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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.


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Will I ever have energy again? I wake up everyday so weak and dizzy and shaky and this is after reinstating for 3 weeks on Valium. Guess it's all about the CNS and how it takes forever to heal???
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Hi Bmwzw.  The valium can have a side effect of grogginess.  It has taken me a long while to regain my energy and I'm off valium for over a year.  Some things that helped were:


1)avoiding coffee, minimizing caffeine (I do drink tea)

2)avoiding alcohol (I must admit I had wine occasionally  during my taper and in the last year but not excessive)

3)exercise regularly and get outdoors for some sunshine even ten minutes a day

4)eating less sugar

5)eating more vegetables

6)including healthy fats in your diet

7)getting rest when you need it including naps


9)tried green smoothies (can rev some people up)


Good luck,



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So how long should I take the Valium for and then when should I taper? I feel like an idiot! I was off Klonopin for 4 months from a cold turkey and decided to reinstate, I just want to stop shaking and have my energy back but I know when I stop the left sided headache etc will all come back. Want to live life again! Getting married in July, should I wait to taper? Any suggestions I've been on 10mg of V for 3 weeks and the only help I'm getting is with sleep and my headache, the shakes and fatigue are still there. Any suggestions? Vitamins? Anything?
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So how long should I take the Valium for and then when should I taper? I feel like an idiot! I was off Klonopin for 4 months from a cold turkey and decided to reinstate, I just want to stop shaking and have my energy back but I know when I stop the left sided headache etc will all come back. Want to live life again! Getting married in July, should I wait to taper? Any suggestions I've been on 10mg of V for 3 weeks and the only help I'm getting is with sleep and my headache, the shakes and fatigue are still there. Any suggestions? Vitamins? Anything?


Congrats on getting married BMWZ.  I would start a slow taper from now to mid June, maybe try to wittle down about 1 to 1.5mg.  Then I would hold for 2 weeks prior to your wedding and during your honeymoon, then resume a slow taper when you get back.   After your honeymoon, it might take about 9 months to get off that last 8mg if you don't go too fast.  As for energy, I think some exercise (nor overdoing it) can be helpful and strong recommendation to eat healthy, less sugar, minimal caffeine and MINIMIZE or no alcohol. That may be tough with a bachelor party perhaps in June and the wedding.  I would still try to avoid it or minimize it if possible.  I'm no saint.  When I first took valium three years ago, I was having a couple glasses of wine with dinner on a cruise ship.  I seemed to survive it but beware, it is not a good idea.  You can die if you have too much alcohol while on 10mg valium, even less.  So don't make your fiance a widow, ok?  Easy does it at that bachelor party and wedding!!!  I found some of the green smoothies to help with energy, Amazing Grass is one of them.  I started a thread in "alternative therapies" I think on green smoothies.  You can do a search.


Good luck,



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You are probably going to have to get off the drugs before you will see any real improvement in energy. Looking back on the 4 years I was on benzos I didn't have much energy for the last three of those years. Of course it has been 10x worse during WD, but now that I am healing I feel the energy starting to come back.



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Is the trembling a side effect of lack

Of exercise? None of my

Docs can figure out why I shake/tremble on and off of the med???

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I dumped all of my vitamins and amino acids as soon as I realized I was in WD. They say that B vitamins in particular should be avoided. If you are eating a decent diet you might want to try to stay away from the vitamins.
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Guys, it feels like my hands and my legs are shaking to my heartbeat.  Could this be a heart related issue or withdrawal? even though I'm on 10mg of V for sleep I still cant figure out what why my body is shaking and neither can my neurologist.  It's like swaying like a building to my heartbeat??? legs too.
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bmwzw, it just sounds like w/d.. I'm really sorry the reinstatement hasn't given you even close to full relief. I'm glad you're sleeping though, reinstatement does seem to often bring about relief of insomnia to some degree if not the other symptoms.


I stay the heck away from vitamins. Most of them for starters have 100x more than you need. Taking a major multivitamin (yes especially the B's) is a sure way to rev me up into an anxiety attack. Just eat well and you shouldn't need vits unless there is some medical reason for it.

