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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Reinstated after a year of hell getting off Klonopin


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I put myself through a year of hell for nothing. I am back on Klonopin. I am taking a higher dose than I did before and I am probably kindled. From now on I will take 3mg of klonopin a day. I don't care if I have to take 100 tablets to feel better. I can't deal with this withdrawal anymore.
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Have you considered moving to a benzo with a longer half life like Librium or Valium?  If you decide to taper again, it should be much smoother.



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1/10/16 18mg V

1/24/16 17mg V

1/31/16 16mg V

2/7/16 15mg V

2/17/16 14mg V

2/28/16 13mg V

3/6/16 12mg V

3/13/16 11mg V

3/20/16 10mg V

4/3/16 9mg V

4/12/16 8mg V

4/21/16 7mg V

5/5/16 6mg V

5/19/16 5mg V

6/2/16 4mg V

6/16/16 3.5mg V

6/23/16 3mg V

7/7/16 2.5mg V

7/14/16 2mg V

7/21/16 1.5mg V

7/28/16 1mg V

8/8/16 .5mg V

8/20/16 Jump


You simply tappered to fast , cutting 0.5mg of a long half life every 7 days is a non sens, you were even cutting 1mg every 7 days at some point, man no Wonder you are sick...


The drug stay in the blood for like 200 hours so arround 7-8 days, you brain dont even stabilize that you were already cutting again


The only way out of this drug it to cut no more than 5% every 2 weeks, some people even cant handle 5% because it's too much


No Wonder you are sick you tappered too fast i even Wonder how nobody told you this here, It's about the lengh of the taper take that matter, it's to be functionnal all the way through in a way to have no severe symptoms after you jump, wich only people who tappered too fast have.


incluiding me.


I was doing a slow taper cutting no more than 10% every 2 weeks, i was fully functionnal, working, socializing exercizing, then i stupidly CT, and lost everything







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Wow!! its definitely way to fast, get stabilised first then get help with a proper slower taper, and base your cuts on your symptoms holding when they arise allow them to settle for a while then cut again when your ready there's no race in this game, I've had to updose but my circumstances are totally different to yours. But I would have done it in these circumstances  to get stable than start a taper again and hold when and as long need to sort symptoms out, or gone back to the last dose I had cut down form and  held longer if needed then continued if I had too. I wish some one had told me all this before I got needlessly plunged to two years of hell then no other choice but too up-dose in order to stay alive, my very survival was at stake so it was do or die.



Love Nova xxx :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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Wow!! its definitely way to fast, get stabilised first then get help with a proper slower taper, and base your cuts on your symptoms holding when they arise allow them to settle for a while then cut again when your ready there's no race in this game, I've had to updose but my circumstances are totally different to yours. But I would have done it in these circumstances  to get stable than start a taper again and hold when and as long need to sort symptoms out, or gone back to the last dose I had cut down form and  held longer if needed then continued if I had too. I wish some one had told me all this before I got needlessly plunged to two years of hell then no other choice but too up-dose in order to stay alive, my very survival was at stake so it was do or die.



Love Nova xxx :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:


I don't think I can stabilize because I am in tolerance withdrawal. I'll try.

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Wow!! its definitely way to fast, get stabilised first then get help with a proper slower taper, and base your cuts on your symptoms holding when they arise allow them to settle for a while then cut again when your ready there's no race in this game, I've had to updose but my circumstances are totally different to yours. But I would have done it in these circumstances  to get stable than start a taper again and hold when and as long need to sort symptoms out, or gone back to the last dose I had cut down form and  held longer if needed then continued if I had too. I wish some one had told me all this before I got needlessly plunged to two years of hell then no other choice but too up-dose in order to stay alive, my very survival was at stake so it was do or die.



Love Nova xxx :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:


I don't think I can stabilize because I am in tolerance withdrawal. I'll try.


What is the plan then? :o That is a tough spot to be in.

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Ninoni, you say you tapered then went cold turkey, I assume you tapered down but stopped before you got to a very low level, would you mind letting me know what level you were on when you stopped?
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Wow, jx1104, you are in a tough place, for sure!

You are NOT a failure, you just chose a path that wasn't the right one for you....do what you have to do to stabilize and feel better.  No matter what you choose to do, just make an informed decision...it is never to late to change your mind.

