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FLIPRAIN – 4YrsFree - Our Chance to say Thank You


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I know there’s many old-time members here who love and admire Fliprain, :mybuddy: and I’m sure many newer members are coming to know her through her occasional visits  and inspirational words in her Mentoring thread.


Well, right now, Flip can use some support, and I know we can help.  :smitten:


Flip is with her 95 yr old Mom, in the hospital, waiting to learn if her Mom will need a cardiac procedure or surgery. This comes on top of a grueling schedule in graduate school, and Flip is exhausted in every way. The stress is not likely to let up soon.


Her spirit is strong and she’s coping, but she’s been pushing herself so hard for so long that I think she could use a reminder of just how amazing her continued resilience really is…


Flip sent me this message this morning, “I think it is only among people who have been on the benzo journey, and are on the real, conscious journey of life that I will find harbor.”


Flip has lifted our spirits here at BB for so many years,

Surely we can be her Harbor.


Please join me in posting thoughts, pics, funnies and quotes for Flippy.


Since “we’re all just walking each other home…” (her words, of course)...  :smitten:

then let's see if we can give her a little boost. :angel:

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Flippy, I’m so grateful to be able to call you my friend and mentor. You opened my eyes to the importance of love and spirituality in Healing.  I can see now that so much of my healing is beyond my control, and that the best thing I can do for myself is to simply remain open to possiblilities…. Wishing you an a day of opening. :smitten:




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My Mom is 98 years old. She just had a procedure called a cardioversion to restore her heart to its normal rhythm. She did great! Just 1 jolt of electricity did the trick. There were no aftereffects either. As a matter of fact, she felt better the same day that it was done.


Blue :smitten:

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Hoping things go well for you and your Mom. How wonderful that you have had your mom till she is 95. My Mom passed last year at 80 and it was too soon.


Will add you and your Mom to my prayers. After all you have been thru. You can do this and be there for your Mom.


Take care,



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Hi Flip,


I am so sorry to hear about your Mom.  She is someone I admire and I remember so much of what you wrote about her life and yours, growing up in Oklahoma. 


So many of us can be your safe harbor...you have touched and helped so many people here and you can be proud of the difference you made in so many lives.


I admire your tenacity in graduate school - no easy feat!  You can and will get that degree and will help so many more people who don't know yet how fortunate they will be.


Flip, I pray for you each day as I have since we met here.  You are very special to me and are the reason I stuck with my taper over these years.  I have heartfelt admiration for you.


Love to you,


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Still thinking of you, Flip. Just stumbled upon these little symbols of love while on a walk in the woods.... I think they were meant for you today :smitten:




And here we are again, "just walking each other home...."   Much love to you and your family  :hug:



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Hey Flippy!


Sorry to hear about your dear Mom.  :( Hope her health issues get resolved quickly & painlessly  :smitten:


When it rains it pours....seems as if life consistently throws out curve balls at the worst times doesn't it ?


You have always been a strong, determined woman with great inner strength. This characteristic has made you the resilient, selfless person you are... keep the faith my friend :smitten:



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Ah, y'all, this is so beautiful. I'm humbled and moved by your care.


I will say more as time allows, but for now, a quick update:  Mom had a central artery that was 95% blocked so they opened it up with a stent. She has had a very hard day, but right now is doing great, sitting up in bed and chatting it up with relatives who are calling.


When my mind will work better, I will say more. For now, just so grateful. Tired but grateful. To dear Aft for starting this thread and her touching tribute, and to each of you who has honored me with your heartfelt words.


Thank you. ❤️❤️


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Hi everyone, I heard from Flip this morning and her Mom may be able to go home today. :clap:


But there's no rest for the weary - Flip's first final exam for this semester is on Tuesday. So the pressure's still on. :crazy:


Flip apologized for not having more time to write, and she said our messages really lifted her spirits - so let's keep 'em coming.. :thumbsup:


Hang in there Flip, one hour at a time.  You know how to do this –

in fact, this is where you shine!  :smitten:




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My dear Flip :hug:  sorry to hear Mom is in hospital, I am thinking of you both.  I am so pleased she is doing okay. Never forget you my friend we go back years …..You are a beautiful person Flip, such an inspiration. 


