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Am I being unreasonable about the Coronavirus??


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I'd almost be willing to trade the coronavirus for the benzo flu and take my chances. (I already have

a cough, and shortness of breath so I'm already halfway there).


When my Dr. doesn't even recognize benzodiazepine withdrawal, I don't have a lot of faith in him

being able to deal with something like the coronavirus.  Look how long the detrimental effects of benzodiazepines on people have been known..... still no national emergency being declared.





Chinese scientists knew about the coronavirus and its deadly effects as early as December — but were ordered by government officials to suppress the evidence, according to a report.





In light of this medical nightmare afflicting so many patients in so many countries, the fact that the British Medical Research Council, the nation's funders of medical research, sat on key information attesting to the drugs' risks 30 years ago is not just unethical, but nothing short of scandalous.

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I’m glad my post has been bumped for me ;D it’s wild how just as things were improving for me, I have once again become a shut in, and not even at the fault of benzo withdrawals.  Most restos here are at 10-20% capacity and foods/supplies are flying off the shelves as people stock up.  Government seems to be working at a glacial pace so what can one do?  You know if they nip it in the bud asap, it would save us all from months of suffering. 


After many years of dealing with health issues and the health system, I know we can never be too cautious.  We only see what they allow us to see.  The truth is always in the grey area.  My family members were so confident that the virus wouldnt land near our doorstep and it has.  At the present moment I am having my groceries delivered to me and because I’m not 100% sure of whether person is contagious or not, I do quarantine my items  :idiot:


Ps.  Add me to team ‘I catch a draft and I get a cold’.  My friend stood outside in -25 degree weather for 3 hours for a teachers strike and came down with a fever that resolved in a day.  I stood outside my doorway in -5 degree weather for 10 mins and ended up with chills and a cold for days.  Our immune systems have really taken a beating from w/d.

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Ps.  Add me to team ‘I catch a draft and I get a cold’.  My friend stood outside in -25 degree weather for 3 hours for a teachers strike and came down with a fever that resolved in a day.  I stood outside my doorway in -5 degree weather for 10 mins and ended up with chills and a cold for days.  Our immune systems have really taken a beating from w/d.


Being in a cold environment doesn't make you sick. You have to be exposed to some kind of pathogen.

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Ps.  Add me to team ‘I catch a draft and I get a cold’.  My friend stood outside in -25 degree weather for 3 hours for a teachers strike and came down with a fever that resolved in a day.  I stood outside my doorway in -5 degree weather for 10 mins and ended up with chills and a cold for days.  Our immune systems have really taken a beating from w/d.


Being in a cold environment doesn't make you sick. You have to be exposed to some kind of pathogen.


Pathogens are everywhere. Being in cold lowers our already weakened immune system and makes it easier to get sick

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Ps.  Add me to team ‘I catch a draft and I get a cold’.  My friend stood outside in -25 degree weather for 3 hours for a teachers strike and came down with a fever that resolved in a day.  I stood outside my doorway in -5 degree weather for 10 mins and ended up with chills and a cold for days.  Our immune systems have really taken a beating from w/d.


Being in a cold environment doesn't make you sick. You have to be exposed to some kind of pathogen.

...well as other topics seem “off limit” atm.. :)

I didnt think that was strictly true FG..?? Can not a change in our throat or nasal environ, eg temp/ humidity/ph, trigger a flush or imbalance of existing “bugs” that usually live in relative harmony..??

Though these fluctuations are usually well within our body's ability to manage, perhaps some added stressors such as WD could have an impact..??


I kinda wonder, as I was recently asked about this..  -but from my actual experience, It seems nothing wants to live or culture in my body in recent years...!!?? :(

-Even mozzies dont like me..!!

A tually now I think of it, the dogs dont lick me like they once did, and women, -lets not even go there..!! Lol



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Pathogens are everywhere. Being in cold lowers our already weakened immune system and makes it easier to get sick


Cold air is also generally dry air and those factors make it easier for you to get sick, but they aren't the root cause. You still have to have been exposed to the pathogen.

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Pathogens are everywhere. Being in cold lowers our already weakened immune system and makes it easier to get sick


Cold air is also generally dry air and those factors make it easier for you to get sick, but they aren't the root cause. You still have to have been exposed to the pathogen.


