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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.



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Hi, I'm a short term addict (1 month of abuse) looking for help withdrawing. I've already found a number of techniques to keep withdrawals at bay but am looking for a support community.
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Hello ShortTermAddict,


Welcome to Benzo Buddies! No matter how people get here, we provide support for all.  Once thrown into withdrawal, we all stand together to help each other through the process.


One month of benzo use is not long. What benzo did you take and at what doses?


Did you stop suddenly, cold turkey?


If you are able to use techniques to help with the symptoms I would suggest continuing this and stay far away from benzos in the future.  Subsequent usage and withdrawal can be more challenging due to what is called 'kindling'.


I'll give you a link to the Post Withdrawal Recovery Board where you can post and receive feedback from others.  Once we hear back from you we can offer more specific advice and information. Let us know how we can help.


Post-withdrawal Recovery Support


pianogirl  :)

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Hi, I'm a short term addict (1 month of abuse) looking for help withdrawing. I've already found a number of techniques to keep withdrawals at bay but am looking for a support community.

Welcome to BenzoBuddies ShortTermAddict!

Good to hear that you already found a number of techniques to keep withdrawals at bay. Your BenzoBuddies are here to share experiences, knowledge and provide help. It would be great to hear from you regarding what medication have you been using, how do you taper and what techniques you found to be helpful to deal with the symptoms. People looking for more information on benzodiazepines and withdrawal from them find the The Ashton Manual very helpful to understand what benzodiazepines are all about, what to expect, what symptoms to look out for, how to plan withdrawal and how to deal with symptoms. The manual was written by Dr. Heather Ashton an expert on benzodiazepines. Looking forward to hear more from you.

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Hi guys. I am currently on diazepam (Valium) 10mg, but they are street presses so could be of any dosage really. I am trying to taper per Ashton manual, a little faster than usual, and have had some really good days and some really bad days.


I've been told street presses may be as weak as 2mg, but for the sake of my story, I'm going to describe these pills as 10mg valiums.


My worst symptom,  and maybe only symptom is the physical anxiety. It feels like there is a heavy weight in my chest that will not go away. It's almost like Angina. CBD Oil, Meditation, Benzos, Alcohol and Beta Blocks can all help dull this symptom, but I typically I need to take at least a combination of 4 pills of valium with some CBD oil and propranolol and alcohol to make that feeling in my chest completely go away.


As I am writing this I am in the process of eliminating these symptoms. Sometimes the feeling gets really unbearable and taking more Valium doesn't necessarily make it go away, but I find the CBD Oil really helps once it kicks in.

I'm also drinking 1 beer - the Ashton manual does describe alcohol as a benzo substitute in moderation and I don't have an alcohol problem. I feel it is better to drink a beer than pop another pill, but if if I am misguided please let me know.


I am also about 3 weeks into a 20mg Citalopram treatment if that is of any relevance,


Thank you all  :angel:

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Hello again,


Thanks for the additional information. I would be very leery of using non prescribed benzos, as you mention the potency is not guaranteed. Additionally, there could be other substances laced into the valium.


I'm going to be a little frank here, I think you are on a very slippery slope if you continue to take valium to keep withdrawal symptoms lessened. You are simply delaying the inevitable.  I realize that Professor Ashton mentions alcohol use in her manual but she does not indicate they are a replacement for benzos. Alcohol does target the same receptors in the brain as benzos and many people find it delayed their recovery.


If you are honest about wanting to discontinue taking valium you will need to dedicate yourself to a taper method. With just one month of use you may be able to taper quicker but in my opinion, your plan will is not the right approach. If you are tapering it's important to stay on a steady dose and reduce gradually.


It is likely you will feel withdrawal symptoms, the best way to deal with them is to distract from them.  It may be challenging but it is doable. 



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Pianogirl is already giving you great input regarding your plan to withdraw from Valium. I just would like to comment regarding your use of Citalopram "I am also about 3 weeks into a 20mg Citalopram treatment if that is of any relevance" Some people do experience more anxiety when they first start taking Citalopram. This effect usually lasts about 2 weeks, and one way to prevent it or reduce it is to start on a low dose and go up slowly, allowing your body time to get used to the medication. My personal experience with Citalopram was very negative. I had severe anxiety, agitation, insomnia, even at just 10 mg start up dose. Tried to lower it and go up but could not deal with my increased anxiety symptoms. It may sound laughable but even below 5 mg per day was making me sick so I had to discontinue. This is not to say it won't work for you, but just wanted to give you a heads up.

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It looks like you guys were right, my alcohol use was SEVERELY interfering with my taper. I just had to take 35 (THIRTY FIVE) pills in order to start feeling normal again.


Once I started getting diarrhea and was lying in bed with the thought "I am LITERALLY going to die" I realised that I had to have been withdrawing hard.


I guess it doesn't help that Valium lasts so long. My GABA levels must have suddenly dropped really hard and the alcohol was temporarily keeping it back up for long enough for me to think the taper was working.