I will always remember the laughs on the party thread,  It will stay in my heart forever. It got us through some dark times...i think we all benefited from your party thread.


I wish I could hug you and tell you everything will be okay.  Good luck with your exam on Tuesday, I think you are going to do well…. keep us posted! 


Love you girlie…sending all my love to you and Mom.


Margo http://i1193.photobucket.com/albums/aa351/margarita1959/Smilies/emotlove27-1.gif





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... and benzogirl just posted this on the Mentoring thread for you, Flip -


Hi Flip:


You may not remember me but I sure do remember you. I loved reading your posts as they were such an inspiration for me . I am dealing with my sick and elderly mom so I know what it's like. But I've continued my taper and so far so good. I'm nearly 80% done thanks to you. And that was from a very high dose. I'm so glad that you started this thread and you'll be in my thoughts every day.


Many hugs, Betsy ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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Hi Flip.  Aft contacted me this weekend.  Lu and I were both concerned when we heard about your mother. We are both relieved to know she is doing better now and I hope that you know I am always available if you need some f2f support on the weekends.  I was in town this weekend but figured you were probably quite busy. As always, my love.  Contact me....I'll be down there again next weekend if you have time maybe we can get together for some coffee.  Good luck with the finals.  :smitten:
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  • 2 weeks later...



Mom was hospitalized twice in 6 days, first for a 95% blocked artery for which a stent was placed, and next for holding fluid. It's been rough on her but she is now home and doing relatively well. I appreciate all of your kindnesses and well wishes. Many of you know what it is like to have an elderly parent. My Mom is pretty stellar in her attitude. I'm very lucky in that regard. Once in a while she starts feeling discouraged. Who wouldn't?


I have officially finished the semester of school. I'm still doing internship, but now I'll have more breathing room. Your encouragement means so much. I'm going to revert to I loves for a second...


I love the beauty of those still moments of intimacy in the hospital room. I  love walking in the darkened house in the middle of the night and having people who love me who cannot quite wake up from fatigue. I love knowing I am safe. I love the luxury of being able to sleep until 10 am because I have a cold. I love the crispness of the outside as I walk across campus to return a library book. I love really knowing people I have never actually met on this forum. I love how so many of you are like family members and that we have walked through fire and slept on cold, barren ground together. I love that we have bonded in suffering. I love that we have conquered with vulnerability and laughter. I love the generosity of hearts that have known pain for so long and I marvel that it is generosity that wins over bitterness. I love courage and how it rises up with the most extraordinary beauty here so very often. I love hope; it is abundant here.


Much love to all and a deep thank you for your words to me.


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Mom was hospitalized twice in 6 days, first for a 95% blocked artery for which a stent was placed, and next for holding fluid. It's been rough on her but she is now home and doing relatively well. I appreciate all of your kindnesses and well wishes. Many of you know what it is like to have an elderly parent. My Mom is pretty stellar in her attitude. I'm very lucky in that regard. Once in a while she starts feeling discouraged. Who wouldn't?


I have officially finished the semester of school. I'm still doing internship, but now I'll have more breathing room. Your encouragement means so much. I'm going to revert to I loves for a second...


I love the beauty of those still moments of intimacy in the hospital room. I  love walking in the darkened house in the middle of the night and having people who love me who cannot quite wake up from fatigue. I love knowing I am safe. I love the luxury of being able to sleep until 10 am because I have a cold. I love the crispness of the outside as I walk across campus to return a library book. I love really knowing people I have never actually met on this forum. I love how so many of you are like family members and that we have walked through fire and slept on cold, barren ground together. I love that we have bonded in suffering. I love that we have conquered with vulnerability and laughter. I love the generosity of hearts that have known pain for so long and I marvel that it is generosity that wins over bitterness. I love courage and how it rises up with the most extraordinary beauty here so very often. I love hope; it is abundant here.


