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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

When did you begin to see any improvement?


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I am almost 2 months off now from a 7 month Klonopin taper, and my symptoms in my profile still have not improved at all at any time and they are quite nasty, particularly my burning prickling skin and cog fog. They remain 100% constant and very debilitating. I know 2 months isn’t that far out for many so I remain hopeful, I’m just curious when people simply began to see even the slightest improvements to their symptoms? Not healed, just noticed any kind of consistent improvement. I’m aware this is different for everyone too. Just curious.


Thank you.

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I am 30 months off. My acute phase was 90 days or so. My akathisia lasted around 13 months. I had or 100 symptom. Some is gone but many remains. My worst can you see in my sign. Still left and makes me housebound/bedbound.
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Hi! I'm 2 moths off of a rapid taper. today is crappy but I can honestly say I've had some improvements.


Sleep has returned for the most part and I don't feel like I'm on fire anymore:) hoping it stays that way...


sometimes my sx's take turns or come in clusters..it's weird and frustrating. I actually had a couple times where I felt interested inspired in/by something - so that's good. It hasn't stayed yet, but the fact i felt it was shocking as I haven't had that in a very long time.


hope it helps!

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18 months off and its better but I still get waves.  some days you feel great then all of a sudden a couple of weeks of crap.  I pretty much have the same symptoms since day 1 but I think less most of the time.  It's not so bad.  These last couple of weeks its joint pain and muscle soreness with a bit more muscles spasms.  It changes all the time.  Don't worry.  The more you worry the more you'll think there's something wrong with you.  There's nothing wrong with you.  It's all part of withdrawal and recovery.  I think many people on this site read other peoples problems and get anxiety about their own.  I failed two cold turkeys off of Klonopin and then finally liquid tapered over 6 months.  It takes a long time for the body to repair itself so don't worry about any of the weird stuff that you're feeling or going to feel  It changes every day.  :thumbsup:
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I didn't really see any Improvement at all until about 8 months out. And now I'm seeing a lot more Improvement at 9 months out. But the first seven months , it was pure hell from the cold turkey from Klonopin.
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I turned a little corner at six months. I turned another at 9 and then my last one at 13. And when I say little, I mean a smidge of a difference in symptoms and a few windows. I'll be 14 months off next week. I had two of my best weeks a few days ago where I barely thought about benzos or feeling crazy or sick and then the last three days have just plain sucked. I know it's all par for the course but it's like being let out of prison and feeling the sunshine only to be dragged back in and tortured. Sorry, not trying to be negative but that's what it feels like after a window. We just keep pushing on and hoping working and surviving for the time when the good days start to outnumber the bad.  ;)
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Warrior, sorry to hear that. And negative or not, it's the reality. So I completely understand where you're coming from. I was in the hospital with a guy who had taken them for two or three years and was still having massive waves at 3 years out and that's why he went. And then I also know people that abused the hell out of them for years and years and didn't have any withdrawal at all. Scientifically it doesn't make much sense.
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After 9 months some symptoms starts to improve for me, i think i had my first window at that time, mindfulness skills were and still my main coping skills they helped me heal and make it through.......
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Im 18 months off and most of my strange symptoms have fallen by the wayside. Check out my signature. Really the only thing Im left with at this point is chest pain, that Im not positive is related to withdrawal. All of the crazy sensations like pins and needles, vision issues, dp/dr, cog fog, phantom smells, and dizziness have all faded away. Trust me, during my early months of withdrawal I thought it was all permanent. I thought I would never heal. I was wrong I am still seeing improvements to this day.

I read somehere early on to not look at healing on a daily basis. You should look at imprivements month to month. I kept a daily log on an app called "Daylio". It allowed me to track how I was feeling each day and also to record my symptoms. I was able to look back each month and look at my progress.

What I realized was even though I may not have felt better at the time, I was making progress and I was improving, albeit slowly.

Acceptance, patience, and the belief that you will improve and you will heal are your friends. Its easy to become negative. Find things to occupy your mind like games on your phone, netflix series, daily walks, rest and success stories. Stay away from horror stories.

I believe if you will look at progress from a month to month basis instead of day to day, hour to hour, or minute to minute; you will see progress and gain some hope and belief that healing is happening and will fully happen. Keep putting one foot in front of the other and those hours, minutes, and days will add up and before you know it you will be many months off with many symptoms falling by the wayside. Keep the faith!

Take care,


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Glad to hear some people are feeling better.  I’m 16 months off and completely miserable, unemployable, and about at the end of my rope.  I still have very acute symptoms that leave me useless more often than not.  they say healing happens but I don’t think we all heal. At least not 100%. I’m afraid I either need to accept this as the new normal for the rest of my life or just give up.  Iv’e lost so much already, what would it matter?



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Wish I could be of help but am in a way similar situation as you...


What are the reasons in detail you think make you unemployable?

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Wish I could be of help but am in a way similar situation as you...


What are the reasons in detail you think make you unemployable?


I’m unemployable because I can’t make it through one day without having to lie down or rest.  My mind has lost all focus...I spend most days just trying not to die.  I worked in IT / Engineering for over 30 years, now I’m reduced to an infantile status most days. I haven’t worked for almost 2 years (after going into acute BWD).  I keep saying I hope tomorrow is a better day, but it never is.


