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Is a Half Dose Cut Possible? Suboxone Replacement?


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My misinformed family continues to make my life miserable. My mom was admitted to the ER 3 times for Cold turkey 6-8mg Klonopin withdrawal as well as a decent size dose of Suboxone. Now home she is on half her dose at 3mg, full dose Suboxone, and apparently is doing real well and has no side effects. They are now once again accusing me in a passive aggressive way of making everything up. We all know that is pretty much the worst. My mom is insisting Suboxone was how she was able to do it, I think it's BS and might just be masking some symptoms. I am in no way taking her advice on getting on Suboxone for help but I'm curios if anyone is on it and having an easier time. Did any go on it after starting the taper and have good results? Could she be right? I'm not sure how 3 weeks into a half dose cut she is not in agony. Will it catch up with her?
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I have no experience with it.  But I googled it and its an opiate with an anti opiate basically.  Seems weird.  Seems the only thing it would be good for is opiate wd.  Your mom is on such a high dose, 3mg is still a lot. Maybe she wont feel it until she gets lower.  Or maybe she is one of the lucky few who wont have wds. Don't let that get to you.  You don't have to make anyone believe your wds are real.  You know they are.  Nobody gets it unless they go through it.
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Thank you, it's so tough for us not to be believed and that's the biggest reason this website is a godsend. It's really cruel and counterproductive but I wish she felt a bit of the hell to understand. At the same time I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. I'm not sure if or how the suboxone helps? It can be made 2 ways; one regular opiate and second opiate with a drug that prevents any opiate high. She is on the one that still produces a nice calming feeling for her. I'm so worried about Christmas with them!
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Just don't bring it up.  I don't think suboxone would even be an option.  The DEA regulates that as an opiate I believe.  Funny, they list benzos as the least dangerous of their scheduled drugs, if I was reading one story right.  Its what happens what a govt law enforcement agency plays doctor

I have basically given up on any other drug helping.  Some have, but just for a while. Nothing seems to be without its side effects.

Which sx is giving you the biggest problem?  Try to find something for that. I did recently read that Canadians have access to codeine OTC, and a drug that has codeine, Tylenol, and antihistamine seems to help some people there sleep.  I forgot what its called.  Im sure you can get it online but not sure how legal it would be to do so


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I do use the heck out of antihistamines :)! My major symptoms are nausea, fatigue, heart burn, stomach pain, and depression. Thanks for responding!
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Mersyndol is the codeine available in canada. But doesnt sound like thats your problem. Sounds like you have a lot of stomach issues. You can get stuff for nausea like compazine from a dr. It really works, though i have to take two. Heartburn there is so

Much otc. I have GERD and even with medicine i have to eat really bland non greasy food. Stuff like corn chips even sets that off. Depression the best thing for it is to walk. I went swimming today and it made me feel so much better. Even if you are tired try to do just a little.

Hope this helps a little?

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Suboxone is only for opiate addictions (in Sweden and really hard to get into program for get this to overcome an opiate addicton)! I don't think you can use it as a drug to fix a benzo w/d with. It is an opiate antagonist. Using benzo and suboxone together can cause death. I have a grown up child who has suboxone for his/her addicton for heroin. And to many times OD on benzo and suboxone together. 3 mg suboxone is not much for a person addicted to opiates..My child has 18 mg so this says a lot. And get suboxone in this program for drug addicts on opiate as a substitute. W/d from Suboxone is not nice. Why had your mother suboxone? Not subutex? Suboxone has an antidot for opiates in it...It is what we give when some OD on opiates. I had worked at the ER. I am a nurse and have seen this to many times....

And for what I have seen a w/d from sub is coming around after 72 hours I think.

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Thank you for your replies. Sundance she may be on the Subutex version. She is on the one that does not have the blocker in it. In the US they now perscribe it for pain and not just opiate addiction. I live in a State in the US where they hand out opiates like crazy so it was no problem for her to get it at her age for knee pain. She lies to her Dr.s and takes them both. The Klonopin is the one she takes 3mg of. I don't know about the other. At 72 hours she was CT on both and went to the ER 3 times and they sent her away. Now she has her Subutex and feels better at only 3mg Klonopin. Just seems like such a huge dose drop to be ok on. I've decided to not worry about her health anymore. I have enough stress getting my own things done.
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Thank you for your replies. Sundance she may be on the Subtext version. She is on the one that does not have the blocker in it. In the US they now perscribe it for pain and not just opiate addiction. I live in a State in the US where they hand out opiates like crazy so it was no problem for her to get it at her age for knee pain. She lies to her Dr.s and takes them both. The Klonopin is the one she takes 3mg of. I don't know about the other. At 72 hours she was CT on both and went to the ER 3 times and they sent her away. Now she has her Subutex and feels better at only 3mg Klonopin. Just seems like such a huge dose drop to be ok on. I've decided to not worry about her health anymore. I have enough stress getting my own things done.


I feel like you, but about my grown up child. I have enough dealing with my suffering from hell. Valium  :tickedoff:

It is upsetting to see doctors behave the way they do. This is crazy. Just see how they do to us with benzo...

Yes subutex is without the blocker in...A very strong drug...And very easy to get addicted to...

Maybe subutex can hide sxs from Clonazepam. I don't really know. But for example Lyrica,  can hide sxs really good from benzo abstinence I had lyrica for nerve pain. I could cut 10 mg of Valium without problem. Now I don't have them they are horrible in other ways.

Take care//Sun

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I think you are right Sundance (one of my favorite My Little Ponies). I think her major withdrawals must be pain and it helps. I'm the opposite and have more mental issues and stomach so it may effect her differently. Thanks for your insight. I'm sorry the Lyrica did not work or was too dependence forming. My mother-in law went on it and had some bad falls and we wondered if it was that. She seemed too happy on it and that was a red flag for me...unfortunately
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