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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

20 millagram of valium not working

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I should say i was on 20 milligram of Valium and it was not working after 6 months and i am on 30 milligram of lexapro... I feel really depressed anxious and feeling of doom and worthlessness....Yes i have had a few things happen to me which have shocked my system,,, I was diagnosed with HIV, been in A car accident where i can still see my life pass before me have had anxiety for many years and so on and so on..... my doctor started tapering me off Valium and in four weeks have halved the dose which i think it is all to quick.... My doctor is a good doctor and i was lying to him AS the Valium made me feel so calm and relaxed that i thought i would take one more and another and then every night and till i was taking four 5 milligram a day...   I don't know about ,but they don't seam to work and i feel worse than i have ever felt...I am in my bed, i have lost my job, i don't want to see any one and life is just terrible...If you are reading you probably think suicidal but i can assure you that no matter what i am going through i would not do that as it is a selfish act and only hurts every body else around you...

I am going to a benzo expert in June to get a plan on how to ween properly, but am i meant to be having all these symptoms,,,feeling nauseous,down all the time, worthless,doom,worse anxiety that i have ever had,not looking forward to anything and many other symptoms....I said to my doctor if they are so addictive and it is only meant to be short term,, why do they come in a box or bottle of 50.... He could not answer that...


I need help as this is not living and i am sick of doctors,physiologists, as they cant feel what we go through...Is there any one else feeling this way, as i know it sounds terrible but piece of mind and trying to keep the mind sane may help while i am going through this hell.....Some people been on benzos for years, so why has it hit me as i have been on these for 6 months. I went to doctor the other day and he yelled at me for mentioning this site as  he said they are not experts, yet i should not say this but i wish  a doctor could feel the way i am feeling, the same type of training they give special forces like making them put up with tear gas or pepper spray the doctors should go on a benzo so they can empathise how hard it is to get off

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Hi there,


I have many friends who have HIV, and one of them came off Klonopin. He was on it for a while. His dose varied. He's doing better today. He just moved from Georgia to Nevada not long ago. I'm sorry to hear about your job loss and so on. It sounds like you have hit tolerance IMO with the Valium. I don't understand how people can take it for decades and not build a tolerance and some take it a few months and do. Hopefully you can start a taper plan. If the Valium seems to be no longer working. I wouldn't up-dose.


I said to my doctor if they are so addictive and it is only meant to be short term,, why do they come in a box or bottle of 50.... He could not answer that...


I have questioned the doctor about things like this as well, and the questions were dodged.





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We all understand how miserable you are, we know it well.  Benzo's quit working, then they turn on you and bring so many horrible feelings and sensations.  We can help you figure out a taper and support you as you do this, please know you're among friends.



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I am glad you

I should say i was on 20 milligram of Valium and it was not working after 6 months and i am on 30 milligram of lexapro... I feel really depressed anxious and feeling of doom and worthlessness....Yes i have had a few things happen to me which have shocked my system,,, I was diagnosed with HIV, been in  a car accident where i can still see my life pass before me have had anxiety for many years and so on and so on..... my doctor started tapering me off Valium and in four weeks have halved the dose which i think it is all to  quick.... My doctor is a good doctor and i was lying to him AS the Valium made me feel so calm and relaxed that i thought i would take one more and another and then every night and till i was taking four 5 milligram a day...   I don't know about ,but they don't seam to work and i feel worse than i have ever felt...I am in my bed, i have lost my job, i don't want to see any one and life is just terrible...If you are reading you probably think suicidal but i can assure you that no matter what i am going through i would not do that as it is a selfish act and only hurts every body else around you...


I am glad that you are not suicidal.  You have certainly been through a lot, and to add benzo tolerance withdrawal on top can make things seem pretty unbearable.  Was the valium prescribed because of the stress of your car accident and HIV diagnosis?  If so, I would look into some form of talk therapy so you have a better way to deal with the trauma those events brought into your lives.  Since you want to take valium out of the equation, the full impact might hit you harder emotionally if you don't find other ways to cope.



I am going to a benzo expert in June to get a plan on how to ween properly, but am i meant to be having all these symptoms,,,feeling nauseous,down all the time, worthless,doom,worse anxiety that i have ever had,not looking forward to anything and many other symptoms....I said to my doctor if they are so addictive and it is only meant to be short term,, why do they come in a box or bottle of 50.... He could not answer that...