Best wishes for your healing. 

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Wish I could be of help but am in a way similar situation as you...


What are the reasons in detail you think make you unemployable?


I’m unemployable because I can’t make it through one day without having to lie down or rest.  My mind has lost all focus...I spend most days just trying not to die.  I worked in IT / Engineering for over 30 years, now I’m reduced to an infantile status most days. I haven’t worked for almost 2 years (after going into acute BWD).  I keep saying I hope tomorrow is a better day, but it never is.


Best wishes for your healing.


Dammm sorry to hear that.


We are very much kindred souls in this fight then.


It's a shame when the thing that got you places (brain/intellect) and was a core part of your self-worth and personality is taken away from you.


I can totally empathize with you...wish you the best :/


PS - Thigh about remote work part-time or freelance?

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Glad to hear some people are feeling better.  I’m 16 months off and completely miserable, unemployable, and about at the end of my rope.  I still have very acute symptoms that leave me useless more often than not.  they say healing happens but I don’t think we all heal. At least not 100%. I’m afraid I either need to accept this as the new normal for the rest of my life or just give up.  Iv’e lost so much already, what would it matter?


I am So sorry to hear that you suffer brother,  May all your struggles end and i know it will get better for you even if it takes longer than expected, i am two years off myself unemployed too and i don't feel well enough or healed enough to hold a job and i need one very desperately...


Are you taking anything that can delay healing ...? There are alot of stories about people who were desperate for years but they healed eventually.... 


Peace be with you ....

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Thanks for the kind words RePurgaNull and Survivor!  Sorry if I was ranting a little bit there.  I’m just so frustrated as am sure y’all are.  I’m not currently taking any psych meds of any kind.  I don’t use alcohol, tobacco or caffeine. I try and watch my diet and get some light exercise when the symptoms allow.  It just seems like it’s all for nothing most days.


Stay strong and best wishes.

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Thanks for the kind words RePurgaNull and Survivor!  Sorry if I was ranting a little bit there.  I’m just so frustrated as am sure y’all are.  I’m not currently taking any psych meds of any kind.  I don’t use alcohol, tobacco or caffeine. I try and watch my diet and get some light exercise when the symptoms allow.  It just seems like it’s all for nothing most days.


Stay strong and best wishes.


We all in this together , i think it's very important to develop and find our coping skills, I found "dialectical behavior therapy skills handbook" and downloaded it for free, when i am in bad place this book helps me more than anything else.....


Good luck 

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Thanks for the kind words RePurgaNull and Survivor!  Sorry if I was ranting a little bit there.  I’m just so frustrated as am sure y’all are.  I’m not currently taking any psych meds of any kind.  I don’t use alcohol, tobacco or caffeine. I try and watch my diet and get some light exercise when the symptoms allow.  It just seems like it’s all for nothing most days.


Stay strong and best wishes.


We all in this together , i think it's very important to develop and find our coping skills, I found "dialectical behavior therapy skills handbook" and downloaded it for free, when i am in bad place this book helps me more than anything else.....


Good luck


This one?



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Thanks for the kind words RePurgaNull and Survivor!  Sorry if I was ranting a little bit there.  I’m just so frustrated as am sure y’all are.  I’m not currently taking any psych meds of any kind.  I don’t use alcohol, tobacco or caffeine. I try and watch my diet and get some light exercise when the symptoms allow.  It just seems like it’s all for nothing most days.


Stay strong and best wishes.


We all in this together , i think it's very important to develop and find our coping skills, I found "dialectical behavior therapy skills handbook" and downloaded it for free, when i am in bad place this book helps me more than anything else.....


Good luck


This one?



That one is good too, but i meant another one more essential and focused in my opinion.


Just type in google "Handbook in DBT Group pdf" and you can get it for free from the first link as i can see 

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Hopper: So sorry your days are still such a challenge. Be kind to yourself, xanax for 20 years is a long time - you may just need to give yourself more time. I know you want it over like yesterday.


I've read quite a few success tories that sound like you where they thought it was hopeless but then at like say 24 months they turn a corner! You never know! It sounds like you're taking good care of yourself and doing all you can.


And it's ok to vent on here - thats what this is for - for support. All of us!

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Hopper: So sorry your days are still such a challenge. Be kind to yourself, xanax for 20 years is a long time - you may just need to give yourself more time. I know you want it over like yesterday.


I've read quite a few success tories that sound like you where they thought it was hopeless but then at like say 24 months they turn a corner! You never know! It sounds like you're taking good care of yourself and doing all you can.


And it's ok to vent on here - thats what this is for - for support. All of us!


Thank you for the reply Trina!  I wanna believe I/we will be healed one day.  Sending healing wishes your way!

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I think I saw real improvements around about 3, 6 and 11 month's. I'm 16 month's out now and it can still get a little bumpy at times but I whole heartedly believe that's down to some bad lifestyle choices at times
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I’m glad to hear you are doing well Kam19! I have seen no real improvement at all. looking back, I may have had a window last fall at about 10 months off, but it has been pretty bad as of late. 


Still waiting for my miracle! 

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