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neck and head pain 15 months off klonopin help

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hi i am so sick of this ride i am on ,this will not give up and set me free of this pain ...... :( :( these head feeling that come out of blue ,it hard to explain but i was sleeping and awoke by a feeling of something wrong in my head ,intense and so scary ,it make me thing that the out look is not good. i know now that theses drugs do so much damage....... :'( but when it woke me out of deep sleep i had this feeling that something bad was going to happen inside ,it was was not fear or panick ,i felt this early in withdrawl so so scary,when it happens i get dressed fast thinging i need to be a hospital fast ,to help me ...this is so messed up how this drug has messed up the BLUE PRINT in my BRAIN ,not to mention the mess it did to my muscles everywhere .....i keep trying to work through this ,i been doing all i can to help myself ,i have been tip toeing though life after this drug called klonopin  ......i thought i could beat this monster but i doubt i will beat this ...my life has been changed with out evern knowing it ,or for that matter my permission , :( :( :( ill take all the prayers i can get ,i will pray for all of us suffering through this , :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( jeff32
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i dont know if anybody dealing with theses things with neck pain and head stuff at 1 year and 3 months off ,muscle pain in belly ,i hate to sound like a broken record but it seems that it gets better and then gos back to the worst ..... the longer i am away from klonopin the more i see problems health wise ,headache ,pain all over and so extream.......i never had anxeity or panick attacks,or fear ,i took klonopin because i woke one day and said i am going to be healthy ,i quit smoking,beer,sugar,candy,pain killer i took for bad disc in back ,anything that was bad ,so because i stop all this ao once cold turkey if you will,i week later i was sitting in livingroom when all of the sudden my heart started racing and felt faint ,went to hosiptal they said your heart is great you have anexity so take these ,klonopin ,and thats how i got here ........ :o :o  i never had this kind of pain ,the people around me think that this is not possible ,well it is soo real ,this is such a mess i have to fight ....were it will turn is not so clear or how it will end has not been written.....i wite about what gos on in a day without klonopin 1 year 3 months off in a book ...just yesterday my wife found it ......... :( when i saw her she just started to ball in tears and say wow ,how can this be.....i am so sorry ,i never knew how much you have suffered that much....i didnt want her or anybody to read it .....it was for me and my release and to look back and refleck on what has happened as days went by ......if youy saw me you would never think that something is wrong ,i hide how i feel because of what people think ,well i cant fake it no more ....this has broken me over and over ....i have too much on my plate to give up but i feel so beaten and dont know how i will endure anymore of this loney madness i fight inside minute to minute day to day month to month .....i hope someone out there has been where i have been and can say theres light ahead but as much as i heard there is ,i am thinking not ,is everyone who takes klonopin struggling like this and deal with PAIN.......LOOKING FOR A RAY OF HOPE  :angel:
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Hi Jeff, my symptoms are all cns trigeminal nerve pain and rushing, all head oriented. Neuro symptoms of course head oriented. And muscle, tension head/neck occipital and tension around the brain area feeling. Eye stuff.


That said, I was very severe chronic for 16 and a half months. It took a turn from severe chronic to moderate/mild over a 6 and a half week period. I though it would take me out, but it has left me at a new plateau. It is easier to deal with, however, I am still chronic, but a lessor degree. Therefore, MUCH LESS PHYSICAL PAIN. I am thinking something may come around for you sooner now in that you are 15 months out. I was a mess like you with the severity and pain at 15 months out with the physical head stuff, but as I said, 1 and a half months later, it went down a big notch, the notch right before it is over is where it left me at 18 and a half months out.


I am keeping my fingers crossed you will feel that shift soon. And that the shift takes you out, or at least to mild until the symptoms leave. Please feel free to pm me if you have anymore questions and you think it may help you. For those of us further out symptom wise sometimes it helps to know others were there, and it's validates your experience does happen this far out, but it does change, and then leaves. I am experiencing that change right now, and I never thought I would get here. I did, and so will you.



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((((Jeff))))...Omg..you poor guy..I can only imagine how exausted you are and how much this monster steals our strenght and hope..Pls just keep hanging on I understand the pain the devistaion and pure hell this w/d brings to us..I am at 1 yr off of a c/t and I am at the healing point ..I had over 30 sxs for months and was just in terrible grave shape bedridden...These meds surely to mess with the blueprint of our brains ...But thank god jeff truely our brains can reverse this...Its that awful thing called TIME...but it will go bye and it will heal..Jeff i think its a blessing in descise that your wife found your journal cause now she sees your pain ur struggle your fight and yes your hopelessness,,, :'(Now she can love and nurture you exactly the way you need!!! Im praying for you jeff I believe you need the strenght and endurence from falling into the deep dark sadness this w/d can bring...There is strenght in #s and I believe with all the prayers that are comeing ur way you will be held up in this time...Hang in and hang on Jeff  Your friend  :smitten: jenny
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Hi Jeff:


This is CathyS, believe it or not I've got 4 more days left on my taper.  But it is really sad yet exciting that i see you getting better, but so gradual, so unfair........  I get to the point even at this stage like my body feels like it is actually dying.... I dunno rotting... lol, lol.. I can't explain it.  No energy, fatigue, but cannot sleep... Chest pain, pains here and there that seem intense. 

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I'm so far behind you on the klonopin recovery journey and I pray that I have the strength to make it as far as you have.  This is absolutely demoralizing, you are right.  I am only 2 1/2 months off and have some physical stuff, but mostly psycho mind stuff.


Are you able to work?  To drive?  To go anywhere?


Sounds like you had a sensible taper and did the right things.  Was this the first time you were ever on benzos?  I have read so many people's stories here and so many talk about worse before better which is so hard to deal with as you know.  Have you stayed at this level for a while?  You said that you journal...have you noticed any changes?


I really appreciate you being here because it keeps things real.  We all need that.  I hope I can be an encouragement in some way because you deserve it.




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