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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Cold turkey new member


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Hi, I found this forum nearly 4 weeks into cold turkey. Used 5-10 mg valium for three yrs. The withdrawal symtons are pretty much like everything I have read. Vision, sleep and anxiety seem to be the worst. I do not want to re-instate but will consider any advice.
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Hi idho:


Welcome to Benzo Buddies!  You will find a good number of members here who are still experiencing withdrawals after going though a cold turkey.  There are also inspiring stories from those who have recovered from a c/t.  We hope you will find the forum informative and supportive.





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Hi and welcome to BenzoBuddies, idho.


Cold turkey is not our method of choice for getting off benzos but congratulations on making it this far.  At 4 weeks off, I really don't think reinstating is a good idea.  From what I've read, it doesn't always work to reduce symptoms and then you have to taper off the reinstated amount.  If you can, hang in there.  You have to look around a bit, but there are some good suggestions on the Insomnia and Anxiety boards.  Or you could start a thread/topic on either or both and ask for some suggestions.  We are here to help.  ;)

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Welcome idho,


The members at BenzoBuddies are very willing to offer you their understanding and support. Feel free to ask questions.


I went cold turkey too. I thought about reinstating, but I didn't.


It is tough going, I know, so hang in there, and just keep reminding yourself that what you are going through will all end someday, and become a very distant memory.

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I still have some symptoms, but they are very tolerable now. I figure that I am about 80% healed and am feeling pretty good most days.


Trust me when I tell you that it does get better.



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I tried to use alcohol to help the wds, the booze helped until it wore off the the wds were ten fold. Made me really sick.  :idiot:
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Hello idho, Welcome!


You're among friends here, many have gone this route before you, including me and there is hope, okay?  It takes a long time to get through this, but it's worth the pain to get free from these drugs.  Hang in there and look around, we'll help you understand what's happening to you.




Oops, just saw your post about alcohol, big mistake!  It affects the same receptors in the brain that benzo's do, so you're making things worse for yourself by substituting to make the pain go away.  Just grit your teeth and don't look to other substances to help out, time is your friend, your only one.

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Tx Pam, Yes I found that alcohol is bad. After learning how sick it made me I knew that I would never drink again. Even the taste was so repulsive. Learning that caffeine also is not good for the wds.



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Yep, I had to swear off coffee for a time, and lots of people have trouble with some of their supplements too.  :sick:
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I'm sorry you had to experience the increase in symptoms from using alcohol. I hope your symptoms have gone back down to a tolerable level.


I'm almost 8 months out and still have problems with supplements.


I am able to drink coffee now, though.http://i1132.photobucket.com/albums/m575/maxmoo/Funny%20Pics/Decor%20Smileys/Food%20Smileys/lovecoffee.gif


Hang in there! 

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I think the w/ds are quite high, researched some posts on supplements and found that there are possibly many thinks affecting my well being.


Tx, idho

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Hello Idho and welcoming you to BB. I am sorry your w/ds are quite high, I hope things settle down for you very soon. Glad you found us, hang in there.
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Welcome to CT hell! I CT'd off of 30+ mg of Valium daily on April 2. I made it 16 days, then reinstated for 3-1/2 days. It didn't really help and going back on Valium just really made me mad at myself. (I've tried to taper down and CT from 2.5 mg (made it 17 days) and 7.5 mg (made it 23 days) but reinstated both times.) I finally pulled out of it and resumed my CT at 11:30 a.m. on April 21, so counting the 16 days before and the days after, I'm now at Day 39.


During the first month or so I'd have to say that most of my symptoms were physical, with a lot of tinnitus, a feeling of an electrical current flowing through my brain with occasional zaps, a stiff jaw, and physically just a lot of aches and tension. Over the past 7-10 days the physical stuff has slowly begun to fade, making way for "emotional gunk" (not a scientific term, but the best way I can describe it) and some derealization begin, which tells me my brain and body have adapted somewhat to the Valium being out of my system. As my brain begins working again the emotions are like a car's engine which hasn't been started in ages and once turned on it kind of sputters and smokes as it comes back to life.