This is extremely worrying. I was drinking the equivalent of 10-12 UK units per day. Maybe up to 16. I wasn't really keeping count. I should have seen this coming.

I'm just surprised that the only withdrawal symptom I was getting was an incredibly tight chest - none of the other symptoms you hear about. I guess the good news is that the Citalopram is still working fine for me (I recently upped from 10 to 20mg, so I was worried that was causing the tight chest).

I'm going to put an extreme limit, if not completely stop using alcohol for the rest of my taper. What do you guys recommend is my taper plan from here?


I'm going to assume the tablets are actually around 2mg, so I just took the equivalent of 70mg - but maybe someone here understands how alcohol and benzos interact better here.

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Hello again,


You are mixing two substances that should not be mixed, and in large amounts. Both benzos and alcohol are cns depressants and mixing them can be dangerous.


Of course you know you took an extremely large amount of valium.


I don't believe there is an easy way out of this. I was on very low doses and my withdrawal was very challenging. I believe you have to accept this.


First of all, no judgment here, but I would suggest you see a doctor and explain your situation and see if you can get a prescription for 'real' valium in order to taper accurately. 


If you want to taper sensibly, it is best to stabilize on the lowest dose possible, the one that eases withdrawal symptoms. Remember, it's likely that you still will feel withdrawal. I was never symptom free through the entire taper process.


Alcohol, that is one thing I would avoid completely until off benzos and recovered. 



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I'm afraid of visiting a doctor because I know I will be labelled a potential addict and may not be able to get access to any medication I might need in the future.

I'm going to order some legitimate blisters online and work with those. I trust I'm smart enough to handle this myself - I know my doctor is just going to tell me everything I already know.

Do you know how I should be tapering based on my estimated dosage? (e.g. how many in the morning an how many at night?).

Going to plan to reduce by 10% each week and with my vitamin stack to ease withdrawals. I'm been able to reduce doses by at least 1 a day before with manageable withdrawals thanks to meditation.


Thank you all so much for your kind words. What strength valium should I be looking to purchase? I might order a bunch of legitimate 10mg blisters then go back to the presses to finish the taper - though I understand there are methods to titrate dosages.

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Hi shorttermaddict,

Welcome to BB.


Ok.  Time to get super real. 

Whether or not we call it short term or long term, or whether you believe a doctor will judge you or you can handle it alone ...  the problem is what it is. 


You are playing a very dangerous game.  Alcohol and benzos do not mix.  People die that way.  They simply stop breathing.  I don’t think that’s your goal.


Alcohol is not the go-to for benzo withdrawal.  The only way to stop is to taper in a safe way.  Going up and down in dose is also not effective.  If you’re trying to have no withdrawals, you need to let idea that go. 


Your Valium dose recently was soooo high!  And you’re unsure what you’re even taking.  Random doses, random days.  This won’t work.  You’re headed for trouble.


Your main goal now should be getting safely off the substances.  You need medical guidance.  You need a reliable source and dose of valium.  Blister packs, street drugs are so sketchy.  I’m not saying this in judgment.  It doesn’t matter how you got there.  But now you need to get real with where you are.


Your doctor will tell you what you know.  But also, will guide your taper by prescribed appropriate doses. 


We can’t properly advise how to taper from such random dosing.  You need to be on a stable dose for long enough to feel ok.  Then reduce 10% each 2 weeks.  That’s it.  But your dose isn’t stable. 


I hope you reconsider your plan.  I don’t think it will work.  I wish you full recovery.


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Yeah, I'm quitting alcohol until my taper is complete. I'm new to this whole thing so I've been making a lot of mistakes. I'm aware how bad my recent dose was, but it was the only way to get out of todays withdrawal.


If anyone can come up with a taper plan based on my current intake I'd be very greatful. I really need to stabilise me doses. For what it's worth, the presses seem to be legit valiums based on reviews and mode of action.


Going to order some blister packs and start using those instead. Does 10mg sound about right? Going to be following the Ashton manual.


I know I really should really talk to my doctor about this but he hasn't been very helpful in the past and I really don't want to be labelled on the system as an addict. My taper has been very unstable under the impression that beer could replace a single pill but that clearly isn't the case.


I've also ordered a test kit for my street presses just to make sure they are definitely valium.


Can't thank you guys enough.

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I’m relieved to hear your stopping combining the alcohol with the benzos. 


Find out what dose you’ve been taking. 


If it’s 10 mgs, then start there with your taper.  But if it’s not, and it’s less, then start there.  You need to know what you’ve been taking. 


Find out what the street press dose is.  But, really, you’re best not to use those in your taper.  They can be cut with other benzos and who knows what else.  I’d just lose those and use only the real valium. 


You’ll make it to benzo free.  But it’s a commitment. 


I wish you only healing.

