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6 weeks off... need clarification

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Ok, so I just posted on another post yesterday that I was feeling a whole lot better over the last 3 weeks since I took my last Clonazepam dose almost 6 weeks ago.  I guess I jinxed myself because this morning I woke up and the dread was there, along with some physical symptoms like some anxiety, nausea, fogginess, etc.  Not as bad as it was 3 weeks ago by any means, but there none the less.  I guess I am just frustrated since I thought I was out of the woods after feeling pretty decent for the last week and a half.  Today, I have been trying to tell myself that it was just a wave and ride it out, but my mind keeps telling me I am going to have to deal with the setbacks for the rest of my life.  Is what I am experiencing normal?  Having a decent couple of weeks, then a setback?  Just need some confirmation...  Thanks!
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I get the same thing. Feel pretty good for awhile and then BAM! I get hit with returning symptoms or even NEW symptoms which make me seriously question whether or not I will ever get better.


I don't think anyone could go through this experience without constantly questioning our ability to get better. Most of us have never experienced anything like this. When you wake up day after day feeling bad it really gets to you. Then we get a little relief for a couple of days. Then we get slammed again. Even the strongest person would question their ability to heal.

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Hi Natron,


What you are experiencing is all normal when it comes to withdrawals. Some days can be almost unbearable, while other days we feel almost like ourselves again.


You are still quite early in your recovery. It will take some time, too long I know, but you will recover, and all that has happened to you will fade away and become a distant memory.

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  It has been six weeks to the day since I took my last benzo as well!  It's funny that you posted this thread, as I am in pretty much the same boat.  I had a crummy first month or so, with terrible anxiety, morning dread and confusion, and lots of cog fog and short term memory issues.  Around Easter time I had the best week of my life!  I felt almost symptom free, and thought I was cured!  Last Friday, I woke with extreme dread and terrible cog fog.  I started to freak out, and think that I was never going to heal, or that something else was wrong with me instead of withdrawal. 


Bottom line - I think it's normal to have these setbacks.  Afterall, six weeks in is actually a pretty short time, and we're lucky to have windows at all.  I hope it helps to know that there is someone else out there going thru what you are going thru.  I'll be thinking of you!



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I am 66 days benzo free today and sounds like you you guys are doing pretty good in that you have had days, if not weeks, feeling good and have not been benzo free that long, for me I am improving but my windows of clarity have at best lasted only a few hours, so I think focus on the positive that you are getting these long windows of clarity, in general from what I have seen on this board it seems that 6 months is the general time frame to be healed, of course it can be shorter and longer as everyone is different, but while I know how frustrating it gets to wake up with the W/D every day, I think you guys are doing fairly well compared to a lot of others on this board


so keep the faith, all will be good,


for me I pretty much figured on 6 months and expect that the W/D may come back in some form for months after that when introduced to new stress, at the beginning I expected to be over this in like 30 days of being benzo free, I have seen that was probably way too optimistic and caused a lot of frustration because of it, so I have revised my thinking and am not trying to predict when I will be healed or how long any particular symptom will last etc, but just try and deal with each day as it is, so I guess acceptance that this is going to take a longer period than what I expected has helped me cope, it's still no picnic and I can get pretty bummed day to day, but I can't change it so I try and just make the best of what comes and try and be thankful for the moments of clarity that I do have, feeling they will get longer and that eventually I will make it to the finish line


good luck all



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I was feeling this exact same way.  I had a great window the other day that lasted all day and most of the next day.  This morning I woke up feeling pretty decent but by 2 pm, I started having balance issues once again.  I also thought the worst was behind me then bam! the window slammed shut.  I keep thinking there is something wrong with my brain that will never heal.  I guess that's just part of this whole process.  I know we will all get better but not knowing when this will happen is extremely frustrating.  Hang in there, you're not alone.
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  I too feel like there is something terribly wrong with my brain that just won't heal.  It is the WORST symptom of all.  I think w/d has turned me into a raging hypochondriac.  Every day I wake up and look at the calendar and tell myself "you should be healed by now" 


It is hard to keep telling yourself that you're ok.  It is the hardest thing for me personally.

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Fieldychan, I definitely know what you're saying.  I have been keeping a journal to follow my progress and several times I've written, "I am a hypochondriac".  This can certainly make you feel like everything is wrong with you and nothing will ever get better.  We will get thru this!!!!!!
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Hi Natron,  Gosh, read your intro when you frist came on to this site... encouraged you.  Glad you are moving forward, wondered where you were at on is.  :yippee: for you... you are going forward.  Take good care, glad I read your thread... my best to you Nat!  Always, Pattylu
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