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Admit it - the crazy things we say, do, spoil or sing to our animals


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OK - this is embarrassing but I know there are allot of us out there - those who adore their animals and do things that a non-animal lover, or even a "sane" animal lover wouldn't understand.


I've had 4 cats as a adult.  And I made up a song for each of them   :wacko:  I've had Peaches for 10 1/2 years now and when I adopted her she was one years old.  She was so tiny I thought she was a kitten.  Well, she had already had a litter of kittens but she only like 4 pounds.  As I walked by her cage she stuck her paw out to me and that was it - I was head over heals - BTW she was a rescue cat.  


Well I took her home and she was ill - very ill.  She had just been spayed and had a respiratory infection and would not eat or drink.  I took her to the vet every other day for IV fluids, forced fed her with veterinary nutritional canned food and a plastic dropper.  I would wrap her up in a towel (and me too) and she fight me and shake her head splattering cat food all over the bathroom upstairs. Than I'd need a shower!  When I went to work I'd leave her on my bed on a down comforter, classical music on the radio and the vaporizer on (OK, I'm already nutz).  Everyday I'd come home and pray I wouldn't find her dead on my bed.  Well after 2 weeks of force feeding, force pilling, vet visits and all, one say I came home and she jumped off of the bed and started to drink and I put food in her bowl and she started to eat!  Now she's a 13 pound porker and I'll always have a special bond with her - she is so good and affectionate.


Anyway - I made up songs for all of my cats (yup, in my 20's, 30's and now 40's).  I never could come up with a song for Peaches - it just never came to me, until 2 weeks ago.  OK, it's dorky and nerdy or whatever but she finally has a song - laugh if you must!


"One little kitty whispered to me"

"I'd like you to be my Mommy"

"If you'd call me Peaches I would like that"

"And I will be your very best cat"


Yes, yes, I'm older than 4 but she just needed her own song! :laugh:


Sara :smitten:

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Right after my husband and I got married we move across the country from Northern Cali to Charlotte, NC for his work.  I told him I would move if we could get a puppy and I really wanted a beagle (had them growing up).  So we got this little adorable beagle from a farm and named her Reese.  I made up this song for her...

Reesie Beagle puppy

You are the one for me

Your sent from up above

To be the doggie I love.


She will be 10 this summer and I still sing it to her now and then. 



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Right after my husband and I got married we move across the country from Northern Cali to Charlotte, NC for his work.  I told him I would move if we could get a puppy and I really wanted a beagle (had them growing up).  So we got this little adorable beagle from a farm and named her Reese.  I made up this song for her...

Reesie Beagle puppy

You are the one for me

Your sent from up above

To be the doggie I love.


She will be 10 this summer and I still sing it to her now and then. 




Oh Tamzo, thanks for sharing!  I love the little song you made up for Reese (what a cute name) and I love Beagles also.  Does she howl?  I've heard Beagles do and if she howls it must be music to your ears!  She must have been so adorable as a puppy.  I'm glad she's still healthy at 10 and I think when animals know they are truly loved they live longer.  I wish her a happy (which you give her), healthy, loving life with you!  And a happy healthy life to you also.  I haven't read your blog, but I will.


Well, thanks for confirming that I'm not totally crazy for making up songs for my cats.  Maybe a few other people will share their songs about their pets, because we know they're out there!  :laugh:


Sara :smitten:

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My spoiled Schnauzer. She's a little rascal.

LOL. Don't laugh, but I sang to my dog once-


"Hey there Lucy, what's it like in New York City,

I know the other dogs are out walking, and you're in here...

what a pity! Etc.. Etc..."




Love it Sig!  Look, there are three of us already who've admitted we've made up songs for our pets!  I'm sure that there are others out there who've done the same things.  It's a cute funny song and it made me smile but I'm not laughing at you!


Sara :smitten:

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We are not crazy, just have mad love for our pets.  Nothing wrong with that.  I liked both of your songs, too!


Reese doesn't howl, but she is very vocal.  I swear she is the most human-like dog I have ever had.  She is very emotional and understands a lot.  Such a wonderful girl.  She was our first baby.