I hope that by being a benzo expert, that means he understands that tapering needs to be a slow steady process.  It is generally recommended to do 10 % cuts every 1 to 2 weeks.  Perhaps you could print out a copy of the Ashton Manual and tell your doctor you would like to go by the recommendations in it. http://www.benzo.org.uk/manual/


All those symptoms you have are fairly common in tolerance withdrawal.  You can look up the symptoms in the manual.  They are unpleasant but some of them may improve as you taper down.


I need help as this is not living and i am sick of doctors,physiologists, as they cant feel what we go through...Is there any one else feeling this way, as i know it sounds terrible  but piece of mind and trying to keep the mind sane may help while i am going through this hell.....Some people been on benzos for years, so why has it hit me as i have been on these for 6 months.


Everybody is different.  We have some members who were on benzos for 20 years before they reached major problems and others that have had problems in as little as 2 weeks of use.  The good news is that you are already on the benzo of choice for tapering.  Many members have to slowly crossover to valium before they do their taper.  You will be able to feel better again, so hang in there.  You made a good decision in deciding to come off of valium.  Next step is to put that plan into action by getting a good taper schedule in order.  You can plan a taper schedule out here in the 'Planning Your Taper" section of this forum... or you can wait and see what your doctor says first and we can see what his plan is.

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thank you all very much for your support as i have never fealt this way before.....He gave me valium originally to help me relax as when i heard the news of hiv i was beside myself,,, I was already on an anti depressant called lexapro...
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I'm sorry you were given a drug which has made your situation that much worse, I've seen this all too often.  Would you like us to help you figure out a taper plan, or are you going to wait until you speak with your new Dr?
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i would love you to as this doctor is a benzo specialist but when i rang the benzo line i cant see here for another two weeks and she is suggesting i stay on what i am taking now which is actually 15 millagram a day and the other thing i might ask is..sometimes i take half in morning and  the rest at night  is this alright...  Also if you gave me a taper plan what if my doctor thinks i am just trying to get more valium.....how can we get around that...
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Hopefully by showing your Dr a taper plan and the Ashton manual, she will see how serious you are about tapering, you certainly wouldn't look like you were drug seeking.  Most folks break up their total dose and take it several times a day, so you should take it as often as you need to feel comfortable.


Your plan would be fairly straightforward, you'd reduce by .5 or 1 mg every week or two depending on how you feel.  We typically suggest listening to your body as a guide for your taper.

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You have been given some good advice. You are among friends here.


He gave me valium originally to help me relax as when i heard the news of hiv i was beside myself


That's why they gave my friend the Klonopin, he was also on Zoloft.

He came off the Klonopin with very few problems. He still takes the Zoloft.


I think you will be fine with a reasonable taper, in which Pam gave you advice on.


We're here to help out. Just try to stay calm, and I know that can be hard to do.. you will be just fine.





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Thank you for all your support....I went to my doctor today and told him i am seeing a benzo expert on June the 3rd and he did not like that as he has put me on a weening programme and i keep telling him it is too quick... i was on 20 milligramme of Valium and with 3 weeks he had me on 7.5 milligram    i been on Valium for 6 months and the withdrawal symptoms are fierce....I hate these little yellow monsters, but i showed my doctor what you told me to show him about taking it slower and it like infuriated him.....he says that is for long time users..Is not 6 months a long time and 20 milligrammes a big dose....I before i took Valium was working as a sales trainer  infact motivating people all over Australia and very good at it...now i cant stand in front of the mirror i have lost all confidence and all i ever hear off doctors is why were you on them....I tell me them have they had HIV, an accident at 180 ks an hours a marriage split up being gay, feeling you letting your children down.... so my doctor originally put me on small dose to help me relax and chill.....if he explained if i abuse it it will make me feel like this then would i have.... and why did he give me a bottle of 50 instead of ten....Now my doctor will not prescribe and keep me on the dose the benzo specialist has requested in which is 12.5 milligram..I told him to ring the specialist and he didn't....So now it looks like i have to go to another doctor..In Australia a lot of doctors bulk bill and it is free,, and i am not going to a phycitrist that costs 300 for him just to write out a script....Why is this happening to me at 45..what have i done as i have always been a person to help other people and used to love giving advice to any one that need it..Now i need it and it hurts so much these with drawels.. Finally i told him about benzo buddies and he told me to stop googling.... 
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