True, but again, pathogens are literally everywhere. On people, in the air, on doorknobs, on objects. if one exposes themselves to cold, it makes it that much easier to get sick. That’s why people associate cold weather with getting sick. It’s not a direct cause but it’s definitely increases the risk. When your bones and organs and body systems get chilled and hit from cold wind and weather, it lowers their function, not good for fighting any illness or virus. You can’t avoid every single pathogen around you, but you can certainly avoid factors that make it easier for you to get sick.

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All I know is in my case, being housebound all winter, I would stand outside at my doorway to get some fresh air and watch it snow.  No way am I in a crowded environment.  But those adventures on my doorstep would have me down with a cold.  I can’t tell u how many colds ive had this winter without leaving my home, while all family members have remained fine. I agree, the pathogen can be brought in on something and I could have contracted it via contact.  But still doesnt explain why everyone else is symptomless but me.  Also I question whether my immune system actually fought the first initial cold and it remained in my body and would reappear when there was an opportunistic moment.
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This is what I just read about the U.S. and coronavirus: The epidemic continues to expand rapidly outside China. All six of the U.S. deaths have been in Washington State, and four of the victims came from a single nursing home.


It may be expanding, but the fact that 4 out of the 6 deaths in the U.S. were from one location, a nursing home, doesn't tell me that I should be worried. At the start of the virus, in SF I saw lots of people with masks on. Yesterday or the day before I saw one man with a mask. Today, no one that I saw had a mask on.


The media loves to get people riled up: THE EPIDEMIC CONTINUES TO EXPAND RAPIDLY OUTSIDE CHINA. Do you really think it's spreading rapidly in the U.S.?

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I think this depends on whether they contain the virus in which ever State before it gains a foothold.  All it takes is one infected individual to attend a big event..then the number count starts to multiply.  It’s all up to chance.
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I heard there was case now in Florida, but not sure where.


I believe it is two cases, on the west coast near where my sister lives.

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FG, just found this article about where COVID-19 cases are in your state.  Do you know where these areas are?  I hope it's not too close to where your sister lives or to you, for that matter.  Are you wearing a mask when you go outside?  Believe it or not, I bought a bug-type green face mask when 911 happened in 2001 and still have it out in the shed in a bag in a container.  I'm not the least bit afraid of the Coronavirus.



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FG, just found this article about where COVID-19 cases are in your state.  Do you know where these areas are?  I hope it's not too close to where your sister lives or to you, for that matter.  Are you wearing a mask when you go outside?  Believe it or not, I bought a bug-type green face mask when 911 happened in 2001 and still have it out in the shed in a bag in a container.  I'm not the least bit afraid of the Coronavirus.


It is on the other side of the state near my sister. Her family is young and healthy so hopefully won't be an issue.


Personally I am not too worried about the risk of death, but I can't afford to be sick when everyone is extremely paranoid. I won't be able to drive on the weekends if I am coughing and sneezing, even if it's just a cold, and whenever I get sick it kills my productivity with my business. And who knows what effect this will have on my income if people really start to freak out and stay in their houses not spending any money.

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I think this depends on whether they contain the virus in which ever State before it gains a foothold.  All it takes is one infected individual to attend a big event..then the number count starts to multiply.  It’s all up to chance.


I'm sure you won't be going to any big event. And they're canceling programs that have many people, anyway.


You can follow some sensible guidelines to keep yourself safe.


Look, it's really easy in this benzo mess to project the future and be really worried, especially when social media is having a feeding frenzy reporting on it. Our mayor issued a state of emergency, and there's been no outbreak in my city. But businesses are losing money left and right because of her proclamation. I can see her issuing a state of preparedness, but not a state of emergency. Meanwhile, the people of Chinatown protested regarding xenophobia, and many places there have lost money.


What I think is even more preposterous is that people are avoiding Corona beer simply because it has the word "corona." Things get way too carried away.

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I used to love Corona beer with a twist of lemon in the bottle.  Tampa Bay has the two cases there, I read tonight.
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I guessed there might be something about this here. This will be my one and only contribution.


The media are stirring up panic. Let's call this new virus a new flu instead. Happens every winter and old folk unfortunately succumb.


80% of infected get hardly any symptoms.


Children hardly get infected. This could be due to some hormone we lose after puberty.


The infection rates in Wuham were high because a lot of folk contracted directly from live animals. Person to person contamination is not great but not as bad.


Death rate outside Wuham is tiny. The number of infected is without doubt well above the official numbers. Which pushes fatality rate even lower.


Our ancestors had to put up with new diseases without meds and survived. What's happening now is nothing new.


