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Klonopin tapering--new here--scared


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Questions on my taper??? Now down to a total of 1 mg from 1.50 (.50 morning, .25 at 3:00 and .25 at 11:00) since last Monday and am feeling okay most of the time.  Have tremors a few times a day and hands and feet cold, but otherwise doing okay. Tremors are tolerable and they don't last more than 30 minutes, some as little as 10, nothing unbearable. I was considering cutting another .25 tomorrow morning because it makes me so tired all morning. My best times are from about 5:00 in the afternoon until bedtime. Sleeping okay, usually wake up after about 6 or 7 hours asleep with a few pottie breaks during the night, but usually fall back to sleep fairly easily. Do you feel cutting tomorrow morning is going a little too fast or should I do it based on how I am feeling? I thought if I do this cut, I will hold for a full week before eliminating one of the 3 doses per day? 
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sounds like your afternoon and evening dose is working for you.


i am not a taper expert but someone should be on tomorrow to help you with your decision.

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Questions on my taper??? Now down to a total of 1 mg from 1.50 (.50 morning, .25 at 3:00 and .25 at 11:00) since last Monday and am feeling okay most of the time.  Have tremors a few times a day and hands and feet cold, but otherwise doing okay. Tremors are tolerable and they don't last more than 30 minutes, some as little as 10, nothing unbearable. I was considering cutting another .25 tomorrow morning because it makes me so tired all morning. My best times are from about 5:00 in the afternoon until bedtime. Sleeping okay, usually wake up after about 6 or 7 hours asleep with a few pottie breaks during the night, but usually fall back to sleep fairly easily. Do you feel cutting tomorrow morning is going a little too fast or should I do it based on how I am feeling? I thought if I do this cut, I will hold for a full week before eliminating one of the 3 doses per day? 


Hi Theresa, I'm not sure of what size pill you have, but I would say that a .25mg cut at the amount you are on now is a bit too hefty. The lower you go, the larger the percentage gets. That will be a  25% cut, about twice as big as we usually like to suggest. 

If you have or can get .5mg pills, you could reduce by .125mg by making quarter pill cuts. This what I did and went all the way down with. And I was told by some that even THAT was too much.

If you only have 1 mg pills, and want to make smaller cuts, you can do a liquid titration which we can help you with.

Sorry if all this has been covered with already, I didn't read your original posts. ;)

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Hi Theresa,

  I take Rivotril (clono) as well and have .5mg tabs. I am able to break them into 4 to give me .125mg. This is the cuts that I am currently doing. However I only cut every 2 weeks or so, as I have quite a few side affects. I have also had capsules made up which are .05mg So 1/10 of a .5mg tablet.

  Like you I am scared a lot of the time too, but I plan to take my time. I am eager to get of the Benzos but .250 cuts don't feel very nice to me. See how you go. Be flexible, as long as you keep moving forward then you are doing well - I believe! :)

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I went ahead and cut .25 this morning and found out at noon that was too much too fast. Made it to usual 3:00 dosage of .25, but added .125 at 8:30 this evening. I will take normal .25 dose at 11:00 bedtime and reinstate back to .50 for morning and hold for a week before cutting again and will only cut 1/4 this time. Thanks for your support.
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Goodluck Theresa.

  I only take my tabs 2 times a day and when I taper I alternate. I take .125mg off night time dose for 2 weeks and .125 off morning dose for the next taper. I try to stick to a semi stict regime and never add any more onto my dosages. Goodluck, we can do this. You are certainly moving along . Lets get Klono free forever!!!!! I'm glad that you decided to slow down a bit (from the .250 to .125) Hope this cut suits you better and that you feel ok

                              Tk Debbie (deedee)

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If you find that you need to slow down even more toward the end ask your doc for a pediatric dose of klonopin. They are actually called "wafers" but it is a pill form and can be cut giving smaller doses. I had to inform my doc that such a thing even existed. But at least he did prescribe it and I could make smaller cuts. Unfortunately that was before I found BB and it quickly went bad since I really didn't know what I was doing. I just knew I needed to slow down my taper based on how I was reacting. My doc was clueless and so made a change soon after that that sent me into a tailspin.
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Thanks for the advise.  I'm going to hold for a week and try to cut morning dose to .375 instead of jumping off again to .25. My afternoon and evening doses are at .25 and feeling fine. I only waited 4 days b/4 that cut, but trying yesterday morning to .25 through me for a loop. (no rebound anxiety but chest pressure and overall nervous) Reinstated back to .50 this morning and wait a week before reducing morning dose to .375 and see how that goes for a week, then decrease to .25 and see how that goes. I am totally not doing what the dr wanted me to do. As stated above, she wanted me to immediately cut all 3 doses 1/2 for two weeks, then 1/2 tab 2x/day for two weeks, then 1/2 tab once a day for two weeks, then stop and adding buspar during this tapering. I hope cuts down to .125 go as easy as the first two.
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I'm just getting inpatient, but now realize slow and steady will win the race! I'm scheduled for my colonoscopy (being almost 50) at the end of March and I so want to be benzo free by then. Thanks for your comments.
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I think they give you  IV valium for a colonoscopy don't they?  Make sure you ask them, and they can give you something non benzo. Or do they do a general anesthesia? I'm not sure, sorry. But even with a general the may give you a pre anesthetic benzo. Discuss it with the anesthesiologist.

