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Moon landing--fact or fiction?


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Beck, sorry, But im with you on this one... my point is there is something very fishy about this going to the moon thing... my questions are towards why this lie could have been manufactured, and to what lengths would a couver up go... -we all know the story of WMD...

-theese days seeing isnt believing, just look at any hi tech movie...


My understanding is that it had to do with the cold war with Russia.  We had to "get to the moon" first to show some superiority. 

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UFO's, aliens, ghosts, bigfoot, Loch Ness monster?  If there are many eye-witness accounts how can it all be discounted?  There is alot of info out there about why we didn't go to the moon and alot of comments from well-respected people who worked both inside NASA and elsewhere.
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How indeed...?


But my mind has more pressing matters than what might possibly be in a universe that we cant even quantify as yet...


Another day perhaps...


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I used to listen to a radio show of a well-respected Cornell graduate physics professor years ago who had developed his own theory about comets.  Jim McCanney's Science Hour.  He said we definitely did not go to the moon.  He's been studying astronomy and physics for decades.  I'm not a complete idiot.  Of course, I didn't come to believe this from youtube or coast to coast am.  Give me some credit.  I used to have an IQ of 130 before I got off the pills.

Oh yeah, I remember McCanney, he used to be a regular on George Noory's Coast to Coast AM show.  As I recall he's got some sort of Electric Solar System theory that talks about how comets store and release energy like cosmic capacitors.  I always found him interesting and easy to listen to.

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I used to listen to a radio show of a well-respected Cornell graduate physics professor years ago who had developed his own theory about comets.  Jim McCanney's Science Hour.  He said we definitely did not go to the moon.  He's been studying astronomy and physics for decades.  I'm not a complete idiot.  Of course, I didn't come to believe this from youtube or coast to coast am.  Give me some credit.  I used to have an IQ of 130 before I got off the pills.

Oh yeah, I remember McCanney, he used to be a regular on George Noory's Coast to Coast AM show.  As I recall he's got some sort of Electric Solar System theory that talks about how comets store and release energy like cosmic capacitors.  I always found him interesting and easy to listen to.


That's the one.  I listened to him before he ever went on coast.  I used to listen to all his Science hour programs.  He's an independent and intelligent thinker and was shunned by the science community because of his Plasma Comet theory that they aren't just inert "snowballs" but electrical.  Velikovsky was also shunned from the science community because of his novel, "out of line" theories. 

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I think it's more likely that we are coming into some bad times with our beliefs and our public trust, than that the landing was faked. Plenty of good evidence that we are kind of nutty lately at least in the US. Not so much that there are shadowy forces to uncover. I've seen evil just looking straight ahead of me and listening to people talking just this week for crying out loud. Why don't the conspiracy theorists just look at what's in front of them? When this shit starts to happen it's always some certain "kinds of people" who get blamed for someone else's problems anxieties and insecurities.It never ends well. The Moon, then 9/11, then what? Have to blame someone.



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UFO's, aliens, ghosts, bigfoot, Loch Ness monster?  If there are many eye-witness accounts how can it all be discounted?  There is alot of info out there about why we didn't go to the moon and alot of comments from well-respected people who worked both inside NASA and elsewhere.


It would all be a lot harder to discount if there was actual evidence that these beliefs were real. The human brain is very creative and can be prone to a wide variety of beliefs and "alternative truths". Some may turn out to be fact, but without evidence that can pass the test of close scrutiny, many are only true in the eyes of a few believers.


We more than likely landed on the moon (more than once). If the first landing was really an incredibly complex hoax that was somehow pulled off, why repeat the lie over and over? Just to make sure that everyone is properly fooled? Any purposeful liar who is not a sociopath knows when it is time to stop pushing their luck and move on to another topic before their falsehood is discovered. Why not just accept and celebrate this human achievement? It was not beyond our technology at the time.



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Too many things don't add up for me about the "moon landing" for me to celebrate.  I'm not convinced we went to the moon and I believe it was beyond our technology at that time.  The new Orion spacecraft needs to be at least 10 meters thick to get us through the Van Allen belts a NASA scientist said.  The Apollo spacecrafts were only a few meters thick at most.  Why wouldn't I question our moon landings when these facts show up?  Numerous Apollo missions and moon landings?  Maybe NASA is nutty.     
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OK, but even if we discount all the evidence for and against, wouldn't it just come down to the Occam's razor principle? I mean, why in the world would NASA and all of their engineers and scientists and staff spend years faking the blueprints, projects and making all these pretend navigational systems, computer calculations and programs for years and years, with everybody being silent all those years? It doesn't make sense. Someone would have spoken out at that time. There is just no way that you'd be able to keep that many people quiet and compliant unless they were imprisoned in Gulag or someplace like that.


There were NASA engineers that spoke about the dangers before the Space Shuttle Challenger's fatal launch, but their complaints were downplayed by the management. But the complaints were definitely on the record.



