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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Alcohol Related Setback


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I could have written ur post...short term user 11 months ago that also CT and have been feeling great the last 5 months and had one to many cosmos at a xmas party and am now on day 8 of having all the similar w/d symptoms return. I thought I was just hungover as I rarely ever drink and when I do it's a half a glass of wine. I am dealing with  insomnia and  this horrible feeling of pain and indigestion  right below my sternum that goes right thru to my back. It's like I have this ball of acid in my upper abdomen that won't go away despite what I take for it. GI issues always have been my worst symptom. I'm not feeling like acute phase but probably the second phase.  I'm sorry ur feeling the way that you do but ur post also helped ease my anxiety that alcohol can and will trigger similar w/d symptoms if you over do it. I just didn't realize gaba receptors affect the gut
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I could have written ur post...short term user 11 months ago that also CT and have been feeling great the last 5 months and had one to many cosmos at a xmas party and am now on day 8 of having all the similar w/d symptoms return. I thought I was just hungover as I rarely ever drink and when I do it's a half a glass of wine. I am dealing with  insomnia and  this horrible feeling of pain and indigestion  right below my sternum that goes right thru to my back. It's like I have this ball of acid in my upper abdomen that won't go away despite what I take for it. GI issues always have been my worst symptom. I'm not feeling like acute phase but probably the second phase.  I'm sorry ur feeling the way that you do but ur post also helped ease my anxiety that alcohol can and will trigger similar w/d symptoms if you over do it. I just didn't realize gaba receptors affect the gut


Yep, we have GABA receptors all over our bodies, GABA doesn't just reside in the brain like I first thought it did. I think so many of us have GI sxs because the gut is packed with GABA receptors. Different Benzos effect GABA receptors in slightly different ways, for example some are designed to have a higher sedative/anxiolytic effect, while others work better at preventing seizure activity, so I imagine some cause worse GI issues than others. I haven't had severe GI issues, but I feel very sick in the mornings and go through every part of the vomiting process apart from actually being sick (nope, I'm certainly not pregnant lol), and I have some reflux issues. Even though this hasn't been my worst physical WD symptom, it terrifies me as I am very afraid of being sick. I get very shaky, my skin turns even more ghastly white than it normally is, and I feel very, very scared. This is why I refuse to touch a drop of alcohol for the foreseeable future. I'd love a beer and a few Christmas drinks, but the price simply isn't worth paying for me right now. I've just about managed to get S/O to understand what a GABAa receptor is, and why I won't be having any booze this Christmas lol. Benzos are basically booze in a pill, this is why alcohol and Benzo WD are pretty much the same, and why Benzos are to alcoholics what Methadone is to heroin addicts. This is why they use Benzos such as Librium to wean alcoholics off booze.


Benzo WD for me is one big crash course in the GABA system lol.

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You're welcome alz. Sorry you've also had an alcohol related setback. No fun at all. Yes, it definetly effects the gut too. I felt nauseous for a few days. So I ended up just eating rice and egg drop soup for four days straight. Toast and Banana for breakfast. I hope yours clears up soon.
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Oh god the same thing has happened to me. Due to the holidays, I've drank 5 days in a row (on average 3 standard drinks). The annoying thing is, it takes away anxiety and the horrid mental symptoms. But I am abstaining today and I know I'm in for a shocking micro-withdrawal tomorrow.
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I'm wondering how long it takes to get back on track? Have I ruined all my progress? My sleep is still screwed. I was sleeping fine up until last Sunday. I'm still missing every other night.
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Oh god the same thing has happened to me. Due to the holidays, I've drank 5 days in a row (on average 3 standard drinks). The annoying thing is, it takes away anxiety and the horrid mental symptoms. But I am abstaining today and I know I'm in for a shocking micro-withdrawal tomorrow.


Matt I had about 8 vodka sodas for xmas yest. And feel more or less fine apart from a normal hang over. I completely abstained from booze for 6 months after jumping. Now I'm slowly introducing it again but being careful. Beer really seems to set me off and make me feel depressed and anxious within 2 drinks of taking it.

