for your caring, wonderful support and help.



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I guess then I need to know how much of the 2.5mg you will be taking when.  The idea is to substitute .5mg of K with 10mg Valium every 2 weeks or so until you are on nothing but 50mg Valium.  Have you seen the schedule for substituting for 3mg of Klonopin in the Ashton Manual?  That's the kind of thing you are going for.



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Hi Beeper,

  I will be taking 2.5mg. K on the 30th of June. I have always taken 3mg. at bedtime to sleep. I guess I haven't really thought about my dosing schedule until now. Since I'm on 3.75mg. now, I am able to spread out my doses. .5 morning, .25 afternoon, 3mg. bedtime. Bedtime has always been at 3 because of insomnia. I haven't had any s/x or interdose w/d since going off Xanax and tapering Klonopin. I never really had any even when I was taking all of that. I didn't go off because I knew the risk of seizures and going c/t wasn't an option. I just had a "ah-ha" moment in April to get off the benzo's.

  I have the manual printed out so I see what it looks like. I was hoping for some help in making a schedule to cut daily instead of weekly or biweekly. Perhaps I'm not making it clear, I don't know.

  I do know other members have received help in regards to their Diazepam tapering. Hopefully I can find that "someone". Thank you for your kindness and help Beeper. ;)



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I've merged your threads on this board together, please talk with us in only one thread so we can keep track of your issues and your needs.  It gets too confusing to talk with you on different threads.  Thanks,



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Thank you Pam. I'm not use to the way this works. :idiot: I will try to figure this site out ;)




Thank you,


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Hi Rhapsodygirl...


You may also want to take a look at this crossover schedule and sample taper plan by Dr. Reg Peart. Just another option for you.




Best of luck in your Valium crossover and in tapering.


Much love to you, Nicole

      Thank you Nicole... I looked at it and it will help along with Ashton Method. How are you doing?

Take Care,



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Hi Beeper,

  I will be taking 2.5mg. K on the 30th of June. I have always taken 3mg. at bedtime to sleep. I guess I haven't really thought about my dosing schedule until now. Since I'm on 3.75mg. now, I am able to spread out my doses. .5 morning, .25 afternoon, 3mg. bedtime. Bedtime has always been at 3 because of insomnia. I haven't had any s/x or interdose w/d since going off Xanax and tapering Klonopin. I never really had any even when I was taking all of that. I didn't go off because I knew the risk of seizures and going c/t wasn't an option. I just had a "ah-ha" moment in April to get off the benzo's.

  I have the manual printed out so I see what it looks like. I was hoping for some help in making a schedule to cut daily instead of weekly or biweekly. Perhaps I'm not making it clear, I don't know.

  I do know other members have received help in regards to their Diazepam tapering. Hopefully I can find that "someone". Thank you for your kindness and help Beeper. ;)




How are you planning on making your cuts from 3.75mg to 2.5mg?  Are you going to be eliminating the other doses and just take all 2.5mg at bedtime?  In general, all you do is substitute 10mg diazepam for .5mg Klonopin every 10 - 14 days or so until you are on nothing but diazepam.  If you are going to be taking multiple doses during the day, you can start anywhere making your substitutions.

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Hi Beeper,

  I have been cutting my doses by dropping .25mg. I was going to keep dropping .25mg. each week until I got down to 2.5mg, but perhaps that would be too large of a cut???  Math is VERY difficult for me, always has been, but since I have benzo brain it's REALLY hard. My fiancee is excellent, but he is gone right now and I have NO idea how much to cut next time.

  I had always taken Xanax during the day even though I didn't need it, just took it because I knew what would happen if I stopped c/t. Didn't think about tapering :idiot: Sooooo, I haven't thought about how to do my dosing when I c/o to Diazepam. I don't want to be non functional during the day since I will have my soon to be 9 year old stepson here every other weekend.

  Is is okay to take the full dose at bedtime? I understand while I'm c/o I do need take something during the day. I really have no idea :idiot: Idiot seems to be my theme these days!

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Most people dose throughout the day to keep the blood concentrations even, but you can arrange your doses however you need to.  Taking it only at night and at such a large dose might make it difficult to get going in the morning, but you can play it by ear.  This is your taper, your way, so just be flexible and don't be afraid to experiment a little.
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Hi Pam,

  Today is the 3rd day since my last cut of .25mg. I'm having a tiny bit of anxiety, nothing I can't handle though. Since I've been going down by .25mg. every 7 days, I thought I would hold a little longer than the 7, perhaps 10 days.

  The next cut I will drop .125 and hold for 7 days. I wish I hadn't tried tapering my pain medication the same time as the benzo's. I was taking 200mg.Tramadol for approximately 5 years. I tapered down to 150mg. about a week after starting Klonopin taper. Bad idea. Now I'm up to 175mg. I was hoping I could taper them both the same time.

  I will be down to 2.75mg. Klonopin by the time I see my doctor and present my plan of c/o to Diazepam. I won't take it all at bedtime. I will dose during the day.

  Right now I am able to dose during the day with .75 K and then 3 at night. I haven't been sleeping as deep as I use to. I wake up 4 hours after falling asleep, but I am able to go back to sleep again, but wake up 3 hours later. I use to sleep 8 to 9 hours straight. I'm also wondering if I should continue tapering a little bit at a time until I see the doctor and stay on the 3mg. and then c/o.

  Thank you so much Pam for your input, support and help.



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Please hold off on your Tramadol taper, we recommend only tapering one drug at a time.  Your taper plan looks good, and I like that you're listening to your body about holding longer and taking smaller cuts, plus arranging your doses to suit your needs.


Your sleep sounds pretty good even though it's not what it used to be, that may change as you get lower in dose though, so be prepared.  As for when you see your Dr, just keep tapering if it feels right to do so, none of this is set in stone, we have to be flexible.

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