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Call for help- Kpin making me sicker and sicker


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can someone please give suggestions on what I could do..... Everytime I take my dose I get sicker and sicker.... It seems like I'm deteriorating more and more..... numerous side effects.... I'm talking barely able to move and breathe.... My body is rejecting this drug and has been for a long time...it is pure poison to me.... I kept hoping it would get better...


People reading don't be scared- I'm hypersensitive to meds... Biology doesn't support consistent benzo use


Dr. Told me to just stop,taking it....had blood work 2 weeks ago and normal but feel like death... I mean that literally.....


I always get sicker because my period is coming.... But it feels like I'm not gonna make it everytime this happens....

I do know this.... I can't go on like this... I feel like my body is screaming at me to stop putting this in

I don't know the proper way to proceed

Am I one of those people that just needs to cold turkey and will get better? Its a huge risk and this is doing me nothing but harm


I feel like its do or die..

But what do I do?!?


I'm crying out for divine intervention


I can barely type....

Can a drug be too toxic at certain doses? I know my sxs are representative of neurotoxcity

Please help me... I don't want to die alone

On the floor right now


Please look at my signature....

Please help me I don't know how to cope or what is going on...

.. How do I get out of this....

I can't keep putting this in my body when everytime

I do it just gives me horrific sxs... Please help me... :'(

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  So so sorry you continue to struggle so.  Has your Dr. suggested maybe trying Valium?  I am very sick also but from Valium.  I know the horror of the daily struggle, it can't be explained unless you experience it.  I can only offer you a  :therethere::hug: and a prayer but know that you will get through this.  I hope someone can come on and give you some advice.  So so sad that we have to go through this awful thing.  Try to rest. 
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Maybe u should get to hospital behere. You sound in a really bad way


They won't /cant help me.. ... Been there before during my dystonic neck facial convulsions /seizure like episodes...they straight out told me they couldn't help me....They just tell me I need to get off the drug .. which I'm desperately trying to do... I don't want this in my body at all....I desperately want it out.., but I'm very kindled...


I desperately think of doing a cold turkey because how can I taper if its doing this to me? Do you think it can get worse if I do so?


I'm afraid because of my severe response to ativan and this is twice as strong



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I think any drug for some can become or feel toxic. My story is different but I had to cut my Ativan in half immediately. Shockingly I felt fantastic so continued on with it and then the klonopin. Both very rapidly but I asked for Valium and even though my doctor wasn't thrilled he said ok. Valium was a mistake for me but honestly so many do very well. I honestly think in your case I'd try it. You can't continue this way. You might find the Valium more sedating which is what I don't like but honestly maybe that's exactly what you need. No matter what I'd call my doctor and get this settled. You're very desperate right now so I think you need to reach out for medical help as soon as possible. Keep us posted if you can. B
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I think any drug for some can become or feel toxic. My story is different but I had to cut my Ativan in half immediately. Shockingly I felt fantastic so continued on with it and then the klonopin. Both very rapidly but I asked for Valium and even though my doctor wasn't thrilled he said ok. Valium was a mistake for me but honestly so many do very well. I honestly think in your case I'd try it. You can't continue this way. You might find the Valium more sedating which is what I don't like but honestly maybe that's exactly what you need. No matter what I'd call my doctor and get this settled. You're very desperate right now so I think you need to reach out for medical help as soon as possible. Keep us posted if you can. B


He told me to just stop taking it?!?!...and Kpin sedates me severely and it causes suicidal ideation ( just thoughts/ no plans) ... I metabolize slow kpin and valium...I think and I don't know if I could handle another change and Valium being more sedating...

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Chlordiazepoxide is not as sedating as valium. But its your choice what u do. just wish I could help more.


Your presence has helped...

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I don't want to expire from this.. I really don't... But it feels that way...I can't cope with all the sxs they are really killing me....
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Everyone is here but honestly you will not expire from this. Repeat that to yourself. It might feel like it but you'll be ok in time. Still think maybe call your doctor. B
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Everyone is here but honestly you will not expire from this. Repeat that to yourself. It might feel like it but you'll be ok in time. Still think maybe call your doctor. B


He already told me to stop taking it as if it was no big deal to do so... Knowing what happened with the rapid taper ativan ( he wasnt my dr then) .... I don't know.....


the drug itself actually gives me w/d sxs as if I was in acute w/d already.... But having this kindling issue has caused harm and difficulty in reducing quicker for me....



