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Santa Fe shooter on Ritalin


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That's where you're wrong, we shouldn't have to have gun violence topic shoved down our throats, not even from the thread title itself. 


Dude....this isn't being shoved down anyone's throat. Despite this being relevant to the benzo issue this post is on the off topic board and if the topic doesn't interest you you don't have to read the post, let alone comment on it.

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What a horrible thread, it ought to be locked. Oy.


Why do you feel this a horrible thread?  We're discussing possible underlying causes for mass gun-related violence.  No issues are more important than this one to our society.  When kids are massacred at schools it goes to the top of the list.  It's a great thread.  As far as I can tell there has been only one goofy conspiracy theory comment.  Threats of locking the thread seem premature.  This isn't China (yet).


We all know that JR Smith is responsible for all of the current chaos in the world.


LOL, permit me to engage in a little sports fan banter.  I can't resist.  The Cav's represent everything that is wrong with this world.  Deliberately injuring opponents, faking charging calls, Ritalin-damaged Smith not knowing what the score is in the final seconds, sore loser thug Tristan Thomas throwing sucker punches.  And then the whole team lying and whining about it all after the game.  Sad, man...so sad.  No honor, no integrity.  Just one juiced superstar carrying the whole bunch of has-been's and never-will-be's on his back.  But don't worry, Steph will fix it from way downtown in the third.  (Unless they manage to break his legs first, which is a distinct possibility.)


And I'm not even getting into the "throw Draymond down and then step over him" bullshit that went down two years ago.  Okay, I'm done.  Sorry folks.

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What a horrible thread, it ought to be locked. Oy.


As Admin Leslie Ash stated in a previous reply to a post in this thread, "opinions are fine..."  What you see here are opinions.  You are also welcome to state your opinions and hypotheses about the origins of gun violence for others to consider.  I for one would like very much to read them. 


"Let a hundred flowers bloom; let a hundred schools of thought contend!"  -Chairman Mao Zedong. 1957

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Dude....this isn't being shoved down anyone's throat. Despite this being relevant to the benzo issue this post is on the off topic board and if the topic doesn't interest you you don't have to read the post, let alone comment on it.


That's where you're wrong, it is being shoved down people's throats!  I have received several PMs about it from prominent members of this site.  This isn't Bubba land you know, it's a respectful website dedicated to benzodiazepine victims going through withdrawal.  While it's in "Off Topic" section, it is so offensive and counterproductive to the healing of benzo victims, it doesn't even belong there.  We don't care to hear about this gun violence.  We want to heal!


And here's one more for you: benzo buddies is not a democracy, it's a community that has restrictions, so please don't confuse it with your 'freedom of speech' you're used to, you will be moderated.


Finally, don't call me 'dude' I find it offensive.  My name is 'ginger127' and don't you forget it!  I guess decorum lessons must be in short supply in Bubba land.  Take care. 

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What a horrible thread, it ought to be locked. Oy.


As Admin Leslie Ash stated in a previous reply to a post in this thread, "opinions are fine..."  What you see here are opinions.  You are also welcome to state your opinions and hypotheses about the origins of gun violence for others to consider.  I for one would like very much to read them. 


"Let a hundred flowers bloom; let a hundred schools of thought contend!"  -Chairman Mao Zedong. 1957


If you'd like to read more about and exchange views about gun violence, you're in the wrong place.  Benzo victims are trying to recover here.  If you want to polemicize about gun violence, please exert it on your own, we don't want it here.  Funny, you should bring up a quote from the communist Tyrant Mao Zedong, who killed so many innocent people for no apparent reason.  I grew up in a communist country, I saw it the first hand, people being killed for no reason.


P.S. It's not 'Mao Zedong' no matter what wikipedia tells you.  It's "Mao Tse Tung' - count your blessings he didn't twist your head off for screwing up his name.



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I agree, ginger127. Some members of this site have been victims of violence (probably even gun violence), had their friends and family members who were victims of gun violence, and may have witnessed war or the aftermath of it, or may have grieved their friends and neighbors in real life who took their own lives via guns. While this thread may be "healing banter" to some (which has nothing to do with Santa Fe shooter on Ritalin) it may be highly traumatizing to other members here.
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I agree, ginger127. Some members of this site have been victims of violence (probably even gun violence), had their friends and family members who were victims of gun violence, and may have witnessed war or the aftermath of it, or may have grieved their friends and neighbors in real life who took their own lives via guns. While this thread may be "healing banter" to some (which has nothing to do with Santa Fe shooter on Ritalin) it may be highly traumatizing to other members here.