Much love to all and a deep thank you for your words to me.



Oh Flip :smitten: What a treat to read your "I Loves" again! Thank you for your update. Five months from today, we'll be looking for a graduation post from you. :thumbsup: How awesome is that! So, you've got your ticker counting the hours?..... Seems like the coping tools you developed during your benzo journey are serving you well now. It's a good reminder for all of us that our coping skills are actually life skills too. This is a really rough patch, Flip, and you're hanging in there. Please remember us here when things get intense again; it helps us when you come back, just as much as it helps you. :smitten:

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Hey Flippy, sorry to be late to the 'boost' party... you know you're deep in my heart and I'm glad mama is on the mend.  My beloved stepdad had 98% blockage and had a 3% chance of surviving surgery at Stanford...but he did and he lived many more healthy years afterwards.


:smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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Mom was hospitalized twice in 6 days, first for a 95% blocked artery for which a stent was placed, and next for holding fluid. It's been rough on her but she is now home and doing relatively well. I appreciate all of your kindnesses and well wishes. Many of you know what it is like to have an elderly parent. My Mom is pretty stellar in her attitude. I'm very lucky in that regard. Once in a while she starts feeling discouraged. Who wouldn't?


I have officially finished the semester of school. I'm still doing internship, but now I'll have more breathing room. Your encouragement means so much. I'm going to revert to I loves for a second...


I love the beauty of those still moments of intimacy in the hospital room. I  love walking in the darkened house in the middle of the night and having people who love me who cannot quite wake up from fatigue. I love knowing I am safe. I love the luxury of being able to sleep until 10 am because I have a cold. I love the crispness of the outside as I walk across campus to return a library book. I love really knowing people I have never actually met on this forum. I love how so many of you are like family members and that we have walked through fire and slept on cold, barren ground together. I love that we have bonded in suffering. I love that we have conquered with vulnerability and laughter. I love the generosity of hearts that have known pain for so long and I marvel that it is generosity that wins over bitterness. I love courage and how it rises up with the most extraordinary beauty here so very often. I love hope; it is abundant here.


Much love to all and a deep thank you for your words to me.



BEAUTIFUL  :smitten:❤️❤️❤️

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Flip - I reached out to you a few months ago when I first joined BB. I happened to find your success story and saw some of your posts - I was very lucky to find some really rock solid people when I first joined - You being one of them - I hope your mom is better - caring for our parents is difficult stuff -  I lost my Dad in May after being completely in charge of his care for 2 years - it was so so painful


You clearly have so much support here - and it's well deserved - thank you for sticking around and giving so many of us hope.......Your success story really spoke to me - I have many of the diagnoses that you had (including sleep apnea that developed while on the Benzo) - I even took your success story to my Dr - Gives me hope that I can shed some of these "ills" when I shed the Benzo


Happy Holidays and (((HUGS))) for you and your mother

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Hoping with you, Fight. I would almost bet at least some of your diagnoses will drop away as you become free and then continue to give your body the support it deserves.

Wishing you every good thing and a wonderful life going forward!

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Awwww dear Flip :mybuddy: :mybuddy: :hug: :hug:


I had not idea you Mom was sick and you where having such hard times with everything. I'm sorry. I know how strong you are but even the strongest person needs support, more you that have done soooooo much for so many of us here. You and your Mom are in my prayers and thoughts.


Take care of yourself Flip, get better on that cold, rest a lot now that your Mom is better and school is over for a few weeks. I wish you the best and a 2017 filled with success, happiness, health and many blessings. Thanks for the bottom of my heart for the inspiration, words, laughts, tears and for holding my hand sooooo many times.


Love and big hugs


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