Some days the emotions are really bad and, like you, I had a couple of drinks to ease the pain. On two occasions I took one small dose of "rescue meds" (Xanax, not Valium) to make it through a really rough spot. I had a really good day yesterday and today isn't as good as yesterday, but it's still better than it was during the early part of this week. I have been going out in the morning to take walks and most of the time the past couple of weeks it's been really bad, what with the derealization and churning emotions. Yesterday was really the first day I felt in the "here and now" while walking.


So, CT is kind of a series of transitions -- from physical to emotional. I don't know what comes next, but I can't worry too much about the future. My emphasis has been and will remain focused on getting through today. You know, the old "one day at a time" thing. It has worked for me. And so now I find myself 16 days past my previous record of being off benzos and in strange, unfamiliar emotional territory. But to me it's a sign that slowly -- too damn slowly! -- I am healing.


Hang in there. Push through the tough times as best you can. I regret the reinstatement and two rescue doses, but I've tried to learn from the little slips and keep moving forward and not beat myself up about them. I've got one destination, being benzo-free, and I have to keep that in the back of my mind as one day is put behind me and I move on to the next.


Hang in there. It's a rough ride but in time it does change and gradually you'll begin, like me, to feel that something is changing and you're returning to being "normal."


Best wishes,


Jac in Tucson


This is me at 11:15 a.m. on Day 39:  ::)

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Tx all, thought I was going to just quit drinking and the Valium at the same. Drinking not to big of deal until the half life expired on me and I had no idea of what was happening to me.


Best wishes to everyone in beating this monster, idho

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hi, Idho


yes, it is so hard, especially at the beginning. It is worth it.


12 step meetings really helped me. After I went to one a couple of times, I could connect with people without the fear that they were thinking I was weird.

(bad benzo thoughts!)


I could only find AA around me. No NA. I am also an alcohol. I think any extra recovery knowledge helps.


I was ingesting so much clonazepam. Withdrawal very rough, but really worth it. Just over 8 months benzo free!




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Tx too all of you, this s*** is so unbelievable, prior to finding this site I talked to two pharmacist who told me that not having taken Valium for five days I would have no problem just quitting. :-\ :-\ :-\:angel:. We need to find a way to educate DRs and pharmacist's on the problems with withdrawal.


Best of luck everyone, God Bless and sleep well, idho


Edited for language per FUM

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Hi idho,


It's amazing how little doctors and pharmacists really know about benzo withdrawal, isn't it?


When I first started on my benzo withdrawal journey, I went through so many doctors until I finally found one who believed me.  The other doctors were arrogant and downright rude. >:( 


One of my husband's best friends is the head pharmacist at a hospital, and he told me, "But it's such a benign little drug..."  NOT!


Btw, I edited your previous post for language, per our forum rules. http://www.benzobuddies.org/forum/index.php?topic=9681.0#post_rules-forum


Hoping today is much better for you. :)

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Missy, thanks for providing me with the rules. Wouldn't you know it I never read them before posting. Just like not reading the warning signs pasted on the sides of drugs. :-[


We shall win the fight,  idho

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Good to see you are still going strong!  I pretty much did a c/t a month before you and believe me when I say that I understand.  My first two weeks off I could barely walk to the bathroom by myself, completely consumed with so many sx both physical and mental.


Now I am functional.  Not fabulous, but at about 65-70% today.  I am hoping new contacts this week will help with my vision and I will finally be able to drive again.  I am so glad I never reinstated, even when I was up all night in tears praying for relief.  I just wish I was feeling well enough to enjoy everyday life and not just get through it.


Stay strong!  You've already made it so far. 

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Tx daytoday, Had a window today. The reason I know is yesterday was so crappy. Snowshoed today getting good exercise for the first time since I c/ted. Being outdoors with sun and fresh air is alot better than sitting on my tail with paranoia. I really love this site and the support and good folks that understand. I told my daughter that I c/ted off benzo and she has no idea and just told me to toughen up!! This stuff is hell and I am going to get out again tomorrow and keep the monsters at bay.


Good luck, idho

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Tx daytoday, Had a window today. The reason I know is yesterday was so crappy. Snowshoed today getting good exercise for the first time since I c/ted. Being outdoors with sun and fresh air is alot better than sitting on my tail with paranoia. 


Fresh air, sun, and exercise can do wonders!  Glad you had a window! :)

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Love love love sunny weather.


It can make all the difference with me.

Today is second of 6 days of predicted rain.



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