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Anyone have a funny story to share???


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I realized I haven’t had a good laugh in such a long time.  Anyone have a funny story or a story someone told you that made you laugh??  I know some of us are in too much suffering to even conceive humour but I have to believe that things happen in your life that make you smile even the slightest.  Maybe your dog or kitty got stuck under your bed sheets or maybe your twins spouse mistaken you for your other twin :laugh:  idk..something outrageous lol. I need a real chuckle in real life.  We all need to find a little humor in this somehow.  Maybe this thread can help many others.  I hope.  I remember when I was on my Lyme board and someone with Lyme brain walked out into their garden having forgotten to put on a dress over their undergarments.  Embarassing but they somehow found it funny!
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I like this post Castillo! And since I do have an identical twin - I have lots of stories like that to share.  But recently I was in a Benzo withdrawal induced rage/paranoia during a lightening storm and this apparently had some affect on my son (12 years old) and he started losing it as well (NOT funny I know).  But thinking back to it  - this is what was funny.  Well maybe not really to my husband.  But as you may know - many of us are only comfortable in our bedrooms during this process and I was hiding in my bedroom completely scared out of my mind (no real reason except the lightening which is so LAME) and my son is freaking out in the basement as that is where he thought he was the safest.  Well my husband (who is very calm, cool and collected) just had it with us both yelling for him and refusing to come out of hiding so he grabbed both of us (Yes he is a very large man) and pulled us onto the couch.  With him in the middle; he just held on to us and refused to respond back (which eventually settled us down) and after an hour - both my son and I realized how ridiculous we had been and we all started laughing.  It was the first time that I had laughed in 4 months through this hell. And it was good for our son to see this too.  He has brought it up a few times still smiling about it.  OK maybe that was just funny for us... I will tell you another one about my dog next time.  VERY funny.
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Buahaha this just made my day!!  I can just imagine it.  A big burly man grabbing and tossing around two sacks of potatoes :laugh: I find it most hilarious that he held you guys and didn’t say a peep.  I’m surprised you didn’t put up a fight towards that couch lol. Your dog story has got to match that one!!
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Oh we tried to fight him for sure! Another benzo story. I was bedridden for like 4 weeks and I usually walk my dog 3 miles a day so she was pissed! Laying there growling at me. So one day she jumps up and runs downstairs (I sleep in a loft) and comes back up with one shoe. Then looks at me and waits.. I said where is the other one? She bolts downstairs and comes up with a different not matching shoe. Waits and said sorry wrong shoe. She tries three more times and finally gets a matching shoe! So so excited! I made myself get up and bring her for a small walk. Now I keep waking up to a pile of shoes by my bed which she has worked during the night to leave for me! I guess I want to laugh about this insanely stupid experience that literally sucks the life out of you.


Come on! Does anyone have a good one for us?!

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LOL the more shoes you have the bigger your pile will get!!  Gotta love a pup :smitten:


I don’t have any humourous stories per say because life has been very low energy and stuck there.  But something passing happened recently when I went for an acupuncture consult.  The acupuncturist proceeded to tell me where she would place two needles and when she touched those areas, my eyes grew larger and larger and I think they got stuck that way cause acupuncturist just kept giggling.  I’m glad it was funny to her...at my expense lol


Another story involves a family friends cat.  The son has a cat that the mother does not adore.  Before the mother went on vacation she spoke to the cat sternly about how when they leave she better not be up to no good  :tickedoff:  to her surprise when she came back, the cat laid a hot deuce in her favorite shoes and for good measure, a perfect one right on the centre of her duvet  :P. Everyone else escaped her wrath lol

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Hey Castillo!  I like the cat roasting the woman with the droppings.. Laughed at that. My husband had a cat when we got married and apparently she didn't like me as much as the first wife as the cat peed on only MY stuff.  I got rid of her quick.  But I  don't like that accupuncture person laughing/giggling at your dialated eyes! That would have pissed me off.  Glad you can roll with it.  SO does this needle thing help? And why would your eyes react?  Let me know.
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Cats are so prissy sometimes lol. It’s literally like they are taking a piss on us lol


Oh I haven’t started the acupuncture yet. Just the mere fact of her explaining where she’s putting those needles made my eye bulge.  Who wants a needle between their toes??  Ouch!  I think I went with it cause I tend to like to make people laugh.  So if she found some giggles in my beady eyes then that is fine by me lol

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Oh Phew. I thought you had some sort of reaction.  Let me know how it goes! I hate cats!