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Is there anywhere I can test exactly how much valium is inside of my pills? I purchased a reagant kit which will tell me if it's valium or not, but not how much is inside it.


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Bit the bullet and purchased some legitimate blistered valium. In my experience they have been much stronger than the pressies so I'm hoping my taper will be a little bit faster thanks to that. I only hope I have enough. They were damn expensive  :thumbsup:
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Bit the bullet and purchased some legitimate blistered valium. In my experience they have been much stronger than the pressies so I'm hoping my taper will be a little bit faster thanks to that. I only hope I have enough. They were damn expensive  :thumbsup:

It will be easier this way, you will get better control over your taper and safer too. I hope it will all work out for you!

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Today I woke without the pit in my chest which is a pretty good sign. Bad sign is I took 50 pills yesterday.


Starting with 15 pills today, I might redose mid day with another 10-15, then go to bed on another 15.


Really really hope these legit valiums arrive sooner than later so I can find out exactly how strong these presses really are. I'm going to be so depressed if they've all been 10mgs - though in past experience (have used benzos very occasionally for single term use) the blistered ones were much stronger, so I have faith.


Also: just how bad is rekindling in terms of recovery? Can I expect to taper down a little quicker or have I pushed myself further back than square 1?

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Today I woke without the pit in my chest which is a pretty good sign. Bad sign is I took 50 pills yesterday.


Starting with 15 pills today, I might redose mid day with another 10-15, then go to bed on another 15.


Really really hope these legit valiums arrive sooner than later so I can find out exactly how strong these presses really are. I'm going to be so depressed if they've all been 10mgs - though in past experience (have used benzos very occasionally for single term use) the blistered ones were much stronger, so I have faith.

Also: just how bad is rekindling in terms of recovery? Can I expect to taper down a little quicker or have I pushed myself further back than square 1?


No one can answer this question, we all differ based on our genetics and how we process medication.


I know you've heard this from me and from other members, but since you seem to take such large amounts of street valium, I would strongly suggest you see your doctor or an addiction specialist.  There is nothing wrong with reaching for help when it is needed.  It's important to prioritize your future health and wellbeing, worrying about labels should be the last thing on your mind.



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I totally agree with pianogirl.  Labels aren’t the big issue right now.  You need to save your life.  You’re taking huge unknown amounts.  It’s impossible to comment on kindling.  It’s impossible to give good advice for your situation.  You’re being so random in your approach.  You need a doctor who understands addiction.  Being labeled an addict is what it is.  Just find help.  Please. 
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I want to thank you all, but I really feel I can manage this on my own. The presses are pretty weak and once I get my test kit and legitimate valiums I'll have a better idea of just how much I need per day (e.g. 20 pills in the morning might equate to just 2 regular valiums).


I'm going to take it slow once I receive my blistered valium and finally start a taper with an accurate dosage.


If my tolerance is too high to financially sustain then I will go see a professional immediately.


Again, thank you for the words of encouragement. I really feel I have the willpower to make it through this, given how mild my symptoms are in comparison to some others.

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I hope this plan works for you, I really do.


As a mom and a grandmother I'd like to leave you with one piece of advice. Please get rid of all benzos once you have finished your taper.  While this withdrawal might not be as challenging as what other's might experience, in the future this might not be the case. Additionally,  going back to using alcohol and benzos together could be very dangerous.



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I can't thank you enough for your support.


When you say alcohol/benzos together, do you mean alcohol permanently or just with benzos at the same time?


I plan to use the weak street presses (assuming they are real valium) to complete my taper and then throw them away for good.

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Because both sedatives and alcohol are central nervous system depressants, using them together can cause excessive sedation and respiratory depression. Both acute or chronic alcohol intake in combination with large amounts of sedatives can significantly increase sedation through a synergistic effect at both GABA and glutamate neurotransmitter sites in the brain--which may cause an individual to stop breathing or slip into a coma.

Do not mix the two together.

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Understood. I was just worried as I have heard horror stories of Alcohol throwing people back into withdrawals (as it has with me!), but particularly once they are completely clean. I suppose I will take it slow with the drink once I am finally tapered.
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Understood. I was just worried as I have heard horror stories of Alcohol throwing people back into withdrawals (as it has with me!), but particularly once they are completely clean. I suppose I will take it slow with the drink once I am finally tapered.


I'd give it a good 6 months or more after you complete your taper, I've watched members suffer for months after having a drink. 

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Thank you very kindly for your support and wisdom. I will likely move to a Valium related board/thread once my test kit and pharmaceutical valiums arrive, which I'm hoping will be Monday.

Also, for the first time in the past few days that weight in my chest has lifted. It may have been an issue co-related to my Valium dependency- I'm going to start eating far healthier.

It is bed time and I have only taken 35 of those street pills today.

Worst case scenario - I'm 350mg deep.

Best case scenario - I'm only 30-70mg deep.

Can never tell with presses anyways,


Any other sage advice?  :smitten:

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