There are many very point on posts about how rapidly you tapered, and just because you re-instated doesn't mean you can't start over.

Best wishes...

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I don't know if I should taper again or if I should take Klonopin for the rest of my life. My withdrawal is surprisingly 90% gone now that I took another 3mg. I almost feel fully recovered. What do you guys think I should do?
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Your taper was too fast. You need to go really slow at the end - e.g. 3, 2.9, 2.8, all the way down to 0. I also had a failed (too fast) taper the first time, but succeeded the 2nd time with a slower year-long taper. Do not give up hope!!! All is not lost. Some healing occurred during your taper and I don't think you have wrecked that with 1 or 2 days of taking 3mg K. But please don't continue that or you will undo a year of work. I think what you need to do now is find the minimal dose of Valium you are stable on and then re-taper the Valium from there, slowly.  Good luck!


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jx, you can successfully taper off K if you don't want to go back on a V taper....the thing is with staying on a Benzo for life is that not only does it take ever increasing milligrams to maintain, but they are finding a great deal of dementia as ppl age on Benzos....in hindsight I can see that was happening to me during the year preceding my taper.

I do have a suggestion if you decide to taper directly from K....there is a way that I have never seen written about here at BB...

There exists orally disintegrating K tabs.....they come in 0.125 mg, 0.25 mg, 0.5 mg, 1.0 mg, and 2.0 mg....the tabs themselves cannot be subdivided because no one knows exactly where in the tab the K is located like with a regular tab......HOWEVER-depending on the cut you want you can DISSOLVE the chosen dissolve tab in a known amount of water and subdivide the liquid...I think a person would need a 10 ml (1-10 marks), 5 ml (1-5 marks) and 1 ml (0.1-1 marks) syringes.  Theoretically you could taper all the way down to 0.0125 mg or lower..sorry my math is not the best but this is do-able with teensie tiny cuts no more often than every 10 or 12 days and holding as long as necessary...so what if it takes a year...you will be a year older no matter how you look at it!!!  Of course you would need a doc for scripts, you can't store the dissolved solution more than 24 hours, I think, but do not know for sure.  This is not a treatment plan, just an example of what could be done..

I have not been a fan of re-instating and starting a slow taper until this week, and the more histories and posting from ppl here who have done it or are doing it now, the more I can see it can be a good choice for ppl who can't take a time out for several months of suffering.  Good luck and be well.

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I also think you tapered very fast, did you have an easy taper or did you just power through the bad times? I worry about going to fast and will have taken about 9 months to taper .5mg of klonopin, as others said can you just reinstate to the lowest you feel comfortable on and then re taper from this point? You would not have wasted the last year then.

Good luck to you whatever you choose.

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Hey man,


I don't know if you're asking for any opinions here, or just lamenting that you took clonazepam again, but like someone said, you've only been on it for like 2 days..


Basically, you did a fine taper and it looks like it took you about 9 months.. That's about right.  I did mine in 7 months. .


You have only been "off" of it for like 3 months, so that's still WAY EARLY in recovery from this shit!  I'm about 9 months out, and I still feel like shit, but it won't last forever..


You won't get in any trouble or danger from not taking it anymore, as it's only been 2 days.. Just don't ever take it again, and you'll heal eventually, like the rest of us.


I'd say, you just got worked up and decided to take it again to ease your suffering.. That's perfectly understandable!!!  But, man, you did all that damn work getting off of this shit, do you really want to put this bullshit back into your system and become enslaved again?


I could never get well on clonazepam, however, with it out of my system, I believe I have a chance at getting "well" again..


Do what you gotta do, but man, it seems awful to get back on this shit after you showed such determination on getting off of it to begin with..




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Don't expect that you are feeling better 3 months after the jump.

Don't expect that reinstating will help you, of course now it feels wonderful having the drug again and you feel healed but only an idiot would think that this is "healed".

Dont throw the year of taper away - you just had 2 or 3 days - throw the pills into the toilet, accept that acute will come again and stay for some months. But you have come to zero , why not be proud and go through the wd as all the others here do.

