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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Cognitive Ability Recovery - Does it Happen?


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My question is: Does Cognitive Ability Recovery Happen? And how long does it take? Roughly?

I know each one is different.

I just need to know what to expect.

I hope the replies will be of positive nature. But the truth is always welcomed.





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It comes back slowly over time. For me the cognative impairment would come and go in typical benzo WD form. First 6 months i had constant DP /DR then started breaking uo over the next year. Now i still get it but mild and not very often anymore.


P.S at my worst i had the mental capacity of a retarded 3 year old

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....at my worst i had the mental capacity of a retarded 3 year old


This is funny in a sad kind of way. I think I used this exact words when describing what my current mental capacity is to my wife  :idiot:

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It's definately gotten better for me. Not great, but much better. Ive startied attending college and managing to do fairly well. I believe the intense focus on studies (especially math) is helping with my memory. It's not easy and I feel like I have developed a learning disability but it has improved over the years.
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In my case it came back very very quickly. I think after 3 months my brain was fully back.

With every drug I stopped to take it got better.

I have been a zombie for over 5 years and would never have thought that I would be able to count/think/analyze and so on ever again.

I spoke to others and it seems that it helps a lot if you have no more chemical stuff in your body - but anyway - I am sure you will recover too!

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Thanks to everyone who participated in this post. I personally think there is a correlation between cognitive impairment and mood swings and anger. The days in which my cognitive fog clears up a little bit, my mood lifts up by default as well.

I'm hoping for more replies and feedbacks.


Good luck to everyone  :)



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I've had my improvements documented with neuro-cognitive testing at the neurologist. Last month I went for my one year follow-up. I showed improvement in two categories, and in the ones where I did not show improvement I did not get worse. So yes, things do improve over time.


It's a long slow journey, but the brain has an amazing way of healing.



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My cognitive abilities were hit pretty hard in acute and they started bouncing back but by bit over the next year.  They are back on board now.  You will be fine.  Most people experience cognitive loss for awhile and it is a truly disturbing symptom because impaired thinking effects everything we attempt to do.  Time heals this and all other symptoms.  Our brains are amazing and their ability to bounce back is a miracle to watch.



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I am so much sharper mentally than I have been for many years.  My reaction times to things have speeded up, and my cognitive processes have improved beyond all recognition.  It began when I got low on my taper and has improved since being totally off.
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I am so much sharper mentally than I have been for many years.  My reaction times to things have speeded up, and my cognitive processes have improved beyond all recognition.  It began when I got low on my taper and has improved since being totally off.


Thanks kes.


It's encouraging to hear this from you. But you only been off benzos since summer. It's too early to judge whether it's an improvement or side effect that caused you to feel this way.

I read that cognitive issues are the last to subside. And you've been on benzos for 17 years!

Anyways, I wish it's an improvement for you, and not just a side effect.


Best luck.

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My cognition has perhaps improved 10-20% since jumping cold turkey 8 months ago. All my other symptoms have pretty much subsided, so I'm hoping this is a sign that my cognition will return soon.


BenzoCalamity, do you have any symptoms effecting you aside from cognitive impairment?

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For me, this has actually been one thing that being Benzo free has improved. When I was on very high doses of 'research chemical' Benzos, I suffered severe paradoxical side effects. One of these for me was severe DP/DR. I know DP/DR is a very common WD symptom, but for me personally, what ever DP/DR WD has caused me has been minor compared with the grey fog the Benzos caused me. I do have some lingering short term memory issues which began once I hit tolerance on Benzos and my dose of Diclazepam went up to what was the equivalent of 700mg of Diazepam a day. I have a few memory game apps on my tablet PC and I make myself do at least one puzzle a day too, these really help me. Another one I often do is an old favorite of mine, which involves writing down a random word and seeing how many words I can make out of the letters lol.


So yeah, this is something that certainly does improve with time. Just like all sxs of WD, the amount of time improvement takes varies drastically from person to person, but yes, it certainly does improve as our GABA system 'wakes up' once we're off Benzos.

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I do have some lingering short term memory issues.




It's still too early for you to judge that! Given that you've been off benzos for only around 3 months. Lingering means means  18 months or beyond. Taking into consideration that cognitive issues are the last to subside or never totally subside, taking up to 6 full years to improve!