We also currently have a beagle/dauschound (sp?) mix.  She was for my older daughter.  We got her out of rescue and the poor thing had really been beaten badly...we had to have her front teeth pulled because they had been smashed, her eyesocket had been broken and she was terribly skinny.  My daughter named her Lilly.  She is the sweetest little dog.  She adores kids and no longer cowers in fear if an unknown male comes to the house.  She makes everyone her friend.  What she lacks in intelligence she more than makes up for with sweetness and love.  She does not have her own song, but I often baby-talk her and say ridiculous things like "Silly-Nilly-Lilly-Pilly" or "Lilly-bon-bon-la-peutian".  So there, now you know how nuts I am about my pooches.



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We are not crazy, just have mad love for our pets.  Nothing wrong with that.  I liked both of your songs, too!


No, we're not crazy - there are millions of us and pets give back so much more than we give them.  They are like children, dependent on us for care and love and there's nothing that can take that bond away.


Reese doesn't howl, but she is very vocal.  I swear she is the most human-like dog I have ever had.  She is very emotional and understands a lot.  Such a wonderful girl.  She was our first baby.


I'm surprised she's not a howler - Beagles are notorious for that. I understand when you say she's human like.  Peaches is the same way.  When I am crying she comes to me, purring and bumps her head on mine.  My other cat Zoe (I didn't pick her, my ex did the same time we got Peaches) God love her is dumb as a box of rocks and runs for cover when I cry.  She was very antisocial for many years and is kind of skiddish but we got her when she was 16 weeks old so I don't know if she was ever abused, but I don't think so - just her temperament.  She's come around this past year - maybe mellowing with age (11) and her and Peaches fight over my lap - after dinner when I lie on the couch she's just waiting for me to get settled so she can lie down with me


We also currently have a beagle/dauschound (sp?) mix.  She was for my older daughter.  We got her out of rescue and the poor thing had really been beaten badly...we had to have her front teeth pulled because they had been smashed, her eyesocket had been broken and she was terribly skinny.  My daughter named her Lilly.  She is the sweetest little dog.  She adores kids and no longer cowers in fear if an unknown male comes to the house.  She makes everyone her friend.  What she lacks in intelligence she more than makes up for with sweetness and love.  She does not have her own song, but I often baby-talk her and say ridiculous things like "Silly-Nilly-Lilly-Pilly" or "Lilly-bon-bon-la-peutian".  So there, now you know how nuts I am about my pooches.


OMG!  How horrible!  How can anyone abuse an innocent animal!  That pisses me off about as much as child abuse does.  Howe lucky Lily was that she got adopted by a loving home and how you nursed her back to health.  I love your silly talk to her too!  Yup, you're nutz  :), about as nutz as me.  Thanks for sharing more wonderful things about your babies.


OK, here's another one.  Now Zoe was never exactly my favorite cat but I love her too.  And because she's not so much on the smart side, she does silly things - when she's hungry she'll meow when I go into the kitchen and stretch up on her hind legs and try to touch her paw to my face she I bend down and I give her a kiss.  However God foribid I'm taking the garbage bag out of the pail - she runs - freaks her out.  And as far as cat toys?  She doesn't know what to do with them!  Peaches will at least play with her toys, especially the catnip filled ones - she'll even play catch and jump up in the air to catch the toy.  Anyway, Zoe has a song and it's meant to be kind of ironic.  Here it goes....


Zoes the one, the one for fun

Zoes the one, the one for fun

She's such a clown, she gets around

Zoes the one, the one for fun!


See, I'm beginning to think my cats are much less nutz than I am!  :laugh:




Sara :smitten:

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Just saw this! You all are greatly funny!


Thanks for starting this up, Sara. I bet there are many, many of us animal-loving singers of songs to our beloved pet friends.


My cats over the years have had so many names given to them, and while I may not make up songs for them exactly, I do seem to often name them names that are from songs. So my kitty now, for example, is Maggie, and I like to sing to her: "Wake up Maggie, I think I've got something to say to you."

