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New member/sleep issues


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My name is Kathi and I used temazapam and ambien alternating for 12+ yrs for sleep. Because of side effects I decided to quit and tapered over 8months, using melatonin and tryptophan. I am now 4mos off and doing pretty well except for horrible insomnia, the initial reason for the drugs. I have always been a poor sleeper and am really struggling now...doing worse than during the taper. I am hoping to get help and support for this awful insomnia issue. I have tried every supplement known to man and still can't sleep. I also bought the Sleep Tracks, recommended by someone in this group. Without Benadryl, I am just not getting any sleep. I thought I could handle this on my own, now that I'm off the drug, but I seem to be having a harder time now. Would appreciate any ideas or if others were as bad as me before benzos and doing well now. Appreciate you being there. Was in another benzo support group that closed.

Thanks, Kathi

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Hi Kathi, Welcome to BenzoBuddies!


I'm so sorry you're not sleeping, that was my last symptom to leave, and it took a long time.  Four months off the drug isn't long enough for your body to have healed, so please don't think this is the way it's going to be.  We'll try to help you, and offer what we can, but the most important is, don't give up and go back to the drug.  Your body needs to re-learn how to do what it knows how to do, please give it time.



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Hi again. Where is the main place to post messages? Do I post under insomnia? What if it isn't related to that issue. Please bear with me. I am challenged with using these web sites. I mastered benzofriends and then it closed. My main concern is how to post. There doesn't seem to be a button that says post. Maybe I am in the wrong place to post. I always do better on the phone with explanations.

I am so sleep deprived today I don't think my brain is working. If I want to post a question about vitamin B 12/B6, where would I do that? Thanks for your patience. I will get this eventually. Before I joined today, I was reading the posts on insomnia and that is where I learned about the Sleep Tracks. Just not clear on how to use this site. I am one of the technologically challenged. Can't work my cell phone, DVD or TV very well. Too many controls.

Thanks, Kathi

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I see you found the Alternative Therapies & Supplements board to post your question about the B vitamins.  I guess you now see that you start a new thread/topic by clicking on the "New Topic" tab.  To post on an existing thread, just click on the "Reply" tab.  If you want to include the post you are replying to in  your reply, use the "Quote" tab instead. 


For questions that don't "fit" on one of the specific topic boards, use the Withdrawal and Recovery board:



Good sleep has been a challenge for me as well, maltesemom.  I was on both lorazepam/Ativan and Ambien and it took me a long time to get back to sleeping 3-4 hours at a time after I tapered off of them.  One thing that helped me was listening to a not-too-exciting audio book on my CD player or iPod.  I'll usually listen to a chapter or two and just drift off at some point.  :sleepy:

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I dont have any advice as I am struggling with the same problem after being off for 10 months.  I was on temaz for over 5 years and know how difficult it is.  What works for me is to take a 1/2 of a unisom virtually everynight.  It does stir up my anxiety though.  Melatonin does nothing and benadryl  does nothing either.  I hope and pray it will get better, but who knows.  Congrats for getting off.  I know where you are coming from  irt trying everything on the planet.  I dont know if you drink, but when I do, I dont sleep at all and it really revs my anxiety.  good luck.  
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Hello Kathi and welcome to BB! I am sorry to hear of your sleep issues. Sleep is still a bit bumpy for me but has improved quite a bit at 10 months off. Hang in there and hope you feel much better very soon.
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Kathi, sorry nothing has helped with your insomnia.  I have Rls and for me getting to sleep quickly is the only way I can deal with the disease without drugs.  Sleep Tracks was very instrumental in reteaching me how to relax and get to sleep quickly , so I am sorry to hear it didn't work out for you.  I know how horrible it can be to be up night after night without being able to sleep. 

Here it is 1 am in the morning  , and my RLS is kicking up, so here I am cruising thru benzobuddies.  Fortunately , I have learned to read my body to know when its tired, so when I get to that point I will go back to bed..

I hope ;you find an answer without having to look at drugs again


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