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Siggy, I'm sure you will be back to normal in a week or so. Alcohol can't possibly do that much damage. I remember when I had a beer...it took 4 nights to return back to my normal every other night for sleep.


I can't see your sleep being ruined for longer then a couple weeks at the most. Your body will heal itself quickly.  :smitten:

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Thanks bhealthy! My mind is a bit clearer today after getting some sleep. I'm going to try and avoid all the negative thoughts that are constantly swirling in my head.


Shamo, just be careful that it doesn't turn around and bite you on the ass. I've had two setbacks now from alcohol. One was at ten months off and it took me 10 months to get over that. The weird part is that I had a bunch of drinking sessions over months 5-10 and out of nowhere it hit me like a nuclear bomb. I think getting one of the worst strains of flu at the same time made it a lot worse too though. After that I didn't drink for over a year. I started having just a few every couple of weeks about 5 months ago with no problem. I even got blackout drunk one day (probably 15+ beers and several glasses of Jameson) and I had no flair up in symptoms after. For some reason 7 beers got me. I think it had a lot to do with not eating a real dinner and not staying hydrated. I think it's the hangover more than the direct booze that causes the damage. I'm not saying not to drink if you want, and your body may be able to handle it. I just hate to see anyone else have a terrible setback after a lot of long hard work.

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Wow, that's really frustrating that one day you can get totally drunk and have no flare up at all and then drink a more moderate amount and get pounded. You'd think that if 15 beers and some Jameson didn't bother you nothing would. This stuff is crazy. Feel better soon Siggy, I'm thinking you'll bounce right back after a week or so as your body re balances.
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You may be onto something with the hangover being a cause. Maybe the stress on the body just taxes it too much, and the body is trying to repair too much with an already sensitive system.
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Wow, I'm glad I stumbled on this thread.  I had been feeling great since I jumped off benzos a month ago.  But on Christmas Eve I celebrated with about 4 glasses of wine; I was terribly sick the next day, but assumed it was just the regular feeling yucky since I haven't drank much since all this stuff started with benzos and withdrawals in my life.  Now today, I don't feel "hung-over" but I suddenly feel anxious, very similar to the interdose benzo withdrawals I used to feel during my taper; nerves on edge, shaky a bit, chest pains on and off, gastro upset, and general anxiety.  I didn't put two and two together that I might have triggered the withdrawal symptoms again by drinking so much wine the other night.  Hopefully, this is a minor setback and I will recover quickly and then just stay away from the alcohol for a very long time, or if I do drink it, just one glass. 
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Hi clarity, yes that's what gave me a false sense of security. So really caught me off guard. I do hope it all passes soon. Slept pretty well last night, so I've felt good today. I do hope I get some sleep tonight and break my every other night cycle.


Benzogone, I'd be especially careful at only a month off. Glad I can give you some useful advice.  :)

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Thanks bhealthy! My mind is a bit clearer today after getting some sleep. I'm going to try and avoid all the negative thoughts that are constantly swirling in my head.


Shamo, just be careful that it doesn't turn around and bite you on the ass. I've had two setbacks now from alcohol. One was at ten months off and it took me 10 months to get over that. The weird part is that I had a bunch of drinking sessions over months 5-10 and out of nowhere it hit me like a nuclear bomb. I think getting one of the worst strains of flu at the same time made it a lot worse too though. After that I didn't drink for over a year. I started having just a few every couple of weeks about 5 months ago with no problem. I even got blackout drunk one day (probably 15+ beers and several glasses of Jameson) and I had no flair up in symptoms after. For some reason 7 beers got me. I think it had a lot to do with not eating a real dinner and not staying hydrated. I think it's the hangover more than the direct booze that causes the damage. I'm not saying not to drink if you want, and your body may be able to handle it. I just hate to see anyone else have a terrible setback after a lot of long hard work.


Are you serious?? You got sent back 10 months?? That's enormous! So it was basically like you relapsing on benzos again.

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Thanks bhealthy! My mind is a bit clearer today after getting some sleep. I'm going to try and avoid all the negative thoughts that are constantly swirling in my head.


