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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.


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Hi Gstamps,


The whole of my left side (and I mean everywhere) was totally numb when I would taper off over six weeks (I was trying to make the Clonazepam again effective in the treatment of my neurological disorder). I don't recommend six-week tapers, but I was tapering off with intention of going back on the drug - I could not afford for the withdrawal to take longer as the whole taper off - break - reinstatement of the Clonazepam was taking three months, and during this time by condition was not being 'treated'. These withdrawal effects were much reduced when I made my final taper off (over a six month period), but they were still there. Things did settle down for me once I finished my taper.


If your withdrawal symptoms are too much to handle, then you should be looking to slow or taper and/or make smaller cuts.

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colin gstamps is off benzo's now - are you recommending he reinstate and do a slower taper then he has done?


gstamps are you feeling like the symptoms are too much?  if they are not you would be better off just staying off and letting your body heal.

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I didn't realise (or forgot, more like) that Gstamps has finished tapering. No, I am not suggesting that Gstamps reinstates Clonazepam.

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get checked for a urinary tract infection.  i know when i first started my taper i was on the toilet every five mins - i was unable to empty my bladders so i had this constant urgency.


when i run a tub i get an urgency to pee real bad - maybe it is related to the running water while brushing your teeth.


maybe before running water you should empty yourself first.

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I know I always feel like I have to pee when I hear water running!!  :o


As far as the mouthpiece, they say that to cover their own butts.  My dentist is the one who told me to get one.  I used to have a specialized one made by a dentist (very espensive) but my dog ate it  :sneaky:





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I'm sure drinking lots of water would help some...couldn't hurt anyway.  I've heard cranberry juice is great for the bladder.


As far as the pain, all i can say is that having a positive attitude and really trying hard not to concentrate on how crappy you feel helps me alot.  My pain is not benzo related, but I live in constant pain from the moment I wake up til I lay my little head on the pillow.  I could be miserable and let the world and my friends and family know just how miserable I am....or i can slap a smile on my face, appreciate all the good things I have...I can see...I can hear...I can walk...God gave me a great brain...and I have people who love me.  I am very very blessed.  So I have pain issues...it could be so much worse.


I work full-time as a customer service rep.  I just happen to be off this week on vacation...taken a little break.


Try to keep a stiff upper lip, get through the day the best you can, and appreciate the good things in your life.





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I have a connective tissue disorder called Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome.  It is a very rare genetic disorder.  Not benzo related at all...so don't worry yourself.  Your pain will resolve itself and you will be happy and healthy again.  I promise!  ;D





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colin has neurological problems  so i bet he has experienced some stuff like that - i have muscle problems so i had a lot of aches and pains - trouble sleep - pink eyes - and i think that is it - maybe not though.
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Yep, I'm a tough old broad...LOL  Life may have given me a few lemons...but I'm gonna squeeeeeeeeze the crap outta them til I get some gosh darn lemonade...!!  LOL


I'm sure benzos can cause all kinds of different problems.  I've heard people say they have pins and needles type feelings, pain in different parts of their bodies, etc.  Can you walk, is your leg blue?  If not, then I'm sure you have blood going there...it's just one of those annoying symptoms of benzo withdrawal.  My heart used to do some really really weird things!!  I remember one night waking up and my hubby (poor guy) was asleep on the couch and I came out into the livingroom and just held the phone in my hands waiting and wanting to call 911.  But, being the kind of person I am, I didn't want to wake up the whole neighborhood with ambulance sirens...LOL  I just sat there staring at him and holding the phone.  Thought my heart was gonna beat out of my chest....but it passed.  Try to get your mind on something else.  Concentrating on all that is going on in our bodies just amplifies the feelings

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Neorological problems? Are you saying that klonopin messes up your brain to where you lose control of your limbs or something? I'm totally nervous now! What the hell is wrong with my left leg? It's tired feeling, fatigued, sand paperie feeling in my knee cap....


Nope...calm yourself down sweetie...Colin had problems BEFORE taking benzos.  No permanent damage has been done to you.  You will not lose control of your limbs or anything else.  I promise.





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Gstamps, you might like to read this:


van der Kroef, C.

Reactions to Triazolam. Lancet 1979; ii: 526.