But even if you do get some, I personally don't think a one time dose will do any damage.


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I don't know what it is either, my husband said although you don't remember having it done, you are semi-awake so you are able to follow commands. I'll definately let them know what I'm taking if still am and will let them know what I was taking. I'm totally not looking forward to the procedure as you can imagine. My husband says the drugs are great, he never even takes an aspirin. The worst part will be the day before, liquid diet all day and then the wonderful cleansing. Can't wait.
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yea linda they give you this "don't remember" drug - you are awake through the while thing - who knows what all they do to you - i tell you i have my suspecions.


i was able to remember it all but was not aware of everything - i remember them telling me what to do - and me telling them what to do  - i mean what else can you do when your butt is sticking out for the world to see.


next time they really poured it on strong - not much i remembered from that last time.

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Checking in! Still holding after my too aggressive cut on Monday. I think I'm still stabilizing from Monday, but still maintaining on 1.00/day from 1.50/day since a week ago Monday. I read Eljay's blog today (took all day, over 1000 blogs) and am feeling hopeful that there is light at the end of the tunnel. I hope to get to Silver, Chickworps and others as I move along this long and winding road.  :P
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Wow! Thanks Theresa, I'm impressed. You probably now know more about my taper journey then I do! So tell me, have I come far? I don't have a clue. :2funny:
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Hi Theresa :)

  Thats good that you are holding for a while on your cuts and can manage the .125mg. This cut gives me less side effects, but I still have some probs. You will be there before you know it.Don't forget we won't get a medal when we are finished, so row your own boat. Definately not good what doc suggested. I was meant to go from 1mg morn and night to .5mg morn and night. Straight up, after 9 years and did a .250 cut to start with before I found BB's. That was hell, for me. Glad I have learnt different now.

                      As for that other procedure you are having - Is that a routine thing in the Us????

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yea linda they give you this "don't remember" drug - you are awake through the while thing - who knows what all they do to you - i tell you i have my suspecions.


i was able to remember it all but was not aware of everything - i remember them telling me what to do - and me telling them what to do  - i mean what else can you do when your butt is sticking out for the world to see.


next time they really poured it on strong - not much i remembered from that last time.


If I remember correctly in from all my research into benzos........the "don't remember drug" is a benzo. I was given Midazolam for my hysterectomy and that is the commom drug for erasing memory for surgery. Personally, after having a colonoscopy during my taper, I would suggest waiting unless it is absolutely urgent. I ended up with really bad pain in my shins after that. Although there was another circumstance that could have precipitated that but I'm left wondering now after everything I've learned about wd effects.

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Question on tapering?  I am currently taking .50 klono in morning, .25 at 3:00, then .25 at night. Is it possible to try cutting one of the smaller doses and trying to get down to 2 doses per day. Which would still leave .50 in morning and then .25 in evening? Or should I just try to reduce my morning dose down to .375 for my next cut? Should I wait another week since my last taper on 2/25 (which did not go well and had to reinstate) or try again on Monday with a smaller cut of .125. Thanks for any suggesions. 
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I usually take .50 klono am, .25 at 3;00 and .25 at bedtime. It just dawned on me that when I went to bed last night, I took .50 and this morning only took .25 and it's already 2:00 pm and I couldn't figure out why I was having trembling. I can't believe I did this (brain fog)  :D, I am almost due for my 3:00 dose of .25 (I only pray that I can make it to the 11:00 dose with not too much trouble.) My question is what is it going to do if I only take my .25 at bedtime as usual???  :tickedoff:
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Hi Theresa, sorry it took me so long to reply to you. If you are very concerned about it, I would go ahead and take  another .25 now. I'm assuming you are on eastern time and have already taking your .25 then. Then tonight just take your regular .25mg tonight. that will total 1mg.  :)
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