For those who may not know:


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Too many things don't add up for me about the "moon landing" for me to celebrate.  I'm not convinced we went to the moon and I believe it was beyond our technology at that time.  The new Orion spacecraft needs to be at least 10 meters thick to get us through the Van Allen belts a NASA scientist said.  The Apollo spacecrafts were only a few meters thick at most.  Why wouldn't I question our moon landings when these facts show up?  Numerous Apollo missions and moon landings?  Maybe NASA is nutty.   


But when anyone gives evidence for why one theory is wrong you seem to ignore that and come out with a different theory that is the "real one" and repeat this belief. It might lead one to think you were going to believe whatever you want to regardless. So then it's not a discussion that can ever have an ending.


I'm really concerned with the discounting and trolling of science and the news media right now.  This is perhaps a conspiracy to make dupes out of people. Or maybe it's a lot of self interested parties pushing for themselves really hard without a conscience. It doesn't matter. It's still the same result and a lot more relevant than chasing 50 year old ideas which have no effect on daily life.


If "they" faked the moon landing then is that a reason to, let's say, deconstruct the bureaucratic state? Because "they" lied about the moon? The conspiracies are false flags. They are just going to pick your pocket and blind you.

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Too many things don't add up for me about the "moon landing" for me to celebrate.  I'm not convinced we went to the moon and I believe it was beyond our technology at that time.  The new Orion spacecraft needs to be at least 10 meters thick to get us through the Van Allen belts a NASA scientist said.  The Apollo spacecrafts were only a few meters thick at most.  Why wouldn't I question our moon landings when these facts show up?  Numerous Apollo missions and moon landings?  Maybe NASA is nutty.   


Apparently not everyone agrees that the Van Allen belt is such a formidable barrier.


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We have a "flat earth" thread elsewhere, and now a "moon landing" thread.

I wonder what other conspiracy theories will be brought up...


Some conspiracy theories are merely silly and harmless (e.g. flat earth).

But most have some sort of agenda. E.g. the moon-landing one is motivated

by an anti-technology agenda. Some are offensive (see example #3 below which

is motivated by anti-Semitism).  Some are downright dangerous.

For example #4 below was embraced by a number of African leaders and delayed taking action

against AIDS, costing many lives. And now example #5 below is embraced by the US president and is

delaying action on climate change, imperiling the whole planet.


Conspiracy theory examples:


  Commonly accepted fact          |      Conspiracy theory alternative "fact"


1. The earth is a sphere              |    The earth is flat.

                                                        The sphere theory is a giant conspiracy foisted on us

                                                          for unknown reasons.


2. The US sent a man to the      |    The moon landing never happened.

    moon in 1969.                              It was all a big staged show to impress us about US

                                                          technical prowess.


3. 6 million Jews died in the        |    The Holocaust never happened. It was a lie invented

    Holocaust in the 1940's                  by the Jews to get sympathy.


4. AIDS is caused by the HIV virus |  AIDS is caused by Western colonialism and oppression

                                                          of Africa. The HIV theory is a Western conspiracy.


5. Global warming is happening as  |  Global warming is a Chinese hoax. Man's actions have

    a result of carbon emissions.          no effect on climate, and in fact the earth is cooling.


The views on the right are wrong, easily belied by observation, simple reasoning,

or plain common sense. The people who put forth these views are not interested in the

truth. E.g. the holocaust deniers don't have any interest in history in general, aren't

historians and aren't interested in what happened, they just want to deny that one particular thing occurred.


A few points...


1. There is an objective truth. It's not a matter of personal opinion. We either did or did not land on the moon.

The Holocaust either did or did not happen. The earth is either warming or cooling.


2. A clear view of the truth is vital for survival. This was true even in prehistoric times:

E.g. a thirsty wandering people needs to find water. Common wisdom handed down from their ancestors

says a giant lake lies to the east. A group of conspiracy theorists say no, water only exists in the west.

Who to believe, which direction to go? Survival depends on the correct choice. The same can be said

for modern-day choices e.g. with respect to climate change.


3. Knowledge is socially constructed. Most of the things we know come from what we have been told,

not from personal observation. This is generally an advantage - it allows humans as a group to have far

more knowledge collectively than they could if each individual only knew what he personally observed.

E.g. in the lake example above, the group can know a lake lies to the east

from what their ancestors told them, even though nobody currently alive has been there. However, the

social construction of knowledge has the disadvantage that an individual or a subgroup can

manipulate the system with false facts and wrong theories, for their own agenda. A modern-day example

of the latter is the fossil fuel companies who are manipulating scientific truth about climate change in order

to continue burning fossil fuels.


Interesting subject...