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Hi bmwzw - the valium is a bitch but at least the best of a lousy bunch. I know full well the weakness fatigue and shaking. Have a read here http://u.voizle.com/iuyc2 and note all the possible symptoms. You will see yours are listed so it's almost certain the tremors are withdrawal. You do not have another neurological disorder for sure. The shakes may not improve markedly until you are free of the valium. Be cautious on the taper. It took me 6 months from 10mg to zero and the symptoms go on, but the shakes went away and fatigue is less. Be careful something in your diet is not making it all worse. Aspartame will do this http://u.voizle.com/tekrvh so eliminate it for starters. Best of luck on your journey.
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when i stopped the klonopin, I was off it for 4 months and the shaking and left sided headache and insomnia and ultra fatigue never stopped not for a second, that's why after 4 months i had to reinstate on valium because i wasn't getting an hour of sleep, and my left sided headache was throbbing all the time and nausea wouldn't let up.  Now that I am on Valium, I still have the shakes in hands legs and body, fatigue, weak legs. The only thing it has eliminated has been the insomnia and left sided headache, maybe a muscular headache????? is gone.  I have been on valium for almost a month and that's what's going on.



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My two cents worth - thoughts are besides benzos sucking big time I note you were on 1mg clon. If you experienced symptoms while on it it was tolerance and if they started after stopping it was withdrawal. Either way it became withdrawal. The 1mg clon. is equal to 20mg valium. I was on half your clon. dose but switched to 15mg valium to avoid shock, rapidly dropped to 10mg which was my equivalent and spent 6 months getting off. I failed once too in an earlier taper and went back to 15mg. I feel you went too quickly too fast but perhaps others may assist on this forum who have cold turkeyed in similar fashion. C/T is a helluva wallop to the system. Either way I feel for you  Buddie.
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when i stopped the klonopin, I was off it for 4 months and the shaking and left sided headache and insomnia and ultra fatigue never stopped not for a second, that's why after 4 months i had to reinstate on valium because i wasn't getting an hour of sleep, and my left sided headache was throbbing all the time and nausea wouldn't let up.  Now that I am on Valium, I still have the shakes in hands legs and body, fatigue, weak legs. The only thing it has eliminated has been the insomnia and left sided headache, maybe a muscular headache????? is gone.  I have been on valium for almost a month and that's what's going on.



Are you taking any other medications or other "legalized drugs" such as caffeine, alcohol... These can significantly impact the CNS and recovery, including the manifestation of shaking, dizziness, off balance sensations, fatigue, weak legs...  Have you had your BP checked? 


At about 6 months post taper, I reintroduced wine, coffee, soda... and ended up with some of the symptoms above.  After 3 weeks of abstaining and gradually returning to exercise and sensible diet, symptoms went away.  One must look at the whole lifestyle, IMHO, not just the benzo.



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I drink a coffee a day in the morning and also have high blood pressure. Today infeel like

I'm going to pass out, I feel so weak.

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I drink a coffee a day in the morning and also have high blood pressure. Today infeel like

I'm going to pass out, I feel so weak.


Sorry you're feeling weak.  I'd try to wean off the coffee if you can, plus other caffeine such as chocolate, tea.... You may need to switch initially from coffee to tea so as to avoid headaches and other problems.  How about alcohol? 



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My Bp has been consistently

High, that's what spawned this mess in the first place. On and off of high blood

Pressure meds then bad side effects then I got

An RX for

Clonezapam 1mg.

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I've been drinking a few glasses a wine a day. Right now I get up in the morning and I feel like my body is swaying back and forth like a building and all I want to do is pass out.
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I had high BP last summer and my doc wanted to put me on beta blockers.  I was resolved to stay off meds so I quit alcohol and coffee and started eating healthy.  Within a few weeks, BP was normal and several blood tests since then have been good.  Alcohol can raise BP and is not good to be taking with valium, can be deadly.  It'll be tough at first, but you'll be glad you did if you can stop the coffee and alcohol, even if you do it gradually, maybe start with one glass of wine a day and then try it every other day for a week...  I believe your BP will go down and you might see other improvements in your symptoms.


Good luck,



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