Shamo, just be careful that it doesn't turn around and bite you on the ass. I've had two setbacks now from alcohol. One was at ten months off and it took me 10 months to get over that. The weird part is that I had a bunch of drinking sessions over months 5-10 and out of nowhere it hit me like a nuclear bomb. I think getting one of the worst strains of flu at the same time made it a lot worse too though. After that I didn't drink for over a year. I started having just a few every couple of weeks about 5 months ago with no problem. I even got blackout drunk one day (probably 15+ beers and several glasses of Jameson) and I had no flair up in symptoms after. For some reason 7 beers got me. I think it had a lot to do with not eating a real dinner and not staying hydrated. I think it's the hangover more than the direct booze that causes the damage. I'm not saying not to drink if you want, and your body may be able to handle it. I just hate to see anyone else have a terrible setback after a lot of long hard work.


Are you serious?? You got sent back 10 months?? That's enormous! So it was basically like you relapsing on benzos again.


Yes, it was TERRIBLE! I'm hoping that this time it will pass sooner. Still having a lot of problems after 11 days from the time I drank last. My sleep is still really messed up. I was able to sleep some very lightly last night. Which sucks, but it's better than nothing.

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Glad you had at least some light sleep Siggy. Hopefully a sign of normalcy returning. Hey, it is a sign of huge healing taking place if at this point you're only set back two weeks or so instead of ten months. If that pace keeps up maybe only another year or two until everything is back to where you were pre benzo. It seems to take forever but I'm optimistic it isn't permanent.


Any other symptoms around or is it mainly sleep?

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Some other symptoms have returned, but not nearly as bad as they were before. Head pressure, burning skin, tinnitus. Of course the insomnia and accompanying depression is the big one for me. I can somewhat handle the other symptoms. Insomnia is the most brutal one to me.
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Siggy hang in there and hopefully it eases up real soon. Must be annoying to think you can drink again and then bam! Its bloody frustrating because no drinking means a huge hit to the social life. This last 6 months I didnt drink at all and I basically didnt go out at all with my mates. I need to be careful though i think. I thought because i was able to get drunk and not be affected that i will be okay from now on. But hearing sigmans story has me thinking it may not be as simple as that.


How did you cope mentally when you copped that massive set back? You might even be better if that didnt happen.


Clarity hows things with you?

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I'm doing pretty well Shamo thanks for asking. I've also been fortunate enough lately to feel this was mostly behind me, and I've been considering a slow return to social drinking. I've sold and collected wine for most of my adult life so it has been a huge loss to me, but I've managed to get by for 14 months now without really having much at all. I will reclaim that part of my life eventually, but I think a slow start is prudent. It's setbacks like Siggy's that have me concerned. It just makes no sense how one day you can drink 15 beers and some whiskey and be fine then have half of that later on and have a wave.


Siggy, this just sucks. I'm very hopeful it clears up soon for you. I can't imagine the frustration thinking you finally have your complete life back and you get thumped.


I think when I do get back to social drinking I'll cap it at 2-3 drinks for a long while.

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Benzogone, I'd be especially careful at only a month off. Glad I can give you some useful advice.  :)


:thumbsup:  I'm feeling better today, so I'm really hoping that as long as I stay away from alcohol I'll bounce back okay.  I have had a glass or two of wine a couple of times over the past month and it didn't cause any withdrawal symptoms, but on Christmas Eve throughout the day I had 4 glasses, so maybe I just had too much.  But for now, I will stay completely away from it and give my body time to heal and get back on track.  Thanks again!

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Try not to stress about it Siggy. I know it's hard, I'm the biggest stress head there is. I honestly think you'll bounce back. Believe that, and don't beat yourself up, coming from the most beaten up by myself person ever.


It's a nightmare I know Hun  :smitten:

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Try not to stress about it Siggy. I know it's hard, I'm the biggest stress head there is. I honestly think you'll bounce back. Believe that, and don't beat yourself up, coming from the most beaten up by myself person ever.


It's a nightmare I know Hun  :smitten:


Thanks marj! I know you know how hard this all is. I'm trying my best to be positive, but it's hard after feeling pretty much healed for so long.

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