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ofc. nobody ever went to the moon. and never will. you can NOT cross a certain altitude due the upper layer called 'the firmament'.

also the moon and the sun are not far away. there is undeniable evidence for it, for example Crepuscular rays - point clearly to a near sun.

so called 'science' has some bullshit explanations for much of this - and all of it is complete BS.

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This thread is very interesting, just like the flat earth society  :laugh:. It's good to always have an open mind about anything, but I personally believe we went to the moon, links or not. One cannot trust anything on the internet. And becks, you seems to have your head together, so I doubt you have dementia. Just my 2 cents.  :)
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Interesting subject...


Good job Chessplayer!

Unfortunately, like today's American politics, it is almost impossible to bring the 2 sides together.

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ofc. nobody ever went to the moon. and never will. you can NOT cross a certain altitude due the upper layer called 'the firmament'.

also the moon and the sun are not far away. there is undeniable evidence for it, for example Crepuscular rays - point clearly to a near sun.

so called 'science' has some bullshit explanations for much of this - and all of it is complete BS.


All of science is false with the purpose of detracting from religion?

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If we could not have gone to the moon then that means that all the other space trips have to have been faked. This is a much bigger than saying that the moon landing didn't happen. It means you have to disbelieve 50 years of space travel by many countries.A Yoooge conspiracy must have a yoooge reason. So what would

it be? Also it must be protected in ways that are gigantic and incomprehensible and draconian. Because all it takes is one conspirator to let something out, intentionally, by accident, or just by dying and leaving evidence that gets found. Are you going to bet your money on this stuff? Good Luck.



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thats in a sense 1 of the reasons. people by design need to believe in something. that originally is God of course. but since the fall, and Satan's plan to deceive, something had to be put in place of God.

and you got the big bang, planets circling around the sun, evolution - and all this fiction.


ofc. nobody ever went to the moon. and never will. you can NOT cross a certain altitude due the upper layer called 'the firmament'.

also the moon and the sun are not far away. there is undeniable evidence for it, for example Crepuscular rays - point clearly to a near sun.

so called 'science' has some bullshit explanations for much of this - and all of it is complete BS.


All of science is false with the purpose of detracting from religion?

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I can see that logical argument is futile. I guess that's to be expected when arguing with someone with "Borg" in their name. "Resistance is futile." :)
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If we could not have gone to the moon then that means that all the other space trips have to have been faked. This is a much bigger than saying that the moon landing didn't happen. It means you have to disbelieve 50 years of space travel by many countries.A Yoooge conspiracy must have a yoooge reason. So what would

it be? Also it must be protected in ways that are gigantic and incomprehensible and draconian. Because all it takes is one conspirator to let something out, intentionally, by accident, or just by dying and leaving evidence that gets found. Are you going to bet your money on this stuff? Good Luck.

Hey Drad Dog, good on you, man!  Since when have you become so rational, LOL!  You said it well.  There were millions of people involved in these moon landings, examination of the rocks, etc., and it takes only one to spill the beans.  And they haven't yet.  Oh, I know.  They were silenced - their memories erased - by the Men in Black before they could talk.  Yeah, that's it!

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I can see that logical argument is futile. I guess that's to be expected when arguing with someone with "Borg" in their name. "Resistance is futile." :)



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We have a "flat earth" thread elsewhere, and now a "moon landing" thread.

I wonder what other conspiracy theories will be brought up...


Interesting subject...

Good stuff there, ChessPlayer, well said.  But you left out the 9-11 "Inside Job" theory...and of course the JFK assassination.  Then there's the hollow earth thing...and Big Foot, you know, the guy in the monkey suit, etc...oops and let's not forget those Reptilians living amongst us, and the Star Children and weather manipulation, deliberate creation of hurricanes and earthquakes, Chemtrail spraying to keep us stupid and sick, etc. etc.  Evil fluoride!  It goes on and on.  But the mother of all of them has to be Nancy Lieder, read up on this world-class loon here:





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We have a "flat earth" thread elsewhere, and now a "moon landing" thread.

I wonder what other conspiracy theories will be brought up...


Interesting subject...

Good stuff there, ChessPlayer, well said.  But you left out the 9-11 "Inside Job" theory...and of course the JFK assassination.  Then there's the hollow earth thing...and Big Foot, you know, the guy in the monkey suit, etc...oops and let's not forget those Reptilians living amongst us, and the Star Children and weather manipulation, deliberate creation of hurricanes and earthquakes, Chemtrail spraying to keep us stupid and sick, etc. etc.  Evil fluoride!  It goes on and on.  But the mother of all of them has to be Nancy Lieder, read up on this world-class loon here:





:laugh:  :2funny: I did it. I shot JFK. And no grassy knoll. :2funny:

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Back in the year 2000, I finished my lunch and was heading back to work. A man who was wandering around approached me and started talking about how he fought in the Vietnam War. He looked around 35 to 40 years old. Enough said  ::)
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