You wrote you had tolerance - so I presume you will be there soon, but on a higher dosage. That will lead to nothing but more pain to taper again. I don't know why people still believe in the idea of taking benzos the hole life without problems - perhaps yeah, if you want to have a short life:-) - and I don't know where they get the prescriptions for that..


just my opinion.

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Wow!! its definitely way to fast, get stabilised first then get help with a proper slower taper, and base your cuts on your symptoms holding when they arise allow them to settle for a while then cut again when your ready there's no race in this game, I've had to updose but my circumstances are totally different to yours. But I would have done it in these circumstances  to get stable than start a taper again and hold when and as long need to sort symptoms out, or gone back to the last dose I had cut down form and  held longer if needed then continued if I had too. I wish some one had told me all this before I got needlessly plunged to two years of hell then no other choice but too up-dose in order to stay alive, my very survival was at stake so it was do or die.



Love Nova xxx :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:


I don't think I can stabilize because I am in tolerance withdrawal. I'll try.

Hi JX  :hug:  I'm a long term user and was in bad tolerance withdrawal and unaware what the real problem was  for years on my'' full prescribed dose'' and I don't buy into it happening at all once you taper.  As before I was aware I actually had it not 100 ''illnesses' I kept getting misdiagnosed with.  ::)  I stabilised after going up and down in dose by doing what I've done now, going back up to a higher dose holding and waiting before I joined BB, my problem began with then using Ashton's method of cutting a lot faster, bigger cuts, and holding less time than I was doing when I was  tapering on my own with no info how to do it. :)








        Posts: 5,530

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        Two GABA receptors in love.

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  Re: updosed and feelings about ashton/being judged

    « Reply #14 on: November 05, 2011, 11:37:44 pm »



    Hello Gardendreams,


    I too was updosed by my doctor. It is in my signature line. You are not alone. Not updosing is NOT all that Ashton says. I put together some information from Ashton that may be helpful.


    I am the type of person who seeks to know what is happening and why, it brings comfort to me. I hope it does the same for you.



    “The Ashton Manual” by Heather Ashton, 2002




  “One reassuring finding from many clinical studies is that eventual success in withdrawal is not affected by duration of use, dosage or type of benzodiazepine, rate of withdrawal, severity of symptoms, psychiatric diagnosis, or previous attempts at withdrawal. Thus, from almost any starting point, the motivated long-term user can proceed in good heart.”

  Chapter 2

    Designing and following the withdrawal schedule.


    11.” If for any reason you do not (or did not) succeed at your first attempt at benzodiazepine withdrawal, you can always try again. They say that most smokers make 7 or 8 attempts before they give up cigarettes. The good news is that most long-term benzodiazepine users are successful after the first attempt. Those who need a second try have usually been withdrawn too quickly the first time. A slow steady benzodiazepine withdrawal, with you in control, is nearly always successful.”



    She also says that this is a trial and error and finding our own way is what matters. Please know that you are not alone and go ahead and update your signature line. We are not alone. You are going to be just fine.



    Summer :smitten:



Love Nova xxx  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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You probably could have gotten away with taking .25 mg to stabilize. Jumping on a high dose isn't smart. From what I remember, when I switched from Xanax to klon, the klonopin took about a week to build up enough for my withdrawals to fade. Your completely saturating your brain right now with gaba
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I think when tapering, the most important thing is to go as slow as possible. Don't rush yourself. And don't worry about it. Taking 6 mg of klon miht set you back a week or two. I wouldn't worry about being KINDLED. Unless you continue taking high doses
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I decided that I don't want to become dependent on this crap again. Yesterday I stopped taking Klonopin cold turkey,and I flushed my leftover Klonopin and Valium tablets down the toilet. There's no going back now.
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I decided that I don't want to become dependent on this crap again. Yesterday I stopped taking Klonopin cold turkey,and I flushed my leftover Klonopin and Valium tablets down the toilet. There's no going back now.


That's the spirit!


Good job in flushing this stuff down the toilet, that's exactly where it belongs, because it's CRAP! (ha, ha! : )


You definitely don't want to become dependent on this stuff ever again, I don't know, but I think one would have to be a real masochist or nutcase to willingly go through tapering / withdrawal again!


Keep fighting!



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All that water gets recycled back into the water supply  :laugh: no joke! I gave up drinking city water years ago. Bottled water is where it's at
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