I couldn't agree with you more LorazepamFree2015!  "Becksblue' do you feel better now?  I wish you the best.

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That's where you're wrong, it is being shoved down people's throats!  I have received several PMs about it from prominent members of this site.


Maybe you could point out exactly how it is being "shoved down people's throats" because I don't see that at all and "I have gotten PM"s about it" doesn't prove anything.


We don't care to hear about this gun violence.  We want to heal!


And you are free to do so. Without clicking on threads on the OFF TOPIC board where there might be topics that have nothing to do with healing. If your sole purpose for being here is to get benzo support you would probably be better off avoiding this section altogether.


And here's one more for you: benzo buddies is not a democracy, it's a community that has restrictions, so please don't confuse it with your 'freedom of speech' you're used to, you will be moderated.


As a former moderator of BB I am well aware of what this board is and isn't.


It is pretty easy to see what is going on here, and that is why I am going to disengage from this conversation now. People who hate concepts such as democracy and free speech have adopted tactics to shut down the flow of information, and a few of the tactics that I have seen many times on social media and message boards are 1) Shouting down any message they disagree with 2) reporting material as "offensive" in order to get the topic closed or deleted 3) disrupting the conversation, creating chaos in the thread throwing it off topic to the point where it gets closed or deleted.


These are weak tactics by people who lack objective facts to back up their weak argument, and it's sad to see it applied even in a case like this where people aren't even debating guns or control, but discussing a subject that is extremely relevant to the thing that brought most of us to BB in the first place- psych drugs.


Despite your claims, this thread is well within the scope of BB's rules, so please, either add something of substance to the discussion or avoid the thread altogether.

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I do respect everyone involved in this heated conversation as I've interacted with them in other threads. But I want to give my opinion which is that words don't harm anyone and you're always free to walk away, contrary to guns.
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What a horrible thread, it ought to be locked. Oy.


As Admin Leslie Ash stated in a previous reply to a post in this thread, "opinions are fine..."  What you see here are opinions.  You are also welcome to state your opinions and hypotheses about the origins of gun violence for others to consider.  I for one would like very much to read them. 


"Let a hundred flowers bloom; let a hundred schools of thought contend!"  -Chairman Mao Zedong. 1957


If you'd like to read more about and exchange views about gun violence, you're in the wrong place.  Benzo victims are trying to recover here.  If you want to polemicize about gun violence, please exert it on your own, we don't want it here.  Funny, you should bring up a quote from the communist Tyrant Mao Zedong, who killed so many innocent people for no apparent reason.  I grew up in a communist country, I saw it the first hand, people being killed for no reason.


P.S. It's not 'Mao Zedong' no matter what wikipedia tells you.  It's "Mao Tse Tung' - count your blessings he didn't twist your head off for screwing up his name.


1. https://www.quora.com/Why-has-the-name-of-Mao-Tse-Tung-been-changed-to-Mao-Zedong  "Mao Tse-tung is the Wade-Giles spelling, and Mao Zedong is the pinyin spelling.  Quote from linked post:  China officially adopted pinyin for transliterating Chinese around 1978. Before that date, Wade-Giles was more widely used.


2. You might want to brush up on your sarcasm detection.  Your persistent desire to see opinions and viewpoints squelched in this thread are indeed reminiscent of Maoist tactics (of which you are apparently familiar), which is exactly why I quoted Mao's "Let a hundred flowers blossom..."  Those who are familiar with this subject are well aware of what that worm of a human being did to people who stepped forward and let their flowers blossom.


3.  If you wish to further discuss Chinese transliteration or Chinese Mandarin specifically, I'll do that with you.  In Chinese Mandarin.  We'll see how you hold up.  My original training in Mandarin was based on Wade-Giles transliteration.  That was 40 years ago.  Get with the times.  By the way, Mao wouldn't have twisted my head off.  He'd have smiled at me through his disgusting rotting teeth for pronouncing his name correctly as "Zedong" instead of "Tse-Tung."  Pinyin permits a far more accurate rendering of spoken Chinese.


4.  Quoting you:  "If you want to polemicize about gun violence, please exert it on your own, we don't want it here."  Are you kidding?  "We?"  Who is "we?"  LOL...who appointed you the spokesman for "we?"