Quick funny story - went for a walk today in the woods with my dog behind the house.  I got lost and started to panic.  Tried to find my way out and then just sat down and cried. (Funny part is coming).  My husband found me by riding the dirt bike out there. I came home and told my daughter that I had walked for MILES (felt like it).  She looked at my phone and I had walked 1.4 miles.  Yep - That is it.  So lame that I have to laugh!  Resting in bed now. 

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Oh Phew. I thought you had some sort of reaction.  Let me know how it goes! I hate cats!


Quick funny story - went for a walk today in the woods with my dog behind the house.  I got lost and started to panic.  Tried to find my way out and then just sat down and cried. (Funny part is coming).  My husband found me by riding the dirt bike out there. I came home and told my daughter that I had walked for MILES (felt like it).  She looked at my phone and I had walked 1.4 miles.  Yep - That is it.  So lame that I have to laugh!  Resting in bed now.


Omg lol it must have felt like forever cause you were probably walking in circles.  Thank god you are okay.  I panic so badly when I walk and get lost on a major street!!  Heck even in a mall when I take the wrong turn!


Mon pilote- hehe i’m glad you found some chuckle in our stories.  Maybe you can share one one day when you are ready.

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This afternoon I was on my way out to do some work and didn't have anything in the fridge so I stopped at the BK drive through. I pulled over in the parking lot to eat my burger, and a minute later a bird flies over and lands on top of my car. I don't think I have ever had a bird land on my car when I was sitting in it so I slowly look up through the driver's window to see what kind of bird it is or whatever. I look up and all I can see is tail feathers. The bird's ass is right above my head.


You can probably guess what happens next.


Luckily my window was UP.

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Once when I was potty training my son, I found him standing in the kitchen late at night, sleepy with his pants down in front of a trash can with his thing out. He looked at it for quite some time, confused and then said: "oh, that's not a toilet. We don't pee in the trash can, we pee in the toilet".
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Once my sister and I were shopping for a dress for my sister to wear to a fancy do. It was a last minute need so she  was in a panic, which led me to be in a panic. We rummaged through the various racks desperately searching for her required perfect outfit. At the end of one rack I was rummaging through, I noticed a dummy’s head. The dummy had amazingly bright sparkly platinum blonde hair which gleamed,  yet appeared very stringy. I couldn’t help but touch it to feel if the texture was as rough as it appeared. I called out to my sister who was standing at the other end of the rack. I said (twisting the hair with ease), “This is weird, this dummy’s hair is so stringy and yet it is also so incredibly soft!”. As I looked back to inspect the hair again, the dummy’s head ever so slowly turned around, with one very annoyed glare!! Turns out the “dummy” was the store assistant!!  :-[i burst into embarrassed laughter and took one huge leap out of the shop. My sister and I simply couldn’t come up for breath belly laughing all afternoon.  To this day we still belly laugh about it  :laugh:
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Once my sister and I were shopping for a dress for my sister to wear to a fancy do. It was a last minute need so she  was in a panic, which led me to be in a panic. We rummaged through the various racks desperately searching for her required perfect outfit. At the end of one rack I was rummaging through, I noticed a dummy’s head. The dummy had amazingly bright sparkly platinum blonde hair which gleamed,  yet appeared very stringy. I couldn’t help but touch it to feel if the texture was as rough as it appeared. I called out to my sister who was standing at the other end of the rack. I said (twisting the hair with ease), “This is weird, this dummy’s hair is so stringy and yet it is also so incredibly soft!”. As I looked back to inspect the hair again, the dummy’s head ever so slowly turned around, with one very annoyed glare!! Turns out the “dummy” was the store assistant!!  :-[i burst into embarrassed laughter and took one huge leap out of the shop. My sister and I simply couldn’t come up for breath belly laughing all afternoon.  To this day we still belly laugh about it  :laugh:



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Once my sister and I were shopping for a dress for my sister to wear to a fancy do. It was a last minute need so she  was in a panic, which led me to be in a panic. We rummaged through the various racks desperately searching for her required perfect outfit. At the end of one rack I was rummaging through, I noticed a dummy’s head. The dummy had amazingly bright sparkly platinum blonde hair which gleamed,  yet appeared very stringy. I couldn’t help but touch it to feel if the texture was as rough as it appeared. I called out to my sister who was standing at the other end of the rack. I said (twisting the hair with ease), “This is weird, this dummy’s hair is so stringy and yet it is also so incredibly soft!”. As I looked back to inspect the hair again, the dummy’s head ever so slowly turned around, with one very annoyed glare!! Turns out the “dummy” was the store assistant!!  :-[i burst into embarrassed laughter and took one huge leap out of the shop. My sister and I simply couldn’t come up for breath belly laughing all afternoon.  To this day we still belly laugh about it  :laugh:


OMG, hilarious!  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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OMG these are comedy gold!!  Floridaguy can u imagine if you held your food out the window??  Yummy condiment :laugh:


Ideallifevision-kids are the best comedians!  They literally have no clue what they are doing most times and thats the funny bit lol


Harmonee-  I just about died.  The horror u must have felt to see ‘IT’ move hahaha. I had a flashback to that movie called Mannequin!

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Ha, ha I cracked up over the bird's ass outside FG's car window  :laugh: I had a sparrow (I kid you not!) poop directly into my spaghetti bolognese at an alfresco restaurant!! Thank goodness I saw the little bird as he so kindly left his tiny "deposit"  :laugh: And kids are a comedy show on their own  :laugh: peeing in the trash can  :laugh:


Nothing like someone else's embarrassing moments to make us laugh  :laugh: This is a true story about my brother-in-law.


Geoff was only 18 and smart. He was new to the company but had impressed his boss so much he took him on a tiny Cessna plane along with some top executives to sight a geographical survey the company was undertaking. Problem was Geoff had a major tummy upset mid-flight. Lol, no toilet apparently! Oh calamity!!  :-[ :-[


He had no choice but to tell his boss who got the other executives to pass down all their coffee cups for Geoff to "utilize". When the plane landed everyone evacuated at lightning speed  :laugh: You can just imagine the embarrassment for the young, privileged employee. Some "joy" flight!!


The following week Geoff was caught short again at the work urinal. His boss walked in, they made small talk about some minor campany issue. The boss came back with "Well it sure beats dumping into 12 coffee cups, 10,000 feet in the air!!"

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  • 3 months later...

OMG HOW DID I MISS THE PLANE STORY??? Lolll that’s terrible!!  I dont think he can ever live that one down!!


I am resurrecting my post because light is needed at this particular time.  Any positivity or funny stories is soooo welcome right about now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

OMG HOW DID I MISS THE PLANE STORY??? Lolll that’s terrible!!  I dont think he can ever live that one down!!


I am resurrecting my post because light is needed at this particular time.  Any positivity or funny stories is soooo welcome right about now.


I agree. Laughter is the best medicine  :laugh: This one is not quite as funny as Geoff's embarrassing mid-air ordeal but will give it a shot. It does involve a toilet though  :laugh:


Years ago I was washing my hands in 'the ladies' and a girl walked in. I looked up and honestly believed it was a friend of mine that I had not seen for a few years. She lived in the area so I didn't think it unusual we should bump into each other.


So thrilled to see her again, I yelled out "SHARON!!!" and immediately wrapped my arms around her, giving her the biggest hug. The woman stepped back and to my amazement had a somewhat alarmed look on her face. She said her name was not Sharon, as she gave me a look as if I were a crazy person! She HAD to be kidding me, so I said "Oh come on Sharon, stop teasing me!" I was laughing so hard at her amazing acting capacity, i was telling her she ought to be awarded an academy award! The thing is she continued to insist she was NOT Sharon and proceeded to walk into the closest available cubicle! I just wanted to die and pleased I could make a swift exit  :laugh:


PS I contacted Sharon to make sure it wasn't her way of breaking off our friendship  :laugh: The 'real' Sharon thought it was hilarious, said that could only happen to me, and reassured me the 'toilet Sharon' was definitely not her. Somewhere out there Sharon has an identical twin, I swear by it  :laugh:







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