Our old kitty girl who we had to let go of two years ago, was Ruby, and the R. Stones song: "Ruby Tuesday" was her song.

Before that we had Arkidy, who didn't have a song, but we did sing lyrics to him from the Beatles' song, "Blue Jay Way", written by George Harrison, from the "Magical Mystery Tour" album. Arkidy was very long and one day a friend pointed out that he was a long kitty, and while we were listening to "MMT" our friend began singing the lyrics" "Please don't be long, oh, don't you be very long". It stuck. Arkidy had so many names, most noteably Swami Arkidanunda. I kid you not.


Have fun, animal lover buddies.... I hope you're all having good days.



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Gracey K,


That's awesome - I love the song Maggie May by Rod Stewart, and I love the Stones and Ruby Tuesday and yes, I love the Beatles and George Harrison's Blue Jay Way.  You bad ass rock n' roll girl!  I bet even your cats are/were cool  :socool:


Thanks for saying you're enjoying the blog.  Sometimes we need something really silly to get our minds off of the benzo stuff.  It got off to a slow start but more and more of us are "coming out"  :laugh:


Sara :smitten:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nope, we're not crazy... these are little spiritual angels sent to us to help us through our lifes; they truly understand, you can see it in their eyes.  My little girl was abused, guided to our fence at 6 months old, scared of everyone, but finally found her trust in us.  She is our Mandylu.  My song is:


My Mandylu, you are a cutey patuty, you are a sweet little girl with beautiful blue eyes, your love is with us as our love is with you, thank you Mandylu for coming to us.  (I'm not greek decent, but took the language for 2 years, sing other songs in greek to her.. she understands!)


She is truly been a blessing in our lifes... 13 years old now.  Been a Godsend always, but especially through this benzo hell Ron is going through.Thanks for this thread... something so positive.  Luv to all. Pattylu :smitten:

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Nice to see you joining the ranks of pet lovers.  I hope you and Ron are doing well. 


Isn't it amazing how our pets just sense when we are not feeling right.  My dogs are less demanding, more loving and cuddly when I am not feeling right.  They stay close to me like they are guarding me when I am not well.  Our beagle Reese insisted on sleeping in the nursery with me and the baby when both of my girls were born.  She would guard me and the baby and pull our other beagle away by his collar.  They really are furry little angels.  We call Reese our "first baby".  We also refer to her as nana Reesie because of the way she looks out for everyone.




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Nope, we're not crazy... these are little spiritual angels sent to us to help us through our lifes; they truly understand, you can see it in their eyes.  My little girl was abused, guided to our fence at 6 months old, scared of everyone, but finally found her trust in us.  She is our Mandylu.  My song is:


My Mandylu, you are a cutey patuty, you are a sweet little girl with beautiful blue eyes, your love is with us as our love is with you, thank you Mandylu for coming to us.  (I'm not greek decent, but took the language for 2 years, sing other songs in greek to her.. she understands!)


She is truly been a blessing in our lifes... 13 years old now.  Been a Godsend always, but especially through this benzo hell Ron is going through.Thanks for this thread... something so positive.  Luv to all. Pattylu :smitten:


Hi Pattylu,


I love your song for Mandylu, and how wonderful of you to rescue your precious little girl when she showed up at your fence.  How lucky she was that she found your house to find a loving home.  An abused animal takes lots of time and patience to trust their owners, and you gave her what she needed.  And she's bilingual! LOL!


My Peaches is 12 and is always by my side.  They are blessings to us, especially through our benzo hell.  I think they do know what they mean to us, otherwise they wouldn't give us their unwavering love and affection.


Sara :smitten:

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  • 3 years later...

well i feel bad to admit that time to time i call our puppy Esther....


i talk to our puppy a lot and stroke her , its hard for the little one to be separated from her mom at one month old.... :'(


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My dogs are the best thing to ever happen to me. They are so comforting to me thru all of this. When I first jumped, I couldn't sing. I prayed to God to let me sing to my babies again. I do now but not ready to share them here. They are extremely insane and silly but they love it  :)
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