"During the past nine months I have been confronted in my psychiatric practice with a syndrome which is almost certainly induced by the benzodiazepine triazolam ("Halcion") Triazolam can produce the following symptoms: severe malaise; depersonalisation and derealisation; paranoid reactions; acute and chronic anxiety; continuous fear of going insane; depression and deterioration of existing depression; hyperaesthesia, especially for sound but also for smell, taste and light; sometimes hypoaesthesia for the same stimuli; nightmares; restlessness; inability to concentrate; verbal and physical aggression; conflicts with entourage; severe suicidal tendencies; hypnagogic hallucinations; impulse actions; amnesia; dysphagia, accompanied by nasty taste, painful tongue and mucous membranes, dry mouth, loathing of food, rigid feeling in the throat and emaciation up to 2½ stone; cervical pains; headaches that are often extremely sensitive to sound; pressure on the ears; numb and cold feeling in fingers and toes, extending to the distal parts of the extremities; tingling feeling, muscular cramps and paralyses, often at the sinistral side; catatonically impaired motor functioning; reading complaints and blurred vision; dysfunctional speaking and writing; sweating. This syndrome must be classified with the exogenous syndrome of Bonhoeffer. Symptoms ususally disappear within a couple of days after stopping triazolam; sometimes there are withdrawal symptoms, such as rapidly mounting panic and heavy sweating. These side-effects appear in patients who are taking other drugs and in those who are not and in patients who have never had psychiatric treatment as well as in those with a psychiatric history. Patients with this syndrome may be admitted on suspicion of brain tumour or schizophrenia. They impress the observer as seriously ill and the patients themselves often feel desperate and have to fight an almost irresistible impulse to commit suicide. I know of one patient who did commit suicide. The Netherlands Centre for Monitoring of Adverse Reactions to Drugs has received several reports of patients with similar features while on triazolam and the centre issued (July 16) a letter to Dutch doctors, dealing with this matter."


Sinistral: left side!

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Hi gstamps,



I only hope that getting off this medicine so fast hasn't effected or destroyed a part of my brain....



It hasn't, your brain is fine.  I know it doesn't feel that way but it is.  I came off of a huge amount and I am getting better everyday.  Mornings are worse for me but it not because of my brain. 


You are only a month off but you are getting there.  Just relax and accept that these symptoms are part of the wd process.  Yes, easier said than done, but it's the only option. 



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i transposed hands when typing - not letters mind you but hands.  i still drop the first and last letter of words often and have to retype several times before having it appear on the puter.  so nothing i typed made sense used the right fingers - on the wrong hand.


don't bother me none anymore.

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yes my top lashes were stuck to my bottom lashes - i looked a little scary for a while - i picked up a couple of new diseases i was positive i had - when to the mayo clinic medical library and read up on them to make sure i had them  :2funny: :2funny:


some day you will look back and smile - trust me on this.

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I don't believe you have any eye diseases...I'm sure it's all withdrawal related.  I know what you mean, Silver, before I knew about benzo withdrawal I was sure I had Multiple Sclerosis.  After all, I had every freakin symptom so it had to be!!  LOL


Don't go lookin for diseases to match your symptoms, cause you'll probably find them....LOL....and then you'll just freak yourself out even more.  It's benzo withdrawal playin tricks on your mind!!  We desperately want to find SOMETHING, ANYTHING...that's wrong...so we can FIX it!!  That's our nature.  But the only thing that will fix withdrawal is time and our own body's ability to heal.  You are going to be fine...just be patient and hang in there!!





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I don't understand..Did you get eye diseases or not? Or where you just nervous about your eyes and it turned up too be nothing...Ohh also I have another question! I bought the eye drops but they have preservatives in them so I'll go back and get another one..I also bought the mouth piece for t.m.j. anyways is there anything else I can get to help the withdrawals? Such as vitamins, omega 3, melatonin, dietary supplements...What did ya'll use or have heard other people use...


well i had pink eye a lot - i may have other things wrong with me - but i am just not into dealing with things that might be wrong with me at this point in my life.


ok - if you have muscle aches buy some calcium, magnesium and zinc supplements - you often get get all three in one.  take 500 am and pm  - really helps with sore muscles.


then get a hot pack you can pop in the micro wave so you can put something warm on your sore muscles - ok at times you may want heat on your abdominal to when it is sore and bloated.


tell me what is wrong and i can tell you what i did about it - others will have suggestions to.


we live through this process - worry about dying - disease all kinds of things - but we live through it and today i laugh reading about all my concerns during my adventure

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did you ever get increased mucas secreations from your eyes? I'm getting alot of sleepy tear secreations out of my eyes today...Is this good or bad? I'd rather it be used to moisture up my eyes but instead it's coming out and crusting up on the side of my eyes...Please advive me here! I have eye drops but none of them say preservative free on them so I can't tell whether their o.k. to use or not....


This is quite normal, just part of wd.  I had this for months and it has improved in the last month.  I tried eye drops but they didn't help so I use warm water compresses.  I would say it's good and part of the healing process.  My eye lids still twitch and are numb and swollen, vision is fuzzy on most days and on other days everything is very clear.  It has improved a lot, it's aggravating but I consider it one of the minor wd symptoms that I have. 

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