5.  In the meantime, I'll make the following recommendation to you.  Respect everyone for their right to express their views in a completely voluntary thread.  And in particular, respect the ability of benzo-damaged people to perform as real people and nothing less.


6.  Please don't leave this thread.  Post more!  In particular, I'd like to know more about your history and the people you saw first-hand being killed for no reason and how this formed your current views, not just on gun violence but on your compulsion to silence any discussion of it.

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ginger, I'm not posting on this thread anymore.  I tend to say things that might get me in trouble, so I've bowed out.  I'm not doing well at all.  I'm in alot of pain.
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Continuing with the original conversation about factors that might be contributing to the outbreak of gun-related massacres in recent years:  In the "benzos in the news" section of this forum, Lapis2 recently posted a link to a study that should be getting attention in the media, but isn't.  The title of the study is Associations Between Brain Structure and Connectivity in Infants and Exposure to Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors During Pregnancy.


Here's the link:  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29630692


The study concludes that the development of brain structures involved in emotional processing in human fetal brains (connectivity between the right amygdala and the right insula) is affected in fetuses whose mothers were taking SSRI's during pregnancy. (Similar animal studies had shown that such alterations are permanent and manifest at adolescence.)  Quoting:


"In connectome-level analysis of white matter structural connectivity, the SSRI group showed a significant increase in connectivity between the right amygdala and the right insula with a large effect size (Cohen d = 0.99; 95% CI, 0.40-1.57) compared with healthy controls and untreated depression (P < .05; whole connectome correction)."


Conclusions and Relevance:


Our findings suggest that prenatal SSRI exposure has an association with fetal brain development, particularly in brain regions critical to emotional processing. The study highlights the need for further research on the potential long-term behavioral and psychological outcomes of these neurodevelopmental changes."


My comment. Western societies have been swimming in SSRI's for at least three decades now.  This study suggests that a significant percentage of these people (former SSRI-poisoned fetuses) are now walking around while trying to cope with altered emotional processing brain structures.  What happens when some of these people 1) can't cope and 2) get their hands on a gun?

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Kate Spade just committed suicide. As soon as I heard that my first thought was "what kind of pills was she on". A cursory glance at a couple of news stories with snapshots from twitter posts (presumably from people who knew her) mentioned "mental illness", so I am going to assume that she was indeed on "something".


Here is a CNN article that mentions how suicide rates have increased for pretty much everyone since 1999, for women they have increased 60%- https://www.cnn.com/2018/06/05/us/kate-spade-dead/index.html


When did SSRI's become popular, who is most likely to take them, and what country has the highest use? If you answered "in the 90's, women in the USA" you would be correct. It's quite a coincidence that the level of gun violence and suicide has increased during the same time when AD's have gotten popular, huh?



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Damn, FG.  That does really sound like more than just coincidence.  I heard that about Kate Spade today as well.  Super sad.
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Continuing with the original conversation about factors that might be contributing to the outbreak of gun-related massacres in recent years:  In the "benzos in the news" section of this forum, Lapis2 recently posted a link to a study that should be getting attention in the media, but isn't.  The title of the study is Associations Between Brain Structure and Connectivity in Infants and Exposure to Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors During Pregnancy.


Here's the link:  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29630692


The study concludes that the development of brain structures involved in emotional processing in human fetal brains (connectivity between the right amygdala and the right insula) is affected in fetuses whose mothers were taking SSRI's during pregnancy. (Similar animal studies had shown that such alterations are permanent and manifest at adolescence.)  Quoting:


"In connectome-level analysis of white matter structural connectivity, the SSRI group showed a significant increase in connectivity between the right amygdala and the right insula with a large effect size (Cohen d = 0.99; 95% CI, 0.40-1.57) compared with healthy controls and untreated depression (P < .05; whole connectome correction)."


Conclusions and Relevance:


Our findings suggest that prenatal SSRI exposure has an association with fetal brain development, particularly in brain regions critical to emotional processing. The study highlights the need for further research on the potential long-term behavioral and psychological outcomes of these neurodevelopmental changes."


My comment. Western societies have been swimming in SSRI's for at least three decades now.  This study suggests that a significant percentage of these people (former SSRI-poisoned fetuses) are now walking around while trying to cope with altered emotional processing brain structures.  What happens when some of these people 1) can't cope and 2) get their hands on a gun?


JR Smith and the refs made all of Steph Curry's nine 3 pointers for him in game 2 of the NBA Finals!

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