I really liked your wisdom quotes in your signature and personal text.


Wish you a speedy recovery.


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My daughter, who is a nurse, thought I had early onset dementia/Alzheimer's while I was tapering and in early recovery, though she didn't say so until later.  There was a time when I couldn't add two single digit numbers without counting fingers and toes...and I am a retired teacher.



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My daughter, who is a nurse, thought I had early onset dementia/Alzheimer's while I was tapering and in early recovery, though she didn't say so until later.  There was a time when I couldn't add two single digit numbers without counting fingers and toes...and I am a retired teacher.




And Now? Are you still cognitively impaired?

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My daughter, who is a nurse, thought I had early onset dementia/Alzheimer's while I was tapering and in early recovery, though she didn't say so until later.  There was a time when I couldn't add two single digit numbers without counting fingers and toes...and I am a retired teacher.




And Now? Are you still cognitively impaired?


:laugh:  Depends who you ask, I suppose.  I think I'm fine.

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My daughter, who is a nurse, thought I had early onset dementia/Alzheimer's while I was tapering and in early recovery, though she didn't say so until later.  There was a time when I couldn't add two single digit numbers without counting fingers and toes...and I am a retired teacher.




And Now? Are you still cognitively impaired?


:laugh:  Depends who you ask, I suppose.  I think I'm fine.


I'm cognitively impaired. I can't even phrase the question correctly.

I mean like did you regain your whole cognitive ability back?

Or do you still have some cognitive issues?

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:laugh:  Depends who you ask, I suppose.  I think I'm fine.


Depends who you ask?


Can you please tell me how far have you gone in terms of cognitive improvement?


Thanks  :)

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My daughter, who is a nurse, thought I had early onset dementia/Alzheimer's while I was tapering and in early recovery, though she didn't say so until later.  There was a time when I couldn't add two single digit numbers without counting fingers and toes...and I am a retired teacher.




And Now? Are you still cognitively impaired?


:laugh:  Depends who you ask, I suppose.  I think I'm fine.


I'm cognitively impaired. I can't even phrase the question correctly.

I mean like did you regain your whole cognitive ability back?

Or do you still have some cognitive issues?


Hm.  Well, I'm not sure how to determine or quantify this. 


I took an online IQ test not long ago and tested at 138.  This jives with an IQ test done as a child which, according to my mother, was 135.

However, IQ tests are subjective and I've always been a good test taker, which would skew the results.  I'm fairly certain I'm not that bright.


So, I guess if I compare 'can't count without my shoes and socks off' to the above, I'm doing okay.  And you will be, too.  This process involves major league brain fog and inability to think for awhile.  And it is scary, but it is also temporary.





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My daughter, who is a nurse, thought I had early onset dementia/Alzheimer's while I was tapering and in early recovery, though she didn't say so until later.  There was a time when I couldn't add two single digit numbers without counting fingers and toes...and I am a retired teacher.




And Now? Are you still cognitively impaired?


:laugh:  Depends who you ask, I suppose.  I think I'm fine.


I'm cognitively impaired. I can't even phrase the question correctly.

I mean like did you regain your whole cognitive ability back?

Or do you still have some cognitive issues?


Hm.  Well, I'm not sure how to determine or quantify this. 


I took an online IQ test not long ago and tested at 138.  This jives with an IQ test done as a child which, according to my mother, was 135.

However, IQ tests are subjective and I've always been a good test taker, which would skew the results.  I'm fairly certain I'm not that bright.


So, I guess if I compare 'can't count without my shoes and socks off' to the above, I'm doing okay.  And you will be, too.  This process involves major league brain fog and inability to think for awhile.  And it is scary, but it is also temporary.


Hi Challis99, did your brain functioning come back suddenly or was it gradual?

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P.S at my worst i had the mental capacity of a retarded 3 year old


This made me laugh out loud - and I NEED TO LAUGH - ..........


exactly where i am - but i'm in the middle of a nasty taper after a failed taper and reinstatement 2 months out (kindled) ......... On a great day, I have room temperature IQ -


ask my 12 year old on a regular basis how to spell words - and yesterday had to ask him if I should use "Who" or "Whom" in a letter........

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