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I’ve got Covid worried will rev up symptoms?


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Anyone else had covid, what was your experience of it, read some horror stories about it, Anxiety is bit racked up anyway, son and wife came Sunday before last for Mother’s Day planning stay night as git flooded cellar then go onto her Mum’s, She tested positive on the Monday so still here and will be until least Friday, Since then husband and son got it, I started Friday. Not too bad had a hacking cough was keeping me awake all night that eased now, just feel bit hot like bad cold. Just worried will rack up anxiety. I don’t feel that ill with it.
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Thanks that’s reassuring, read about some people being put back months. Seems everywhere since Boris stopped all the restrictions, and no one wears masks anymore!
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I think most people had setbacks from the earlier versions Leanne. Although some do still suffer from the latest omicron etc, for the vast majority it's just a heavy cold at most and doesn't seem to affect the brain as much. Sure you'll be fine
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Thanks I hope so, can’t deal with getting worse. I don’t feel that bad, just the hacking cough is worst thing, anxiety has racked up a bit, plus having house full sick people not really helping, Apparently about 1 in 13 people got it now.
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I had Covid about a month ago. Only had cold symptoms and lost my taste and smell. It all lasted about 5 days. Everything is fine now.
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I had Covid back in Feb and was really worried about it effecting me, especially being in a setback but once the worst of the symptoms had passed I felt totally fine. Other then the terrible anxiety it caused me because I was so worried that I had "Covid" and not just a normal virus it honestly did not effect me any differently then any other virus would. Try your best not to stress about it (I know easier said then done) but I think sometimes stress can magnify our symptoms as much as the virus itself does.
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I just got over it, my symptoms did get a little worse but how wouldn't that be expected? Your Nervous system now has to work a little harder along with your immune system. Of course symptoms would rev up, to what degree I couldn't tell you. I had symptoms from my acute phase come back but trust me, they were nothing compared to the first time your body has already patched its self up from that period. If you do get Covid, just take care of yourself the best you can... In fact throughout this ridiculous process towards recovery we should be over babying ourselves because we deserve it, this meaning staying hydrated as a process like this really cuts into our nutritional volume and hydration sources as our Nervous system which are broken into two parts, The CNS (Brain and Spinal cord) and the second part, our PNS (These are the millions of neurons which branch out from the Spinal cord and travel to every area of the body sending and receiving signals and messages) all have to figure a way back to homeostasis... This involves proper nutrition, I personally consume the Carnivore diet as its the most nutritionally dense of any food, but maybe your body needs a vegan diet (Veganism in my opinion should be short term only due to plant toxins and antinutrients) but to each their own, maybe the Gaps, Walsh diet,... There's only I can't think of right off the top of my head (Benzo brain sucks lol). But these diets act as a template for you to enrich your body with nutrients which in a process like benzo ecovery, is golden you need to feed the workers in your body for the best possible outlook on recovery. I personally went from 133 symptoms (I have 122 post in a list format on my account, I have up to 133 symptoms recorded which I'll be updating my list)... But sense I cleaned up my diet which was primarily pop, sugar, Carbs and processed crap,i went from 133 to 6 in 6 months. (not 133 at the same time in pretty sure the body can't handled that, but that's my total count of everything I've experienced).

Hydration would be the second most important, get those electrolytes in, no sotre bought sport drinks... You don't need processed sugar, dyes and processed frutose in your body. You can make your own

1) Reverse osmosis water or you can buy store bought "Distilled water"... It's just a cleaner source of water.

2) Magnesium powder (Any health store will sell it)

3) Potassium powder. ( please speak with a doctor first, if you have a kidney issue just skip the potassium)

4) Sea salt or pink salt, they have the most minerals. Never ever consume table salt ever

5) "No salt". That's literally the name. I'll find it on Amazon and provide a link


This is not medical advice I can't provide that I'm not a doctor or nutritionist, these are simply suggestion and avenues for you to explore with a doctor if need be.


Best advice, if Covid is going to happen... It's going to happen, with the strains getting more and more contagious but weaker and weaker, I would say everyone will get it at some point. Don't let that scare you, your Immune system is more then capable not to mention, these strains are just getting weaker now that's how viruses that mutate work. They start off bad but not to bad because they need hosts to survive otherwise they can replicate, they mutate becoming worse and worse until they hit one mutation which makes them weaker... From. There it's basically down hill for it. It has rare and I mean extremely rare cases where it can find a mutation that makes it worse then the others but these viruses don't last, eventually they find they're way back to becoming weaker until they die off like SARS 1 and MERS. Are there cases of SARS and MERS? yup of course, but how often do you hear them in conversation? Almost never, the only reason Covid is so damn known and discussed is because we did a horrific job at containing it... Travel has subjected us to a world of hurt which we already paid for, the worst is behind us now the virus only has one direction it can go in and that's downhill now. Just try not to focus on it, focus on you and what your body needs. If Covid does hit you the symptoms won't be nearly as bad as your subconscious is making it out to be I can promise you that.

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Feeling really crap this morning. Was really hot all night, stinking headache , bunged up, couldn’t sleep, temperature pretty high. Going to get some night nurse today as has something in it to make you sleep. Hoping insomnia doesn’t go on too long,
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I'm so sorry you got it but honestly it sounds not horrible compared to what it could be. I got covid before vaccines and it made me feel like I was back in acute that first week, then I had other symptoms for like 5 weeks.


I'm assuming you had the vaccine and maybe thats why your symptoms are not the absolute worst? Either that or maybe you got one of the newer strains that are more contagious but less intense?


You will get through this:) hugs :smitten:

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Took something called nightnurse last night for bad cold symptoms has eased things. I had first 2 vax but not the booster. Feeling bit better this morning. Yes think it’s the omicron variant, absolutely no restrictions here, very little mask wearing so spreading like wildfire, Just praying doesn’t make anxiety worse. Not being able to mix or distract has revved up intrusive thoughts and made me think more stupid things, and made me feel quite down, and despondent about recovery from withdrawal. But temperature gone down and slept bit, so least physically improving.
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Sleep has been awful since starting Covid, anyone else had the same, and anxiety not good on day 8?  Feeling really low Anyone else had this after Covid, does it improve?
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I had the same thing Leann, had covid for almost 3 weeks, couldn’t sleep at all during that time, it does get better after you get over it.
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Physical symptoms not bad apart from 1 day. But has really racked up mental symptoms, anxiety and depression. Made lot worse as my way of distracting from withdrawal is socialising, coz we are both still positive can’t mix really yet. Just really worried when read about people suffering with mental symptoms for months afterwards.

I didn’t have a booster but had first 2 vaxxes, but that was over year ago. Think it’s just case the omicron variant lot milder, everyone here got it, but no one seems very ill.

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Leann its the inflammation form the stupid virus. It def ramps up symptoms, and usually the symptoms you find most pervasive/persisitent in your journey. It will lessen it just takes some time. Try to keep sugars low and eat clean bc it keeps dow the inflammation.


You're blessed that its only affected you like this - I know it doesn't feel that way right now, but I've seen a lot go very bad as I worked in the hospital over the past year in regards to covid.


Even the average "healthy" person can take up to 5 weeks to shake off the effects of the virus if not vaxxed. Good thing you got some vcxx in you to lessen the severity of it.



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