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I so feel for You and totally understand I also want off for the same reasons. I have been on clonazepam for only 7 weeks now and its been hitting Me hard from the first dose. Like Yourself I am sensitive to medications. I am currently trying to taper off at current dose of  .076 ! Wish their was something else I could tell You but Im no expert compared to some of the long time members of this forum.
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Kpin seems to be one of the worst benzos from what I have read. It is very strong and has a very short half life which is maybe why people go through hell trying to get off it.
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Johnnyapple ... Thank you kind sir.....my heart goes out to you as well....


Hopefulscot....Kpin has a long half life and a majority of my sxs are left over from ativan....that's why it's making it that much more difficult....


The drug makes me into a zombie...., can't think or anything and all the side effects


I can't imagine putting this in me to reduce and get better and better... I think it can get worse and that's scary considering I'm at my worst now....

But if I'm experiencing sxs a person would while they are off what's the point? I just don't want what's existing to intensify if I just stopped or seizures - the conundrum is either way taper or no taper both could happen....


This is a horrible position to be in...


I think both ativan and Kpin are the worst although I have seen quite a few people get off Kpin quite okay...actually they really are all bad...


Ativan is near impossible due to its short half life....


I've been trying everything to help myself and its just not working


Divine intervention so much needed.....


I thank all of you so much..... I really do

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Oddly I was ok withdrawing from Ativan and klonopin but I can't describe how I dread taking each dose of Valium. So yes all these drugs are very bad. We all react differently to them but your doctor sounds like a jerk. Very few people have seizures unless they have a seizure disorder or have had them for previous withdrawals but that doesn't mean we're not in hell with other sxs. I think your best support for now is right here unless you truly feel suicidal. Then you do do need to get some serious medical attention. As far and I know short of mixing a lot of benzos with alcohol or other drugs you're in little danger of dying. Unless indeed suicide is being contemplated. You may honestly believe you're dying at some point but honestly I can't stress enough that this will pass. I know that's hard to believe but it's true. I'd look for another doctor if at all possible. B
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Oddly I was ok withdrawing from Ativan and klonopin but I can't describe how I dread taking each dose of Valium. So yes all these drugs are very bad. We all react differently to them but your doctor sounds like a jerk. Very few people have seizures unless they have a seizure disorder or have had them for previous withdrawals but that doesn't mean we're not in hell with other sxs. I think your best support for now is right here unless you truly feel suicidal. Then you do do need to get some serious medical attention. As far and I know short of mixing a lot of benzos with alcohol or other drugs you're in little danger of dying. Unless indeed suicide is being contemplated. You may honestly believe you're dying at some point but honestly I can't stress enough that this will pass. I know that's hard to believe but it's true. I'd look for another doctor if at all possible. B


That's the fear right there barb I was having severe mini convulsions shaking attacks up to almost 3 times a day the farther I got out from the ativan.... Yup... And loss of use of my legs ... I was walking as if i had cerebal palsy.and they would seize....period would bring this all on....severe involuntary movements.... This from short term ativan use...it was terrifying....


The reinstatement was in the hope to stabilize and properly taper


And like you.... I dread putting those pills in my mouth....its like another layer of torture....


Please let me survive this Dear God.....

Please lead me in the right direction

Because I'm lost and I can't find it

To make this all stop

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I really haven't come across a time where I've heard a cold turkey was a good idea. I was at your level with K and crossed to Valium and am able to taper again but it sounds like you would need to stabilize on a dose to have any relief first.
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Please, how did you feel on Ativan?  Was there a bad reaction or other problems that caused you to taper?  You've been in such bad shape on the K I wonder if adding some A might help you get well enough to taper the K.  I know it's not the usual process to add another benzo unless crossing but maybe it would be appropriate to try some different things to see if you can get to a decent place.  Maybe add some V?


Also, I would keep trying to contact BAT.  They seem to be very good in dealing with difficult tapers.

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