If the virus news is freaking you out, don't read or listen to media. It's aim is to scare rather than report.


This is very much a winter gig. Hot countries have very low infection rates.


Have a good day

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I guessed there might be something about this here. This will be my one and only contribution.


The media are stirring up panic. Let's call this new virus a new flu instead. Happens every winter and old folk unfortunately succumb.


80% of infected get hardly any symptoms.


Children hardly get infected. This could be due to some hormone we lose after puberty.


The infection rates in Wuham were high because a lot of folk contracted directly from live animals. Person to person contamination is not great but not as bad.


Death rate outside Wuham is tiny. The number of infected is without doubt well above the official numbers. Which pushes fatality rate even lower.


Our ancestors had to put up with new diseases without meds and survived. What's happening now is nothing new.


If the virus news is freaking you out, don't read or listen to media. It's aim is to scare rather than report.


This is very much a winter gig. Hot countries have very low infection rates.


Have a good day

Well, thats refreshing... Its hot here... :)


Seriously (despite appearances), Roughly one in every million people people have it here in Australia..

Im not exactly sure, but take out those that “flu” in with it, or had contact with those that did, and the number is probably close to zero...!! :)


I had a “realisation” today... -If your going to eat out in public, pick a healthy place, one that sells stuff like freshly juiced organics for a drink, rather than say McDonalds or KFC.. -Its all about playing the odds.. lol

Ill leave ya all to decide which odds they are..  :)


I saw one person with a mask today when out n about... Going by the junk food in her shopping trolley, I would suggest she is playing the wrong odds.. :(


Yes, lets keep it in perspective as best WD SX will allow.. I think we are probably still below annual deaths by lightning strikes...





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During withdrawal, everyone is more susceptible to common stuff due to hormone disruptions, poor sleep, fatigue, etc. It is reasonable to take some precautions even if just against the regular flu. Good hand washing, not touching your face when out, wiping down frequently touched objects like doorknob, keys, and phone are prudent. Some immune boosting supplements won't harm you.


Many argue wearing even an n95 mask "doesn't do anything," but indeed it does.  Although virus particles can be quite small (smaller than the 3micron filtration) most of the time they are attached to dust, water droplets, or mucous. That increases the size. Screening out something is better than nothing. Is it 100%? No, but neither is anything else. If masks were completely ineffective, everyone in hospitals treating people wouldn't need one; yet all photos show people wearing them. If using one also makes you feel better, what's the harm?


Your mom. If someone's belief system gets overwhelmed with fear, it can cause aggression from cognitive dissonance. Means they "just can't believe it's happening," so they instinctively fight back. It doesn't have to be sensible. She might feel helpless or even think if she just doesn't believe in it, nothing bad will happen. There's no way to reason with it.


Do not dwell on something beyond your control as it will only stress you. Concentrate on the positives including your progress.  You're not alone. Reach out here if you need to.

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Agree that taking precautions is better than nothing. Wearing even a regular mask is better than nothing as it can prevent most viruses.


I disagree that this is the new flu. The fatality rate is higher and in general causes a more severe respiratory reaction leading to fluid buildup in the lungs, complications and death. Most people in China who died did not come into direct contact with animals, including healthcare workers in Wuhan. I’d compare this to SARS and not the seasonal flu. And SARS was definitely not just a media frenzy

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It is now on the East coast.  One case confirmed in S Carolina.


The media likes to play things up big. Its fear mongering IMO

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We have a new case here in Canada just along the border to my city 10 mins away.  He was a cleaner at some condos and he cleaned several areas for a week before he was diagnosed.  If that whole building gets infected it aint gonna be pretty.
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Agree that taking precautions is better than nothing. Wearing even a regular mask is better than nothing as it can prevent most viruses.


I disagree that this is the new flu. The fatality rate is higher and in general causes a more severe respiratory reaction leading to fluid buildup in the lungs, complications and death. Most people in China who died did not come into direct contact with animals, including healthcare workers in Wuhan. I’d compare this to SARS and not the seasonal flu. And SARS was definitely not just a media frenzy


Hey buddie


Sorry to disagree with your disagreement but can you explain why the severity in Wuham was worser than anywhere else? A lot of folk did come in contact with animals even if they didn't buy or eat them. This had been verified by a Nobel Prize scientist living in China.


In general it does not cause a more severe lung gig. 80% don't feel nowt.


I can understand why you feel kinda gloomy about life in general but do some more reading if the virus bothers you.


Best of luck



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